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2014年,中国成为全球最大艺术市场,占全球拍卖市场总成交额的37.2%。中国书画近年来受到热捧,在艺术市场占比逐年升高。总体上:中国艺术家年龄结构呈现年轻化趋势;北京成为艺术家聚集的核心城市之一;山东籍艺术家数量上升最快;中央美院、南京艺术学院、广州美院、四川美院等6所高校成为培养我国艺术人才的摇篮。  相似文献   

关于中国资本市场的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,中国资本市场已成为中国经济的重要支撑力量,成为当今中国社会、经济生活中不可或缺的重要组成部分,由于中国资本市场起步较晚,基础不很扎实,问题仍然较多,与国际上发达的资本市场相比,还存在着比较大的差距,有待提高完善。  相似文献   

自从改革开放以来,我国多次掀起了移民高潮。近年来,一条以投资移民为主的新产业链逐渐形成,通过投资在他国获得公民权的中国公民越来越多,投资移民这个热门话题,也引起了全社会的关注。文章结合当前我国投资移民发展现状,分析了投资移民热潮中广受关注的一些问题,然后,就相关问题进行了思考并提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

继2008年6月1日《内控双刃剑》的封面报道之后,一年后的今天,本刊再次将目光聚焦内控,只是与上次不同的是,大环境已然变化。 一是,中国版“萨班斯法案”延期,主因在于金融危机下内控给企业带来的客观成本。二是,内部控制与风险管理事实上正在融合,曾经“厘不清”的内控的价值正在凸显。  相似文献   

今年以来,在史料价值与怀旧心理的双重催化下,"红色题材"美术作品特别是油画,以高调的姿态走俏拍场,成为收藏品中的"绩优股"。而建国60周年更是推高了"红  相似文献   

多年前,中国第一部移民题材的电视剧<北京人在纽约>曾引起国人热议,它是上世纪90年代出国热潮的写照.而如今,新的一波移民热潮正在袭来.不同于上世纪70年代末混杂偷渡客的底层劳工和上世纪90年代初国门初启之时的洋插队,近年来移民潮的主力由新富阶层和知识精英组成.据统计,目前约有3500万华人散居世界各地,而其中相当一部分是新移民.  相似文献   

谢黎  秦瑶 《金融博览》2010,(15):16-17
多年前,中国第一部移民题材的电视剧《北京人在纽约》曾引起国人热议,它是上世纪90年代出国热潮的写照。  相似文献   

铁军 《中国外汇》2009,(13):25-25
预付货款,顾名思义,是在货到之前支付给境外出口商的货款。本案中,冶新银行为东江贸易公司付出的预付货款竟然是在货到两个月之后付出的。  相似文献   

保险市场上的中介是现代市场经济中介体系的有机组成部分。随着加入WTO后保险市场的开放,面对外资保险中介将大举进入的竞争与挑战,尽快完善中国保险中介市场已显得十分紧要。  相似文献   

税收滞纳金制度是国家税法体系的重要组成部分.我国现行税收滞纳金制度存在定性不清、定量操作性不强等问题,不仅使税收滞纳金存在的合理性备受质疑,而且影响了税款的及时、足额入库.应从科学设定滞纳金征收比率、明确中止及不加收滞纳金的具体情形、明确相应的法律责任、明确税款和滞纳金的征收顺序等方面完善税收滞纳金制度.  相似文献   

人到老年,要有一个积极的生活态度。不怕做不到,就怕想不到。就拿我学习游泳这件事来说吧.还真应了那句老话:活到老学到老。  相似文献   

中国证券市场发展简史(清朝晚期)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国证券和证券市场自19世纪40年代产生后,经历了40多年的萌芽阶段,于19世纪末20世纪初初步形成。中国最早出现的证券是外国在华企业发行的外资证券,最早的证券交易也是外商之问的外资证券的买卖,稍后才出现华商证券和华商证券交易。尽管如此,中国证券市场仍迈出了可喜的第一步。  相似文献   

