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《弗兰肯斯坦》:女性的沉默与性别的隐喻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《弗兰肯斯坦》是英国女作家玛丽·雪莱的作品,在这个叙述文本中,女性处于叙述的被动地位,她们要么仅仅作为受述者,要么作为叙述的客体,她们的声音在男性叙述中迷失了。而作为叙述者的男性又带有性别的隐喻。  相似文献   

A.S.拜厄特的《占有》一出版便在学术界引起了巨大轰动。此书凭借其引人入胜的情节,匠心独运的叙事结构获得了多项小说奖。本文通过对《占有》中人物的女性身份以及学术身份两方面的探讨以深化身份焦虑与重构的主题。通过文本分析,指出女性在自我认知中长期困于“他者”身份而陷入边缘化的女性非主体地位;当今学者由于社会角色错乱,经济拮据等多重因素亦日益陷入身份焦虑的困境。本文旨在揭示小说中身份焦虑的困境,并提出重构身份的必要性,倡导追寻独立的自我意识,推翻传统意义上的父权束缚,树立能够被“看得见,听得见”的新女性。经济独立全面认知自我的新学者形象。由此,自我性别身份、学术身份的主题得以拓展和升华。  相似文献   

萧也牧的《我们夫妇之间》叙述的不是(或不只是)知识分子与工农干部的改造与被改造的战争,而是一场性别冲突。在"和谐——冲突——重归于好"这个结构下面,存在着这样一个逻辑:妻子张同志的女性定位由传统到反叛再回归传统。按照小说的叙述,夫妇之间的裂痕,最根本的不在于生活观念或对城市的态度的差异,也不在于阶级情感的差异,而在于妻子张同志挑战了传统的性别定位。当她回归到传统的性别角色时,矛盾便得到了解决。丁玲的批判文章《作为一种倾向来看》无意之间从性别视角批判了《我们夫妇之间》,因此,与其他从阶级视角展开批判的文章(如李定中的《反对玩弄人民的态度,反对新的低级趣味》)有了截然不同的效果。  相似文献   

君特·威廉·格拉斯被广泛地视为德国最有名的在世作家,代表作《铁皮鼓》1999获得诺贝尔文学奖,是“但泽三部曲”的第一部作品。《铁皮鼓》中主人公奥斯卡的形象一直颇受争议,本文拟从伦理身份这一角度出发,首先探究主人公奥斯卡童年时期关于生父之谜的伦理困惑,接着探讨其青少年时期受此困惑影响做出的两次重要的伦理选择,最后探究其青壮年时期为寻找缺失身份而在伦理意识上的复苏,人性因子逐步控制兽性因子的过程。《铁皮鼓》展现了在第一次世界大战前后但泽地区混乱的历史背景下,格拉斯对于明晰自身伦理身份在个人成长过程中的重要性的思考。  相似文献   

迈克尔·翁达杰在其小说《世代相传》中所运用的狂欢化思维,蕴含了颠覆性的开放的狂欢精神,使小说文本本身成为异于常规世界的"第二世界",即狂欢广场,小说中的事件、人物都具有鲜明的狂欢化特征。作家打破了传统僵化的等级划分,使种族、民族国家的身份界线变得模糊进而消失,尝试实现边缘人物的身份重置。  相似文献   

弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert)在《沙丘》中不仅提供了一种典型的空间建构模式,更在此模式基础上为文本审美效应的生成提供了契机。置于怪诞美学理论视域下,《沙丘》中的空间建构实为“怪诞场域书写”,包含由“异空间—深层空间—科外幻空间”构成的三元结构及其运作:异空间形成的美学异托邦,将怪异的事物“正常化”;他异性的深层空间对异空间的僭越,为文本生产出强烈的怪诞效果;二者的相互作用使科幻小说变成一个落在科学之外的“科外幻空间”。“怪诞场域书写”作为《沙丘》书写现实的一种策略,使得科幻小说走向了独特的现实主义路径,获得了独立的审美价值。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代Mckinnon和Shaw提出金融深化理论以来,金融发展理论层出不穷,推动了许多国家的金融发展和经济增长。金融发展理论认为,经济成功的关键必须依赖金融体系的良好运行,但是中国在制度尚不完善的情况下成为全球经济增长率最高的国家,目前的这种经济增长方式和金融发展模式是否具有长期的可持续性?这是一个值得  相似文献   

