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"经济圈"是指从地域的自然资源、经济技术条件和区位特点出发,通过位于该地域的不同行政区域或不同国别的经济合作,形成某种具有内在联系的地域性产业配置与经济相互依存关系,逐渐发展成为某种特定意义上的经济共同体.中国把长期坚持的睦邻友好外交政策引入经济领域,与周边国家开展次区域经济合作并构建"经济圈",为世界经济的发展做出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

构建新疆与中亚次区域经济合作平台   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来中亚及周边各国经济上采取全方位开放政策,面对这一次区域经济集团化态势,新疆应与中亚国家建立高层次区域经济合作平台,最终建立包括新疆在内的中亚次区域经济圈。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the experiences of the Derry/Londonderry Partnership Board established as part of the European Union's(EU) Peace and Reconciliation Programme in Northern Ireland and suggests that it has been able to establish a distinctive approach to community consultation, strategy formulation and programme delivery. It explores the method and content of its most recent Action Plan and argues that the fealty that has traditionally informed local government discourses has been challenged by an open, pluralist and respectful analysis of positions and problems. The paper concludes by arguing that the real contribution of the Partnerships have been to create the space for civic democracy to be played out in an attempt to embed the peace process and a long-term political settlement.  相似文献   

John Diamond 《Local Economy》2001,16(4):272-285
Post May 1997 the conventional approaches to regeneration strategies in Britain have focused upon establishing local partnerships between - not only service providers and potential employers - but also local community-based groups. Neighbourhoods or 'localities'are now seen as the arenas within which coalitions of local interest groups meet to identify needs, to allocate resources and to engage with local communities. This paper will examine the assumptions behind such approaches and will explore the sites of conflict and the ways in which local managers attempt to reconcile differing aspirations and expectations. The paper draws upon a series of interviews with participants in regeneration initiatives in Manchester, and will suggest that regeneration managers occupy a significant place in arbitrating between different interest groups. In particular, the role of multi-agency working will be explored and the ways in which professionals (from a variety of occupations) seek to negotiate common terms of reference and understanding.  相似文献   

本文通过一个简单的理论模型说明了地方政府财政搭便车、中央银行货币政策承诺、中央政府财政政策承诺以及中央政府财政统筹协调之间的关系。研究发现,中央银行的货币承诺或中央政府的财政政策承诺对于降低地方政府的财政搭便车动机至关重要。虽然中央政府的财政统筹协调可以获得与中央银行货币政策承诺或中央政府财政政策承诺相同的结果,但其具体实施存在诸多困难。在此基础上,本文提出地方政府债务治理的政策设想和可行方法。  相似文献   

Tourism development has become a popular pursuit for local authorities seeking to generate new economic horizons. This requires the existence of some special attraction or package, something to distinguish an area from the basic diet of potentials that everywhere else can offer, or a strong competitive edge in what might be labelled as conventional markets. Unfortunately, new ways of nurturing tourism activity are increasingly hard to find and the tourism development scene is an increasingly competitive arena. Yet, competition is an unspoken word within the realms of tourism professionals, and a matter that is rarely confronted in any overt way by researchers.  相似文献   

吴彤  宋超 《科技和产业》2023,23(12):123-130
以2010—2018年中国沪深A股上市公司为样本,实证分析地级市官员变动对企业社会责任的影响,以及地区腐败程度在其中的调节作用,并进一步检验异质性影响。研究发现,地方官员变动会促进企业履行社会责任,但这种促进作用会随着地区腐败程度的增加而被削弱。进一步研究发现,官员变动的促进作用和地区腐败的消极调节作用主要发生在国有企业、官员变动发生在预料之外时或企业社会责任针对员工和客户时。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how devolution has affected local sustainable development. We focus on attempting to gauge how devolution will affect the promotion of sustainable development in the English regions through an analysis of the changes to date in Scotland, Wales and London. This evaluation is made more difficult because of the range of changes which devolution involves - political, institutional, organizational and cultural, and it is hard to ascribe particular outcomes to particular changes. The focus of the paper is examining how local sustainability regimes have been affected by devolution in the three case study regions. We then conclude that devolution can only add value to existing arrangements if it creates an additional level of legitimacy which supports local coalitions deepening their commitment to the principles of local sustainable development.  相似文献   

寻租、过度投资与地方保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过度投资和地方保护一直是困扰中国经济发展的顽疾。由于这些行为的主体均是地方政府,很多文献试图从政府的角度来解释这两个现象,但是,这些解释与观察到的现实之间有很多差异。在本文中,为了更好的解释过度投资和地方保护现象,我们考虑了寻租动机对于地方政府行为的影响。在考虑了寻租动机后,我们发现,本地企业的最初的决策产能大于后期实际利用的产能。也就是说,存在我们通常说的产能过剩。为了利用这部分未被利用的产能,一个办法是本地企业独占市场,排挤外地厂商,要达到这一目的,只能通过提高外地厂商的成本,也就是实行地方保护主义。  相似文献   

本文利用了中国财政分权早期阶段的面板数据,分析了财政分权和跨省劳动力流动之间的关系.理论分析认为,财政分权对于劳动力市场的整合有两种对立的效应:地方经济发展促进劳动力向该地区流动的效应,以及当地公共品拥挤效应所带来的对劳动力流入的限制.本文实证结果证明,在较低级别的政府层次,拥挤效应更强.  相似文献   

The recent rise in university–industry partnerships hasstimulated an important public-policy debate regarding how theserelationships affect fundamental research. In this paper, weexamine the antecedents and consequences of policies to promoteuniversity–industry alliances. Although the preliminaryevidence appears to suggest that these partnerships have nothad a deleterious effect on the quantity and quality of basicresearch, some legitimate concerns have been raised about theseactivities that require additional analysis. We conclude thatadditional research is needed to provide a more accurate assessmentof the optimal level of commercialization.  相似文献   

Fundamental to the historical development of partnership working as an approach to managing neighbourhood regeneration has been a concern to promote 'strategic' working practices. However, there has been a distinct lack of conceptual clarity within both policy and practice over the meaning of 'strategic' working within local partnerships. This paper outlines three broad conceptual approaches to understanding 'strategic' working as: a plan of action, as changing organisational practices, and as multi-level organisational collaboration. Drawing on data from Social Inclusion Partnerships in Scotland the paper explores the relevance of these three approaches to strategic working to the practices of these Partnerships. The paper highlights that, contrary to a policy rhetoric promoting organisational change and collaboration, a relatively limited outputs focus has dominated regeneration practice. With pressure on SIPs to spend time-limited budgets and fill gaps in services, a tension emerges between the goals of delivering services and co-ordinating the activities of partner agencies. It is argued here that it is challenging for these localised Partnerships to try to take on both of these goals simultaneously. It is recommended that a more realistic approach is taken with regard to the potential role played by local regeneration partnerships in being 'strategic'.  相似文献   

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