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组织变革伴随着组织发展的始终,组织能否顺利变革以适应内外部环境变化对组织发展起着至关重要的作用。组织在变革过程中,不同层级的员工对待变革的态度和反应也有所不同,文章简要分析了高层员工、中层员工和基层员工三个不同层级的员工对待组织变革的反应,从而为组织更好、更顺利地完成变革提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

为了应对日益激烈的市场竞争,组织必须不断变革与发展,变革进程中员工的支持非常关键。而新生代知识员工已成为组织的主力群体,组织变革需要赢得他们的积极变革反应,具体可从增强员工个体变革特质、塑造变革型领导风格、让新生代知识员工全面参与以及培养优秀变革文化等方面激发员工的积极变革反应,有效推进变革。  相似文献   

当今企业面临的外部环境变得日益复杂。尤其是金融海啸的突袭,更让我们看到中国企业与世界经济的紧密相连,使它们再也不能安于现状,必须根据环境做出变革方能生存,而不断的变革造成的组织内耗可能严重削弱组织整体效能。文章以实施EAPs为出发点,专门解决组织变革中的员工心理问题,以提升企业人力资源这一核心竞争力。  相似文献   

组织变革过程中员工心理压力问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴焕爽 《消费导刊》2009,(9):256-256
企业内外环境的变化,资源的不断整合与变动,都给企业带来了机遇与挑战,这都要求企业关注组织变革。而人才是企业最重要的资源,因此必须关注员工的反应。本文首先说明员工心理压力的表现,然后找出产生压力的因素,最后提出相应的解决措施,从而让员工积极的参与变革、支持变革。  相似文献   

潘瑶 《现代商业》2015,(2):116-117
传统的制造业在日益严峻的经济环境下,选择适当的组织变革形式已经成为企业赢得市场竞争优势的关键。传统的组织变革过于重视战略、环境等宏观因素,而忽视了员工个体的心理和反应等微观因素,所以往往难以取得持续性的进展。本文着重阐述了某电气设备上市公司RX公司推行阿米巴经营改革过程中,应对随之产生的员工工作压力问题及公司管理层和人力资源部门做出的相应举措。  相似文献   

员工的组织变革犬儒主义对组织变革的成功提出了挑战,本文在对犬儒主义相关研究进行分析的基础上.介绍了员工的组织变革犬儒主义的影响因素,并分析了在变革中组织针对员工变革犬儒主义应采取的干预策略。  相似文献   

人力资源管理在组织变革中的核心作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄丹樨 《商业研究》2005,(19):66-69
组织变革的核心是人的变革,是人的价值观念的转变,否则是无法使组织的生命得以持久。人力资源管理部门和直线管理者都要在组织变革中转变角色,要从战略高度对员工加以关注,充分调动与发挥人力资源在组织变革中的积极作用和潜力,上下协同一致地全力投入变革,成功地实现对企业的管理。  相似文献   

员工对组织变革的反应有抗拒也有支持,压力应对理论解释了造成员工不同反应的原因。认知评价、个体差异、组织气氛等是影响员工反应行为的主要因素。管理者对员工的教育、为员工营造一个良好的组织氛围,是调节组织变革中员工反应行为的主要途径。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加快,组织变革是企业应对这可预期变化的环境所必需采取的适应性战略。本文通过探讨组织在企业中的重要地位,企业变革形成的内因外因,以及推进变革的程序、方法、技巧和所遇到的阻力来阐述成功实现企业组织变革的具体过程,分析了在实际推进变革过程中包括领导,沟通,创造等必要的技巧。  相似文献   

张萌 《商业观察》2022,(1):49-51
企业为了应对日益激烈、内部流程更加协调、技术更新速度加快的市场竞争内外部环境变化,需要适当开展工作性组织变革,合理调整自身的运行模式、发展战略,充分整合企业现有的内外部资源.但工作性组织变革所产生的实际效果受到多种因素的影响,部分员工会因企业工作性组织变革产生更大的工作压力,而工作需求在工作性组织变革对员工压力的影响中起中介作用.研究企业工作性组织变革与员工压力的关系,首先,进行研究设计,确定研究假设,设计相关变量;然后,对调研过程中收集的样本数据进行分析;最后,分析验证性因子,并进行描述性统计和相关分析,检验工作需求在工作性组织变革对员工压力中的中介效应,据此分析结果,提出企业完善工作性组织变革的建议.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of alignment between employee and firm customer orientation (FCO) on the organizational commitment of frontline service employees. Furthermore, the study examines how the size and nature of the discrepancy between employee customer orientation (ECO) and FCO affects organizational commitment. The results suggest that organizational commitment is stronger when employee and FCO are matched than when they are not. Furthermore, organizational commitment is slightly stronger when ECO exceeds FCO than when the reverse is the case. The results suggest that efforts expended by firms in hiring and retaining customer-oriented service workers will be unlikely to yield optimal commitment benefits without simultaneous investments to improve firm-level customer orientation.  相似文献   

