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The attempt of some marketers to define marketing as all social behavior broadens marketing to an extent that it is difficult if not impossible to operationalize. The marketing discipline is facing an identity crisis because it is expanding its boundaries to include all human exchange. The consequences of the blurred image of marketing will be confusion in research, teaching and the practice of marketing.  相似文献   

The domain and theories of marketing have been expanding since the origins of the discipline. Since the 1970s marketing science has been organized around the exchange paradigm. Marketing concepts apply to all forms of exchange, whether it is goods, services, personages, places or ideas, and whether it is between individuals, for-profit and nonprofit firms, governments and NGOs. Marketing theories evolved from a firm oriented view to encompass the exchanging dyad. More recently the paradigm expanded to a network level of explanation, and relational theories have come to the fore. But even as the field struggles to grasp its new fields of explanation, there is a Kuhnian shift happening at its boundaries. The shift significantly bends the marketing worldview as well as the theoretical tools and methodologies we use to study it. In this paper we develop a three-tiered explanation of the emerging field of marketing—its subphenomena (consumer experiences and sensory systems), its phenomena (marketing networks), and its superphenomena (sustainability and development).  相似文献   

卷烟消费平台建设对消费者信息获取、分析及利用具有重要意义。马鞍山市烟草公司遵循信息收集、信息挖掘与分析、信息应用三大步骤,以信息交互系统、营销信息系统、营销决策系统、营销方案制定系统四个模块为主要建设内容,将"微映e家",零售终端经营管理平台扩展延伸到卷烟消费者行为研究领域,在消费者数据挖掘和应用方面取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   

A framework for business-to-business interaction is proposed that integrates approaches to bargaining from social psychology and economics to provide a conceptual paradigm emphasizing long-term exchange relationships rather than individual transactions. The authors propose a classification of negotiation behavior along two continuous dimensions and examine the mechanics of the dyadic negotiation process that translate negotiation behavior into long-term relationships. They suggest that exchange relationships are formed by achieving mutually beneficial outcomes from a series of exchange transactions and that there is a bi-directional link between negotiation behavior and exchange relationships mediated by negotiation outcomes. The framework also explores the determinants of negotiation behavior in dyadic negotiations between businesses in terms of organizational, individual, and “other party” influences. Propositions are developed, using both role theory and economic bargaining theory, to support the overall framework. Finally, the classification of negotiation behavior is revisited to examine the evolution of exchange relationships over time. She received her Ph.D. from Georgia State University. Her research interests include attitude and choice models, services marketing, customer satisfaction, and business-to-business relationships. She has published articles in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior, and theJournal of Health Care Management, as well as various conference proceedings. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include organizational buying behavior, negotiation strategies, small group dynamics, and cross-cultural differences in buyer-seller interactions. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of International Business Studies, andIndustrial Marketing Management, as well as numerous conference proceedings. She also holds an M.B.A. from the Uni- versity of Tennessee. Her research interests include consumer value determination, consumer satisfaction, and business-to-business relationships.  相似文献   

The emphasis of marketing over the years has continuously shifted to meet the changes in the environment. The most recent emphasis of marketing seems to be on social responsibility. Although academicians and practitioners alike have been advocating implementation of social responsibility in marketing planning only a few scattered cases in which social responsibility has been put into practice are available to this date. The author, in discussing the social responsibility of marketing, examines its present status and suggests that marketers should not view the demand of social responsibility as a liability to them, but rather see it as a useful strategy to improve one's competitive condition and image in the market place.  相似文献   

Since the commodity-oriented thinkers of marketing’s early history, marketers have sought a valid schema for classifying products. Currently, the marketing literature is dominated by two types of schemata for classifying products: product-based and consumer cost-based. Despite marketing tenets such asexchange is the focal notion of marketing andgood marketing theory integrates the perspectives of firms and consumers, no existing schema embodies either exchange or a dual firm/consumer perspective. After reviewing the existing classificational schemata, one such schema is proposed and evaluated. The two classifying dimensions of this schema are providers’ relative variable costs (PRVC) and patrons’ relative effort (PRE). Crossing high and low levels of PRVC and PRE yields four product categories: low cost/effort, patroneffort heavy, provider-cost heavy, and high cost/effort. His work has appeared inJournal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, Business Horizons, Business Ethics: A European Review, and other journals. His current research interests include marketing theory, advertising, and ethics. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Purdue University. will soon receive his Ph.D. in marketing from the University of North Texas. His work has appeared inAcademy of Management Journal, as well as the proceedings of the American Marketing Association, the Decision Science Association, and the Society of Franchising. His research interests include building and testing models in international marketing, consumer behavior, and marketing management. His current research interests include self-referent processing of advertisements and consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