当前对性别差异与翻译实践的研究有局限性,根据认知语言学的“体验性假说”理论和性别差异心理学理论,提出“翻译实践中存在性别视角”的假设,并通过大学本科生和研究生的一次性别隐喻翻译实践实验初步证实了这个假设。  相似文献   

Identity, identification, and relationship through social alliances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors studied social alliances, a type of corporate societal marketing initiative. Their research finds that social alliances are an important means whereby employees identify more closely with their organizations while gaining a greater sense of being whole, integrated persons. Furthermore, this integration allows both organizations and their members to align their commercial identities with their moral and social identities. As organizational members struggled to resolve conflicts within their own identities, they were aided by social alliances, which in turn led them to identify more with their organizations. Unlike previous research, the findings suggest that the kind of connections referred to by the informants went well beyond the cold, rational associations described in previous research to emotional attachments that appear to be critical to organizational identification. The results also suggest that participation in social alliances may result in multiple forms of identification: intra- and interorganiza-tion identification. Ida E. Berger (bergeri@ryerson.ca) is the associate director of faculty affairs and a professor of marketing in the School of Business Management at Ryerson University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. Her articles have appeared in leading marketing journals, including theJournal of Consumer Research, Public Policy and Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, andCalifornia Management Review. Her current research interests include social alliances, voluntary and nonprofit sector studies, diversity, and the value of sports in social inclusion. Her teaching interests include marketing theory, consumer behavior, and marketing communications. Peggy H. Cunningham (pcunningham@business.queensu.ca) is the Marie Shantz Teaching Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business, in the Queen’s University. She completed her Ph.D. at Texas A&M University. Dr. Cunningham’s research interests revolve around two related themes: marketing ethics and marketing partnerships (international strategic alliances, partnerships between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, relationships between firms and their customers). These areas of study are linked by their focus on the concepts of trust, integrity, and commitment. She is the coauthor of the Canadian editions of a number of marketing textbooks (Marketing Management; Principles of Marketing; and Marketing: An Introduction). Her work is published in a number of journals, including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of International Marketing, and California Management Review. Minette E. Drumwright (mdrum@mail.utexas.edu) is an associate professor with a joint appointment in the College of Communication (Department of Advertising) and the College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Austin. Previously, Dr. Drumwright was on the marketing faculties of Harvard Business School and the University of Texas Business School. She currently is the faculty chair of the Bridging Disciplines Program in Ethics and Leadership at the University of Texas. She has a Ph.D. in business administration (marketing) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Drumwright’s current research is in the areas of corporate social responsibility, marketing for nonprofit organizations, and business ethics. Her focus is on understanding how managers and consumers integrate noneco-nomic criteria related to society into their decision making. Dr. Drumwright has studied noneconomic criteria in various contexts, including cause-related marketing, partnerships between companies and nonprofit organizations, socially responsible buying behavior, and corporate volunteerism. Her articles and cases have been published in various books and journals, includingCalifornia Management Review, theJournal of Advertising, and theJournal of Marketing.  相似文献   

Many scholars across various academic disciplines are investigating the following questions: What do individuals know or believe about an organization? How does a focal organization (and/or other interested entity) develop, use, and/or change this information? and How do individuals respond to what they know or believe about an organization? Cross-disciplinary research that centers on these questions is desirable and could be enhanced if researchers identify and develop consistent terminology for framing these questions. The authors work toward that end by identifying four central ‘viewpoints’ of an organization and proposing labels to represent each of these viewpoints:identity, intended image, construed image, andreputation.  相似文献   

