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Negotiations about a merger or acquisition are often sequential and only partially disclose to bidders information about each otherʼs bids. This paper explains the seller optimality of partial disclosure in a single-item private-value auction with two bidders. Each bidder can inspect the item at a nonprohibitive cost. If a revenue-maximizing seller cannot charge bidders for the information about the otherʼs bid, then the seller optimally runs a sequential second-price auction with a reserve price and a buy-now price. The seller prefers to keep the bids confidential and, sometimes, to hide the order in which he approaches the bidders.  相似文献   

We study the effect of the presence of a certification intermediary in an environment where information asymmetries are particularly severe. The intermediary improves the information that buyers have about quality. This in turn increases the incentives that the seller has to provide high-quality goods. Efficiency is increased by the presence of the intermediary, but quality is underprovided in equilibrium relative to full information. The intermediary can implement the optimal policy in many ways. The amount of information revealed ranges from full disclosure to partial, noisy disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework with which to analyze organizational forms in the knowledge economy. We focus on an important trade-off facing modern firms: firms can acquire the property of all the innovations developed by their employees and can greatly increase their profits, yet this type of private intellectual property rights regime can discourage the innovative effort of the very same workers. Allowing workers to carry their knowledge outside the firm eliminates this disincentive. Hence, strategic complementarities may exist between innovative partners and a disclosure driven intellectual property rights regime, and passive employees and a private intellectual property rights regime. An evolutionary game theoretic model demonstrates these strategic complementarities and shows when economies tend towards disclosure driven or private intellectual property rights regimes.  相似文献   

Expropriable disclosures of knowledge to prospective buyers may be necessary to facilitate the sale of intellectual property (IP). In principle, confidentiality agreements can protect disclosures by granting the seller rights to sue for unauthorized use. In practice, sellers often waive confidentiality rights. We provide an incomplete information explanation for the waiver of confidentiality rights that are valuable in complete information settings. Waiving sacrifices the protective value of confidentiality to gain greater buyer participation. Buyer skepticism, which reduces participation, arises endogenously from three elements: asymmetric information regarding seller IP, rent dissipation from competition for IP, and ex post costs from expropriation lawsuits.  相似文献   

文章利用1997-2008年省级面板数据,以技术市场成交额占当地GDP的比重来衡量地区知识产权保护水平,采用系统广义矩估计和门槛回归方法实证分析了知识产权保护对技术创新的影响。研究结果表明,加强知识产权保护能够显著促进技术创新;知识产权保护与研发物质资本和人力资本投入之间分别具有互补性和替代性;我国大部分地区已经跨越了知识产权保护水平的门槛值,加强知识产权保护不会阻碍技术创新。因此,要提高我国的自主创新能力,进一步加强知识产权保护不容懈怠。  相似文献   

开放式创新中知识产权协同管理因受到权利归属、信息不对称、权力主体诉求差异、创新不确定等天然因素影响会遇到一些悖论式的困境,这些困境在实践中表现为各种形式,从阻碍创新发起,到影响创新过程管理、中间产出及创新成果的分享等诸环节、方面均有表现。无论发生在哪个环节,均在一定程度阻碍协同管理的有效开展,这为企业进行开放式创新带来了挑战。深究这些困境发现,在学理层面,作为一种人类合作困境的具体表现,知识产权协同困境除具有人类合作困境中的一般特点外,还具有一些知识、知识产权合作本身方面的特殊性,如价值困境、信息披露困境、最优保护度难以确定困境等。文章对知识产权协同管理困境的主要表现及困境类型、背后原因等进行了初步探讨,给出了相应的应对思路。研究结果对进一步深入相关研究有一定的理论与参考价值。  相似文献   

We use a novel tax mechanism – ‘rejected offer reassessment’ (ROR) – in laboratory experiments to discourage seller holdout and facilitate land assembly. Under this mechanism, if a landowner rejects a developer’s offer, his taxable property value is reassessed to be equal to the rejected offer, increasing his taxes. We find that, relative to a control treatment, ROR discourages the magnitude of seller holdout (but not its frequency) and increases the rate of successful land assembly by almost 60%. It also increases the gains from trade by 22.1% relative to the control treatment, but the difference is not statistically significant.  相似文献   

