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基于我国2003-2016年商业银行数据,使用动态面板模型的 GMM估计,检验我国商业银行提高非利息收入占比,寻求收入多元化是否改善银行绩效.研究发现:非利息收入占比提高并不等同收入多元化程度提升,两者对商业银行绩效影响并不一致.商业银行多元化程度提升能够显著改善银行绩效,稳定银行收益,改善风险调整回报.但非利息收入占比提高则与银行绩效负相关.看似矛盾的结论实质是非利息收入的双刃属性导致的"直接敞口效应""多元化效应"和"冲销效应"综合作用的结果.从非利息收入构成来看,手续费和佣金净收入与银行绩效显著正相关,但其它非利息收入则与银行绩效指标负相关.  相似文献   

Potential diversification benefits are one reason why US financial holding companies are offering a growing range of financial services. This paper examines whether the observed shift toward activities that generate fees, trading revenue, and other non-interest income has improved the performance of US financial holding companies (FHCs) from 1997 to 2002. We find evidence that diversification benefits exist between FHCs, but these gains are offset by the increased exposure to non-interest activities, which are much more volatile but not necessarily more profitable than interest-generating activities. Within FHCs, however, marginal increases in revenue diversification are not associated with better performance, while marginal increases in non-interest income are still associated with lower risk-adjusted profits. The key finding that diversification gains are more than offset by the costs of increased exposure to volatile activities represents the dark side of the search for diversification benefits and has implications for supervisors, managers, investors, and borrowers.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of ownership on income diversification and risk for Indian banks over the period 2001–2009. We investigate both the determinants of non-interest income and the impact of diversification on various profitability and insolvency risk measures for public sector, private domestic, and foreign banks. We document that ownership does matter in the pursuit of non-interest income. Relative to private domestic banks, public sector banks earn significantly less fee-income, while foreign banks report higher fee income. Public sector banks with higher levels of governmental ownership are significantly less likely to pursue non-interest income sources. Fee-based income significantly reduces risk, measured by profitability variables, for public sector banks. Default risk is also reduced for these banks. From a regulatory perspective, it appears that diversification benefits India’s public sector banks. Our research has implications for the changes in the risk profile for banks in emerging banking markets pursuing non-interest revenue sources.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of revenue diversification on bank performance and risk. Using a panel dataset of 226 listed banks across 11 emerging economies and a new methodological approach, System Generalized Method of Moments estimators (System GMM), the results in this paper provide empirical evidence of the impact of the observed shift towards non-interest income generating activities on insolvency risk and bank performance. The core finding is that diversification across and within both interest and non-interest income generating activities decrease insolvency risk and enhance profitability. The results also show that these benefits are largest for banks with moderate risk exposures. By extension, these results have significant strategic implications for bank managers, regulators and supervisors who share a common interest in boosting bank performance and stability.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of revenue diversification on bank performance while shedding light on the impact of the shift towards non-interest income sources. To this end, we use a sample of 275 banks from fourteen MENA countries over 1990–2011. The model estimation using the GMM system reveals that diversification, when taken as a whole, improves bank profitability. We also split the non-interest income and we find that trading-generating business lines contribute the most to boosting profitability and stability. Engaging in non-interest-related activities worsens the benefit-cost trade-off of diversification, induced by the increased insolvency risk.  相似文献   

Motivated by the liberalisation and harmonisation of financial systems in Europe, we investigate whether the observed shift into non-interest income activities improves performance of small European credit institutions. Using a sample of 755 small banks for the period 1997–2003, we find no direct diversification benefits within and across business lines and an inverse association between non-interest income and bank performance. Our findings are robust to a set of sensitivity analyses using alternative samples and controlling for the regulatory environment. Furthermore, the results provide circumstantial evidence for the presence of economies of scale. The absence of benefits of diversification confirms findings for other banking markets and suggests small European banks enter lines of business where they currently lack expertise and experience. These results have implications for bank supervisors, regulators and bank managers.  相似文献   

