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<正>1.Why carry out accounting research in the banking industry?1.1.Why focus on the banking industry?The banking industry is critically important to national an...  相似文献   

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are important components of the Chinese economy. Although SOEs are generally considered inefficient in operations, China’s economy, which relies heavily on SOEs, has been highly successful over the last four decades. This indicates the importance of SOEs in China’s past and future economic success. Therefore, in this study, we review the literature on economic theories and 40 years of practice of Chinese SOEs and discuss implications for future research. Our review consists of four parts: the theories of SOEs and their reform, the performance and financing strategies of SOEs, corporate governance in SOEs, and corporate social responsibility in SOEs.  相似文献   

Applied anthropologists are adopting the assumptions, aims and methods of futures research, and offering the five-concept paradigm—culture, time depth, holism, cross-cultural perspective and multiple perspectives—of traditional anthropology in response to criticisms of futures research. In this article an integration of anthropological and futures research theories and methods is detailed; and the utility of doing futures research anthropologically is illustrated in examples from the initial round of a multi-method, community-focused futures research and public education project.  相似文献   

This study describes and analyses the research hotspots and evolution trends in climate finance research. Seven literature clusters that elucidate how different perspectives constitute the research landscape in climate finance and two main research hotspots that form the climate finance domain are identified. The empirical results also show that the research priorities of climate finance are still less “finance-based”. In the future, finance scholars should pay more attention to the financial dimension of climate finance. Finally, the research gaps within the existing climate finance literature are identified, and 35 research questions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a commentary on the study by Gendron and Bédard’s (2001) of the usefulness of audit research. While supportive of their desire to stimulate international debate, it is critical of their chosen methodology, arguing that research impact cannot be adequately judged from the text of published papers. It also claims that more consideration should have been given to audit research outside of North America. The paper questions the strength of the “professional capture" argument of Gendron and Bédard as a justification for North American audit research traditions and closes by highlighting the possibilities of a broader, more global outlook—not just in the assessment of research impact but also in the process of undertaking audit research.  相似文献   

Recent research on politicians’ use of financial and performance information is reviewed. Survey-based studies overestimate the frequency of this use; observational studies present a more accurate picture. A new and challenging research agenda is presented that will improve our understanding of the use and usefulness of accounting information. Implications for the real world of practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth rate plays an important role in determining a firm’s asset and equity values, nevertheless the basic assumptions of the growth rate estimation model are less well understood. In this paper, we demonstrate that the model makes strong assumptions regarding the financing mix of the firm. In addition, we discuss various methods to estimate firms’ growth rate, including arithmetic average method, geometric average method, compound-sum method, continuous regression method, discrete regression method, and inferred method. We demonstrate that the arithmetic average method is very sensitive to extreme observations, and the regression methods yield similar but somewhat smaller estimates of the growth rate compared to the compound-sum method. Interestingly, the ex-post forecast shows that arithmetic average method (compound-sum method) yields the best (worst) performance with respect to estimating firm’s future dividend growth rate. Firm characteristics, like size, book-to-market ratio, and systematic risk, have significant influence on the forecast errors of dividend and sales growth rate estimation.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that wage and productivity profiles of individual workers do not coincide at all ages. We give an overview of the theories which provide a rationale for this, and discuss the empirical literature. Human capital theories typically imply that wages rise with tenure, so that job reallocation at old age would imply a wage cut. Incentive theories typically imply that wages exceed productivity at the end of a worker’s career. Bargaining power of unions may also lead to ‘overpayment’ of older workers. Some general conclusions regarding the wages of older workers are formulated on basis of the authors’ reading of the empirical literature.  相似文献   

This paper reviews alternative management accounting research in AOS from 1976 until 1999. We highlight seven different research perspectives that have flourished under this label: a non-rational design school; naturalistic research; the radical alternative; institutional theory; structuration theory; a Foucauldian approach; and a Latourian approach. It is contended that these different approaches have assumed an important role in raising a number of significant and interesting disciplinary insights. As a form of collective non-positivist enterprise, alternative management accounting research has demonstrated: the many different rationalities of management accounting practice; the variety of ways in which management accounting practice is enacted and given meaning; the potency of management accounting technologies; the unpredictable, non-linear and socially-embedded nature of management accounting change; and the ways in which management accounting practice is both constrained and enabled by the bodily habitudes of its exponents. In conclusion, we consider how alternative management accounting research may sustain its distinct contributions in the future.  相似文献   