基于公共价值理论,结合质量概念分析,定义知识产权高质量发展,并对其内涵与作用机制进行阐述。从创造、运用、保护、环境4个维度构建知识产权高质量发展评价指标体系,采用LASSO回归、Autoencoding、随机森林模型等方法,以实现的公共价值贡献度为依据进行指标遴选与权重确定,采用离差系数协调度模型计算一级指标协调度并进行知识产权高质量发展指数合成,对我国内地31个省区进行知识产权高质量发展评价。研究结果表明,我国区域知识产权发展质量整体不高,发展质量与发展协调度并重的知识产权发展模式尚未形成;知识产权高质量发展指标权重分布具有长尾效应,研发投入强度、专利奖获奖指数、每万人口知识产权服务机构拥有量是对公共价值贡献度最大的3个指标。  相似文献   

随着知识产权强国战略的深入实施,知识产权强国逐渐成为我国知识产权学界的研究热点,但相关理论体系尚未形成。从我国知识产权事业发展实际出发,基于本体论、价值论、实践论三维视角的马克思主义哲学思维范式,中国特色知识产权强国理论体系构建具有重要的理论意义和实践指导价值。知识产权强国本体论从静态分析和动态进程两个角度,考察知识产权强国的基本内涵,并以知识产权理论与实务、强国建设实践领域与组织结构为要素构建其基本结构,以知识产权能力、绩效及环境为切入点提炼出其主要表征。我国知识产权综合实力提升、知识产权事业发展是知识产权强国的元价值,由此体现出建设中国特色知识产权强国的内部价值和外部价值。按照发展本土化——意识大众化——角色定位明晰化——行动协同化、联动化4个步骤,从知识产权创造运用、管理、保护、人才培养及海外事务5大实施领域,建设具有中国特色、世界水平的知识产权强国。  相似文献   

本文运用内容分析法,对我国2005年223家上市公司年报公开披露的非货币计量的智力资本信息进行内容分析,对以货币计量的智力资本信息进行估算,并在此基础上进行实证分析。结果表明,智力资本对组织经营绩效产生了积极的、正向的影响,以货币计量的智力资本信息对资本市场具有较为显著的价值相关性,而非货币计量的智力资本信息的价值相关性并未得到明显体现。同时,这些发现存在行业差异。最后,本文针对我国上市公司的智力资本信息披露现状提出了相关改进设想。  相似文献   

我国知识产权质押的立法价值、现状及建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
知识产权作为无形财产权越来越被人们所重视,国际上发达国家或地区都开辟了知识产权质押的融资方式,并给予较为完善的立法保障,而我国在知识产权质押立法方面还存在不足。因此从我国对知识产权质押的立法价值取向及现状入手,阐述其不足之处,并提出完善其法律制度的建议,以期对我国的司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   


Clear and well-defined patent rights can incentivize innovation by granting monopoly rights to the inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention. However, with cumulative innovation, when a product draws from intellectual property held across multiple firms (including fragmented intellectual property or patent thickets), contracting failures may lead to suboptimal economic outcomes. However, an alternative theory, developed by a variety of scholars, contends that patent thickets have a more ambiguous effect. Researchers have developed several measures to gauge the extent and impact of cumulative innovation and the various channels of patent thickets. This paper contends that mis-measurement may contribute to the incoherence and overall lack of consensus within the patent thickets literature. Specifically, the literature is missing a precise measure of vertically overlapping claims. We propose a new measure of vertically overlapping claims that incorporates invention similarity to more precisely identify inventive overlap. The measure defined in this paper will enable more accurate measurement, and allow for novel economic research on cumulative innovation, fragmentation in intellectual property, and patent thickets within and across all patent jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Numerous rules mandate the disclosure of sellers' information.This article analyzes two questions regarding disclosure: (i)Why wouldn't sellers voluntarily disclose their information?and (ii) Who gains and who loses with mandatory disclosure?Previous analyses assume that all customers are knowledgeableenough to understand a seller's disclosure, and a key resultis that there is no role for mandatory disclosure. Either voluntarydisclosure is forthcoming, or if it is not, no one prefers mandatorydisclosure. We generalize the standard model by consideringthe case in which not all customers understand a seller's disclosure.We show that if the fraction of customers who can understanda disclosure is too low, voluntary disclosure may not be forthcoming.If so, mandatory disclosure benefits informed customers, isneutral for uninformed customers, and harms the seller. Ourresults suggest that we should find mandatory disclosure inmarkets where product information is relatively difficult tounderstand.  相似文献   

