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毛亚林 《技术经济》2021,40(8):107-115
2020年9月,中国政府在第75届联合国大会上提出碳达峰和碳中和目标."2060年实现碳中和"愿景将对中国能源结构转型产生深刻影响.运用CHINAGEM模型,针对当前政策情景(基准情景)和碳中和情景(政策情景)进行模拟分析,预测分析了2020—2040年中国能源发展状况,包括一次能源消费总量及其构成、终端能源消费量及其构成和发电量及其构成.基于分析结果,提出了实现碳中和总目标下,中短期内各项宏观指标的阶段性目标.  相似文献   

贾楠亭  冯宗宪 《技术经济》2022,41(10):122-137
通过引入环境质量、污染排放、环境规制政策等因素对经典的动态随机一般均衡模型进行拓展,构建了一个包含环境因素,并可用于比较不同环境规制政策作用的分析框架,以此来研究环境税、排污许可证和排放强度三种不同类型的环境规制政策对经济和环境的不同影响。结果表明,环境规制政策对经济活动有抑制作用,在经济波动时能发挥“自动稳定器”作用,其中排放强度政策造成的经济损失最大,环境收益最为明显,排污许可证政策对环境质量提升作用最小,造成的经济损失也最小,“自动稳定器”作用也最为显著;同时,企业单位排放强度的降低能有效减少污染排放,提升环境质量和社会福利,而政府环保投入转化率的提高,对环境和经济的影响非常有限。  相似文献   

The financial crisis of 2008 provided an informal test of mainstream and institutional views of consumer behavior. The test posed by the financial crisis assumes the form of a “story.” A successful story provides a reasonably coherent explanation of events, confirming our beliefs and justifying our policies. First, the article examines the failure of mainstream economics to present a coherent story of consumer behavior. Ignoring the relevance of assumptions, as Milton Friedman advocated, leads economists to hypostasize the model, filtering information central to the crisis. Second, Minsky’s discussion of consumer behavior and its effect on cash inflows to businesses represents an institutional explanation regarding why John Maynard Keynes’s long-run vision did not occur. The third section expands on some of the themes addressed by Minsky, which are found among the contributions of institutional economists, focusing on efforts to mold institutions to increase cash inflows to corporations and protect those inflows.  相似文献   

最近十几年来,我国经济出现了高增长和高失业并存的现象。可分劳动动态随机一般均衡模型模拟结果表明,技术进步促进了产出增长,同时也促进了就业增长,但对就业增长的促进作用明显小于对产出增长的促进作用,同时与技术进步相伴的资本投入也对劳动起到了替代作用。在经济活动人口不断增加的背景下,技术进步对产出和就业增长影响的不对称性,是我国高增长和高失业并存的重要原因。  相似文献   

This article develops a simple Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to illustrate how economies that face restrictions in their ability to alter both government spending and taxation in the short run and cannot borrow easily (perhaps because of incomplete internal capital markets) can find external fluctuations in resource revenues producing unexpected variations in their internal money supply and ultimately in their inflation rate. The main channels for these effects run through the government budget and through the country's balance of payments position. The model is calibrated to illustrate the case of Iran.  相似文献   

金融稳定分析的宏观模型综述及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融系统的稳定性水平是金融功能是否有效发挥的反映,加入WTO后中国政府对经济系统进行了诸多方面的改革,金融系统的稳定性得到明显提升,但也存有压力与风险。金融稳定分析的宏观模型包括扩展的宏观经济模型、动态随机一般均衡模型和网络模型。其中,动态随机一般均衡模型具有较好的现实拟合度,应用性较强。应根据中国的社会背景和特殊的金融制度,构建中国特色的动态随机一般均衡模型。  相似文献   

文章从中国宏观政策现实出发,分析了预期形成机制对宏观政策搭配及通胀预期管理的影响.研究发现,基于学习型预期的动态随机一般均衡模型不仅能刻画预期通胀与实际通胀之间的趋势一致性与持续偏离,还能反映中国人民银行所公布的物价预期指数和国家统计局所公布的消费者预期指数的变化情况.从通胀预期管理角度看,宏观政策搭配不仅受基本面因素制约,还受公众预期形成机制的显著影响,并且应适时地由传统的"一松一紧"模式转变为"双松"或"双紧"模式.在当前形势下,宏观政策应侧重于"精确制导式"的定向调控,加大经济体制改革力度,完善经济供给面,以配合总需求并锁定政策目标.同时,通过积极沟通,塑造和稳定公众对宏观政策的预期,扩大政策调控空间,以实现经济平稳增长.  相似文献   

