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The relationship between GNP and nutritional status between countries shows a high correlation. This study of two countries with the same GNP (Thailand and Philippines) investigated their use of equal resources and the impact on nutritional status. Malnutrition is more prevalent in the Philippines than Thailand despite an extensive national nutrition programme in the Philippines, better medical and educational services and safer water supplies. The most important underlying economic factor is not income distribution but rather the cost of living, particularly for basic needs. Finally, it is concluded that although GNP is closely related to nutritional status between countries, the longitudinal correlations within a country are much weaker.  相似文献   

生物柴油的研究及发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物柴油是主要生物质能源之一,是典型的"绿色能源",具有与矿物柴油相近的性能。论述了生物柴油在国内外的发展现状以及生产工艺,简要介绍了生物柴油的传统制备方法,包括稀释法、高温热裂解法、微乳化法、酯交换法、超临界法以及近年来的一些新方法,并对生物柴油生产工艺和产品分析的气相色谱法和液相色谱法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This study explores the implications of interfirm status differentials for firm behaviors in corporate takeover transactions. We argue that the more the status differential between two firms is aligned with expectations of their roles embedded in the specific economic activity, the easier it is for them to agree on the appropriate means to reach consensus on the transaction. Using the empirical context of the U.S. corporate takeover market, we found that the greater the status differential between an acquirer and a target, the more positively the market reacts to both the acquirer and the target upon the announcement of the acquisition deal, the more likely it is for the deal to be completed, and the more likely the acquirer is to achieve better post‐acquisition performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Automated information systems as a tool in public policy making sometimes prove inappropriate in view of the use made of them by policy makers. The author suggests a coupling of selected organizational rearrangements and automated information systems, using competitive analyses to ensure that political decisions are sensitive to the values of different interests.  相似文献   

Most serious discussion of telecommunications policy is governed by a utilitarian framework in which the success of communications networks is measured by some criterion of productivity. This exclusive emphasis creates undesirable rigidities in large communications systems upon which industrialized societies are so dependent. An analysis of productivity constraints on the social flexibility of existing networks is offered in support of an argument for deliberately building playfulness, in line with certain modest proposals, into the organization of emerging networks of communication.  相似文献   

A consumer decision making model was created and tested in research sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC was considering a series of policy changes with regard to equipment and rules of operation. Discriminant and regression statistical results were combined into a simulation model which projected the impact of the proposed policy changes.  相似文献   

Bridging the resource‐based view and the institutional perspective, this study explores the performance consequences of firms' alliance partner selections by examining the interactions of resource complementarity and institutional associations (reflected through both societal and network status) between the firm and its partners. The integrative framework suggests that a joint consideration of resource complementarity and status effects, as well as important firm‐ and environmental‐level contingent factors, are critical for understanding the underlying mechanisms of alliance formations and their effects on firm performance. Further, our study suggests that it is necessary to consider both societal and network status as they can have distinct effects under certain conditions. Our analyses of four U.S. industries (computer, steel, pharmaceutics, crude petroleum and natural gas) over a span of 13 years largely support our framework. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Through the string of food safety scares that has rocked Japanese society since the early 2000s, conflicts between the traditional notion of socially acceptable risk and the idea of a science-based risk analysis approach have surfaced in the food safety arena. Elites, including government officials and those members of scientific communities who support the science-based risk analysis approach, have become responsible for communicating seemingly contradictory ideas such as “food in Japan is safe” and “there is no such thing as zero risk with food.” This communication logjam has resulted in confusion and created public distrust of both government and scientific experts. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to examine the struggles and challenges faced by government officials in explaining and practicing policies that pertain to highly controversial food safety issues. The primary data used for illuminating the discourses is the official minutes of governmental committees including the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee and the Consumer Commission.  相似文献   

We analyze how incumbents in technology‐driven industries are influenced by founders' reputation and status when considering strategic alliances with newly emerging firms. We theorize that reputation and status represent two distinct components of perceived quality that exert independent and interdependent effects on alliance formation. Using literature on impression formation processes to derive predictions of signal congruence, we argue that the independent effects of reputation and status are amplified when the two are congruent, and that the effect of negative congruence (both reputation and status are low) is stronger than positive congruence (both are high). We find support for our arguments based on panel data on alliances between pharma and biotech firms, using data on biotech scientists' research output (reputation) and university attended (status). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nurturing and growing innovative start-ups have become an important point on the political agenda. After the dotcom bubble, however, many financial schemes and incubation initiatives initiated, in the mid-nineties, were cancelled or down scaled. There was a consensus that innovative start-ups need more than just money. Networking and coaching were identified as additional needs. Besides this, there is a change in the intensity and nature of these needs during the different stages of the early life cycle. In this paper we make an in-depth study of three approaches to nurture and grow innovative start-ups. Each of these initiatives embeds in a very different national innovation system: Chalmers Innovation in Sweden and Anvar/Banque de Développement des PMEs in France, and Sitra's PreSeed Service in Finland. Each approach is compared in terms of its financing, networking, and coaching support, along the different stages of the start-up's life cycle.  相似文献   

可持续发展评价指标体系研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了国内外有较大影响的可持续发展评价指标体系的研究方法、基本框架和指标的构成,分析了各指标体系存在的主要问题,在此基础上从指标设置、评价目的、信息统计、体系建设和评价形态5个方面探讨了可持续发展评价指标体系的研究方向。  相似文献   

