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Most study concentrating on family and non-family companies is conducted overseas with little research carried out in Malaysia. This study examined the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on family and non-family controlled companies' performance. The sample size of this study is 730 companies listed on Bursa Malaysia from 2003 to 2007. The findings reveal that corporate governance mechanisms influence the family and non-family controlled companies' performance. But not all corporate governance mechanisms are significant. The significant variables differ between family and non-family controlled companies. Thus, regulators need to be vigilant that family and non-family controlled companies practise differently and to set different code needed for each type of families.  相似文献   

Aim of this study is to discuss matters with HR and finn performance. Therefore, we used HR and firm performance questionnaire from Delaney and Huselid (1996). HR variables include recruitment, training, compensation and promotion. Firm performance divided into organizational and market performance. Therefore, correlation analysis demonstrates that HR has positive and significant relationship with organizational performance, and HR has positive but weak relationship with market performance. Therefore, we can propose that HR is partly correlated with firm performance for those companies in sample. Therefore, since we didn't realize demography of companies in study, it is arguable, findings of this study can be generalized to other companies in Turkey.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies of university spin-off (USO) growth have applied a firm-based approach without modelling how contextual factors may influence firm growth. By adopting an ‘interactionist approach’, this paper tests the hypothesis that the regional and university contexts may partly determine USO growth, together with firms’ internal resources. Using a sample of 531 Spanish USOs located in 16 Spanish regions and launched by 51 universities over the 2001–2013 and applying multilevel modelling with macro- and micro-data, the findings confirmed that regional context, together with firm-specific characteristics, are important for explaining USO growth. More specifically, the presence of venture capitalists, the capacity to generate internal funds, and operating in high-tech industries have a positive effect on USO growth. On the basis of the results, we propose some policies for fostering USO growth.  相似文献   

Research on professional service purchasing generally takes a culturally universalistic approach, implicitly assuming the generalizability of research findings and normative models to different cultural contexts. However, research in related disciplines points to the influence of national culture on managers’ decisions, thereby questioning the culturally universalistic approach. The purpose of this paper is to explore differences in professional service purchasing in different cultural contexts. Based on a survey of large organizations, we analyze how the purchasing process for a specific type of professional services – management consulting services – is organized in two cultural contexts (i.e. Germany and Sweden). The results indicate that organizations in Germany and Sweden differ in the way they approach key aspects of the purchasing process. These differences are discussed in relation to two central cultural dimensions – uncertainty avoidance and masculinity–femininity – in which Germany and Sweden take very different positions. It is proposed that uncertainty avoidance mainly influences the first steps in the purchasing process (specify, select and contract) whereas masculinity–femininity mainly influences the remaining steps (order, expedite and evaluate). The paper contributes to the purchasing and supply management literature by empirically illustrating differences in purchasing practices in different cultural contexts and developing theory-driven propositions for the influence of national culture on the professional service purchasing process.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2017,41(1):5-25
This article provides new evidence on the structure, dynamics and performance effects of corporate boards in publicly traded companies in Russia. It takes advantage of a new and unique longitudinal dataset of virtually all Russian companies whose shares were traded in the RTS/MICEX/MOEX over 1998–2014. The analysis highlights a number of strong trends in the evolution of boards of directors, such as a declining participation of insider directors and an increasing participation of foreign and female directors. It also shows that board characteristics are linked to company performance (market-to-book ratio, Tobin’s Q, ROE and ROA), suggesting that boards of directors play a non-trivial role in corporate governance in Russia. Testing for structural breaks in the relationship between board composition and firm performance provides some evidence of the changing role of corporate boards over time.  相似文献   

Shifting from the much-studied five-factor model of personality, this paper focuses on dark personality (i.e. the “Dark Triad”: Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism) to advance understanding of team composition, processes, and performance. The research responds to a call to explore dark personality's manifestation within – and impact on – teams. Specifically, this paper will examine the impact of within-team heterogeneity in dark personality on team performance, with shared leadership as mediator of this relationship. Additionally, I propose two moderators of the relationship between within-team dark triad heterogeneity and shared leadership – team network centrality of the team member scoring highest on the Dark Triad, and team mean Dark Triad score. This research aims to make a uniquely valuable contribution to scholarship on leadership within teams through bridging literatures on social network analysis, teams, leadership, and the dark triad and should have implications for team selection and performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of managerial compensation in a sample of Danish firms, and tests hypotheses derived from agency theory in the seldom studied (European) institutional setting of relationship-oriented governance systems. We find pay–performance sensitivity similar to that found in other settings, small differences in sensitivity across management levels, and no evidence in support of the career concern hypothesis.  相似文献   