引导市场营销方向的是顾客消费需求 ,市场营销的产品和活动只有在适合需求、实现顾客满意的情况下 ,才能顺利实现其交换和价值。当前我国的市场营销偏离了顾客满意这个中心 ,存在着许多误区。本文着重讨论了顾客满意对企业理念、质量策略、价格策略、分销渠道、促销和服务等营销策略的重要性以及如何制订营销策略。  相似文献   

The task of the marketer is to facilitate the exchange with consumers. This exchange process can be inhibited if consumers face constraints to the purchase. The focus of the marketer should be not only product attributes but also any constraining factors in the purchase environment. This article provides a framework to identify and discuss these purchase constraints. The constraints facing the consumer could be: marketing, cultural, social, personal, or structural constraints. In addition to the traditional dichotomy of controllable and uncontrollable constraints, it is suggested there are constraints that may not be uncontrollable but may be semicontrollable. A purchase constraint matrix is constructed to outline the constraints and is followed by the implications to marketing managers and researcher.  相似文献   

消费经济理论在解释我国衣户家庭消费行为方面具有局限性,应借鉴农民经济学和经济人类学等学科的研究视角及其成果来分析我国农户家庭经济行为特征。农户家庭经济具有生产活动与消费活动统一、市场活动与非市场活动统一以及经济行为具有社会属性等特征,这也是正确理解农户家庭消费行为的出发点。因此,不但要基于消费经济理论、传统消费伦理,还需要从基于村庄共同体的社会性消费和基于血缘关系的人情消费等方面,多角度解析农户家庭消费行为特征。  相似文献   

Measures of attitude and behavioral intention have played a significant role in the study of consumer behavior. Since behavioral intention may function as a precursor to a behavioral act, its component elements suggest approaches to marketing mix development. In marketing, the most widely used measure of behavioral intention is the Fishbein model, and it is this model's requirement for data aggregation which is the focus of this research. Findings suggest that differences in individual consumers may seriously impair the usefulness of data derived from this model.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the macro marketing system is developed through the use of a systems methodology. This conceptual model provides academics with a frame of reference for fleshing out the marketing system as it develops over time. Beyond depicting its parts and their interrelationships, the treatise emphasizes a fundamental premise orienting change within the marketing system. Contemporary economic conditions necessitate that the marketing system operate as an aggregate mechanism for the maintenance of minimum costs. This furnishes practitioners with a basis for anticipating the transformation that will take place if the marketing system is to offer its denizens higher quality life styles in the future.  相似文献   

Item response modeling (IRM/IRT) has been known to marketing scholars for a number of years. However, with the exception of some notable and important applications in international (cross-cultural) marketing and consumer behavior, even a cursory reading of marketing journals reveals a general lack of interest in applying IRM, despite its ability to provide highly useful measurement-related information. To address and hopefully remedy the paucity of adoption, we offer an application-oriented discussion of the utility of IRM for marketing and related business research to enable researchers to utilize the strengths and realize the benefits of this methodology in their empirical work. After a short discussion of the history of IRM, we focus on its fundamentals within a modern statistical framework based on the generalized linear model and closely related non-linear factor analysis. We then engage major concepts of IRM, including item characteristic curve, local independence, and dimensionality, as well as parameter estimation and information functions. The popular one- and two-parameter logistic models are next discussed, as is the issue of model selection. Several polytomous item response models are subsequently dealt with, followed by a discussion of multidimensional IRM and data illustrations of item response models using widely available software. References to exemplar marketing applications are provided along the way, and a discussion of limitations of IRM concludes the article.  相似文献   

Summary In the past 40 years, marketing scholarship has made tremendous advances. Our methods are diverse and relatively sophisticated. As a brief perusal of any marketing textbook (or journal) indicates, we have developed approaches for solving important managerial problems. Consumer behavior, sales management, and advertising have been distinct fields of study, within marketing, for more than 40 years. There are specialized journals for each of these areas, butJAMS, as a general journal, also publishes scholarly articles in these areas. Nonetheless, each of these subdisciplines has its own unique set of patterns and traditions, and there does not appear to be a lot of communication between scholars who specialize in distinct subareas. In this way, we have a tendency to remain somewhat isolated as researchers and scholars. At the same time, there is an increasing challenge to fit all of marketing scholarship under one unified and harmonious tent.  相似文献   

