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Emotional labor is a frequently discussed topic in the service literature because of its varying effects on customers' evaluation processes. Previous research has primarily investigated the effects of emotional labor from an employee-customer perspective. This article considers customer copresence and argues that the observed interaction between an employee and another customer affects the focal customer's evaluation process. An extended customer-employee-customer model is presented and empirically tested in a pharmacy setting. The findings show that distinctive emotional labor affects customers' perceptions of authenticity and fairness. This study presents a more nuanced account of the effectiveness of emotional labor and provides managers with advice to enhance point-of-sale interactions.  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of customer showrooming behavior (CSB), few studies have investigated how this phenomenon affects salespeople's sales behavior. To answer this research call, we explored the effect of CSB on customer orientation (CO), as they are associated with emotional labor (EL) and perceived sales control as a moderator. We gathered data from 397 salespeople in South Korean department stores. Our study showed that CSB affected deep acting negatively by reducing CO. Perceived outcome-based sales control enhances CSB's negative impact on CO. Nevertheless, perceived behavior-based sales control does not moderate the relationship between CSB and CO. Our results indicate that supervising salespeople using outcome-based control only worsens the effect of CSB on salespeople who combat CSB.  相似文献   

Drawing on service encounters and experiential marketing theories, this study examined the relationship between geriatric service, memorable experience, emotional intelligence, and senior customers' attitudinal and behavioural responses. The research was conducted at geriatric hotels in Portugal. The results showed that, compared to impersonal encounters, employee service has a significantly greater effect on customer satisfaction, memorable experience, and customer loyalty. In addition, customers' memorable experiences mediated the relationship between different service encounters and organisational outcomes. However, customers’ emotional intelligence had minimal effects on these relationships. The discussion and implications of these findings are offered to researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This study examines how the presence of other customers in a retail service environment influences an individual’s service brand experience (SBE). Previous research indicates individuals perceive other customers based on their similarity, overall physical appearance and behavior. Findings from this study show this perception of other customers (OCP) will influence an individual’s service brand experience. At the same time, a person’s state of mindfulness mediates the relationship between OCP and SBE and the resulting SBE has a positive influence on word-of-mouth. The results extend existing theory, present a number of managerial implications and provide a basis for further research.  相似文献   

The current studies examined why hospitality employees flirt with customers, and the interaction between flirting and authentic or faked emotional displays. In Study 1, 245 restaurant servers reported their flirting motivations, emotional labor strategy, and perceived rapport. Flirting motivations had a positive effect on rapport when servers engaged in either surface acting or deep acting but not when servers engaged less in emotional labor strategies. In Study 2, 130 servers reported their flirting displays, emotional labor strategies and tip sizes. Flirting displays only increased tips when deep acting was involved. The theoretical and practical implications of flirting are discussed.  相似文献   

In the current study, we develop and test a moderated mediation model that explores the mechanisms that underlie the influence of employees' emotional labor on customer loyalty by considering affective reactions and cognitive appraisals simultaneously and illustrating moderating factors that alter their effectiveness. A sample of 259 individuals from across the United States over 20 years old were recruited on Amazon's Mechanical Turk to participate in the survey. Our emotions as social information based model clarifies the distinct roles of customers' detection of employees' deep acting and surface acting in influencing customers' affective reactions and cognitive appraisals. The current research also reveals that impact of customers' detection of employees' emotional labor on customer outcomes varies as a function of the employees' nonverbal communication.  相似文献   

跨文化导向的服务接触研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先论述了服务营销中的一个重要概念——服务接触的含义和研究的重要性,然后运用霍夫施泰德的文化维度理论重点分析了不同文化背景下服务接触的差异,最后简要阐述了对服务企业国际化的管理启示。  相似文献   

Frontline employees must deal on a daily basis with emotionally demanding customer interactions. Such interactions, when coupled with organizational directives to focus upon exemplary customer service, can prompt employees to express feelings and emotions that are not genuine. Such ‘surface acting' has been found to create stress in frontline personnel, but an understanding of how this negative aspect of emotional labor may be minimized is lacking in the services literature. How a frontline employee's individual attributes might interact with a service work context to build deep, as opposed to surface, acting is the current focus. Applying job demands–resources theory, this study investigates how a frontline employee's customer orientation helps to develop positive work engagement, even in the face of contextual demands. Engagement is then linked positively to the beneficial behavior of deep acting which, in contrast to surface acting, has been identified as a less stressful form of emotional labor.  相似文献   