This study investigates an unexplored form of global team prevalent in the Information Technology (IT) offshoring sector where IT service providers work alongside with client representatives in a global team context. Guided by theories of intelligence and intergroup contact, this study investigates global team members’ individual-level task performance. Specifically, this study examines the development of global team members’ cultural intelligence (CQ) following cross-cultural training. This study also determines the effects of improved CQ on individual-level task performance and examines the moderating role of contact intensity on the relationship between improved CQ and individual-level task performance. Data on the development of CQ, participation in cross-cultural training, and contact intensity were collected from 225 global team members while data on task performance were obtained from each of the global team members’ supervisors. The results of the statistical analyses reveal that: (i) CQ improved following participation in cross-cultural training sessions; (ii) improved CQ is positively and significantly related to individual-level task performance; and (iii) contact intensity moderates the relationship between improved CQ and individual-level task performance. These findings have a number of theoretical and practical implications for international organizations such as those in the IT offshoring sector.  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been argued that the industrial relations practices of multinational corporations tended to conform with the prevailing industrial relations practices of the host country. Recent arguments claim that this trend has now been reversed and a new orthodoxy prevails which originates in the multinational corporation's country of origin. Drawing on a sample of companies in the Irish manufacturing sector, this paper examines the extent of these changes through a comparison of indigenous and foreign companies. The evidence of change emerging from this survey does not fully support the hypothesis that the practices of multinationals are significantly different or that there is a new orthodoxy in industrial relations originating in the multinational sector. We suggest that the impetus for change in employment practices is not to be found in the multinational sector but in the dynamic nature of competitive markets and the increasingly international mobility of capital.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the debate about whether teamwork facilitates or constrains the single team member's autonomy at work. We investigate whether team autonomy can explain employees' individual autonomy, the teams' informal influence on its members and employees' desire for either individual or team influence. Questionnaire data were collected among employees in four Danish companies from different industries with various types of team organization: permanent, project-based and mixed teams. The results of the multiple regression analyses show that team autonomy is positively associated with individual autonomy, which is neither moderated by the team's ability to make the employee feel responsible nor by team support. Team autonomy is positively associated with facilitative social influence, i.e. team reward, team support and we find a negative association between team autonomy and team coercion. Moreover, employees who experienced more team than individual autonomy wanted their teams to control more work issues compared to employees who experienced lower team than individual autonomy.  相似文献   

After 50 years of research in strategic management, the design of strategic planning processes is still on the agenda for scholarly research. Using a quantitative meta-analysis, we examine empirical studies on the relationship between organizational performance and the design parameters of the strategic planning process that can be controlled by a firm. Whereas existing literature reviews focus on the effect of strategic planning on performance, this meta-analysis also considers the role of the location and participants in the strategic planning process, the distinct properties of strategic planners and the intensity of the planning method used. The effect sizes of existing primary studies are harmonized for better comparison and aggregated for a total effect. The total effect is tested for significance and checked for homogeneity.  相似文献   

Financial firms make up a substantial fraction of the domestic equity market. A number of studies subsequently used different conceptual and methodological approaches to model equity return of financial services firms. Movement of the stock price as the consequence of the movement of the micro and macroeconomic factors is strongly supported by the literature review. Dhaka Stock Exchange in Bangladesh is inefficient in weak form. Multiple regression analysis is conducted to find out the relationship microeconomic factors with the stock price. In this study found a significant linear relationship among market return and some microeconomic factors such as net asset value per share, dividend percentage, earning per share of bank leasing and insurance companies. Also found non-linear relationship among the variables is insignificant at 95 percent level of significance.  相似文献   

The crucial impact of work–family issues on employee's well-being has been recognized and responded with a variety of research in field of organizational behavior. However, few studies examine the impact of how work–family practices affect productivity at firm-level. Following the research stream of strategic human resource management, we proposed that work–family may form the norm of reciprocity, which is a more sophisticated and more critical, internal social-structure component to enable organizational performance. We also examine the contingent effect, work–team structure – on the extent to which the work–family practices are appreciated by employees – and then create complementarities. We conduct a longitudinal study and utilize a data set of 204 Taiwanese public-traded firms to test our hypotheses. The results show that, contrary to our prediction, utilizing work–family practices does not have a significant positive impact on organizational productivity. However, the most important finding of this study is that there are synergies between work–family practices and work–team design on organizational productivity. Work–team design is an important situation in which the returns of work–family practices can be enhanced.  相似文献   