"身份盗窃"成为美国最为严重的犯罪之一,引起了严重的社会经济问题。"社会安全号码"的滥用、新技术带来的危险、商业部门转嫁的损失和政府的碌碌无为是导致"身份盗窃"的四大主要原因。尽管美国出台多部法律以规范"身份盗窃"问题,但是这些法律存在不少的缺陷与不足。"身份盗窃"在我国发展很快,危害性越演越烈,尤其在金融领域中表现突出。为此,我国应当在参考美国经验的基础上,加强对"身份盗窃"的规范力度,健全金融法律体系,促进金融立法改革。  相似文献   

出生性别比失衡问题一直是人口研究和性别研究中广受关注的问题。在对我国出生性别比现状、出生性别比失衡原因、出生性别比失衡结果分析的基础上,提出对出生人口性别比失衡根源的再认识,即出生性别比失衡和生育率下降存在着某种联系。当一个国家生育率下降速度过快,且下降到一个过低水平时,就会出现生育数量和生育性别之间的矛盾激化,这种矛盾的激化最终形成了质量换数量的生育行为,从而造成了出生性别比失衡的问题。  相似文献   

近代上海城市的发展,把一批传统士人卷了进来,中国文人由此开始走出延续千百年的仕途经济,走向近代城市的分工体系和独立职业空间。作为晚清上海初始城市化的亲历者,王韬在文化心理和经济生活两方面,经历了一场由“士人”转向城市职业者的艰难蜕变。而生活于清末民初上海的包天笑,则以明确的职业归属感,取代了传统士人的仕宦情结,中国文人至此初步完成了由传统政教依附者向近代独立文化人的转型。  相似文献   

This research explores empirically a socioeconomic/equity issue that has been extensively investigated in many areas, but never marketing—the so-called “earnings gap.” Specifically, the study investigates income differences between men and women in marketing, while controlling for differences in business experience, level of education, corporate level, type of industry, and size of firm. The research focuses on three areas in marketing: (1) marketing management, (2) marketing research, and (3) advertising agency management. Findings indicate that there is an “earnings gap” for marketers. Importantly, however, the data show that a substantial portion of the gap can be explained by variables other than sex.  相似文献   

集体认同构筑下和谐的国家间关系是国际秩序的最高境界,而这种境界就是和谐世界,和谐世界正是这种集体认同的集中体现。"和谐世界"的提出及其认同的建构对于新兴大国而言,意义十分重大。努力运用和谐世界这一超越旧式冲突思维的新理念来构建集体认同这正是中国和平发展的应有之义。为此,中国需要与美、日两国加强战略互信与合作、实现认同变迁与认同磨合,才能突破历史上大国崛起所致的冲突定式,实现合作共赢式的和平发展。  相似文献   

当前美国金融危机的爆发。引发了要求对企业高管薪酬决定进行政府管制的政策主张。就我国改制后国有企业而言,出于对国企初次收入分配的公平偏好和国企高管的身份模糊性,促使政府主管部门对国企高管薪酬水平进行直接的动态管制。这种来自于政府的直接管制,造成国企高管薪酬激励的扭曲和低效率。而进一步深化国有企业改革,加快改制后国有企业公司治理机制的完善,增强各利益相关者在高管薪酬决定中的投票权,则是弱化当前国企初次收入分配中的社会公平偏好约束,规范和完善国有企业高管薪酬增长机制的根本之途。  相似文献   

终极股东控制问题已成为当前公司治理研究的焦点,控制权与现金流权的偏离和终极股东属性是对此展开系列研究的逻辑起点,具有较高的理论价值.本文基于已有的研究成果,全面系统地对两权偏离、终极股东属性与公司绩效间的关系进行了文献回顾和介绍,并对其作简要评论,指出相关研究的局限和后续研究的方向.  相似文献   

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