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全球价值链驱动下的本土产业升级   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球价值链内产业升级的传递机制是企业的内生技术能力,但技术能力的演化具有明显的路径依赖.尽管全球价值链的国际链接与异质参与者的多样性能够为本土企业提供局部的外部知识,但链条内部的知识溢出并不足以实现本土企业技术能力的线性发展,也无法实现链条内部自动传递的产业升级,这就需要企业进行持续的技术学习,在充分利用全球价值链内局部知识外部性的基础上,整合企业内部与外部知识,实现技术能力的线性发展,从而推动本土产业的持续升级.  相似文献   

我国汽车产业经过了近六十年的发展,先后经历以合资方式和完全自主创新方式的升级方式,以并购为基础的开放式创新方式成为最新的升级方式之一.吉利公司作为我国自主品牌汽车企业的后起之秀,在其发展的历程中,不断坚持开放式创新,本文通过对2009年吉利汽车公司并购沃尔沃事件进行案例研究,通过对吉利汽车公司并购沃尔沃案例的过程和动因研究发现,吉利汽车公司基于并购的开放式创新方式,为我国汽车产业升级提供了新的思路,并带来提升自主创新能力、开拓国际市场和提升品牌价值与管理水平的积极影响,给我国汽车产业的升级带来选择合适的并购对象并准备充分、并购后要注重消化吸收与资源整合和有效地处理各种冲突三方面的重要启示  相似文献   

近年来,伴随着我国旅游市场的不断扩大和旅游产业的转型升级,旅游产业呈现出明显的集群特点和趋势。文章从价值链角度,对旅游产业集群形成与发展的内在机理进行了分析研究。首先阐明了价值链视角下的旅游产业集群及其动力机制的内涵;其次提炼了旅游产业集群的产业价值链"四链"服务层次与空间价值链"四环"空间结构的特点,并分别采用上海与张家界两个案例进行了论证;最后总结了旅游产业集群两个维度下的动力机制,包括产业价值链延伸扩展机制及空间价值链优化配置机制,前者具体体现在集群要素产业高端化、集群要素产业融合化及集群要素产业均衡化,后者主要包括环内竞争性优化配置及环间合作性优化配置,而且产业价值链延伸扩展机制及空间价值链优化配置机制既是相互独立又相互补充的。通过以上研究,文章希望既在学术上完善对旅游产业集群动力机制的理论研究,又在实践中对我国旅游产业发展提供了有益的指导。  相似文献   

分析了全球价值链的发展历程和未来演进趋势,研究了全球价值链升级进程与中国创新驱动发展战略的关系,针对创新驱动发展提出了应对全球价值链升级的对策建议。  相似文献   

蒙丹 《经济与管理》2011,25(4):85-89
改革开放以来,中国企业凭借大量廉价劳动力资源和广阔的国内市场嵌入到由发达国家跨国公司主导的全球价值链中。长期的这种低端嵌入局面使中国企业逐渐面临利润微薄和产业升级自主性丧失的危险。GVC的主导者与嵌入者在利润分配、产业升级中的不同境遇表明,只有构建我们自己主导的GVC才能使中国产业升级走出困境。当前中国面临的国际环境、资源和市场条件等决定了构建中国的全球价值链刻不容缓,而中国本土企业的竞争力低下又决定了中国企业应将提升竞争力与构建全球价值链相统一。  相似文献   

疫情下供应链的安全保障与科学治理不仅仅成为突发事件发生时应急应变能力的体现,更是未来中国产业高质量发展的重要战略手段。本文选择化工产业为研究切入点,研究疫情对中国化工产业供应链的影响,并从短期和长期的角度提出应对策略。通过提升供应链体系化治理能力,推动中国化工产业从“做大”到“做强”,增强产业经济韧性,寻求产业均衡化和最优化的发展方案。  相似文献   

为探寻跨国公司对全球价值链实现协调与控制的最优生产组织安排,在不完全契约理论框架下,扩展并构建了基于全球价值链的生产组织决策模型,其中重点考查了跨国公司与产业链上下游企业之间的议价能力及股权决定。研究表明跨国公司在每一生产阶段的最优组织模式选择与其在价值链上所处的生产阶段密切相关,并受到投入品替代弹性、最终产品替代弹性以及总部服务密集度等因素的影响。  相似文献   

