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数字经济与实体经济的深度融合成为促进实体经济振兴与产业转型升级的新动能,其动力主要源于数字新技术作用下的产业链组织分工边界拓展、交易成本降低、价值分配转移、需求变化倒逼四个方面。随着数字化信息成为产业链上的“标准化”流通媒介,制造业产业链会发生解构与重构并逐步实现全面数字化转型。产业链上“消费商”与工业互联网两种新型主导力量的出现促使服务型制造、网络化协同制造等新型制造模式创新涌现,智能制造将成为主流制造模式的新兴代表。为了更好地发挥数字经济对制造业转型升级驱动作用,应加强制造业数字基础设施建设,强化产业链数据集成与共享,发挥核心企业转型引领作用,注重智能制造生态系统构建等。  相似文献   

1949-1957年是中国产业结构转换的转折期。从经济史学视角对这一时期产业政策导向演变以及产业结构变动的研究表明,经济发展战略和产业政策对产业结构转换起到了决定性的作用,但是,中国政府选择的重工业优先发展的跨越式产业结构转换模式也带来了潜伏的危机。  相似文献   

东北地区资源型城市产业结构升级的战略效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于产业结构锁定效应理论,东北地区资源型城市“凤凰涅槃”式产业转型和“腾笼换鸟”式产业转移是实现产业结构升级的有效路径,本文使用PSM-DID方法对东北地区资源型城市的产业结构升级效应进行检验。研究结果表明:东北振兴战略对资源型城市产业转型和产业转移产生了显著的负向影响;东北振兴战略可以通过经济发展、人力资本、工业化、政府规模等影响资源型城市产业转型和产业转移;东北振兴战略既表现出一定的地区异质性,也表现出一定的分类异质性,促进了衰退型和再生型城市产业转移,阻碍了成熟型城市产业转型。因此,应提升资源型城市人力资本水平,突破资源型产业锁定效应,因地制宜地制定产业政策,分类引导资源型城市转型。  相似文献   

Digital innovations are changing business models and industries and, in today's world, effective mastery of digital innovations can be greatly advantageous, yet digital innovation literature suffers from major lacunae. We contribute to this literature by providing definitions and analysing specificities of this emerging research stream. We then discuss the impact of digital innovation on marketing, value chain, and business models, focusing on tensions and marketing challenges, the value chain, and the evolutions of business models. We conclude with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

山东省枣庄市作为我国东部地区首个资源枯竭转型试点城市,近年来积极实施城市经济转型战略,由传统的资源依赖型城市向综合型城市转型。为考察枣庄市资源枯竭城市转型效果,本文以2008—2018年为考察期,采用偏离份额分析法,对资源枯竭城市转型期内,枣庄市各区(市)在产业结构和区域竞争力方面的优势与劣势进行对比分析,研究发现,近年来枣庄市资源枯竭城市转型取得良好成效,具体来说,滕州市作为全国百强县之一,经济总量和整体竞争力居全市首位;高新区依托国家开发区政策优势和交通优势,在互联网和大数据领域取得突破,以数字经济引领全市经济转型;台儿庄区以运河古城开发为重点,走出了一条由“卖资源”向“卖文化”转型的资源枯竭城市转型新路子。最后,对枣庄市深化城市转型、提升区域竞争力提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Tensions arose in the X-ray department of the Philips researchlaboratory during the interwar period, caused by the interplayamong technological development, organizational culture, andindividual behavior. This article traces the efforts of Philipsresearchers to find a balance between their professional goalsand status and the company's strategy. The X-ray research, overseenby Gilles Holst, the laboratory's director, and Albert Bouwers,the group leader for the X-ray department, was a financial failuredespite technological successes. Nevertheless, Bouwers was ableto continue his X-ray research, having gained the support ofcompany owner Anton Philips. The narrative of the X-ray departmentallows us to explore not only the personal tensions betweenHolst and Bouwers, but also the interaction between individualgoals and company strategy in an industrial research laboratory.  相似文献   

当前数字经济已成为继农业经济和工业经济之后的较高经济形态。以BAT为代表的平台经济是数字经济产业组织的主要形式。在新一轮科技革命和产业转型时期发展数字经济有助于提高制造业产品和服务的质量,有助于降低市场交易成本并提高生产效率,有助于加速培育新的高质量增长动力,在激烈的科技竞争中促进动力转换。未来要实现数字经济的高质量发展,应从几方面入手,即提升基础领域的质量,突出供应系统的质量和主攻方向,提高生产要素质量,解决要素供给的结构性矛盾,增强内生动力,加强数字经济基础立法,建立全面、规范、有序、包容和审慎的网络治理体系等。  相似文献   