In an age of digital distractions, mindfulness has become a billion-dollar industry that extends well beyond training to include products, services, and experiences. Attitudes on mindfulness vary from the cautious to the starry-eyed. However, one thing is certain: mindfulness is here and it is here to stay, as the conditions that gave rise to its popularity are only likely to intensify. Thus, it is incumbent upon managers to understand the phenomenon of mindfulness and this presents difficulties. The marketplace meaning of mindfulness has become so diffuse as to be almost meaningless, while the mainstream psychological definition is at best partial and at worst potentially myopic. In this installation of Marketing & Technology, we first explore the conditions that gave rise to the surge in interest in mindfulness. Second, by drawing on original source materials, we guide managers and marketing executives through the dimensions/types of mindfulness and integrate the various perspectives into two models. We conclude with an exploration of the opportunities and challenges that mindfulness poses to managers and marketing.  相似文献   

Drawing on the link between service quality and casino profitability, this paper describes the roles of frontline employees in delivering casino service quality and analyses how management can nurture employee emotional intelligence's (EEI) contribution to casino revenue growth. This study is conceptual in nature. The analysis builds from identifying the emotional contents embracing service encounter involving casino frontline employees and customers. The identification area approaches from emotional work performed by employees, referred to as emotional labor, the emotional service delivered by casinos, customer attributed emotions and emotional contagion. The study comprehensively analyses how EEI can manage and regulate emotionally charged service encounters which subsequently affect customers’ perception of employee behaviours and service performance over service encounters. These encounter performance forms customers’ perception of casino service quality which leads to customer loyalty and ultimately casino profitability. This theory-focused study presents an additional venue with great potential for casinos to enhance business performance and financial growth, as well as providing new insights into the role of EEI in organizations for researchers in the relevant field.  相似文献   

Two studies investigate the immediate and long-term effects of job stressors on frontline service employees (FSEs). Using cognitive appraisal theory, we develop and test a conceptual model of two job stressors (crowding and emotional labor) that affect coping strategies and job outcomes. Study 1, which is a field experiment, investigates the immediate effects of crowding in a single firm. Study 2 extends the findings of Study 1 and investigates the long-term effects of emotional labor and crowding on FSEs across multiple firms. The results show that crowding has a negative impact on coping strategies and job-related outcomes. In addition, emotional labor can lead to long-term negative outcomes, such as emotional exhaustion and decreased job retention, for some FSEs. Consequently, service organizations should consider strategies or tactics that prevent high levels of customer crowding and help FSEs deal with emotional labor.  相似文献   

Mindfulness has attracted more and more attention from researchers in many disciplines, including consumer behavior. This study adopted the mindfulness reperceiving model to examine the effect of mindfulness on conspicuous consumption and the mechanism of this effect. Data from middle-aged consumers were collected through a two-wave questionnaire survey with a 3-month interval in China (n = 433). Results of regression-based analyses revealed that mindfulness was negatively associated with conspicuous consumption through lower materialism and lower status anxiety, and the mediating effect of status anxiety was stronger for married men than married women. The current study is a novel attempt to demonstrate the possible relations among mindfulness, materialism, status anxiety, and conspicuous consumption. These findings provide a new perspective for understanding why people who are mindful engage in less conspicuous consumption, and they have heuristic value for future research.  相似文献   

