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作为一种新兴的商业模式和营销体系,应用在旅行社业中的特许经营是旅游批发(经营)商控制销售渠道的一种手段。目前,我国旅行社业中引入特许经营还不是非常普遍。在对特许经营内涵进行界定的基础上,从我国旅行社业现状出发,通过对特许经营优势的阐述,表明我国旅行社业引入特许经营进行扩张的必要性。同时阐述了中外旅行社业应用特许经营的现状、存在问题以及特许经营在我国旅行社业中的未来发展趋势,希望能对正处于扩张思变期的中国旅行社业有所借鉴。  相似文献   

市场营销渠道的功能是有效地进行商品流转 ,基于对渠道策略焦点问题的分析 ,我国企业在建立渠道网络时 ,应合理平衡成本与服务水平的关系 ,建立完整的关系营销渠道 ;选择适合企业发展的终端销售网点的密度决策 ;对销售渠道进行有效的评价 ;形成垂直营销系统  相似文献   

市场营销渠道关系中的几个焦点问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市场营销渠道的功能是有效地进行商品流转,基于对渠道策略焦点问题的分析,我国企业在建立渠道网络时,应合理平衡成本与服务水平的关系,建立完整的关系营销渠道;选择适合企业发展的终端销售网点的密度决策;对销售渠道进行有效的评价;形成垂直营销系统。  相似文献   

云南澄江蓝茜蓝莓庄园依靠传统的营销渠道进行蓝莓销售,尚未开展网络营销。本文在实地田野调查基础上,提出澄江蓝茜蓝莓庄园网络营销和体验营销策略,拓宽网络销售渠道,扩宽盈利模式。  相似文献   

市场营销需要信息传播,信息传播需要渠道,渠道需要优化组合。本文首先阐述了营销传播渠道的概念,接着对我国和保险发达国家保险营销传播渠道建设状况进行了对比分析,笔者认为应在考虑国情的基础上,借鉴外国的经验,优化组合我国的保险营销传播渠道,并继而提出了保险营销传播渠道应以人员销售渠道为主、媒体传播渠道为辅的观点,更对如何优化组合人员销售渠道和媒体传播渠道提出了具有创见性的观点。  相似文献   

渠道策略在企业市场营销中处于重要地位,渠道策略不应一成不变,而是适时调整的。随着我国打印机市场竞争日趋激烈,外资及本土的打印机厂商纷纷在营销渠道模式上进行创新,实施渠道扁平化策略,发展区域代理或自建销售渠道。佳能打印机作为打印机行业内的知名企业,其渠道策略具有代表意义,分析其进行渠道扁平化的原因,了解在当前的市场环境下佳能打印机渠道中存在的问题,可以对佳能打印机进行渠道策略优化提供必要的建议。  相似文献   

大数据时代下,获取信息的方式、速度和数量发生了突变,人们几乎瞬间变得更加智慧和博学。海量的信息和消费者的明智,无疑对企业的经营带来重大冲击。本文探讨了大数据时代给旅行社业带来的挑战与机遇,对旅行社营销部门在人力资源建设、目标市场定位、产品开发、价格制定、销售与促销等环节中的策略优化进行了分析和说明。  相似文献   

在网络时代旅行社业如何应对挑战?如何将传统营销与网络营销优势互补、有效整合?本文采用案例研究的方法,以中青旅为例,试图发现和验证旅行社是如何将传统营销和网络营销进行有效整合,研究发现整合传统营销的企业资源和网络营销的渠道优势是旅行社业革新的关键所在,并在此基础上提出了网络营销与传统营销的整合措施.  相似文献   

在网络时代旅行社业如何应对挑战?如何将传统营销与网络营销优势互补、有效整合?本文采用案例研究的方法,以中青旅为例,试图发现和验证旅行社是如何将传统营销和网络营销进行有效整合,研究发现整合传统营销的企业资源和网络营销的渠道优势是旅行社业革新的关键所在,并在此基础上提出了网络营销与传统营销的整合措施.  相似文献   

本文基于精益管理理论,以德州禹城为例深入分析我国卷烟营销渠道中的问题,对县级局销售精益管理模式的结构进行设计,并从目标分解环节、优化工作关系环节和形成新的卷烟销售进度管控模式三个方面提出了实施策略,以期为提高销售精益管理水平提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

对因特网应用冲击传统旅游业务代理的状况研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对近年来因特网上电子商务应用所形成的对传统旅游代理商运作方式的冲击,对以往旅游分销体系的影响进行分析,试图说明:1.在因特网技术发展和应用的冲击下,在一个时期内,旅游代理商的存在仍有其客观基础;2.网上销售将替代传统旅游代理方式而成为最主要的旅游销售方式;3.旅游供应商网上旅游直销和通过因特网实施旅游代理是基于因特网应用的旅游销售的两条会长期共存的渠道;4.传统旅游代理商和电子旅游代理商的优势具有互补性,两者很有可能在未来几年中发展成为一个共同以因特网应用为核心的中间商系统;5.长远地看,旅游代理商的代理职能将渐渐萎缩。  相似文献   