This study uses a managerial learning framework to build and test a model of the decisionmaking process that drives decisions to strategically reorient an organization. The model examines the effects of past performance, managerial interpretations, and top management team characteristics on the likelihood of strategic reorientation in two distinct environmental contexts. The results indicate that poor past performance, environmental awareness, top management team heterogeneity, and CEO turnover increased the likelihood of reorientation. There are some differences in the ways in which these variables affect reorientation across the two environmental contexts. Poor past performance was more strongly associated with reorientation in the stable environment than in the turbulent environment. The tendency to make external attributions for poor performance outcomes decreased the likelihood of reorientation in the turbulent environment, but not in the stable environment.  相似文献   

Public policy activities to promote healthy diets have been criticised for their lack of success. Applying a marketing approach to non-commercial policy objectives such as healthy eating, termed social marketing, is an emerging but as yet underdeveloped field. An earlier study conducted a case analysis of recent successful commercial food marketing and identified key success factors that may be further transferred to the public sector. Six of these factors (trend awareness, endorsement, emotion, common value, media coverage, and ‘why and how’) were presented to and discussed by 31 experts in a two-round Delphi survey. The objective was to determine to what extent these factors are used in public information and social marketing campaigns for healthier eating, and what is required to successfully transfer those factors into the public arena.  相似文献   

石家庄市大气污染现状及污染特征分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为摸清石家庄市大气污染现状及特征,对石家庄市2002—2011年的空气质量自动监测数据进行分析。研究结果表明,石家庄的空气质量总体呈好转趋势,优良天数逐年增长,大气中3项主要污染物浓度连续2年均达到国家二级标准,PM10,SO2年均浓度呈显著下降,NO2年均浓度则呈上升趋势。污染物日变化各季节大致相同,其时空分布不均匀,SO2与PM10夏季浓度较低,春冬季较高,表现出明显的季节性特征;NO2季节性特征不显著。  相似文献   

Cash transfers are a widely used policy instrument in Sub-Saharan Africa to shield vulnerable populations from malnutrition. In this paper, we focus on the role of local food markets after weather shocks as a facilitating factor for program impacts on nutrition. As food prices tend to be negatively correlated with households’ own production in isolated markets, we expect the purchasing power of cash transfers to decrease after harvest failures in such markets. To test this, we analyze the impact of Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme during the 2011 drought in the Horn of Africa, considering the impacts on food consumption and the availability of macro- and micro-nutrients at the household level. We particularly focus on heterogeneous program impacts depending on the exposure to the drought, measured with satellite imagery, and impacts depending on the isolation of local food markets, approximated by price differences between community and wholesale maize prices. Our findings indicate that, despite some encouraging effects on proxy indicators, the program does not have significant impacts on nutrient availability on average. However, we do observe significant positive impacts for drought affected households in less isolated communities.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外丙纶的生产,消费和产品开发状况,并指出我国丙纶工业起步较晚,发展很快,1996年丙纶产量已达18.61万t,但在结构上不尽合理,企业的开发率不高,必须加强新产品的开发。  相似文献   

In this study, we address the question of why some CEOs stay in office during a performance downturn while others don't. Taking a social status perspective, we argue that an individual's board network embeddedness—as reflected in the number of outside directorships—plays an important role in dismissal decisions. We predict that a high status of the CEO relative to the chairman of the board protects an underperforming CEO against dismissal, while the relative salience of board network outsiders can counter this effect. Using longitudinal data of large German corporations, we find support for our predictions. Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(10):853-862
Little is known about the impact of standards on the economic development of countries which are latecomers to industrial manufacturing and innovation. Standardization is regarded primarily as a technical issue, and hence receives only limited high-level policy support.However, technical standards contribute at least as much as patents to economic growth. As a key mechanism for the diffusion of technological knowledge and due to the dominant leadership by advanced countries in patenting, technical standards have emerged in latecomer countries as an alternative to patenting. However, latecomer countries and their firms have a set of capabilities and constraints that are fundamentally different from that of advanced countries and firms. This paper argues that latecomer countries should adopt assessment criteria that are more fitted with latecomer contexts which emphasize learning effects and building dynamic capabilities. The paper discusses current issues that are essential in understanding the rise of Asian countries in standardization. We also examine the critical role that patents play for standardization and argue that “strategic patenting” to generate rents from de facto industry standards can stifle latecomer economic development.  相似文献   

The paper aims to analyse and assess cybersecurity competencies and define the recommended solutions to improve the human factor in cybersecurity. The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research that were carried out in 2019–2021. The research subject constitutes one of the priorities of many countries and international organisations. Cybersecurity is one of the essential foundations for implementing the idea of sustainable development. A cybersecurity analysis using a layered structure was proposed in the theoretical part. Empirical research was conducted using a diagnostic poll method based on a survey. The presentation of the research results includes an analysis of statistical dependencies. The paper presents the research results on cybersecurity competencies in the field of threats to state cyberspace and methods of securing and protecting data. An important element of the research was to identify forms of education that can be used to achieve greater efficiency in increasing cybersecurity competencies. The result of the implementation of the research objectives was the development of recommended solutions facilitating the improvement of the human factor in the field of cybersecurity.  相似文献   

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