This paper contributes both to investigating the link between the corporate social and financial performance based on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) ratings and to reviewing the existing empirical evidence pertaining to this relationship. The sample used includes ESG data of ASSET4, Bloomberg and KLD for the U.S. market from 1991 to 2012. The econometrical framework applies an ESG portfolio approach using the Carhart (1997) four-factor model as well as cross-sectional Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions. Previous empirical research indicates a relationship between ESG ratings and returns. As against this, the ESG portfolios do not state a significant return difference between companies with high and low ESG ratings. Although the Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions reveal a significant influence of several ESG variables, investors are hardly able to exploit this relationship. The magnitude and direction of the impact are substantially dependent on the rating provider, the company sample and the particular subperiod. The results suggest that investors should no longer expect abnormal returns by trading a difference portfolio of high and low rated firms with regard to ESG aspects.  相似文献   

As empirical evidence on the impact of internationalization on firm performance remains unclear, we revisit the question of whether foreign investments enhance firm value and firm performance. Using a panel sample of publicly listed firms in Japan during the 1990–2016 period, we find that foreign investments are negatively associated with firm value. In addition, foreign investments are negatively related to firm performance at short- and long-horizons. Furthermore, foreign investments appear to reduce revenue growth but have no effect on firm efficiency, suggesting that simply increasing foreign investments does not necessarily enhance revenue growth or firm efficiency.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Chinese family firms from 2008–2015, we investigate the impact of trust on the choice of whether to hire a family member or a professional manager as CEO. We find that the presence of a professional CEO is negatively associated with a higher level of trust in family members. In contrast, it is positively associated with a higher level of trust in non-family members. Our findings suggest that the trust mode in Chinese family firms is like the ‘differential mode of association’, which describes Fei's (1992) social structure of Chinese society. Moreover, a higher level of trust in family members is associated with native entrepreneurial activities, which strengthens the negative relationship between trust in family and the presence of a professional CEO. Furthermore, the role of trust in family firms’ appointment decisions is more pronounced in regions with relatively weak legal protection and firms with relatively poor governance. Our results hold when we control for endogeneity and after a series of robustness checks. This research links the governance of family firms to the informal institution of trust, enriching the literature on trust and family firm behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the empirical relationship between firm-level investment and the stock market in China from a price informativeness perspective. We find that firm investment does not significantly respond to the stock market valuation, because stock prices contain very little extra information about the future operating performance of firms. This finding is further supported by the relative investment response test and the relative price information content test based on the informativeness proxy of price non-synchronicity combined with firm information transparency.  相似文献   

The papers by Dhaliwal, Subramanyam and Trezevant (1998)and Vincent (1998)both examine whether stock returns are more highly associated with net income or an alternative measure of firm performance in contexts that are of some current interest to accounting regulators. However, since neither paper does a very good job of motivating their basic economic questions, we are left with results that are not all that interesting or surprising. Both papers would have benefited greatly from a clearer delineation of the economic rationale for their tests and predictions.  相似文献   

Business risk auditing (BRA) has been much publicised as revolutionary. The essence of the phenomenon, and the actual impact on practice, however, are unclear. This note revisits some pre-BRA interview evidence investigating auditor engagement with business risk. The evidence suggests that, pre-BRA, big-six auditors were already familiar with concepts of business risk although they were uncertain as to how precisely business risk informed the audit process. This suggests that BRA was evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, change and that the engagement of recent international standards with business risk is not significantly different from that of big-six auditors pre-BRA. The BRA era in audit methodology might be conceptualized as one of regressive evolution.  相似文献   

Asymmetric volatility refers to the stylized fact that stock volatility is negatively correlated to stock returns. Traditionally, this phenomenon has been explained by the financial leverage effect. This explanation has recently been challenged in favor of a risk premium based explanation. We develop a new, unlevering approach to document how well financial leverage, rather than size, beta, book-to-market, or operating leverage, explains volatility asymmetry on a firm-by-firm basis. Our results reveal that, at the firm level, financial leverage explains much of the volatility asymmetry. This result is robust to different unlevering methodologies, samples, and measurement intervals. However, we find that financial leverage does not explain index-level volatility asymmetry. We show that this difference between index-level asymmetry and firm-level asymmetry is driven by the asymmetry of the unlevered covariance component of index volatility.  相似文献   

A systematic review of the nudge literature and an examination of its applications across different domains reveals that: (i) a nudge, in the sense of using choice architecture to push people to choose desired results, works well; and (ii) a nudge, in the sense of pushing people to choose desired results so that people will be better off, remains questionable. In financial markets, regulators and financial intermediaries currently use nudge theory to: (i) adjust how investment choices are presented to investors; and (ii) provide information in a selective way. Besides nudging investors, it is also possible for regulators to nudge financial intermediaries towards making more ethical decisions.  相似文献   

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