<管子>后16篇,也称轻重篇,着重阐述了轻重理论,是中国古代特有的一种经济管理思想.前人学者大多从供求规律与货币数量论等角度对商品之间的轻重规律进行阐释.文章则重点阐述了轻重规律所蕴含的均衡思想,并且在阐述管子轻重理论中蕴含的局部均衡、动态均衡、一般均衡思想后,借用现代经济学的分析工具,试图重建管子轻重规律的均衡分析.西方经济学直到1769年以后才在经济学中引入均衡的概念,此研究将进一步丰富中国经济思想的研究.  相似文献   

Treating public policies as computable dynamic general equilibrium model specification errors offers computational and conceptional advantages for comparing models with data. The set of policies calculated to rationalize observed behaviors raises the substantive economic question whether, in any particular market, actual public policies sufficiently coincide with the model's behavior-rationalizing policies, or whether the model offers correct hypotheses about the determinants of demand and supply. As illustrations, public policies are calculated to rationalize, with respect to the stochastic neoclassical growth model, capital market behavior since WWII and labor market behavior in 1929–1950. One conclusion is that capital taxation drives a wedge between consumption growth and the expected pre-tax capital return, in the direction and amount predicted by the theory, and that capital taxation is the major intertemporal distortion in the postwar capital market. Second, a good theory of the Great Depression labor market must explain why measured MRS and MPL diverged so dramatically in 1929–1933 and why the wedge persisted.  相似文献   

高水平陷阱——李约瑟之谜再考察   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文从经济的角度重新考察了李约瑟之谜。通过一个动态一般均衡模型 ,本文证明 ,初始人口 资源禀赋的差异是造成中国和西欧在 1 8世纪之后的文明分岔的原因。这一理论和伊懋可的高水平陷阱学说是一致的。本文纠正了伊懋可学说中的逻辑错误 ,并发现了形成高水平陷阱的两个重要前提 ,即工业中存在规模经济以及人口增长符合马尔萨斯原理。  相似文献   

为探究股权金融市场对增长方式选择和平衡增长的影响,本文基于传统与新兴部门的差异,构建动态理论模型并利用“Simulink”技术进行数值模拟分析。理论分析发现股权金融市场效率对平衡增长具有增长效应且存在门槛条件,效率高于门槛值时股权金融市场发展将提高平衡增长率和创新贡献率。总体上,发展股权金融市场将促进我国平衡增长和增长方式转变,但东、西部地区存在差异,发展股权市场可以加快东部地区创新型增长而对西部地区没有显著作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the disparate impact of US federal regulations on small businesses. Using a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model, we obtained two implications of higher regulation on small firms that have yet to be empirically tested in the published literature. First, as regulations increase, small firms’ share of employment shrinks. Second, as regulations rise, small firms’ share of total output falls. Using a panel of industry-specific US regulatory restrictions, we found that a 10% increase in federal regulations was associated with an approximate 0.8% reduction in small firms’ share of industry employment and a nearly 1.5% decline in small firms’ share of industry output.  相似文献   

肖明智  谢锐 《财经研究》2012,(2):112-122
文章以衰减函数的方式将新凯恩斯学派提出的价格粘性理论引入中国动态可计算一般均衡模型中,使模型更符合经济系统中价格调整规律,并利用模型模拟渐进式升值和快速升值两种不同的人民币升值模式对我国经济的影响。模拟结果表明,在价格粘性的作用下,人民币快速升值将在短期内对我国实体经济产生较大的负面冲击,GDP增速下降最高达1.6个百分点,失业率明显上升,而渐进式升值最高只有0.67个百分点;快速升值能有效抑制我国的通货膨胀和促使我国贸易再平衡,最多使我国CPI增速下降3.6个百分点和贸易顺差占GDP比重下降1.06个百分点,并且在长期内对实体经济的负面效应略小于渐进式升值。因此,在不同的经济形势下应采取不同的人民币升值模式。  相似文献   