Revenue diversification in banking offers opportunities and threats. Recent academic research shows that disadvantages may outweigh advantages, in terms of both volatility of profitability and bank riskiness. Literature on this topic in emerging countries and in the field of Islamic finance is limited: our aim is to empirically test if revenue diversity affects Islamic banks differently than conventional institutions. We analyze the impact of income diversification on profitability and firm-risk of banks in selected OIC countries, in the period 2007–2016, using a comprehensive dataset of 47 Islamic and 154 conventional banks, through diverse measures and econometric approaches. We find that diversification provides lower rewards for Islamic banks than conventional banks, with effects that are stronger for accounting-based measures rather than market-based metrics. Shares of non-interest income positively contribute to profitability regardless of the business model, whereas income diversification shows a not significant effect on the risk-adjusted profitability of Islamic banks. Moreover, we do not find any relationship between income diversification and stability for both conventional and Islamic banks.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a national survey regarding the financial management practices of United States credit unions. The US credit union industry is clearly in a period of transition. The study indicates that the way in which credit unions approach financial management may have a decided impact on how successful the industry adjusts to deregulated marketplaces. The research highlights the importance of managed growth through selective product diversification, identification of profitable market niches, and the use of modern risk management techniques.  相似文献   

We use panel data from nine countries over the period 1996–2008 to test how revenue diversification affects bank value. Relying on a comprehensive framework for bank performance measurement, we find robust evidence against a conglomerate discount, unlike studies concerned with industrial firms. Rather, diversification increases bank profitability and, as a consequence also market valuations. This indirect performance effect does not depend on whether diversification was achieved through organic growth or through M&A activity. We further demonstrate that previous results in the literature on the impact of diversification on bank value presumably differ due to the way diversification is measured, and the negligence of the indirect value effect via bank profitability. Our evidence against a conglomerate discount in banking remains robust also during the sub-prime crisis.  相似文献   

The growth of US credit unions during the 1990s is investigated empirically, using univariate and multivariate cross sectional and panel estimation techniques. Univariate tests of the law of proportionate effect suggest that in general large credit unions grew faster than their smaller counterparts. On average credit unions with above-average growth in one period tended to experience below-average growth in the next. Smaller credit unions tended to have more variable growth than large ones. While credit unions share a common co-operative philosophy, they differ in terms of age profile, scope for membership growth, charter type and financial structure and performance. In estimations of a multivariate growth model, most of these characteristics are found to have a significant influence on the size-growth relationship. While large state chartered credit unions grew faster than their smaller counterparts, the reverse was true for federally chartered credit unions. In general, if larger credit unions grew faster than smaller ones, they tended to do so for specific reasons: because their charters were less restrictive, because they were more efficient, or because they had a financial structure that was more conducive to growth. Therefore credit union growth was not ‘random', but highly systematic.  相似文献   

Using a large panel of US bank holding companies from 2001 to 2015, this study investigates the association between functional diversification and bank liquidity creation. I document evidence of lower liquidity creation for higher diversification. The effect of moving into nontraditional activities on liquidity creation is more apparent with large banks and less pronounced with small banks. The impact of diversification on liquidity creation is less significant during the late stage of crisis and is more clearly observed in small and medium-sized banks. Low liquidity creation banks, leveraged by a higher share of non-interest income, are more likely to further decrease their liquidity creation. The study is of interest to regulators and policymakers who are concerned about bank business models.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the effect of diversification on bank valuation. Our objective is to provide new evidence based on a unified estimation framework that places particular emphasis on separating the effects of diversification (specialised banks vs. diversified banks) from those of bank type (investment banks vs. commercial banks). Consistent with prior studies, we find a significant diversification discount at the end of the 1990s. Our main finding is that it decreases over time and practically vanishes after the financial crisis. We do not find support for the hypothesis that the diversification effect is influenced by geographical or regulatory factors. The valuation impact of bank characteristics varies over time, particularly in the financial crisis, but this structural break does not explain the observed decrease of the diversification discount. We show that the pre-crisis discount is considerably smaller in a robust regression, which in part is driven by banks with a large share of non-interest income.  相似文献   

We show that bank risk rises, particularly for larger banks and those with greater interest-sensitive liabilities, during times of economic policy uncertainty through two economic channels: “credit rationing” and “revenue diversification.” The credit rationing channel shows that economic policy uncertainty increases aggregate loan spreads, exacerbating both adverse selection and moral hazard problems leading to higher bank risk. The revenue diversification channel suggests that as economic policy uncertainty reduces bank profits from traditional interest-based products, banks diversify into other non-traditional activities, thereby increasing their instability. Overall, our findings highlight the impact of economic policy uncertainty on exacerbating bank risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the impact of business models on bank stability in 15 EU countries between 2002 and 2011. We represent banks’ business models by the share of non-interest income in total operating income and the share of non-deposit funding in total liabilities. In contrast to the literature, we include in our sample a large number of unlisted banks, which represent the majority of banks in the EU. We believe this to be important, since many unlisted banks typically have a more retail-oriented business model. We show that banks will be significantly more stable and profitable if they increase their share of non-interest income, indicating that substantial benefits are to be gained from income diversification. Such benefits are particularly large for savings and cooperative banks. Investment banks, in contrast, become significantly more risky. Diversifying into non-deposit funding has a different impact as well. While retail-oriented banks will be significantly less stable if they increase their share of non-deposit funding, investment banks will be significantly more stable. These findings indicate that it is important to enlarge the sample of banks and to include different types of banks with different business models in order to arrive at general conclusions about the effect of non-interest income and non-deposit funding on bank stability.  相似文献   

