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随着国际金融化的飞速发展,金融风险日益加大。20世纪70年代初,西德赫斯塔银行和美国富兰克林国民银行的倒闭,震惊了国际金融界,银行风险成为人们关注的焦点。商业银行在经营过程中会面临各种各样的风险,如何防范和控制风险,提高资产质量,保证资产安全,避免和减少损失,是商业银行经营管理的重点,也是社会对商业银行的客观要求,加强外部监管被提到了前所未有的高度。2003年4月,中国银监会成立。银行业监督管理体系的独立,反映了我国银行业发展的客观需要,是中国加入世贸组织后,金融业的一个重大应对举措,在一定程度上标志着中国银行业的监督管理步入专业化、国际化的轨道。2003年12月27日通过的《银监法》,又通过法律的形式授权中国银监会负责对全国银行业金融机构及其业务活动监督管理的工作,明确了监管机构的权利、责任和义务,同时对监管机构实施监管行为的权限、方法、程序和要求等加以限定,为银监会今后更有效地监督管理银行业金融机构奠定了法律基础。 相似文献
我国银行业客户关系管理研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着世界经济一体化进程的加速,金融自由化程度提高,我国银行业的垄断格局即将结束,我国银行业面临着前所未有的重大机遇和挑战.处在过渡期的中国银行业能否在迫在眉睫的银行改革和国际竞争压力下建立市场化的理念和行为模式就成为致胜未来的关键. 相似文献
金融监管就是一国政府监管当局对金融机构实施的监督和业务管理,目的是维护存款人的利益,约束金融主体的行为,确保金融主体和业务的公平竞争,促进金融业有序、健康地发展。由于银行是特殊的企业——其经营对象是货币资金,经营方式是负债经营,这就决定了银行业是一个高风险的行业。因此,对银行业的风险予以高度关注,防范和化解银行风险是银行生存和发展的必要前提。 相似文献
目前我国银行业面临着全面的开放竞争格局,银行业和银行监管受到严峻挑战。因此监管当局应审时度势、预先判断、及时洞察新情况和新问题。当前在我国如何提高银行监管自身的有效性,把握好银行监管的度,建立完善的风险监管体系,在保证安全的前提下,着重提升银行监管有效性是达成监管目标的关键。 相似文献
网上银行的出现给传统银行业带来了巨大的冲击,网上银行以其自身的特定优势迅速蔓延导致一场全球范围内银行业网络化革命,文章紧紧围绕我国网上银行的发展状况以及监管问题,对我国网上银行面临的问题进行分析和探讨。 相似文献
20世纪80年代以来,全球性和区域性金融危机频繁发生,预示着建立于30年代的金融监管体系已经越来越不能适应全球化、自由化条件下迅速膨胀的金融业发展要求。尤其是我国在2001年正式成为WT0成员国后,国内金融市场逐步全面的开放已势在必行。与此同时,金融体系的风险防范和监管体系还有特改善,金融系统的安全性受到严重挑战。如何在这一形势下构建符合现代金融业发展的完备的金融监管体系,维护金融的安全与稳定运行,成为国内各界高度关注的重大问题。文章试图通过我国金融监管基本目标、原则和现状的分析,找出金融监管的有效对策。 相似文献
我国金融监管现状及对策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
20世纪80年代以来,全球性和区域性金融危机频繁发生,预示着建立于30年代的金融监管体系已经越来越不能适应全球化、自由化条件下迅速膨胀的金融业发展要求。尤其是我国在2001年正式成为WTO成员国后,国内金融市场逐步全面的开放已势在必行。与此同时,金融体系的风险防范和监管体系还有待改善,金融系统的安全性受到严重挑战。如何在这一形势下构建符合现代金融业发展的完善的金融监管体系,维护金融的安全与稳定运行,成为国内各界高度关注的重大问题。文章试图通过我国金融监管基本目标、原则和现状的分析,找出金融监管的有效对策。 相似文献
随着我国加入WTO,外资银行将全面投入与竞争,将以先进的服务营销品种和理念结合其经验丰富、技术先进的电子化手段,尤其以网上银行为代表,来争夺市场和客户。文章以建设银行网上银行为例,提出了针对其网上银行业务的技术和安全方面的有关策略。 相似文献
Fang Lee Cooke Brian Cooper Tim Bartram Hexuan Mei 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2019,30(8):1239-1260
AbstractThere is now growing interest in employee resilience in the organizational context and its contribution to organizational performance. However, little is known the extent to which high-performance work systems (HPWS) contributes towards enhancing employee’s resilience as well as their levels of engagement. This study examines the relationships among HPWS, employee resilience and engagement, using a sample of 2040 employees in the Chinese banking industry. Drawing on the job demands-resources model and strategic/high-performance human resource management theory, we develop three hypotheses to test the relationship between HPWS and employee resilience, resilience and employee engagement, and the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between HPWS and engagement. All hypotheses are supported and suggest that HPWS can be used as a job resource to positively affect resilience and subsequently employee engagement. The key message of the paper is that employee resilience can be viewed as a set of skills and attributes that can be developed through the effective use of HPWS to benefit both individuals and the organization. 相似文献