To cope with rapid technological change and the increasing R&D costs during a period of decreasing technology and product life cycles, acquisition and development (A&D) has been suggested to be an important method for high-tech firms to achieve higher economic returns. However, few studies have examined the operational problems of choosing a compatible A&D candidate from a pool of potential A&D candidates. To address this limitation, this study proposes an approach based on the analytic network process (ANP) to rank a set of potential A&D candidates within a multivariate set of attributes systematically. A total of 25 criteria were identified and used to construct the ANP model in which the final selection is based on the resulting priorities assigned to the A&D candidates. A case study of a semiconductor manufacturing company was conducted to illustrate the application of the proposed approach. The results indicated that the proposed ANP method can aid in A&D decision-making problems systematically.  相似文献   

通过手工收集地方政府培育类政策并与2007—2019年中国中小板和创业板上市企业数据进行匹配,利用多期DID模型检验其对中小企业创新的影响。结果表明,培育类政策对中小企业创新起长期显著促进作用,但政府认定次数增加并不能推动中小企业创新由量转质的飞跃。进一步地,培育类政策可通过激发创新意愿、加速人才聚集、提升市场关注度促进中小企业创新。异质性分析表明,该类政策对国有中小企业创新促进作用更为显著,且仅对低集中度行业企业起到促进作用,知识产权保护水平较低地区政策激励与创新补偿效应更强。结论可丰富产业政策对中小企业创新影响的经验证据,为完善扶持中小企业创新政策提供决策参考。  相似文献   

天津生态工业示范园区之钢铁企业生态工业链研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先介绍了天津经济技术开发区生态工业示范园区的生态工业链网以及现有钢铁企业作为“补链项目”的情况,从钢铁企业自身特点入手,分析了钢铁企业在消纳固体废物和水集成系统中的功用,根据天津经济技术开发区的实际特点,进一步扩展、提升、完善钢铁企业的生态工业链节作用,同时这也为其他生态工业园区提供具有实践性的指导意义。  相似文献   

已有文献在研究“两化融合”(信息化与工业化融合)对企业创新的影响时,忽略了两个重要问题:一是,企业活动通过价值链衔接而成,信息技术或产品会渗透到不同的价值链环节;二是,企业创新活动具有多样性,在不同价值链环节的创新形式具有差异性。基于此,文章利用2012年世界银行对中国企业所做的营商环境调查,从企业价值链视角,考察了“两化融合”对企业创新的影响。研究发现:产品设计、市场营销环节与信息化的融合提高了企业产品创新投入的倾向,生产制造环节与信息化的融合提高了企业流程创新投入的倾向。进一步的研究表明,企业“两化融合”整体水平的提升能够增加企业的新产品产值,有助于企业实现经济效益。文章的研究不仅丰富了关于“两化融合”与企业创新的认识,而且对中国制造业企业创新能力的提升和经济结构的转型也具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that extreme negative shocks for the global systemically important banks (GSIBs) are contagious to Australian banks. Our logit regression models predict transmission of adverse extreme shocks in the distance to default (DD) of GSIBs to the Australian banks. While most previous studies consider contagion across national stock markets, we investigate the degree of contagion risk for Australian banks spreading from GSIBs. Our results point to the critical importance for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (2015) to closely observe and monitor developments across the major GSIBs and direct appropriate local policy measures accordingly.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically different ways to organize research and development (R&D) within Swiss firms. Based on a longitudinal data set comprising three cross-sections (1999, 2002, and 2005) of the Swiss Innovation Survey, four different types of R&D strategies could have been separated; firms combine in-house R&D with R&D co-operations (coop) or in-house R&D with external R&D (buy), or they conduct in-house R&D, external R&D, and R&D co-operations (mixed), or they exclusively rely on in-house R&D (make). It is the aim of this paper to understand what drive firms to go for different strategies. Based on econometric estimations controlling for correlations between the dependent variables and endogeneity among the independent variables, it was found that concepts related to the absorptive capacity, incoming spillovers, and appropriability, the importance of different knowledge sources, the competitive environment, costs, and skill aspects as well as technological uncertainty are essential factors to determine a firm's decision to choose a specific way to organize R&D.  相似文献   

