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一客 《中国市场》2010,(25):61-61
<正>最近,肯德基肯定有点烦,一场夭折的"秒杀"优惠券活动把它拖入了一个不大不小的危机之中。网上对它的质疑声很多,但截至这篇文章完成时,肯德基依然保持沉默。肯德基发放优惠券由来已久,利用优惠券扩大生意额是其常规的促销手段之一。4月6日,肯德基在网上推出分时段  相似文献   

最近,肯德基肯定有点烦,一场夭折的“秒杀”优惠券活动把它拖入了一个不大不小的危机之中。网上对它的质疑声很多,但肯德基依然保持沉默。  相似文献   

今年8月.肯德基自爆“传统洋快餐产品选择少.难以达到营养平衡”软肋,在中国16个城市提出“拒做传统洋快餐,全力打造符合中国国情的新快餐”的口号。随后,1500家肯德基餐厅推出全新的“蔬果搭配餐”,从而取代原有的“经济豪华套餐”.这项全国性的产品结构调整是其“为中国而改变”倡议的具体措施.意味着以肯德基为代表的“洋快餐”中国市场战略的重要转型。  相似文献   

去年年底,肯德基推出一项市场活动,将旗下经典产品吮指原味鸡和新产品黄金脆皮鸡摆上擂台,让消费者投票“谁能代表肯德基”。但这并非市场调查式的投票,而是一场“你死我活”的存亡之战,票数低的那个有可能从菜单上消失。  相似文献   

肯德基在中国正式开始卖起了油条,每根3元。这一事件,在各界引起了巨大的反响。如果不是一个噱头,那肯定是肯德基推行以产品创新为基础、加速推进本土化的又一次重大策略性尝试,若果真如此,那“肯德基牌油条”将有着怎样的前景呢?  相似文献   

肯德基在中国32年的发展已经完全融入人们的生活中,家喻户晓。以"立足中国、融入生活"为理念在经营中获得了阶段性成功,面对消费者对餐饮日益变化的需求,企业如何满足和引导消费者的需求,本文将从肯德基的创新思维、在中国的经营模式、品牌策略、产品策略、信息化策略等方面入手,分析和探索肯德基在中国市场处于领导者地位的秘诀,并对中式餐饮连锁企业的发展提供合理性建议。  相似文献   

产品测试研究中,经常需要消费对产品的感官属性进行评价,而人类通常对感官属性有一个最佳的适应点.例如:香味的浓淡程度,并不是香味越浓越好;甜味,也不是越甜越好。针对这种情况,在产品测试中,我们通常有两种方式来测度消费对某个属性的感受:  相似文献   

以2011—2021年制造业上市公司数据为样本,实证检验数字化转型对企业研发投入的影响,同时探究产品市场竞争在这一过程中的调节作用。此外,深入研究产权性质差异和地区差异对产品市场竞争调节作用的影响。结果表明:数字化转型能够显著促进企业研发投入;产品市场竞争能够强化数字化转型对企业研发投入的促进效果,这一强化作用更多体现在民营企业与东部地区。  相似文献   

本文在对员工满意度的相关理论进行回顾的基础上,根据肯德基学生员工的实际情况设计问卷,从工作回报、工作本身、人际关系、餐厅整体和工作条件五个方面进行调查分析。得出肯德基学生员工满意度的总体情况及各评价因素和指标的满意情况以及不同群体员工的满意度情况。最后提出了改进薪酬福利制度、合理分配工作内容和工作量、优化工作条件、加强上下级的沟通交流的建议。  相似文献   

自今年3月上调了部分产品的售价以后,肯德基于近日再度提价。据了解,本次提价的涨幅为0.5—2.5元。对于肯德基的此次涨价,麦当劳上海公司有关负责人昨天表示,麦当劳暂时还没有新的调价计划。在肯德基南京东路店内看到,店内上方悬挂的价格栏已全部更新。  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的消费品市场,产品测试在新产品创新开发及品牌管理中都发挥着重要作用。如果产品在市场上不能正确传达概念。那么即使是最有创意的概念,或精心设计的品牌重新定位都将注定失败。在产品投放市场前进行科学的产品测试已成为营销经理们共同遵守的营销准则之一。  相似文献   

<正>研究结果表明卷烟作为嗜好品,吸食口味是其重要的产品属性之一,也是烟民形成卷烟品牌偏好的基础;卷烟包装对品牌展示、市场定位有重要影响。因此,产品测试成为卷烟新产品上市前重要的市场调研活动之一。  相似文献   