We consider two countries with initially one firm in each country and the possibility for each firm to invest in the other country or commercialize its products, and for workers to immigrate (Common Labor Market; CLM). Interestingly, when firms compete on the product market with no competition on the labor market (Goods’ Mobility; GM), they do not differentiate their qualities. However, when competition is introduced in both markets (Foreign Investment; FI) firms differentiate their products. We compare the globalization scenarii and prove that they improve the global social welfare relative to autarky and that a cooperative choice by countries of a globalization scenario would lead to GM.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the congruence and incongruence between employee actual and customer perceived emotional labor on customer trust. Based on data collected from 510 service employee and customer dyads in restaurants, the results of response surface modeling indicate that customer trust is higher when employee deep acting and customer perceived deep acting are both high rather than both low. Customer trust is also higher when customer perceived deep acting is higher than employee actual deep acting rather than vice versa. The effects are different in surface acting: as employee surface acting and customer perceived surface acting increase, customer trust initially decreases, then increases, exhibiting a U‐shaped effect. Implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Achieving sustainable development is a significant hurdle that societies around the world face in the present era. The on-going global discourse on sustainability revolves around the dual objective of developing sustainability consciousness while fostering social and economic progress. However, despite its relevance to humankind, little is known about the mechanisms and boundary conditions that explain what influences an individual's sustainability consciousness. To fill this void, we borrow from the theory of mindful-consumption and explain why and how mindfulness impacts sustainability consciousness. Besides, given that material wealth is experiencing an unprecedented boom, we examine the moderating role of materialism on the aforesaid relationship. Demographic factors such as age (Gen Y vs Gen Z) and gender (male vs female) were also employed as moderators in the study. A sample of 726 was collected through a survey instrument and analysed using SMART PLS to test the hypothesized relationships. Findings reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between mindfulness and sustainability consciousness with materialism acting as a significant moderator. The model relationships did not vary across the two generational cohorts (Gen Y and Gen Z) significantly. The results further revealed that the impact of materialism was stronger for females than males, depicting gender to be a significant moderator on the proposed relationships. The current work is among the very few studies that empirically validate the influences of mindfulness on the entire gamut of sustainability (including environmental, economic, and social aspects); and has major implications for academicians, practitioners, and policy makers passionate about sustainability.  相似文献   

劳动力是潜在的凝聚状态的劳动,劳动是显现的流动状态的劳动力;在生产资料私有制为主体(资本主义)的条件下劳动力是主体性商品;在生产资料公有制为主体(社会主义)的条件下劳动是主体性商品;劳动的价值即人的劳动的价值,就是人的具体劳动中所包含的抽象的人类劳动;作为一种特殊的原始性商品,劳动的价值是指具体劳动中所包含的抽象的活劳动,而活劳动的价值量则等于该劳动所创造的物化劳动的价值量.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the relationship between the fear of missing out (FoMO) and depression, anxiety, materialism, and compulsive buying behavior (CBB). Furthermore, the study also investigates the potential moderating role of mindfulness in the relationship between FoMO and outcomes. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain data from 569 participants, and structural equation modeling was used to analyze that data through SmartPLS. The finding showed that FoMO has a positive and significant effect on CBB, whereas depression, social anxiety, and materialism partially mediate the relationship between FoMO and CBB. Additionally, mindfulness has a significant moderating role in the relationship between FoMO and negative consequences. This study underscores the significance of mindfulness-based interventions in mitigating the adverse effects of FoMO on depression, social anxiety, materialism, and CBB, among adults.  相似文献   

美国亚利桑那大学教授古德克和商业作家威尔史在2000年合著的《勇敢的新服务策略》一书中,提出了相知服务与相遇服务的概念,在服务内容、顾客获取服务的方式、服务速度、服务便捷性、服务成本、服务人员与顾客情感交流方式、顾客反馈问题方式、服务效率度量难易程度、管理服务供求关系难易程度、顾客忠诚度、服务提供者报酬方式、员工满意度、经理职责、企业盈利水平方面存在差异,区分这些差异,有助于指导不同类别的服务企业制定有针对性的营销和管理对策。  相似文献   

Subtle bodily movements such as gracefulness (defined as smoothness, control and elegance in movements) are readily legible by others and these movements might serve as important cues to other people's personal characteristics. The results of four studies contribute theoretically to research on the relationship between movements and emotional intelligence. In study 1, manipulating grace in movements using the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) system, a person who moves gracefully was found to be judged as more emotionally intelligent (EI) than one who does not move gracefully. In Study 2, EI was shown to predict gracefulness, with EI self-reported by the participants and gracefulness rated by raters. Study 3 demonstrated that a person who moves gracefully (vs. non-gracefully) is judged as more suitable to be a salesperson/spokesperson for a company, mediated by perceived EI. Study 4 showed that a brand whose logo moves gracefully (vs. non-gracefully) is judged as more adaptable and as having higher service quality. Current research documents a consequential impact of such cues on consumption and have substantial practical implications for marketers.  相似文献   

社会学家提出情绪劳动的概念,目的是揭示人类互动中的情感成分.组织行为研究者基于心理学和管理学的视角,对情绪劳动的结构进行了探讨,并制订了相应的测量工具.研究表明,情绪劳动的影响因素包括个体变量、情境变量和组织变量,情绪劳动通常与个体的工作倦怠、工作满意度和工作绩效相关.  相似文献   

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