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在文化消费多样化和移动互联网技术兴起的发展趋势下,中国演艺市场面临着高成本、低回报的经营困境,作为新兴产业的演艺行业,不管是运行秩序还是行业规则方面,都有需要完善的地方。以演出产品定价为主要研究视角,提出了演出产品定价存在机制不完善、价格水平整体偏高、炒票现象严重等问题,并从建立演出产品价格管理体系、实行差异化定价策略、科学管理演艺市场3个方面提出了建议。笔者将鲍莫尔的病态成本理论作为演艺产品差异化定价的理论依据,菲利普·莱斯利的百老汇价格歧视作为将科学管理手段应用于演出产品价格管理的例证,对演艺产品定价机制及完善对策进行了初步探究。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of a firm's orientation, both customer and competitor, in driving innovative capabilities and the impact of those capabilities on a firm's current and future performance. The study's contribution is threefold in that it (1) examines market-related exploitative and explorative capabilities in conjunction with product development exploitative and explorative capabilities in terms of their strategic drivers (firm orientation) and performance outcomes; (2) disentangles the effects of exploitative and explorative capabilities on current and future performance; and (3) examines the role of innovative capabilities within the particularly relevant, but understudied, context of exporting. The findings suggest that, although customer orientation relates to both exploitative and explorative capabilities, competitor orientation relates only to exploitative capabilities. Exploitative capabilities affect current performance, whereas explorative capabilities affect future performance. These findings are of crucial relevance to export managers in their quest to identify, extend, and create new market opportunities.  相似文献   

通过对已有文献的梳理并结合网络服务经济环境下服务产品的特点将网络服务产品分为知识产权、内容和资源版权以及数据资产三大类别,并根据不同类别资产的特征先系统分析了其定价的影响因素和评估指标体系;再分别梳理了三类产品传统和新兴的定价模型和方法;最后基于网络服务产品的影响因素和评估指标体系提出了两种探究网络服务环境下服务产品定价的基本模型。  相似文献   

For industries with low switching costs, customer loyalty programs (LPs) have potential to drive differentiation and sustain a competitive advantage. However, incentives provided through LPs also have a potential to escalate into costly price wars. In this article, we discuss how to design successful customer loyalty reward programs that bring value to participants and that cannot be emulated by competitors easily. We focus on three distinct aspects of improvement: personalization, reward types, and additional services. Through personalization, companies can leverage the knowledge they already have on their customers to tailor offers that they find relevant and appealing. For the reward structure, we argue in favor of a certain degree of opacity. We also encourage loyalty programs to consider giveaways that are unique and difficult to imitate and to use all the information they have available to provide rewards that fit with each customers’ idiosyncratic situation or preference. Finally, competitive LPs should look beyond offers and rewards. In addition to purchases, LPs can reward participants for other desirable behaviors; they can also provide additional services that impose minimal costs on firms, but bring value to customers.  相似文献   

Shopping convenience can be turned into a competitive advantage for online grocery retailers. Consequently, we study how personalized product recommendations (recommendation agents) and price promotions (algorithmic pricing) compensate for the negative impact that consumer's perceived cognitive effort causes on loyalty. By default, the relationship from perceived cognitive efforts to attitudinal and behavioral loyalty is negative, yet these results demonstrate that personalized price promotions lessen the negative impact, while personalized product recommendations do not have such an influence. The findings contribute to a better understanding of personalized marketing activities in today's data-driven online grocery retailing.  相似文献   

This article provides an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art and describes methodological advances in the design and evaluation of road network pricing schemes. A number of paradigm shifts from the two polar cases of the marginal social cost pricing of road traffic congestion and revenue-maximizing road toll pricing are analyzed, as induced by the need to address realistic design complexities and constraints. The crucial role of the joint consideration of pricing strategies with optimal capacity provision and several network management measures is manifested and an integrated evaluation framework is suggested to incorporate a wide range of road pricing impacts into the scheme design process.  相似文献   

