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We model the stochastic evolution of the probability density functions (PDFs) of Ibovespa intraday returns over business days, in a functional time series framework. We find evidence that the dynamic structure of the PDFs reduces to a vector process lying in a two-dimensional space. Our main contributions are as follows. First, we provide further insights into the finite-dimensional decomposition of the curve process: it is shown that its evolution can be interpreted as a dynamic dispersion-symmetry shift. Second, we provide an application to realized volatility forecasting, with a forecasting ability that is comparable to those of HAR realized volatility models in the model confidence set framework.  相似文献   

A new framework for the joint estimation and forecasting of dynamic value at risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) is proposed by our incorporating intraday information into a generalized autoregressive score (GAS) model introduced by Patton et al., 2019 to estimate risk measures in a quantile regression set-up. We consider four intraday measures: the realized volatility at 5-min and 10-min sampling frequencies, and the overnight return incorporated into these two realized volatilities. In a forecasting study, the set of newly proposed semiparametric models are applied to four international stock market indices (S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nikkei 225 and FTSE 100) and are compared with a range of parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric models, including historical simulations, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models and the original GAS models. VaR and ES forecasts are backtested individually, and the joint loss function is used for comparisons. Our results show that GAS models, enhanced with the realized volatility measures, outperform the benchmark models consistently across all indices and various probability levels.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a combination of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects in order to build superior extensions of the GARCH-MIDAS model for modeling and forecasting the stock volatility. Our in-sample results clearly verify that extreme shocks have a significant impact on the stock volatility and that the volatility can be influenced more by the asymmetry effect than by the extreme volatility effect in both the long and short term. Out-of-sample results with several robustness checks demonstrate that our proposed models can achieve better performances in forecasting the volatility. Furthermore, the improvement in predictive ability is attributed more strongly to the introduction of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects for the short-term volatility component.  相似文献   

Volatility forecasts are important for a number of practical financial decisions, such as those related to risk management. When working with high-frequency data from markets that operate during a reduced time, an approach to deal with the overnight return volatility is needed. In this context, we use heterogeneous autoregressions (HAR) to model the variation associated with the intraday activity, with distinct realized measures as regressors, and, to model the overnight returns, we use augmented GARCH type models. Then, we combine the HAR and GARCH models to generate forecasts for the total daily return volatility. In an empirical study, for returns on six international stock indices, we analyze the separate modeling approach in terms of its out-of-sample forecasting performance of daily volatility, Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall relative to standard models from the literature. In particular, the overall results are favorable for the separate modeling approach in comparison with some HAR models based on realized variance measures for the whole day and the standard GARCH model.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the forecasting of probability density functions. Density functions are nonnegative and have a constrained integral, and thus do not constitute a vector space. The implementation of established functional time series forecasting methods for such nonlinear data is therefore problematic. Two new methods are developed and compared to two existing methods. The comparison is based on the densities derived from cross-sectional and intraday returns. For such data, one of our new approaches is shown to dominate the existing methods, while the other is comparable to one of the existing approaches.  相似文献   

We analyze the relation between volatility and speculative activities in the crude oil futures market and provide short-term forecasts accordingly. By incorporating trading volume and opening interest (speculative ratio) into the volatility dynamics, we document the subtle interaction between the two measures of which the volatility-averse behavior of speculative activities plays a considerable role in the market. Moreover, by accounting for structural changes, we find significant evidence that this behavior currently becomes weaker than in the past, which implies the oil futures market is less informative and/or less risk-averse in recent time period. Our forecasts based on these features perform very well under the predictive preferences that are consistent with the volatility-averse behavior in the oil futures market. We provide discussions and policy inferences.  相似文献   