近年来,农业生产中农药、化肥、生长调节剂的使用量大幅度提升,使我国农产品市场安全问题越来越多,农产品质量安全和技术也因此显得更为重要。笔者依据实际工作经验,分析农产品质量安全和检测技术的发展现状和存在的问题,并以此为基础介绍现阶段我国农产品安全检测中使用的技术,希望能有助于相关工作人员对农产品安全检测技术的应用,从而促进我国检测行业的发展。  相似文献   

介绍了双80置信度法及椭圆焦点参考基准技术用于移动互联产品测试结果准确性和测试系统准确性的核查,以智能手机为例对电磁干扰测试准确性的关键技术、核查方法和测量布置进行了研究,新的测试和统计方法也适用于其他电气产品的测试。该方法比Z值稳健统计法和En值法更适合电磁兼容领域,并在实际生产中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   


The development of product placement in films and television shows can be readily observed by anyone who has devoted a significant part of their lives going to the movies. The first product placements were generic and fictitious and were hardly noticed by the movie-going public. But, as the placement of real products became more prevalent, it became apparent to the serious film buff that the presence of a fictitious or clearly disguised product became more of a distraction than the use of actual products. The attempt to make serious realistic films is sometimes sidetracked by a clearly fake product that strikes at the suspension of disbelief of movie goers, particularly when they have some familiarity with the product NOT being placed.  相似文献   

袁爱玲 《商业研究》2002,(13):132-133
产品缺陷是《产品质量法》中一个重要的法律概念,其实质是产品缺乏合理的安全性。其引起的损害赔偿责任为民事侵权责任,以对产品之外的人身或财产有损害为构成要件。承担责任的方式为民事赔偿,主体是生产者,销售者只有在有过错的情况下才承担责任。产品缺陷与产品瑕疵是两个不同的法律概念,二者在判断标准、承担责任的性质、方式、构成要件及责任主体、索赔途径等方面均有本质区别。  相似文献   


This paper illustrates a methodology called choice modeling (CM) that allows a comparison between beef quality preference profiles of three different merchandising groups in South Korea. The CM data was collected from three equally proportioned retailer, wholesaler and importer groups in South Korea by a mail survey. Multinomial logit model (MNL) estimation of the CM data showed that all three merchandising groups currently define preferences for imported beef cut with narrow range and specificity. The choice modeling (CM) technique that was applied in this study is found to be effective in eliciting product profile of a beef cut that is preferred specifically by a particular merchandising group. Construction of a preferred product profile of a beef cut for each merchandising group provides a basis for marginal analysis of factor level changes on buyers' purchasing choices. Information on preferred product profiles and marginal analysis of three merchandising groups' beef purchasing behavior can facilitate differentiated product development and marketing programs at different stages of the beef supply chain in Korea.  相似文献   

Ecer  Sencer 《NETNOMICS》2003,5(1):33-42
I consider a model of duopoly where firms make sequential product design changes prior to price competition. I show that a socially desirable outcome is possible in this model. In equilibrium, the leader's product is less specific, implying a customer attraction strategy, and the follower's product is more specific, implying a customer retention strategy. This outcome is in contrast with the equilibrium outcome of a similar model, where simultaneous design competition takes place prior to price competition. In this latter model, the product designs are more specific and the prices are higher in equilibrium, leading to a reduction in welfare. I compare the design incentives under price competition with those in models where price collusion or merger is expected and with multi-product monopoly. In models with no price competition, less specific designs may serve to attract more customers, to improve current or future pie of monopoly profits, or to improve the outside option in bargaining game, depending on the model.  相似文献   

Highly innovative and new industrial products are often unique products, too. This can be made understandable by noticing that in many cases industrial products are highly technology intensive, too. Given that technology means by definition a systematic of knowledge how natural and artificial things function and interact, the product uniqueness implies that one is able to generate and apply in a product form such new knowledge which the others do not have. In this respect this paper seeks to introduce a dynamic view of how an industrial firm can initiate and create such new product uniqueness which is required to make a successful new product entry. Creating a unique new product which can make a new product entry possible is subject to unexpected and accompanying local failure but is something that appears necessary in terms of enhancing problem solving ability and feeding capability building. An ability to stretch and be flexible in order to be prepared to face any unexpected events and to sustain pioneering customer credibility becomes the core of being able to build a firm's overall new product capability base and corresponding new product advantages.  相似文献   

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