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<正>社会发展需要企业管理的不断进步,进步的推动力不外乎来自企业的内部和外部两个方面。内部的,如对发展目标的追求;外部的,如市场竞争、社会需求等产生的压力。最终,来自外部的推动力仍将转化为内部的源动力,管理进步才能持续。对县供电企业而言,管理进步的动力主要来自社会要求、上级考核等方面,尽管管理进步已普遍促  相似文献   

社会发展需要企业管理的不断进步,进步的推动力不外乎来自企业的内部和外部两个方面。内部的,如对发展目标的追求;外部的,如市场竞争、社会需求等产生的压力。最终,来自外部的推动力仍将转化为内部的源动力,管理进步才能持续。对县供电企业而言,管理进步的动力主要来自社会要求、上级考核等方面,尽管管理进步已普遍促  相似文献   

长期以来.我国电力行业优秀企业紧扣时代脉搏,不断实现企业发展推动时代进步,始终引领社会责任实践和管理,通过实施社会责任管理履行社会责任来提高企业可持续发展能力。在新近发布的《中国企业社会责任研究报告(2013)》中,电力行业社会责任继续排名领先。2013年中国电力行业企业社会责任实践和管理呈现出新的特点.  相似文献   

王运齐 《化工管理》2011,(12):106-108
<正>生活中离不开创意,企业中离不开管理。那么,如何让管理与创意成为天生一对的组合体,许多人也许不可思议。企业的发展与社会的进步更离不开创意。谁也说不准一个好的创意会给人类的文明与进步带来多么大的影响与推动。对于企业而言,或许一  相似文献   

创新是社会发展与进步的主旋律,是当今时代的最强音;管理创新是现代企业发展的永恒主题,贯穿于企业生命的始终。本文从管理创新的内涵、推动管理创新的要素、管理创新的内容等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

企业管理现代化是指企业管理适应当代生产力和生产关系发展的客观要求,积极吸收和应用现代科学技术成果和管理科学的最新成就,有效地进行管理,创造最佳经济效益,使企业达到世界先进水平,推动社会经济不断向前发展和进步的过程.  相似文献   

企业文化作为现代企业管理的一种新思想、新理论,越来越引起了人们的重视,对企业的改革、建设和发展起到了巨大的推动作用。研究和探索具有中国特色的企业文化建设,对于加强社会主义精神文明建设,强化企业管理,提高企业经济效益和社会效益具有重要意义。企业文化是一种管理方式和观念,主要是指企业管理思想与管理实践相结合产生的科学化成果。它标志着企业管理进步,企业技术进步,树立了良好的企业形象,提高了职工队伍素质,最大限度地提高了企业的经营效益。它反映了企业的综合管理素质、技术装备素质和职工队伍素质不断提高的文化…  相似文献   

技术进步广义地讲包括生产技术进步和管理技术进步两个方面,它们对推动经济发展和社会进步起着同样重要的作用。那么企业如何处理好二者的关系,向技术进步要效益呢?本文就我厂把生产技术与科学管理有机结合,开展项目性降低成本,作为目标成本控制的有效方法,谈一点经验,以推动成本管理实务。一、项目性降低成本的概念及特点项目性降低成本是依技据术进步,通过改变产品结构及形状尺寸,改变材质、材料规格改进工艺,利用边角余料,且在保证产品应有性能和质量的前提下运用价值工程,价值分析的原理剔除产品过盛功能,  相似文献   

供应链管理中的企业社会责任研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,全球化浪潮中跨国公司供应链管理的加强,是推动企业社会责任运动的外在冲力,发展观念的转变和人们关注意识的增强,是强化企业社会责任的思想基础,履行企业社会责任的实质性收益是推动企业社会责任运动健康发展的内在动因.我们不能因为企业社会责任运动发源于跨国公司供应链的管理,而忽视任何企业理当履行的社会责任;也不能因为企业社会责任认证与审核客观产生的消极影响,而回避其普遍具有的长远的积极作用,简单视其为"发难"与"限制".  相似文献   

正女性地位的提高,体现着一个国家的文明和进步的程度。对女职工权益的保护,是提高妇女社会地位的有效手段。女职工是推动企业发展不可缺少的重要力量,在企业的生产与管理中发挥着不可替代的作用。关心女职工合法权益,就是关心企业的前途与发展。要保障女职工与男职工享有平等的劳动权  相似文献   

A citation analysis of the 10 leading technology and innovation management (TIM) specialty journals is conducted to gain insights into the relative ranking of the journals. The journals are ranked based on number of citations, citations adjusted for publication frequency, citations corrected for age, citations corrected for self‐citation, and an overall score. The top 50 journals in management of technology based on citation analysis are listed. Overall, the top 10 journals based on citation analysis are Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, Research‐Technology Management, Harvard Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, R&D Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Academy of Management Review. The top 10 specialty journals in the technology innovation management specialty are Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, Research‐Technology Management, R&D Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Technology Management, Technovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, and Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. It is found that many of the TIM journals, although focused on TIM, have additional foci based on traditional management disciplines. Each of the 10 leading TIM specialty journals is considered from the perspective of traditional management disciplines; how the journals relate to each other and the related implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《R&D Management》1977,8(1):49-50
Management by task forces: a manual on the operation of inter-disciplinary teams, Lawrence W. Bass
Innovation-The Creative Impulse in Human Progress, William Kingston  相似文献   