A new class of forecasting models is proposed that extends the realized GARCH class of models through the inclusion of option prices to forecast the variance of asset returns. The VIX is used to approximate option prices, resulting in a set of cross-equation restrictions on the model’s parameters. The full model is characterized by a nonlinear system of three equations containing asset returns, the realized variance, and the VIX, with estimation of the parameters based on maximum likelihood methods. The forecasting properties of the new class of forecasting models, as well as a number of special cases, are investigated and applied to forecasting the daily S&P500 index realized variance using intra-day and daily data from September 2001 to November 2017. The forecasting results provide strong support for including the realized variance and the VIX to improve variance forecasts, with linear conditional variance models performing well for short-term one-day-ahead forecasts, whereas log-linear conditional variance models tend to perform better for intermediate five-day-ahead forecasts.  相似文献   

We analyze the narratives that accompany the numerical forecasts in the Bank of England’s Quarterly Inflation Reports, 1997–2018. We focus on whether the narratives contain useful information about the future course of key macro variables over and above the point predictions, in terms of whether the narratives can be used to enhance the accuracy of the numerical forecasts. We also consider whether the narratives are able to predict future changes in the numerical forecasts. We find that a measure of sentiment derived from the narratives can predict the errors in the numerical forecasts of output growth, but not of inflation. We find no evidence that past changes in sentiment predict subsequent changes in the point forecasts of output growth or of inflation, but do find that the adjustments to the numerical output growth forecasts have a systematic element.  相似文献   

Suppliers of tourist services continuously generate big data on ask prices. We suggest using this information, in the form of a price index, to forecast the occupation rates for virtually any time-space frame, provided that there are a sufficient number of decision makers “sharing” their pricing strategies on the web. Our approach guarantees great transparency and replicability, as big data from OTAs do not depend on search interfaces and can facilitate intelligent interactions between the territory and its inhabitants, thus providing a starting point for a smart decision-making process. We show that it is possible to obtain a noticeable increase in the forecasting performance by including the proposed leading indicator (price index) into the set of explanatory variables, even with very simple model specifications. Our findings offer a new research direction in the field of tourism demand forecasting leveraging on big data from the supply side.  相似文献   

This study used dummy variables to measure the influence of day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks on volatility. Considering day-of-the-week effects, structural breaks, or both, we propose three classes of HAR models to forecast electricity volatility based on existing HAR models. The estimation results of the models showed that day-of-the-week effects only improve the fitting ability of HAR models for electricity volatility forecasting at the daily horizon, whereas structural breaks can improve the in-sample performance of HAR models when forecasting electricity volatility at daily, weekly, and monthly horizons. The out-of-sample analysis indicated that both day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks contain additional ex ante information for predicting electricity volatility, and in most cases, dummy variables used to measure structural breaks contain more out-of-sample predictive information than those used to measure day-of-the-week effects. The out-of-sample results were robust across three different methods. More importantly, we argue that adding dummy variables to measure day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks can improve the performance of most other existing HAR models for volatility forecasting in the electricity market.  相似文献   

Mortality forecasting has crucial implications for insurance and pension policies. A large amount of literature has proposed models to forecast mortality using cross-sectional (period) data instead of longitudinal (cohort) data. As a consequence, decisions are generally based on period life tables and summary measures such as period life expectancy, which reflect hypothetical mortality rather than the mortality actually experienced by a cohort. This study introduces a novel method to forecast cohort mortality and the cohort life expectancy of non-extinct cohorts. The intent is to complete the mortality profile of cohorts born up to 1960. The proposed method is based on the penalized composite link model for ungrouping data. The performance of the method is investigated using cohort mortality data retrieved from the Human Mortality Database for England & Wales, Sweden, and Switzerland for male and female populations.  相似文献   