Marketing is a youthful discipline. Therefore, it has experienced accelerated growth and change in its conception and framework. The emergence of social and societal marketing is illustrative of the changes endured. Because of its recent development, Lazer and Kelley indicated that social marketing is ill-defined and the definitive statement on it is yet to be written.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that business models can serve as important strategic tools in innovation and market formation processes. Consequently, business models should have a prominent position in the marketing literature. However, marketing scholars have, so far, paid little attention to the business model concept, perhaps because it lacks an established definition and clear theoretical foundation. This article offers a definition for the business model concept that, using a fractal approach, connects business models to technological and market innovation. Furthermore, the article questions several cornerstone strategic concepts by reconceptualizing business model development from a firm-centric activity that promotes owning key resources and altering sets of decision variables to one that highlights the facilitation of broad institutional change processes. As such, it takes the potentially controversial position of advocating a service-strategy-based understanding of business models for all of marketing strategy.  相似文献   

在当前营销人才社会需求变化及学生就业压力普遍增大等因素驱动下,提升市场营销学生的就业竞争力成为市场营销专业所属院校教育教学的目标之一,但就业竞争力的评价是其中的重要方面和尚未解决的问题。由于形成就业竞争力的部分因素具有难以量化的特性,可以采用模糊层次评价方法进行总体评价。结合市场营销专业的人才培养目标和社会需求条件从专业素质、能力素质、思想素质和身体素质等方面构建就业竞争力的评价体系,并运用模糊层次方法分析特定学生的就业竞争力状况,为市场营销专业的人才培养和市场导向的就业决策提供参考。  相似文献   

Consumer satisfaction: Concept and measurement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In marketing management, consumer satisfaction may be clustered with such key goals as profitability and social responsibility. However undisputed its importance, its conceptualization and measurement have remained largely backward, severely limiting its value in determining marketing strategy. This article has raised issues and suggested guidelines for research and management thinking.  相似文献   

Although research continues to debate the future of the marketing concept, practitioners have taken the lead, appraising customer experience management (CEM) as one of the most promising marketing approaches in consumer industries. In research, however, the notion of CEM is not well understood, is fragmented across a variety of contexts, and is insufficiently demarcated from other marketing management concepts. By integrating field-based insights of 52 managers engaging in CEM with supplementary literature, this study provides an empirically and theoretically solid conceptualization. Specifically, it introduces CEM as a higher-order resource of cultural mindsets toward customer experiences (CEs), strategic directions for designing CEs, and firm capabilities for continually renewing CEs, with the goals of achieving and sustaining long-term customer loyalty. We disclose a typology of four distinct CEM patterns, with firm size and exchange continuity delineating the pertinent contingency factors of this generalized understanding. Finally, we discuss the findings in relation to recent theoretical research, proposing that CEM can comprehensively systemize and serve the implementation of an evolving marketing concept.  相似文献   

红色旅游在青少年道德教育中占据重要地位。分析红色旅游景区青少年客源市场特征,构建市场开发系统十分必要。通过对北京三大红色旅游景区的调查,可以发现青少年红色旅游市场在市场结构、行为特征、旅游感知等方面具有鲜明的特点。根据青少年红色旅游市场的特征,可从旅游供给系统、需求系统、支持系统、信息系统、管理系统五个方面构建青少年红色旅游市场开发系统。此外,还需要通过完善配套设施、创新营销手段、精心设计项目和线路、取得政府和学校支持等途径,促进青少年红色旅游市场健康发展,充分发挥红色旅游的教育功能。  相似文献   

Relationship marketing in consumer markets: Antecedents and consequences   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Understanding the motivations of consumers to engage in relationships with marketers is important for both practitioners and marketing scholars. To develop an effective theory of relationship marketing, it is necessary to understand what motivates consumers to reduce their available market choices and engage in a relational market behavior by patronizing the same marketer in subsequent choice situations. This article draws on established consumer behavior literature to suggest that consumers engage in relational market behavior due to personal influences, social influences, and institutional influences. Consumers reduce their available choice and engage in relational market behavior because they want to simplify their buying and consuming tasks, simplify information processing, reduce perceived risks, and maintain cognitive consistency and a state of psychological comfort. They also engage in relational market behavior because of family and social norms, peer group pressures, government mandates, religious tenets, employer influences, and marketer policies. The willingness and ability of both consumers and marketers to engage in relational marketing will lead to greater marketing productivity, unless either consumers or marketers abuse the mutual interdependence and cooperation. He has published more than 200 books and research papers in different areas of marketing. His bookThe Theory of Buyer Behavior (1969) with John A. Howard is a classic in the field. He has recently published two scholarly books:Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation (1988) andConsumption Values and Market Choices (1991). He is on the editorial boards of at least a dozen scholarly journals in marketing, international business, and quantitative methods; he is also series editor ofResearch in Marketing (JAI Press). Prior to joining Emory, he was an associate professor of marketing at XLRI Jamshedpur in India. He received his M.B.A. and Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University, India. He has authored a number of articles in the area of international marketing, business alliances, and environmental marketing. He is coeditor ofResearch in Marketing (Annual Series, JAI Press) and serves on the editorial review board ofInternational Marketing Review.  相似文献   

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