申玮 《商》2014,(28):42-43
在数字出版产业的转型过程中,数字出版对人才提出了新的要求,不再是以往的知识型人才,而更多的是需要知识与技术相结合的复合型人才。本文针对数字出版人才培养存在的问题以及人才培养策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着数字中国建设战略的部署推进,在新冠疫情席卷全球的特殊时代背景下,聚焦新时代世界科技强国建设和群团组织改革要求,数字化转型成为全国学会改革发展的必然选择。本文以入选中国科协世界一流学会建设项目的中国大坝工程学会为研究样本,围绕如何通过数字化转型提升学会群众组织力、学术引领力、战略支撑力、文化传播力和国际影响力这五大核心能力,总结提炼出学会在数字化建设中的积极探索和实践经验,并由此思考全国学会数字化转型的未来着眼点。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(6):761-772
Digital transformation recently converged on organizations as a new paradigm—a must-have exemplar—to enable competitive advantage. While the effects of digital transformation and their analytics, along with platform technologies, are becoming pronounced in companies, there is still a need to examine their implications on higher education. In light of the dynamics of digital transformation, how can higher education better manage the shift toward newer competencies and the need for innovation presented by the emergence of digital technologies? In this article, I examine the issues around the need for this balance—often defined in strategy as ambidexterity, or the need to address both competency with innovation—by outlining the historical trajectories that led to this problem in higher education, identifying three common pitfalls that higher education programs and administrators face, and tying these issues to higher education’s absorptive capacity. To resolve these pitfalls, this article builds upon absorptive capacity frameworks for education practitioners and strategies as a prospective change management tool.  相似文献   

无锡市拥有发展服务外包产业优越的地理位置和良好的产业基础.创造了多项全国第一.世界范围内服务外包产业的发展为无锡市发展服务外包产业提供了良好机遇,我国服务外包的中心正向经济发达地区转移.无锡市正由工业经济向服务经济、由"无锡制造"向"无锡创造"转型,无锡市政府也采取了多项措施引导和鼓励发展服务外包产业,同时.无锡市发展服务外包产业也面临着人才缺乏、布局分散、市场不规范等方面的挑战.为此,无锡市应以人为本,着力优化园区发展环境;构筑载体,精心打造品牌示范区;贴近企业,做好招商促进工作;做大做强,培育龙头企业;注重实用,建设服务外包人才队伍.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(6):825-839
Digital transformation is one of the key challenges facing contemporary businesses. The need to leverage digital technology to develop and implement new business models forces firms to reevaluate existing capabilities, structures, and culture in order to identify what technologies are relevant and how they will be enacted in organizational processes and business offerings. More often than not, these profound changes require firms to revisit old truths as they develop strategies that thread the needle between beneficial innovation and harmful disruption. This article uses the Internet of Things (IoT) as a backdrop to demonstrate the concerns associated with transformative technologies and offers five recommendations as to how firms can develop the strategies needed for digital transformation and become digitally conscious: (1) Start small and build on firsthand benefits; (2) team up and create competitive advantage from brand recognition; (3) engage in standardization efforts; (4) take responsibility for data ownership and ethics; and (5) own the change and ensure organization-wide commitment. As such, this article shows that digital transformation should be a top management priority and a defining trait of corporate business strategy, and that by becoming digitally conscious, firms may get a head start on their transformation journey.  相似文献   

Central to the evolution of a digital business platform is the organization’s ability to balance exploration (renewal) and exploitation (refinement) simultaneously. Drawing on prior research—including digital platforms, contradictory tensions, and organizational ambidexterity—and our own experience investigating digital business platforms in organizations, this article provides insights into how executives can manage this evolution successfully. More specifically, we present a framework recognizing three pairs of organizational capabilities (i.e., identifying-nourishing, expanding-legitimating, and augmenting-embedding) that enable balancing renewal and refinement of the platform over time. We close by providing critical managerial practices that executives can use in anticipating, adjusting, and evaluating the evolution of a digital business platform over time, including its initiation, development, and growth.  相似文献   