中国已提出实施知识产权战略,而农业知识产权战略是其核心。资产评估行业担负着实施农业知识产权战略的重要任务,即为农业知识产权提供公允价值参考。本文研究了农业知识产权评估的特点、目的和方法选择。以期为农业知识产权评估的理论研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

创新质量是“双创”和“中国制造2025”背景下社会讨论的热点话题,也是企业关注的重要能力。使用2008-2016年中国A股上市公司数据,分析研发投入、知识产权保护与企业创新质量之间的关系,并考察知识产权保护水平在研发投入和企业创新质量之间的调节作用。研究发现,研发投入能够显著提升企业创新质量;知识产权保护与企业创新质量之间呈显著倒“U”形关系;知识产权保护对研发投入与企业创新质量的调节作用存在最优区间。研究结论进一步深化了知识产权保护影响企业创新的认知。在此基础上,结合省际知识产权保护数据,提出国家、地方和企业层面因地制宜制定创新发展战略的建议。  相似文献   

This article studies the cross‐border protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) as an outcome of a contract obtained through a Nash bargaining process between an innovative North and an imitative South. The level of disclosure required in such contract is higher, the more capable is the South in copying if bargaining breaks down. This raises questions about the suitability of universal IPR standards through a single contract. The threat of a penalty in case of non‐compliance can, however, reduce the outside option of more advanced countries and make a stricter IPR regime enforceable by harmonizing their interests with relatively less developed nations.  相似文献   

现代企业之间的竞争逐渐演化成商业生态系统之间的竞争,而平台生态系统是应用最为普遍的一种商业生态系统。平台生态系统竞争的本质在于创新,以创新为基础的知识产权和技术标准成为决定平台竞争力的关键要素。在界定知识产权和技术标准内涵的基础上,从设计方法视角阐述平台生态系统竞争力形成过程,揭示知识产权和技术标准对于平台生态系统竞争的影响,分析两者对平台生态系统的作用机理。研究表明,知识产权和技术标准是形成平台竞争力的源泉,影响平台网络外部性,其中知识产权是建立技术标准的基础,技术标准是推动知识产权创造的动力,二者之间的互动和演进构成平台生态系统外部竞争力。  相似文献   

基于2003-2018年我国内地30个省市面板数据,实证检验互联网化、知识产权保护对区域创新产出的影响。研究结果显示,目前我国的知识产权保护能够促进区域创新产出提升,整体上处于最优知识产权论倒“U”型曲线左侧,并通过提高地区研发人员和研发资金投入间接促进区域创新;互联网化对区域创新产出也有显著提升作用,且互联网化水平提高能够强化知识产权保护对区域创新产出的促进作用;知识产权保护和互联网化对区域创新产出的影响有着显著的区域异质性,知识产权保护的创新促进作用在中西部地区更显著,同时,知识产权保护和互联网化的正向协调效应也在中西部地区更显著。基于此,提出为实现区域创新协调发展,应该实施差异化、适度化的知识产权保护政策等建议。  相似文献   

A model for forecasting the likely market size and demand for an early-stage emerging process technology is considered. This method takes into account markets, supply, demand, supply/demand gap, pricing, implications to government policy, corporate strategy, and value of intellectual property. For the purpose of illustration, forecasting of microsystems is considered.  相似文献   

云南是中国—东盟自由贸易的"桥头堡",有着开拓东盟中医药市场的知识产权基础和政策支持。但目前的知识产权制度尚无法完全保护在东盟市场的云南传统医药遗传资源,且云南的中医药企业在本国和东盟诸国申请的专利数量也不容乐观,云南要加强对传统医药遗传资源的生物多样性保护、改变传统的保密保护方式,鼓励医药企业在本国和东盟申请专利,对道地中药材实行地理标志保护并建立和完善原产地规则,加强与东盟各国在中医药知识产权领域的合作。  相似文献   

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