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2004-2005年度英国贸易投资总署对英投资报告显示,尽管中国企业在过去一年对英投资项目高达37个,比上一年剧增61%.位居第七大对英投资国,但创造的347个新的工作机会却远远低于印度,后者以36个投资项目而位居第八大对英投资国,创造新的工作机会为1419个。据英国贸易投资总署在伦敦公布的2004-2005年对英投资报告,”大的对英投资国对每年的统计数据非常感兴趣。但我们并不是每年都在所有的大投资国发布。  相似文献   

<正> 第二次世界大战后,日本经济迅猛发展,经过短短二三十年的努力,它从一片废墟发展成当今世界名列前茅的经济大国,其中不少经验可供我们借鉴。如何发展海外投资,日本是一个很有说服力的例子。一、日资概况根据日本进出口银行最新资料,截至1990年3月份,日本在欧洲投资总额为140亿美元,比上一年增长70%。在欧洲各国当中,英国吸引日资高达52.4亿美元,占首位,其次是荷兰、德国和法国。  相似文献   


彭莎 《国际市场》2004,(6):70-71
海外投资最近好像有点火。虽然尚未达到真正的风起云涌,但至少在政策导向上凸现鼓励之势。其实,海外投资在中国并不是一个新名词,一些大型国企早早尝试先机,在改革开放初期就在海外进行了金额不小的投资,不过,由于种种原因大多数并不尽如人意。据粗略计算,目前我国累计海外投资额仅相当于日本的百分之一,  相似文献   

This research used two samples of enterprises, 123 that invested in China and 213 that did not, to examine why many Taiwanese enterprises stay home despite others that have invested in China. Our results found that most Taiwanese enterprises are pushed to invest abroad by increasing wages at home and increasing competition in the export market, which lowers their profitability. The key factors determining to invest or not to invest in China are whether they are satisfied with their profits, and whether they are able to upgrade organizational capability, if they are not satisfied with the profits. However, this conclusion does not totally apply to large enterprises. For large enterprises, their investment in China has little to do with profitability and R&D intensity, but more to do with export competition and technological capability. Furthermore, investment in Southeast Asia is complementary to investment in China for large enterprises, but a trade-off for small and medium ones.  相似文献   

The bilateral trade between India and China has crossed US$ 51 billion in 2008. China has become India s largest trading partner and there is still a lot of scope for promoting bilateral trade between two countries. Aiming at promoting the Global lnvertors Meet to be held in Bangalore on 11 - 12 January, 2010, "Invest in Karnataka- Global Investors meet 2010" was held on September 3, 2009. Mr. Yu Ping, vice president of CCPIPT, Mr. Subramanyarn Jaishankar, the ambassador of India to PRC, the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka with the delegation from Hon'ble and around 100 Chinese enterprises attended this seminar.  相似文献   

受全球金融危机的影响,2008年以来,欧盟和美国两大重要经济实体需求疲软,开辟新兴市场成为外贸企业应对危机的有效途径。南美市场与我国同属新兴市场,互补性强,外贸需求逐年增大。  相似文献   

Domestic insurance firms should speed up their strategic cooperation with local banks to help the reform of China's financial sector, the country's insurance regulator said on Dec.21.  相似文献   

赵钧 《WTO经济导刊》2011,(10):31-32
案例概述2004年11月2日,国际金融公司(IFC)正式向外宣布向中国绿色能源公司提供3000万美元的资金,专门用于建设热电联产发电厂以及利用城市固体垃圾为燃料的垃圾发电设施。  相似文献   

An Analysis by the China NewsAgency shows that in the firsthalf of the year when theChinese economy was picking up,multinational corporations in theinternational information industrywhich has great market and developmentpotential.Compaq Invests Heavily in ChinaVice President of the CompaqComputer Corporation Yu Xinchangrevealed to the public that the CompaqCorporation has experienced rapiddevelopment while reinforcing itsinvestment and cooperation strengths inChina.In the first half of …  相似文献   

Chile is the first country to establish coopera-tive relations with China in South America, and also the first one to support China's ac-cession to the World Trade Organization.In 2005, Chile and China signed a free trade agreement.After that, China has become Chile's largest trad-ing partner, and Chile become China's second largest partner in South America.  相似文献   

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