旅行社的服务质量问题日益成为研究的热点,销售承诺是旅行社赢得竞争的手段之一,基于对其内涵的分析,构建了销售承诺下的顾客管理模型,并对如何保持和提高销售承诺的有效性进行了探讨,以期为旅行社的理论研究和现实决策提供启示。  相似文献   

张家界旅游业正处于转型升级的关键期.在转型升级背景下,张家界旅游营销面临来自形象品牌塑造、营销体系建构、营销活动展开等方面的问题,旅游营销创新必须运用现代营销理念,采取针对性措施,做到形象品牌鲜明化、营销体系健全化、营销方式多元化.  相似文献   

目前,网络销售代理正处于起步发展阶段,传统经销商和网络销售代理商的竞争正激烈上演,网络销售代理与传统销售代理的整合营销正逐步运用,在这个发展阶段中,促进我国网络销售代理发展的法律法规也正逐步完善。与此同时,网络销售代理在发展的过程中存在选择产品供应商不当,产品网络销售代理策略不合理,物流配送服务未能快速及时有效地进行,缺乏专业的网络销售代理人才和客户关系管理不当等问题。为此,应该选择合适的产品供应商,制定合理的产品网络销售代理策略,提高物流配送服务的效率,加强网络销售代理人才的培养和建立良好的客户关系管理系统,以便网络销售代理商能够更加顺利地拓展业务。  相似文献   

Drawing on information processing theory, this study integrates the conflict and learning literatures to examine an under-examined area in sales research: When do sales team task and relationship conflicts influence sales team performance, and what is the underlying process by which this occurs? Although there is burgeoning interest in sales research at the team level, very few empirical studies have shed light on sales team dynamics such as conflict and how they impact sales team performance. This study attempts to address this gap by developing a mediated moderation model and finds that (a) task and relationship conflicts have negative impacts on sales team performance, (b) team information exchange and information interpretation/implementation mediate the negative relationship between task and relationship conflicts and sales team performance, and (c) task and relationship conflicts stifle sales team performance when the team makes little use of a collaborative conflict handling style because this interactive combination (task/relationship conflict–low collaborative conflict handling style) hinders team information exchange and interpretation/implementation. Implications for conflict management in sales teams are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过一个案例分析了销售折扣、销售折让、支付返利与税法规定之间的关系,提出了正确使用销售折扣、销售折让、支付返利以合理避税的观点,探讨了将商业折扣、支付返利转为销售折让以合理避税的思路。  相似文献   

In this two-part empirical study, a measure of athletic coachability is adapted and applied to salespeople in a business-to-business sales context. Relationships among salesperson coachability, salesperson trait competitiveness, sales manager leadership style, and sales performance are conceptualized and tested. Results suggest that sales performance is highest when salespeople are highly coachable, highly competitive, and under transformational leadership. Results also suggest that salesperson coachability fully mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and sales performance and partially mediates the relationship between salesperson trait competitiveness and sales performance.  相似文献   

Drawing on substitutes for leadership theory, this study examines the relationship between a sales team manager’s empowering leadership and his or her sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. The authors develop and test a model that positions task interdependence, outcome interdependence, and their interactions as substitutes for empowering leadership. Further, the authors explore two perspectives of team-level performance—customer relationship performance and financial performance—as consequences of a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. Using matched data collected from sales team managers and sales team members, the authors find general support for their hypotheses. The study finds that a sales manager’s empowering leadership has a positive effect on a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. However, the results also suggest that the positive effect of empowering leadership on a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability is mitigated when either outcome interdependence or both task and outcome interdependence are high. Further, as outcome interdependence and the interaction between task and outcome interdependence increases, a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability also increases, which suggests that outcome interdependence and the combination of task and outcome interdependence replaces the role of empowering leadership. The study also finds that the greater a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability is, the higher its customer relationship performance and sales team financial performance will be. Implications for customer knowledge creation in sales teams in the presence and absence of empowering leadership are discussed.  相似文献   

Sales contests, a widely used form of sales force special incentives, receive considerable attention in the trade and academic press. While understanding salespersons’ preferences for various contest designs is a critical first step for understanding how sales contests motivate salespeople to pursue contest goals, a knowledge gap exists in understanding design preferences. With expectancy theory serving as a theoretical basis, the authors develop hypotheses about preferences for sales contest components. Following tests of hypotheses using survey and conjoint data provided by field sales forces from three companies, exploratory analyses of how individual, supervisory, and sales setting characteristics may affect preferences suggest potential boundary conditions for initial findings. The results lead to an improved awareness of the determinants of contest design preferences as well as insights and implications for sales managers seeking to design effective contests.  相似文献   

The separate and joint impact of performance congruence (similarity between salespeople and their sales managers) and value congruence on annual sales are investigated in a field study. Two hundred thirty-nine salespeople and their sales managers from several industries participated in the study. A significant association was found for separate and joint associations between performance congruence and value congruence and annual sales. More specifically, the more similar salespeople and their sales managers are regarding performance congruence measures, “identifying new prospects” and “setting up an initial appointment” and personal values, “warm relationships with others,” and “sense of belonging,” the higher annual sales.  相似文献   

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