Starting with Ingersoll (1977b), the academic literature has repeatedly sought to explain why convertible bonds are called late. The findings here demonstrate there is no call delay to explain. This paper finds that most convertible bonds, given their call protection, are called as soon as possible. For those that are not, there are significant cash flow advantages to delaying. The median call delay for all convertible bonds is less than four months. If a safety premium is desired to assure the conversion value will exceed the call price at the end of call notice period, the median call period is less than a month.  相似文献   

We investigated, empirically, why Japanese banks held excess reserves in the late 1990s. Specifically, we pin down two factors explaining the demand for excess reserves: a low short-term interest rate, or call rate, and the fragile financial health of banks. The virtually zero call rate increased the demand for excess reserves substantially, and a high bad loans ratio largely contributed to the increase in excess reserve holdings. We found that the holdings of excess reserves would fall by two-thirds if the call rate were to be raised to its level prior to the adoption of the zero-interest-rate policy, and the bad loans ratio were to fall by 50%.  相似文献   

基本案情2005年7月13日,章呈用填写申请表,向A银行股份有限公司(简称A银行)申领信用卡,并表示已阅读、理解并接受《A银行信用卡客户协议》的全部条款和内容,愿意受此协议之约束。《A银行信用卡客户协议》规定:客户应缴付银行借记于其所有账户的全部金额及客户因延滞而产生的一切费用,包括银行收取的费用、银行因索偿而产生的相关费用等(包括但不限于律师费、诉讼费用等);客户的非现金交易发生日直至到期还款日为免息还款期,若在免息还款期内偿还全部  相似文献   

Since 1995, managers of thousands of firms have voluntarily disclosed the expected date of their firm's next quarterly earnings announcement to Thomson Financial Services Inc. These disclosures are approximately 500% more accurate than the simple time–series expected report dates used in prior accounting research. These disclosures are also informative. On average, managers who miss their own expected date eventually report earnings that fall about one penny per share below consensus forecasts for each day of delay. Investors respond by sending the price of late–announcing stocks down at the missed expected report date and continue to send them down as the reporting delay lengthens, consistent with our "day late, penny short" result. Despite this, we find that the market response at the time earnings are announced still depends on whether the announcement is early, on time, or late relative to the firm's own expected report date.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study investigates how institutional logics that are prevalent in an organizational field influence change in management accounting. More precisely, we examine the institutional logics of late DRG adopters through which organizations attempt to address the pressures imposed by the institutional field of health care. Specific attention is also paid to the way in which organizations operate at different institutional levels and what kinds of interrelationships exist between these levels. Such developments may at least partially explain why the implementation and adoption of DRG–based accounting systems in Finnish health care took almost twenty years.  相似文献   

Derek Matthew 《Abacus》2001,37(3):329-351
Britain has more professionally qualified accountants per capita than any of her leading economic rivals and they play a major role as advisers to British companies and take a disproportionate share of the jobs in top management. Unfortunately for the accountants, business historians, other academics, commentators and even contemporary politicians have almost universally noted this to be a bad thing. This article discusses whether this reputation is justified by assessing the past performance of professional accountants as business advisers and managers. Stereotypical criticisms of accountants in terms of excessive caution, their support for the holding company form, or seeing problems in narrow financial terms are found to be unjustified. The promotion of accountants to the top jobs can be seen as rational profit-maximizing behaviour by British companies and a recent survey has demonstrated the performance of accountants in top management in recent years to be superior to other professions such as engineers.  相似文献   

积极财政政策取得明显成效,但必须逐步退出。明智的选择是逐步弱化使之谈出,并预先研究淡出后的接续政策。在后积极财政政策选择中,政策性银行的财政化定位,是政府弥补市场金融资源配置缺口的重要途径;邮政储蓄的财政化定位,可以校正全社会资金异动,使政策性银行取得稳定的信贷资金来源。二改由财政部主管,邮政储蓄吸收的存款采取内部定价方式转给政策性银行,严格按政府政策意图贷给服务对象。政策性银行经营中的政策性亏损或预算的财政贴息项目,由财政及时弥补,达到四两拨千斤的功效。  相似文献   

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