The environmental problems faced by society are often regarded as global in importance. The global imperatives linked to environmental concerns pose critical questions about the international management of R&D. This theme is developed in this paper which was initially written as the basis for a workshop on R&D management responses to the environmental challenge held as part of the 1992 Conference on Managing R&D Internationally at Manchester Business School.
The paper considers recent literature on R&D management responses to the environmental challenge drawn primarily from English language sources out extending beyond traditional R&D management literature. The intention was to identify current theories about R&D management and the general business context for R&D and to consider the implications of environmental concerns for R&D management practice.
The paper suggests that R&D management and the environment is still at a relatively early stage of development. Nevertheless, there is a demonstrable gap between the approaches to environmental problems adopted by R&D practitioners and those chosen by R&D theoreticians. This mirrors a more general gap between theory and practice seen in the basic R&D management literature.
In general, R&D management and the environment has been constructed in the literature as a set of tools and techniques, rather than a strategic management issue. However, there is a developing body of literature which links R&D management and environmental management in a more strategic way and focuses on the need to consider organizational as well as technological change.
The paper concludes that an important way forward for research in this area is to establish an R&D Management and Environment Focus Group to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to explore the application of environmental concepts to R&D management.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of management controlled variables on the performance of Islamic banks. Management controlled variables are related to assets, liabilities and expenses management. This study indicates that three major investment activities are revenue generating activities for Islamic banks, whereas savings and investment deposits are costs to the banks. As expected, total expenses are positively correlated with profitability.The author is Associate Professor of Banking and Finance at the School of Management, The Northern University of Malaysia, Malaysia. He wishes to thank an anonymous referee for providing helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

This article presents a brief analysis of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Management National Emphasis Program (NEP) citation results as of early 2009. It includes trends distilled from the OSHA inspections performed to date. Recommendations for preparing for PSM NEP level inspections are provided. A proven approach to designing and implementing an upgrade project for OSHA process safety management systems and EPA risk management program is described. The model presented can be targeted to a facility's NEP specific citations or used for a general PSM system effectiveness upgrade. This article includes recommendations for improving PSM as a result of an NEP inspection. The recommendations are for the PSM elements that routinely have major OSHA citations; that is: Operating Procedures, Mechanical Integrity, Process Hazards Analysis, Process Safety Information, Management of Change, and Incident Investigations. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 2009  相似文献   

根据孤岛采油厂在计量器具管理存在的缺少一个准确可靠、更新及时的计量器具台帐的现状,编制了一套《计量管理系统》。该系统通过对计量检定相关数据的统计分析,自动形成一套准确的计量器具台帐,并且可以方便地根据实际情况及时更新,为计量管理工作提供可靠的依据,使计量器具管理过程中的具体问题得到解决。  相似文献   

企业现金流量管理是企业财务管理的重要内容,现金流量和利润是不同的两个概念。一个优秀的企业应该有良好的成长性及持续地获利能力,企业现金流量状况能够很好地反映这些。而企业在不同时期的现金流量呈现出不同的特点,对优秀企业现金流量不同时期的不同状况进行分析,对企业根据自身特点安排各项活动有重要作用。  相似文献   

R&D Management has consistently been considered one of the top technology and innovation management journals since its inaugural issue in 1970. The purpose of this paper is to use bibliometric techniques to examine R&D Management in four time periods, 1986–1990, 1991–1995, 1996–2000, and 2001–2005 in order to reveal changes in its intellectual base. Bibliometric research has illuminated the knowledge domains of several technology and innovation management journals including R&D Management Linton and Thongpapanl, but there has not previously been a comprehensive detailed analysis focused only on R&D Management . Using co-citation analysis, this paper identifies the invisible colleges (research networks) associated with publications in R&D Management . The results indicate that Cohen and Levinthal's absorptive capacity model dominates the final two periods. The conclusions suggest how the absorptive capacity model might be more effectively utilized in future R&D Management research.  相似文献   

项目管理成熟度模型(PMMM)研究与应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对项目的管理能力和技术水平进行客观的、定量的评价模型,一般称之谓项目管理成熟度模型(PMMM),它表达一个组织(或企业)具有按照预定的目标和条件成功地、可靠地实施项目的能力。它可以对企业的项目管理组织与过程进行持续的改善起重要作用。章介绍了项目管理成熟度模型的概念、应用的原因、时间、范围、主体等基本知识,以及三种名的模型,并展望了今后其的发展前景。  相似文献   

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