  • Decreased government funding has placed increasing financial pressure on Australian universities. Currently Australian universities receive 6.6% of all donations to nonprofit organisations in Australia while universities in the United States attract 14%. These figures suggest there is considerable room for improvement for Australian universities. Efforts directed towards adding to knowledge of philanthropy to universities in Australia are, therefore, very topical at present. Despite acknowledged differences between the types of literature on gift‐giving it predominately centres on the motivation to donate to nonprofit organisations during an individual's lifetime (in vivo giving) with less focus on bequests. This exploratory study sought to gain insight into barriers to Australian University bequests. Lack of alumni engagement in Australian Universities was identified as a primary bequest barrier. Barriers identified previously in the literature (e.g. communications quality, performance, insensitive marketing) were considered secondary barriers to bequests. The results suggest a long term strategy is needed for Australian Universities seeking to improve donations. Universities need to engage students from the start of their academic tenure in order to be considered for a bequest. This paper proposes a model which highlights the consequences of this lack of early engagement and identifies key points in the academic and post‐academic process where successive challenges increasingly diverge the student from the university's bequest prospects.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This work tries to deal with Non-Profit Institutions (NPIs) recent challenges, addressing a potential response to the need of managerial approaches and schemes to improve the comprehension of the phenomenon. In particular, the main aim is to identify the prevailing trajectories on which to build a potential theoretical “virtuous” management model. In this perspective, using a statistical analysis on a small case study, the research proceeds to test the coherence of theoretical insights with a possible multifaceted pattern for NPIs in which professionalization, civic-engagement and accountability represent the three fundamental dimensions of what could be defined as “The Cuboid of NPIs Management”.


This paper investigates how patents and research and development (R&D) spikes affect the corporate performance of 863 firm-year observations of U.S. biopharmaceutical companies. First, a dynamic data envelopment analysis model is adopted to evaluate the performance of the U.S. biopharmaceutical companies. Then, ordinary least squares regression is used to explore the effects of three patent-related variables (patent counts, citations, and claims) and R&D spikes on corporate performance. This study finds positive impacts of patent counts, citations, and claims on corporate performance. In addition, the results show that R&D spikes have negative contemporaneous effects and time-lagged effects on corporate performance.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the relationship between environmental performance and financial performance by introducing clean technology as the moderating variable. We contest two major theories, natural resource-based view theory and neoclassical theory, to reveal a comprehensive understanding of environmental performance's impact on financial performance. The hypotheses are tested on 111 global oil and gas companies using dynamic panel generalized method of moments (GMM). Our analysis reveals three key findings. First, lower environmental performance leads to lower financial performance confirming the natural resource-based view theory. Second, clean technology has no significant effect on financial performance, arguing the marginal abatement cost. Finally, our results report that clean technology has no impact on increasing financial performance during high waste spills or high emissions. Theoretical and practical implications resulting from the adoption of clean technology to moderate the environmental impact on financial performance are also discussed.  相似文献   

Working capital always being disregard in financial decision making since it involve investment and financing in short term period. However, it is an important component in firm financial management decision. An optimal working capital management is expected to contribute positively to the creation of firm value. To reach optimal working capital management firm manager should control the trade off between profitability and liquidity accurately. The intention of this study is to examine the relationship between working capital management and firm profitability. Cash conversion cycle is used as measure of working capital management. This study is used panel data of 1628 firm-year for the period of 1996-2006 that consist of six different economic sectors which are listed in Bursa Malaysia. The coefficient results of Pooled OLS regression analysis provide a strong negative significant relationship between cash conversion cycle and firm profitability. This reveals that reducing cash conversion period results to profitability increase. Thus, in purpose to create shareholder value, firm manager should concern on shorten of cash conversion cycle till optimal level is achieved.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of the project manager’s leadership style with team interaction, and their impact on project performance. The second objective was to determine whether the effect of leadership style on project performance may be mediated by team interaction. To address the primary aims, a questionnaire-based survey was used to measure the project manager’s leadership style, team communication and collaboration, and overall performance of research and development (R&D) projects in the Taiwanese server industry. The analyses suggest that transformational leadership may be positively related to team communication and collaboration. Additionally, levels of team communication and collaboration are positively associated with projects’ levels of performance. The results also indicate that team communication and collaboration may serve as mediators between transformational leadership and project performance.  相似文献   

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