以5G、大数据、人工智能、云计算、AR/VR、区块链等为代表的新一代信息技术正在日益成为全球经济发展的重要驱动力。在数字经济发展中,中小企业是不可忽视的重要主体。本文基于文献和案例研究,认为数字经济时代广泛的数字化转型正在重构产业生态,中小企业面临实现规模经济、拓展应用场景的新机遇,并提出加快中小企业数字化转型的措施建议,以期为相关实践和理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在数字经济时代,数字化转型已成为零售业高质量发展的必然趋势。近年来,我国零售企业纷纷进行数字化转型,呈现出从技术应用向数字赋能转变、从渠道线上化向线上线下一体化转变、从业务数据化向数据业务化转变、从营销数字化向全面数字化转变以及从大企业主导向大中小企业协同转变的特征,整体上处于探索阶段,存在着全面数字化战略规划缺失、数字化基础和能力较弱、需求驱动型供应链支撑不足和企业组织架构改革相对滞后等问题。零售业数字化转型的内在机理是数字化技术驱动的以消费需求为核心的生产供给体系和流通供给体系的变革,即以消费者需求为出发点,通过线上线下多维立体场景打造、供应链逆向整合、数据资源积累和数据分析能力构建、业务流程再造与组织架构变革构建数字化商业生态系统,打破商品生产与消费之间的时间与空间限制,重构人货场的关系,提升生产与流通体系供给质量和供给效率。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(6):717-727
Digital transformation encompasses an organization's ability to adapt, respond, and position itself for success in the face of rapid technology evolution. A critical structure in achieving successful digital transformation is the digital project team, yet there is little research on how they are created and developed. Much of the focus has been on agile methodologies and processes but there is less research to inform organizations on digital team dynamics such as roles, empowerment, learning, and leadership development. This article describes our findings from a multilevel study of the IT function of 60 companies, including fieldwork at five company sites involving more than 130 semistructured interviews with senior level IT professionals. We identify four essential team-based levers that enable digital transformation: (1) diverse and targeted team composition, (2) iterative goal setting, (3) continuous learning, and (4) talent management. Using company examples and practices, we describe how digital leaders are using these levers to propel their organizations forward in the journey toward digital transformation.  相似文献   

Advanced digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, big data analytics and augmented reality, are gradually transforming the way multinational firms do business. Due to the extent of this transformation many scholars argue that the integration of these technologies marks the commencement of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). However, the question how these advanced technologies impact international business activities needs further attention. To this end, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach to review the related literature in international business (IB), general management, information systems, and operations research. We include the two latter fields, because advanced technologies have received more attention in these bodies of literature. Based on our analysis, we discuss the implications of these technologies for international business. Further, we highlight the drivers of technology utilisation by multinational firms and likely outcomes. We also provide future research avenues.  相似文献   

Motivated by the growth and internationalization of business groups, this paper reviews the business group literature and presents a future research agenda, highlighting their implications for international strategy. The paper identifies theoretical tensions and empirical ambiguities around three key business group features—corporate governance, internal markets, and corporate strategy—and three key outcome variables—performance, economic impact, and innovation—that have generated significant debate. We conclude with three methodological concerns relevant to these debates: generalizing business group research across countries, endogeneity in business group research, and performance measurement in business groups.  相似文献   

钟文皓 《商业科技》2014,(31):104-108
我国正处于产业结构转型的关键时期,一二产业逐渐向第三产业转移。以往研究大多落脚于人力资本对产业结构的影响,而忽略了由于产业转型带来的对高技术人才的需求推动了人力资本的积累。作者认为,产业结构的优化将有助于人力资本的积累,同时,文化消费、教育投入等因素也会影响到人力资本。本文使用2005-2011年,我国31个省份的面板数据,建立了多元线性回归模型,运用工具变量的方法,以金融发展状况作为第三产业占比的工具变量,进行实证研究。在控制了年份和省份的固定效应后,我们发现第三产业占比对人均人力资本有显著的正向影响,产业结构向第三产业转移有利于人力资本积累。在此基础上,我们提出了若干建议来推动产业结构的优化。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(6):683-693
Recently booming academic interest in digital transformation aims to provide continuous support to managers in dealing with this important issue. However, as with all new fields, the scholarly literature is characterized by increased variability and diversity of topics covered, constructs used, and the relationships between them, resulting in an unclear and blurry understanding of the whole of digital transformation. Our article closes this gap by identifying distinctive digital transformation strategies in terms of two critical dimensions: usage of digital technologies and readiness of a business model for digital operation. The result is a typology of four generic digital transformation strategies that essentially differ in the primary motivation and target of transformation, leadership style, importance of skills like creativity and entrepreneurial spirit among employees, risks and challenges faced in the process, consequences of potential failure, and available tactics for improvement. By providing heuristics and a systematic basis for comparison of different strategies, it is our belief that the proposed framework will be useful to researchers and managers responsible for and interested in digital transformation.  相似文献   

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