人工智能对经济不平等的影响引起学术界的广泛重视,但是现有研究以分析其对劳动收入不平等的影响为主,关于人工智能对财富分配从而对财产性收入不平等影响的相关研究尚有欠缺。本文通过构建一个连续时间异质性个体动态一般均衡模型,将人工智能对生产技术的影响看作一揽子偏向性技术进步,研究人工智能技术对财富分配的影响。分析发现,人工智能对财富不平等的影响在短期和长期表现有所不同,短期中人工智能技术的应用会提高经济中财富分配不平等程度,而长期中其财富分配效应则取决于人工智能对不同类型技术进步的促进程度。核心机制在于,人工智能技术进步的多样性在短期和长期中对资本回报率产生不同影响,短期中各类技术进步总是会提高资本回报率,而在长期,不同类型的技术进步对资本回报率的影响出现差异。基于以上结论,本文就我国如何在应用人工智能促进增长的同时预防不平等程度扩大提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper a two sector dynamic general equilibrium model is developed in order to evaluate the implications of the underground economy from a business cycle perspective. There are three main results. First, introducing an underground sector improves the fit of the model to the data, especially along several important labor market dimensions. Second, the model produces substantial internal propagation of temporary shocks. Third, it is shown that underground activities offer risk sharing opportunities by allowing households to smooth income through a proper labor allocation between the two sectors.Received: 17 June 2002, Revised: 25 April 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: E320, E260, J22, H200.We have benefited from the comments and suggestions of John Donaldson. We would also like to thank Paolo Siconolfi, Jean Pierre Danthine, Fausto Gozzi, Edmund Phelps, Gustavo Piga, Domenico Tosato, and the participants in the seminars at various universities, David Giles and Stefano Pisani for providing useful information on the underground data, Francesca Caponi for the comments and the information concerning the legal and fiscal aspects involved in the calibration, and Glenn Williams for the research assistance. Finally, we thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments on this and on earlier versions of the paper. Chiarini acknowledges financial support from the Ateneo Research fund of the University of Rome, La Sapienza, Dinamiche dell'integrazione europea e scelta di politica economica. All errors are ours. Correspondence to: F. Busato  相似文献   

Using a dynamic general equilibrium model, we simulate the environmental, economic, and budgetary effects in Portugal of a new carbon tax indexed to the carbon price in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System market. Through careful recycling of the carbon tax revenues to finance lower personal income taxes, lower Social Security contributions, and higher investment tax credits – in particular when changes are directed at promoting energy efficiency – we show that it is possible to design a carbon tax reform that boosts economic growth and strengthens fiscal consolidation. These results served as the basis for a new carbon tax eventually approved by the Portuguese Parliament.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to quantify the impact of changing family structures on labor supply and savings in Western societies. Our dynamic general equilibrium model features both genders, and it takes into account changes in marital status as a stochastic process. The numerical results indicate that changes in household formation can partly explain the reallocation of male and female labor supply observed during the last decades in Germany. We also find a negative impact on capital accumulation, and we show that a combination of higher marital risk and a narrowing gender wage gap can explain the changes in hours ratios between single and married men and women.  相似文献   

In this paper, we quantify the effects of the recent increase in the housing loan‐to‐value ratio (LTV) on the monetary transmission mechanism. We set up a two‐sector dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with collateral constraints and production of goods and housing. Using Bayesian methods, we quantify the component of the monetary transmission mechanism that is generated by housing collateral. We find that this component is substantial and strongly increasing in the LTV. We conclude that in order to properly understand the monetary transmission mechanism, we need to take into account the effects of housing‐related collateral constraints and their changing nature.  相似文献   

Three decades ago, Christopher A. Sims suggested that vector autoregressions (VARs) are useful statistical devices for evaluating alternative macroeconomic models. His suggestion has stood the test of time well. In the early days, VARs played an important role in the evaluation of alternative models. They continue to play that role today.  相似文献   

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