Beginning in 2011, credit unions in the United States have been required to report in their quarterly call reports their holdings of private student loans. Since this time, private student loans have been the fastest growing loan product among credit unions. The empirical results here indicate credit unions respond to external market forces and internal exposure to interest rate risk in their decision to hold private student loans. The effect of which, to date, has led to lower returns on their assets and no effect on overall risk. Credit unions looking to diversify their loan portfolio should do so with caution. Private student loans being in deferral reduce both delinquency and charge-off rates, which will rise over time with their seasoning and as interest rates rise.  相似文献   

We examine the association of the business cycle and revenue diversification with the banks’ capital buffer and credit risk for a sample of banks from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region from 1998 to 2018, using 2847 banking firm–year observations. We find that ASEAN region banks react anticyclically in adjusting their capital buffer levels and credit risk. We find revenue diversification benefits and that banks, through revenue diversification, can reduce their credit risk while achieving capital savings when confronting economic downturns. Our results offer support for the Basel III accord. However, the relations revealed are somewhat moderated by the regulatory quality, competition, and phase of the business cycle encountered by ASEAN region banks.  相似文献   

本文以中国14家商业银行2001-2010年的面板数据为研究对象,考察银行收入多元化对经营风险的影响。研究结果表明,我国银行收入多元化与风险之间并不存在明显关联,其可能原因在于我国商业银行的净利息收入与非利息收入之间存在高度的相关性、考核机制以及会计计量口径的偏差。因而本文建议,我国商业银行应着力优化考核机制、加大非利息收入业务创新力度,而监管部门也应就会计计量标准及监管导向等问题做出妥善安排。  相似文献   

在Ho-Saunders领导模型的基础上引入非利差收入、非传统贷款资产及央行基准利差因素,提出了更适合中国银行业现状的多产品纯利差决定模型。采用2000~2008年间23家商业银行的面板数据进行实证分析,结果发现影响净利差的因素有:风险厌恶程度、运营成本、信用风险、资产规模、上年净利差、非利差收入、非传统资产及基准利差等。根据这些因素可以看出,四大商业银行近年净利差波动性较大,而中小股份制商业银行经营日趋稳定。中国商业银行应致力于拓展中间业务及产品多样化,逐步改变传统盈利模式和收入结构。  相似文献   

A two-stage procedure is employed to evaluate non-bank financial institution cost efficiency. In the first stage, data envelopment analysis is used to calculate technical, allocative and cost efficiency indices using a sample of 200 Australian credit unions. The results indicate that a typical credit union's costs in 1997 were 30 per cent above what could be considered efficient on the basis of observed best practice. The major source of overall cost inefficiency would appear to be allocative inefficiency, rather than technical inefficiency. The second stage uses limited dependent variable regression techniques to relate credit union efficiency scores to financial statement information. The results indicate that commercial lending activities, expenditures on information technology and marketing and promotion, the proportion of non-interest income, and association membership are a significant influence on the level of cost efficiency. The results are found to be invariant to alternative model specifications where input prices are first assumed to be different for each credit union and then assumed to be identical across the sample.  相似文献   

中国银行业非利息收入与利息收入相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现非利息收入和利息收入并重发展是中国商业银行经营战略转型的目标之一.在非利息收入快速发展的同时,关注非利息收入与利息收入之间的相关性,是实现缓解银行收入波动、加强银行稳健经营的重要前提.检测1990年至2006年之间中国14家商业银行非利息收入与利息收入之间的相关性的结果表明,中国银行业非利息收入与利息收入之间相关性基本为正,且不断增加.但其中大型国有银行的收入结构较股份制银行具有较好的熨平整体收入波动的效果.  相似文献   

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