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy which addresses the concerns of ethics, customer experience, and employee engagement while creating a unique organizational culture where both leaders and followers unite to reach organizational goals without positional or authoritative power. With employees viewed as one of the greatest assets for organizations, maintaining loyal, productive employees while balancing profits becomes a challenge for leaders, and drives the need to understand employee engagement drivers. Thus, the purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore servant leadership from the perspective of employees. Participants were 11 employees from a servant leadership led restaurant who took part in two focus groups. The modified van Kaam method (Moustakas 1994) contributed to data analysis, which examined employee responses for comparison and assessment. Several themes emerged including servant leader experience, servant leader traits, the impact of servant leadership, the application of servant leadership, and limited employee attrition. The themes revealed servant leadership positively influences employee engagement while contributing to employee loyalty to the workplace. Based on the servant leader experience, participants were more committed, built healthy work relationships, and actively participated in achieving organizational goals. Findings are discussed in light of current research and practical applications are provided.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating effects of organizational politics on the relationships between ethical work climate and two employee outcomes: affective commitment and proactive customer service performance. Using 200 survey responses collected from six shopping malls, we found that perceived ethical work climate had a direct effect on employee perceptions of organizational politics, affective commitment and proactive customer service performance. Moreover, perceived organizational politics partially mediated the relationship between ethical climate and affective commitment, but not that between ethical climate and proactive customer service behavior. We recommend retailers develop ethical climate to strengthen their competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Significant attention has been paid recently to Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) particularly in organizational change literature. However, the nature of the relationship remains ambiguous. Research studies attempting to uncover IWE’s influence on characteristics of employees’ responses are still in its infancy. To tackle this gap, this study contributes to knowledge by developing a possible conceptual model identifying IWE’s influence on employees’ responses towards change in the shape of their commitment to change and organizational deviance. The testing of these relationships took place in the ever-developing Kuwaiti Islamic banking sector. Data was collected from 398 employees by distributing self-administered questionnaires. Outcomes revealed that the extent of IWE’s influence on employee commitment to change varied across different components. This result offers a unique understanding into IWE’s affiliation with employee attitudes to change, especially in the Islamic banking sector. Moreover, IWE was found to negatively influence employee engagement in organizational deviance. As such, this finding has not been established within the context of change previously. Due to such findings, several implications and future research directions emerge.  相似文献   

组织有效性是组织研究中的一个中心主题,研究者和实践者都设法确定能够增加组织有效的行为和减少无效的行为的一种组织结构和行为。员工边缘化理论为研究组织有效性提供了一个新的视角。近年来,员工边缘化问题得到了学界和实务界的共同关注,但大都停留在理论探索阶段,尚缺乏一个成熟的员工边缘化测量量表。本研究探索性地设计了一个五维度的员工边缘化内容结构量表,具有较好的效度与信度,在此基础上,检验了员工边缘化对离职意向的显著预测作用,并进行了员工边缘化及其各个维度在人口学变量上的差异性分析。  相似文献   


This empirical study tests the relations between employee turnover and the organizational dimensions of service climate, comparing nationals and foreign nationals in the international brand Russian hotel industry. This study extends the geographic scope of employee turnover to the undertested Russian context. Responses were analyzed using a partial least squares model. Results show that nationals’ and foreign nationals’ responses to model variables diverge. Job insecurity directly affects the turnover intentions of Russian nationals, while its effect for foreign nationals was indirect through organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Compounded indirect effects of turnover antecedents and service climate dimensions are also examined and discussed.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigated the impact of organizational training on employee commitment focusing on employees' emotional and affective responses towards their organization. Organizational training is conceptualized within a multidimensional framework consisting of motivation for training, access to training, benefits from training and support for training. The hypothesis of this study has been built on a resource‐based view, social exchange theory and psychological contract theory. Field research was conducted through surveys with 298 participants of four‐ and five‐star hotels operating in Izmir, Turkey. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to analyse the quality of the training scales and multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses of the study. The results revealed that all dimensions of training positively affected employee commitment. Implications have been presented for both researchers and human resource practitioners as to how to utilize organizational training factors to increase employee commitment.  相似文献   

Researchers have begun to focus on emerging markets, particularly those in Asia, because of the phenomenal growth in the size of their business sectors and a remarkable increase in their share of global business. Businesses in the developing world are now grappling with people management issues that formerly were the preserve of businesses in the West. This study aims at exploring the role of employee development in job satisfaction and organizational commitment and in particular its moderation by person–organization fit. The context is the telecommunications sector in Pakistan. The results reported show a positive impact of employee development initiatives on employee job satisfaction and later the job satisfaction has significant impact on organizational commitment. The results also revealed, however, an unfavourable relationship between employee development and organizational commitment. The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment was significantly moderated by person–organization fit.  相似文献   

文章以333名员工和68名主管在两时间点进行的配对调查为样本,基于群体卷入模型的研究视角,探析了高参与人力资源实践与员工前瞻行为之间的关系,对员工感知的高参与人力资源实践如何通过员工组织地位感知促进前瞻行为进行了研究。研究结果表明,员工感知的高参与人力资源实践能够正向预测员工的前瞻行为,而员工组织地位感知在这一关系中起完全中介作用。同时,员工主动性人格会削弱组织地位感知对前瞻行为的正向影响,即相对于高主动性人格的员工,主动性人格较低的员工更易受到由高参与人力资源实践导致的组织地位感知的正向影响,进而更多表现前瞻行为。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess organizational climate in restaurants and to examine the impact of the individual-level characteristics of employees on organizational climate based on the well-known 17-dimension-framework. Survey questionnaires were distributed to more than 380 foodservice establishments in the United States. For the data analysis, 418 responses from managers and frontline employees were used. Principal component analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of variance were employed. This study indicated that age, education, work experience, title, and employee status impacted the organizational climate in restaurants. These results will be useful in developing managerial strategies to improve organizational performance in restaurants.  相似文献   

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