This paper develops a novel, general derivative pricing model which introduces a liquidity risk factor. The model variants we outline offer a sufficient degree of flexibility so as to enable the valuation of various types of derivative classes including futures, American options, and mortgage backed security options, whereas existing derivative models can only price liquidity risk in European derivatives. We validate the model with oil and gold futures data and compare it to a classical benchmark model void of any liquidity risk. We find that our model is significantly more accurate than the classical model for pricing both oil and gold contracts.  相似文献   


Name-your-own-price (NYOP), a pricing strategy often referred to as a reverse auction, is a participative pricing mechanism in which consumers have a relatively high control over the price they pay for a product or service. In an NYOP mechanism, buyers generate the final price of a product or service when they bid above an unrevealed threshold price set by the seller. Although NYOP as a pricing strategy was previously investigated, the literature remains scarce and fragmented. This paper attempts to assemble the relevant findings of this pricing strategy, by systematically reviewing all publications from 2001 to 2017. We explored the impacts of this mechanism for companies and consumers, such as increased profit for companies and higher savings for consumers, reduced competition for companies and increased satisfaction for consumers. We also highlighed the best practices of NYOP, such as the bidding practices, threshold price, and willingness to pay.  相似文献   

Alternative marginal-cost pricing for road networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the literature, several studies have algebraically characterized the set of toll vectors or patterns that, when added to a user equilibrium problem, its solution would be system optimal. Toll vectors in this set are termed “valid.” While the toll vector commonly advocated in the literature, i.e., one that equates the toll on each link to its marginal external cost, is always valid, other valid toll vectors generally exist and many leave some utilized links in the network untolled. On the surface, this may appear unreasonable and seems to violate the principle of marginal-cost pricing. This note shows that, when travel demands are elastic, all valid toll vectors satisfy this principle, in that the total tolls for each path equals the congestion externality an additional traveler on the path imposes on others.  相似文献   

对产品保证与扩展保证进行了对比分析,揭示了产品扩展保证的特征和价值。从保证成本、市场需求、营销目标等多个角度剖析了扩展保证定价影响因素,基于扩展保证的多重功效,综合考虑扩展保证销售目标、需求者风险特征等的不同,详细分析了不同情形下扩展保证的定价策略。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(1):71-83
Pricing is the most important driver of profits. Pricing is also, surprisingly, the area most executives overlook when implementing initiatives to increase profits. There is a reason: Research presented in this article suggests that most executives implicitly hold on to a series of weakly held assumptions about pricing that ultimately are self-defeating. These pricing myths are that (1) costs are the basis for price setting, (2) small price changes have little impact on profits, (3) customers are highly price sensitive, (4) products are difficult to differentiate, (5) high market share leads to high profits, and (6) managing price means changing prices. This research shows how executives can overcome these misconceptions and thus implement sustainable profit improvements via pricing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the money-back guarantee (MBG) choice problem in the presence of store brand introduction in a two-echelon supply chain consisted of one manufacturer and one retailer. Game-theoretic models with different MBG policies regarding the national brand and the store brand are examined. We found that the MBG policy could be a strategic tool to help the retailer developing its store brand even when a fairer policy is chosen by the retailer and the store brand is considered by consumers as a low-end substitute for the national brand. The presence of MBG is beneficial to the retailer while unfavorable to the manufacturer, even though the retailer provides a fairer MBG policy, i.e., MBG for both two brands. Although the national brand has advantages over the store brand, MBG will increase the competition and cause customer shifting from the national brand to store brand and thus bring a profit loss for the manufacturer. Moreover, we have found that the manufacturer could provide coordinate contracts for the retailer to improve its performance with which a win-win outcome could be reached for both the manufacturer and the retailer.  相似文献   

Recent marketing literature pays particular attention to customer value because of the potential impact on customer behavior and, ultimately, firm performance. Whereas some studies conceptualize customer value in a unidimensional manner, more recent approaches take a multidimensional approach, generally conceptualizing value as composed of various benefits and sacrifices. However, nearly all of these studies consider value components in a reflective manner, which is not only problematic but in many cases conceptually incorrect. In addition, recent customer value research includes service components to define and operationalize the construct. This study suggests that customer value in service contexts, or service value, represents a higher-order, formative construct with benefit and sacrifice components. Specifically, the authors propose a formative model of service value with four components: service quality, service equity, confidence benefits, and perceived sacrifice. A multiple-industry study substantiates the contention that this higher-order, formative approach best models value. The results theoretically and empirically support the conceptualization of service value with formative components, and the measure is robust and works well across multiple service contexts.  相似文献   

