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Bank capital requirements aim at reducing the likelihood of banks' failure. However, these policies may generate externalities on the overall economy. By investigating the pathways from capital requirements to housing tenure using structural equation modelling, we show that community banks' capital requirements increase the gap between the regional real estate loans-based and non-real estate loans-based housing purchase rate and act as driving factors of housing market imbalance. The drop in residential real estate loans caused by the increase in capital requirements has two opposite effects: the direct effect motivates residents to rent properties, while the indirect effect motivates residents to purchase them due to the fall in housing prices. When both effects exist in housing purchases with real estate loans, the former effect is more influential than the latter one. Our findings suggest that the impact of capital requirements on housing tenure will depend on residents' reliance on real estate loans. If a housing purchase requires real estate loans, capital requirements will have a negative impact on the housing purchase, and vice versa.  相似文献   

消费者愿意对哪些企业的社会责任行为给予更多的支持,是企业界所关心的热点问题。本文揭示了目前中国消费者对企业社会责任的认识,希望能为企业构建社会负责形象提供一点参考。  相似文献   

We investigate the responses of the different types of investors on stock rating change announcements made by investment banks around call warrant issuances in Taiwan. The unique characteristics of the Taiwan warrants market allow investment banks to make stock rating change announcements around call warrant issuances for the same stocks they rate. In Taiwan, investment banks are also dealers of call warrants, and thus, the profit and loss results from their warrant business are potentially in conflict-of-interest for their stock ratings. Another feature of the Taiwan stock market allows us to disentangle the types of investors initiating the stock trades. We identify three types of investors: institutional investors, experienced retail investors, and ordinary retail investors. Our findings suggest that institutional investors are able to “see-through” the conflict-of-interest in investment banks; experienced investors are able to partially “see-through” the conflict-of-interest, and ordinary retail investors are unable to “see-through” the conflict-of-interest of investment banks.  相似文献   

Summary Individual welfare is most naturally measured in terms of individual utility but this has the well-known disadvantage that utility levels of different consumers cannot be meaningfully compared. This difficulty is traditionally avoided by using various willingness-to-pay measures, such as compensating and equivalent variation. These measures are based on price changes. This paper develops alternative welfare measures using willingness-to-trade concepts as originally proposed by Dupuit (1844). These measures are based directly on commodity bundle changes. These welfare measures can be represented as integrals under certain inverse demand functions.An important property of the proposed welfare measures studied here is that they can be meaningfully aggregated to form overall welfare measures. These measures in turn directly quantify a compensation criterion. It is shown that competitive prices provide a first-order approximation to the welfare measures. Furthermore a second-order approximation can be found by forming a suitable aggregation of the individual second-order effects.Finally, it is shown that the representations for consumer welfare as integrals under inverse demand curves can be extended to the aggregate measures as well. This then provides a complete complement to traditional measures based on price changes.This research was supported by Grant SES-9022881 from the National Science Foundation. The author wishes to thank Andrew Yates for valuable suggestions on this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the link between monetary policy and banks' risk-taking behaviour. Some theoretical and empirical studies show that monetary easing increases banks' appetite for risk related to asset valuation and the search for higher yield. However, the low interest rate environment that began in 2010 is casting doubt on these findings. Our study adds to analyses of the monetary risk-taking channel considering non-linearity, especially testing threshold effects in this channel. Using a dataset of US banks, we find that the impact of low interest rates on banks' risk behaviour depends on the previous monetary regime, that is on the deviation of monetary rates from the Taylor rule. We complement the literature on the Taylor rule and provide arguments that extend the use of the Taylor rule by Central Banks to financial stability purposes.  相似文献   

How do firms respond to consumers' time inconsistency? This paper studies the optimal design of nonexclusive contracts under competition. It shows that nonexclusivity creates a stark asymmetry between immediate‐costs goods and immediate‐rewards goods. For immediate‐cost goods nonexclusivity does not affect the equilibrium and, when consumers are sophisticated, the efficient allocation is achieved. When consumers are partially naive, the optimal sales tax may be either positive or negative and depends on parameters that are hard to estimate. In the case of immediate‐rewards goods, however, the equilibrium features marginal‐cost pricing and is always inefficient. Moreover, the optimal tax does not depend on the consumers' degree of naiveté and is a function of parameters that are easy to assess.  相似文献   

This paper investigates profit-maximizing conservation incentives of a utility, where the interest in conservation results from prices regulated below the marginal costs of supply and where consumers differ with respect to their subjective time preference. Conventional least-cost planning implies that a program should focus on inefficient consumers (those who apply high discount rates). However, this scheme provokes strategic reactions of the consumers. Hence, incentive-compatible conservation schemes-one tied to efficiency, the other tied to electricity consumption-are derived that differ starkly from the above finding and from actual programs.  相似文献   