This study tests the stability of willingness to pay (WTP) for recreational fishing over two decades based on three rounds of a representative angler survey conducted in New York State in 1988, 1996, and 2007. We employ the travel cost method (TCM) by using the repeated conditional logit and mixed logit models to estimate demand for daily fishing trips. Our estimates suggest that anglers’ WTP for fishing in 1988 and 1996 were similar, with values per trip at $35.2 and $36.4, respectively. However, there was a noticeable decrease in WTP, to $30.6, in 2007. This decrease is consistent with two salient features of the 2007 survey: (1) long-distance trips, such as those to the Great Lakes were less frequent, and (2) anglers were, on average, older than in previous surveys.  相似文献   

A GIS-based approach was designed to spatially estimate direct use value of ecosystem services and to map results for a case study at county scale. The approach highlights the use of GIS to collect data, perform spatial analysis, and map economic values of ecosystem services. Three key steps of spatial valuation for agricultural products, forest products, and tourism services were illustrated in the GIS-based technical framework. We applied this approach to the Tiantai County (1423.8 km2) in Zhejiang province of southeast China. Selected components of natural products and tourism services in the case area were mapped as data layers in GIS, with each layer containing monetary values for every 25 m cell. The total direct use value of ecosystem services was estimated in RMB to be approximately 538 million Yuan in 2005 (Chinese currency, 8.2 Yuan = US$1), of which agricultural products, forest products and tourism services accounted for 65%, 30% and 5%, respectively. The critical areas for management purpose were identified depending on the heterogeneity of direct use services learned from the case study. The spatially explicit measures provide a mechanism for incorporating spatial context into ecosystem services evaluation. Based on the present GIS-based approach and case study, the suggestions and implications for local resources protection and eco-environmental management were extensively discussed. The work was expected to highlight research avenues to advance the ecosystem services framework as an operational basis for regional ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

本文以我国大中型企业科技活动为研究样本,在对创业环境、公司创业战略和组织绩效进行系统测度的基础上,实证检验了三者之间的内在关系。研究结果表明,创业环境与公司创业战略、公司创业战略与组织绩效之间都存在正相关关系,而且公司创业战略对创业环境与组织绩效关系有中介作用。  相似文献   

After the publication of Ravallion’s Econ J 98:1171–1182, 1988 seminal work on chronic and transient poverty, wide attention has been given to the components of poverty. We propose a Bayesian mixture model to measure poverty and divide it into chronic and the transient poverty using the Foster, Greer and Thorbecke (FGT) measure. These two types of poverty are illustrated using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data.   相似文献   

The paper explores the extent to which products follow systematic pricing patterns over their life cycle and the impact this has on the measurement of inflation. Using a large U.S. scanner data set on supermarket products and applying flexible regression methods, we find that on average prices decline as items age. This life cycle price change is often attributed to quality difference in the construction of CPI as items are replaced due to disappearance or during sample rotations. This introduces a systematic bias in the measurement of inflation. For our data we find that the life cycle bias leads to the underestimation of inflation by around 0.30 percentage points each year for the products examined.  相似文献   

The new technological revolution has not only created the digital economy, but has also accelerated the digital transformation of global value chains (GVCs). Digital technologies have reshaped the specialization within global value chains by reducing costs, enabling industrial chains and increasing added value in exports. However, GVCs also face salient risks in the digital economy era, as reflected in their spatial layouts. The enabling effect of digital technologies has led to the shortening and reshoring of global value chains. In value chain governance, dominant countries have imposed technological embargoes on ascendant countries, depriving them of key technologies. In the distribution of value, the imbalances in the specialization within GVCs and digital divides have aggravated global economic inequities. Given the new characteristics and risks of GVCs in the era of the digital economy, as well as the “dual circulation” development paradigm, China’s industrial chains and firms moving up the GVCs need to regard data, the fifth type of production factor, as a key to the enabling effect of the digital economy on industries. These measures will advance the digital transformation of traditional industries and the development of the digital industry, as well as allow industrial chains and innovation chains to work in tandem to facilitate favorable domestic circulation. At the firm level, enterprises should further develop endogenous innovation capacity to become leaders in innovation and free themselves from dependence on foreign sources for key technologies.  相似文献   

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