It has been reported that information about the country of origin or the method of cultivating a food product influences individuals’ judgment. However, the effect of informing people that a product is produced locally has never been examined. A taste study was conducted in Brittany on the West Atlantic coast in France, a part of the country with a strong regional identity. Two identical products were presented in two numbered jars for a taste test. Participants were instructed to designate which of the two products they liked better. One product was presented as made in Brittany. It was reported that the made in Brittany product was preferred by the Breton participants, whereas this information had no effect on non-Breton participants. The importance of local product labels is discussed.  相似文献   

随着中国对外开放程度不断提高,人民币逐渐走出国门,特别是党的十八大以来,人民币加入特别提款权(SDR),其国际货币的地位初步奠定。目前,人民币已成为全球第五大支付货币,全球已有60多个央行或货币当局将人民币纳入外汇储备。本文结合人民币国际计价功能的发展,对其特点进行了具体分析。研究发现:人民币计价功能的区域性特征明显,人民币在国际金融计价中的比重增长较快,增加人民币供给为其实现国际计价功能提供了有力保障,互联网和移动支付是实现人民币计价功能的重要通道。  相似文献   

张哲 《财经论丛》2005,(5):32-36
由于信息的不对称,由传统农产品及转基因农产品共同形成的市场实际上是一个"柠檬市场".在这一市场上,转基因农产品对消费者福利水平的影响,一方面取决于消费者对转基因农产品的态度,另一方面受制于市场结构及其价格的类型.  相似文献   

由于信息不对称的存在,消费者无法获知商品的真实价格,在购买前会先对商品进行主观估价,进而形成感知价格的心理变动。价格不确定性和价格感知变化性的交互作用是商品定价对消费者购买决策影响形成心理暗示的现实反映。运用这套作用机制,商家可以通过价格心理暗示方式改变消费者购买决策。本研究通过对文献的归纳和实验研究结果的整理,总结出四种价格暗示方式,并深入分析四种方式作用机制,同时提出价格暗示的应用误区。  相似文献   

From 1911 until 2007, minimum resale price maintenance agreements between manufacturers and resellers were illegal under federal antitrust law. This handicapped manufacturers which sought to exert control over how their products were priced and promoted through the distribution channel. In June 2007, the United States Supreme Court—via the Leegin case—ruled that bilateral minimum resale price maintenance agreements would no longer be automatically illegal. Rather, they would be legal if their net impact is pro-competitive, and illegal only if the net impact is anti-competitive. This ruling empowers manufacturers to use resale price maintenance to create value for their customers and consumers. However, not all stakeholders—including some state legal systems—have embraced the Leegin ruling, thereby creating uncertainty regarding its final impact. Despite this uncertainty, the opportunities created by Leegin are worth exploring and acting upon. Since the Leegin ruling 3 years ago, a new landscape for resale pricing maintenance has been evolving. We discuss this landscape and the considerations for using resale price maintenance within its ambit. For many manufacturers, the chance of benefitting from Leegin outweighs any potential risks.  相似文献   

谷振华 《商业研究》2005,20(10):78-80
军品的价格管理工作,涉及国家财政、军队武器装备需求以及生产企业三方面的切身利益。现行的军品价格管理存在诸多问题,导致国家、军队和军品生产企业之间的矛盾越来越突出。对此,从军品价格的制定依据入手制定改革军品定价基础,构建军品目标价格管理与控制体系等对策建议,以便为进一步加强和规范军品价格管理工作和今后的全面实质性改革奠定基础  相似文献   

We derive analytic series representations for European option prices in polynomial stochastic volatility models. This includes the Jacobi, Heston, Stein–Stein, and Hull–White models, for which we provide numerical case studies. We find that our polynomial option price series expansion performs as efficiently and accurately as the Fourier‐transform‐based method in the nested affine cases. We also derive and numerically validate series representations for option Greeks. We depict an extension of our approach to exotic options whose payoffs depend on a finite number of prices.  相似文献   

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