以广州市和哈尔滨市730位消费者调查问卷为依据,探讨消费者对可追溯食品购买意愿的影响因素,结果表明:多数消费者对可追溯食品缺乏基本的认知与了解;受教育程度、家庭人口数量、有60岁以上老人、食品支出、家庭食品主要购买者等因素仍是决定消费者购买可追溯食品的首要因素;受教育程度是基本因素,它决定了消费者对可追溯食品的认知水平、对实施食品可追溯重要性的评价以及对可追溯食品比不可追溯食品更安全观点的认同,上述认知、评价及相关观点进一步影响了消费者的购买意愿;认证食品消费者心目中的形象淡化了消费者对可追溯食品的感知、削弱了其购买意愿,为此提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

We examine whether central banks' voting records help predict the future course of monetary policy in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom, controlling for financial market expectations. Unlike previous research, we first examine the period of the global financial crisis, characterized by a high level of uncertainty, and second, examine the predictive power of voting records over longer time horizons, i.e., the next monetary policy meeting and beyond. We find that voting records predict the policy rate set at the next meeting in all central banks that are recognized as independent. In some central banks, voting records are found—before, but not during, the financial crisis—to be informative about monetary policy at even more distant time horizons.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of interest rate and foreign exchange rate changes on Turkish banks' stock returns using the OLS and GARCH estimation models. The results suggest that interest rate and exchange rate changes have a negative and significant impact on the conditional bank stock return. Also, bank stock return sensitivities are found to be stronger for market return than interest rates and exchange rates, implying that market return plays an important role in determining the dynamics of conditional return of bank stocks. The results further indicate that interest rate and exchange rate volatility are the major determinants of the conditional bank stock return volatility.  相似文献   

Interest rate risk is an important consideration in both the management and regulation of depository financial institutions. Although the market value of equity is the most often used target of gap management, the conventional tools employed in the literature ignore a crucial characteristic of equity, viz., limited liability. In this article, we compare conventional techniques used to measure the duration gap for depository institutions with the limited liability techniques recently developed in the literature. Our results show that conventional models may over-estimate banks' interest rate risk exposures, especially during times when interest rate volatility and credit risk are at above average levels. This over-estimation may lead banks to make errors in their gap management.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether American banks' exposure to the oil industry could lead to instability in both oil and financial markets. To address this issue, we investigate volatility spillovers between oil prices and the stock prices of the four major American banks involved in the oil industry by employing the vector autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average framework. We use high-frequency data from January 3, 2006, to June 30, 2016. Our results support the existence of such volatility spillovers, as evidenced by the significant volatility responses of oil price (banks' stock price) to a shock in banks' stock price (oil price). These responses, more pronounced following the banks' exposure to the shale industry, mainly reflect the financial fragility of shale companies and their high indebtedness levels. Thus, this paper emphasises how the shale oil industry could trigger turmoil in both oil and financial markets.  相似文献   

文章以e-SQ的消费者信任相关研究为基础,从消费者角度出发,将e-SQ维度划分为互动性(包括个性化和响应性)、易用性、网站声誉、安全性、虚拟体验和信息质量六个方面,再和感知利益、感知风险、消费者信任和消费者特征一起共同构建了e-SQ的消费者信任研究模型。在模型中,e-SQ各维度分别对感知利益、感知风险和消费者信任产生影响。  相似文献   

J. F. Li  Z. X. Lin 《Applied economics》2016,48(55):5340-5347
Stagflation refers to the terrible economic malaise associated with declining growth, hyperinflation and high unemployment. Unlike previous cost-push explanations such as an overheated labour market and oil prices, this article suggests that social benefit expenditures are a potential cause of stagflation. We investigate the impact of social benefit expenditures on stagflation in the U.S. over the 1950–2014 period by employing an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach to cointegration, which was developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith. The influence of social benefit expenditures on economic growth and inflation and unemployment rates is estimated. The empirical results from the U.S. suggest that economic growth responds negatively to social benefit expenditures, while inflation and unemployment rates are both positively associated with social benefit expenditures. Thus, government-led rigid welfare could contribute to stagflation in the U.S. Instead of increasing people’s happiness, the over-burdened welfare system could push people into economic malaise. This stagflation risk shouldn’t be ignored. These results are important for U.S. policymakers and can inform other governments characterized by high levels of well-being.  相似文献   

基于金融消费者保护的国内外研究现状,应从以下几方面完善市场中金融消费者保护的具体法律制度:建立基金零售业金融消费者保护的正式制度;机构性监管与功能性监管并重;建立行业标准和可靠的信用评级机制;注重金融消费者保护与金融创新相互协调,等等。  相似文献   

This study employs dynamic ordinary least squares and panel co-integration to estimate advanced countries’ R&D spillover effects on labour productivity in 28 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1992–2011. Results show that African countries that import and receive (technical and non-technical) development aid from advanced countries experience an increase in labour productivity, suggesting that trade and aid are transmitters of foreign R&D. However, the extent to which labour productivity responds to R&D spillovers varies based on the country of origin, where spillovers from the USA have a greater impact compared to those from other advanced countries.  相似文献   

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