This paper contributes to the empirical literature on banking profitability by testing the impacts of competition and shadow banking on bank profitability using a sample of 100 Chinese commercial banks over 2003–2013 with 417 and 395 observations. The current study fills the gaps in the empirical studies by examining the competition in different banking markets (i.e. deposit market, loan market and non-interest income market) in China and further evaluating their impacts on bank profitability. The findings show that the non-interest income market has a higher level of competition compared to the deposit market and loan market. It is further reported that a lower level of competition in deposit market leads to an increase in the profitability of Chinese commercial banks. Finally, the results suggest that shadow banking improves the profitability of Chinese banks. 相似文献
Panayiotis P. Athanasoglou Evangelia A. Georgiou Christos C. Staikouras 《The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance》2009,49(4):1317-1340
This paper assesses the evolution of output and productivity in the Greek banking industry for the period 1990–2006. Three main categories of bank output were estimated based on modern theoretical approaches, while for the estimation of output and productivity (partial and total factor) we relied on the index number method (Tornqvist index). We also considered the effect of labor quality on banks’ productivity and the contribution of total factor productivity to bank output growth. Bank output and labor productivity outpaced considerably the respective GDP growth and labor productivity of the Greek economy during the period under examination. Capital and total factor productivity have also improved remarkably mainly since 1999, due to the structural changes that took place within the industry, capital (mainly IT) investments and improvement in the quality of human capital. 相似文献
网上银行安全管理问题研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
李东卫 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2010,25(4):40-44
网上银行服务的迅猛发展,使其安全管理问题也越来越引起银行管理层和金融消费者的关注。本文分析了网上银行安全管理存在的问题及由此造成的操作风险,并有针对性地提出了加强网上银行安全管理的建议。 相似文献
In systemic risk measure, a large amount of literature has emerged, but few of them take into account the multi-scale natures of financial data. Considering these natures, we develop a novel W-QR-CoVaR method to measure systemic risk. To be specific, the W-QR-CoVaR method combines the wavelet multiresolution analysis (MRA) with the conditional value-at-risk (CoVaR) method based on the quantile regression (QR) framework. We then apply it to measure the systemic risk in the Chinese banking industry covering the period from September 2007 to September 2018. Our experiment results show that the hybrid W-QR-CoVaR method performs better than the traditional CoVaR method in terms of predictive accuracy. Furthermore, we also explore the relation between the systemic risk contribution of each individual bank and the bank-specific characteristics. Size and leverage appear to be the most robustness determinants. The findings suggest that regulators should pay more attention to the banks with smaller size and higher leverage. 相似文献