In this paper it is pointed out that a Bayesian forecasting procedure performed better according to an average mean square error (MSE) criterion than the many other forecasting procedures utilized in the forecasting experiments reported in an extensive study by Makridakis et al. (1982). This fact was not mentioned or discussed by the authors. Also, it is emphasized that if criteria other than MSE are employed, Bayesian forecasts that are optimal relative to them should be employed. Specific examples are provided and analyzed to illustrate this point.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of regime switching in the prediction of the Chinese stock market volatility with international market volatilities. Our work is based on the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model and we further extend this simple benchmark model by incorporating an individual volatility measure from 27 international stock markets. The in-sample estimation results show that the transition probabilities are significant and the high volatility regime exhibits substantially higher volatility level than the low volatility regime. The out-of-sample forecasting results based on the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test suggest that the regime switching models consistently outperform their original counterparts with respect to not only the HAR and its extended models but also the five used combination approaches. In addition to point accuracy, the regime switching models also exhibit substantially higher directional accuracy. Furthermore, compared to time-varying parameter, Markov regime switching is found to be a more efficient way to process the volatility information in the changing world. Our results are also robust to alternative evaluation methods, various loss functions, alternative volatility estimators, various sample periods, and various settings of Markov regime switching. Finally, we provide an extension of forecasting aggregate market volatility on monthly frequency and observe mixed results.  相似文献   

We propose the construction of copulas through the inversion of nonlinear state space models. These copulas allow for new time series models that have the same serial dependence structure as a state space model, but with an arbitrary marginal distribution, and flexible density forecasts. We examine the time series properties of the copulas, outline serial dependence measures, and estimate the models using likelihood-based methods. Copulas constructed from three example state space models are considered: a stochastic volatility model with an unobserved component, a Markov switching autoregression, and a Gaussian linear unobserved component model. We show that all three inversion copulas with flexible margins improve the fit and density forecasts of quarterly U.S. broad inflation and electricity inflation.  相似文献   

We propose an econometric framework for estimating capital shortfalls of bank holding companies (BHCs) under pre-specified macroeconomic scenarios. To capture the nonlinear dynamics of bank losses and revenues during periods of financial stress, we use a fixed effects quantile autoregressive (FE-QAR) model with exogenous macroeconomic covariates, an approach that delivers a superior out-of-sample forecasting performance relative to the standard linear framework. According to the out-of-sample forecasts, the realized net charge-offs during the 2007–09 crisis fall within the multi-step-ahead density forecasts implied by the FE-QAR model, but are frequently outside the density forecasts generated using the corresponding linear model. This difference reflects the fact that the linear specification substantially underestimates loan losses, especially for real estate loan portfolios. Employing the macroeconomic stress scenario used in CCAR 2012, we use the density forecasts generated by the FE-QAR model to simulate capital shortfalls for a panel of large BHCs. For almost all institutions in the sample, the FE-QAR model generates capital shortfalls that are considerably higher than those implied by its linear counterpart, which suggests that our approach has the potential to detect emerging vulnerabilities in the financial system.  相似文献   

The study forecast intraday portfolio VaR and CVaR using high frequency data of three pairs of stock price indices taken from three different markets. For each pair we specify both the marginal models for the individual return series and a joint model for the dependence between the paired series. We have used CGARCH-EVT-Copula model, and compared its forecasting performance with three other competing models. Backtesting evidence shows that the CGARCH-EVT-Copula type model performs relatively better than other models. Once the best performing model is identified for each pair, we develop an optimal portfolio selection model for each market, separately.  相似文献   

Forecasts have traditionally served as the basis for planning and executing supply chain activities. Forecasts drive supply chain decisions, and they have become critically important due to increasing customer expectations, shortening lead times, and the need to manage scarce resources. Over the last ten years, advances in technology and data collection systems have resulted in the generation of huge volumes of data on a wide variety of topics and at great speed. This paper reviews the impact that this explosion of data is having on product forecasting and how it is improving it. While much of this review will focus on time series data, we will also explore how such data can be used to obtain insights into consumer behavior, and the impact of such data on organizational forecasting.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a macro-economic demographic growth modelhaving a special focus on social security. It is designed to study the variability of responses of the system in presence of risks and uncertainties. Here we analyze the robustness of the model towards uncertainties in parameterspecifications, introduced by ARCH-M models with the incorporation ofintervention processes. The parameters varied are labor force participationrates (one of the key sources of uncertainty in the social security policydebate), and the parameters of the production function (the key source ofuncertainty in any long-run economic analysis). The sensitivity analysisfocuses on two variables: assets of the private pension system and thebalance of the public `Pay As You Go' pension system. Special attentionis given to convergence properties of the macro-economic model.  相似文献   

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