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美国联邦快递的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈小龄 《上海商业》2006,(7):99-100
二ОО六年五月十四日至六月二十二日,经组织安排,我参加了百联培训团,赴美国中部田纳西洲孟菲斯大学进行了为期四十天的学习培训考察,先后在美国Fed EX(联邦快递)关于领导能力和经营管理理念的学习、在孟菲斯大学关于美国零售商业知识的学习,最后考察了纽约、华盛顿、拉斯维加斯和洛杉矶等城市,所见所闻,所思所想,给我们留下了许多深刻的印象。良好的教学方法和比较系统的学习内容给我们启发不小。  相似文献   

美日企业人力资源管理模式的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周其仁教授曾经说过,“为什么土地、自然资源、厂房设备、银行贷款都无须激励,单单人力因素就非谈激励不可?道理就在于人力资本的产权特性。一方面,人力资产天然归属个人;另一方面,人力资本的产权权利一旦受损,其资产可以立刻贬值或荡然无存。……个人是人力资本的具有技术不可分性的所有和控制……激励机制的普遍性是因为人力资本的利用在经济生活中无处不在,而在现代经济中,人力资本的开发利用日益居于中心地位。”  相似文献   

舒扬 《中国海关》2001,(3):46-47
1776年,美利坚合众国宣布独立.然而人们的兴奋还未退去,年轻的美国就发现自己正处于破产的边缘:没有税收没有经济来源、财政十分紧张.政府不得不严肃面对这个问题,并紧急提上日程.终于,第一界国会讨论通过了乔治·华盛顿总统于1789年7月4日签署的关税行动草案,决定对进口美国的货物实施征税.美国海关正是在这个时候被正式提上日程.这份议案被当时的传媒界称为美国的"第二个独立宣言".四周之后,即1789年的7月31日,美国海关及其口岸正式建成了.  相似文献   

众所周知,美国是世界上经济实力最强的国家,同时也是贸易逆差最大的国家。那么,长期以来美国的巨额贸易逆差与经济增长却能同时并存,依然维持着美国经济的强势,这在世界上也是绝无仅有的经济现象。这里尽管原因很多,但从国际金融的角度分析,笔者赞同这样一种观点,即美元作为国际上流通量最大、流通范围最广的币种,其货币的特殊利益所带来的财富效应,已成为支撑美国经济发展的重要因素。现在,我们暂且不从理论上进行探讨,而只对美国经济现象的一系列数字加以分析,就会发现其中的奥妙,值得深入思考。在国际金融领域中,美国的国…  相似文献   

Morici  Peter 《Business Economics》2019,54(3):169-172
Business Economics - The Chinese economic system is based on the concept of autocracy and state-directed capitalism. The Chinese challenge is playing out in four theaters: trade, North Korea, the...  相似文献   

美国是发达国家,我国是发展中国家,国情不同。但美国是我国贸易关系最密切的国家,目前,美国是我国第一大出口市场、第一大贸易顺差来源国。了解分析美国的贸易政策从中得到启示,对我国贸易政策的及时调整是有益的。  相似文献   

李倩  张文 《中国海关》2001,(6):28-29
1999年4月10日,中美双方签署了<中美农业合作协议>,标志着我国农业进一步对外开放已经是大势所趋,也意味着我国的农业从此拉开了"与狼共舞"的序幕.2000年3月,来自加利福尼亚的907公斤新奇士柑橘运抵上海的虹桥机场,叩开了中国农产品的市场大门.随后,美国的农产品便大规模地开始了"中国之旅".  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(4):505-517
Relations between U.S. and Chinese corporations are increasingly strained. In this article, we examine how differences in the key domains of corporate governance, underlying corporate philosophy, innovation, and dispute resolution contribute to this strained relationship. We illustrate these differences by examining the relations between Skyworks Solutions (U.S.) and ZTE (China). We discuss the three broad strategies available to U.S. managers in engaging with Chinese corporations, depending on the extent of their involvement and comfort with discord: (1) playing ball, (2) straddling the middle ground, and (3) decoupling.  相似文献   

中国对美出口与美国GDP增长的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1994年到2002年中国对美出口的季度数据与同期美国GDP增长率来计算并分析其相关性,两者呈现较强的负相关性。主要原因有:美国经济衰退后,居民收入水平下降,从而转向中国产品的消费;中国入世效应的体现;中关两国这些年对产品结构进行重大调整后,使两国产品的互补性提高;我国在通关税收等方面采取了重大改革等。故我国要进一步调整产业结构和产品结构,吸引外国跨国公司到中国投资高新技术产业,扩大从美国的进口等。  相似文献   

It has been 20 years since Freeman [Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Marshfield, MA: Pittman Publishing.] first proposed his stakeholder approach to strategic management, which stated that corporations must consider the needs and demands not only of their shareholders but also those of a wide range of other external constituencies, or “stakeholders.” Examples of stakeholders include customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. Freeman's theory has generated an extensive body of research, including not only the efforts of the management researchers who have tested, revised, and refined the theory, but also the views of corporate executives who have used the stakeholder approach in their strategic planning. This article, based upon a review of that literature, identifies five important lessons from the stakeholder model for today's business leaders. These lessons are particularly timely, given the inappropriate behavior that has occurred in the business world during recent years.  相似文献   

We provide background information on U.S. and U.K. policies promoting innovation in small firms and also summarize the papers that appear in this special issue. These studies were presented at a recent workshop that was jointly organized by the University of Nottingham Institute for Enterprise and Innovation (UNIEI) and the Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Based on a synthesis of these papers and other evidence that was presented during the workshop, we conclude that: (1) program evaluation is much more prevalent in the U.S. than in the U.K.; (2) the U.S. Advanced Technology Program (ATP) and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program have been successful; and (3) shared costs between government and industry and frequent assessment are the keys to ensuring that such programs are successful.  相似文献   

Following months of intense competition,United Airlines [NASDAQ:UAUA],the largest transpacific passenger carrier,connected for the first time ever the capitals of Washington,D.C.,and Beijing when its flight touched down at Beijing Capital International Airport at 14:20 on March 29.The service enables Washington.D.C.,to join 28 other world capitals in offering nonstop service to Beijing.  相似文献   


This study is among the first to examine the relations and interrelations among variables that measure the activities of U.S. multinational enterprises and their affiliates through the use of data that has recently become available. None of the results seem to contradict, and a large number seem to corroborate many hypotheses of contemporary international trade and global marketing theory. An important finding is that a strong gross complementarity between the variables exists which results in the values of these variables increasing simultaneously. Hence, the levels of intraindustry and international trade also increase simultaneously. However, it is found that net substitution relations exists between a number of pairs of the variables considered.  相似文献   

孙璐 《商业研究》2006,(8):203-205
零售业态在美国得到了空前的发展,且已相当成熟,对美国业态的发展研究将会使我们从中受到启示:政府根据具体经济环境鼓励发展无店铺、杂货店、保健品店等多种业态,而且,在业态结构的管理上要进行优化,使之均衡发展,此外政府应该建立信息平台和预警体系,为零售业态健康发展提供保障。  相似文献   

The U.S. currently levies over 250 antidumping duties, and many of these duties fluctuate as a result of administrative reviews. Administrative reviews occur when antidumping duties are recalculated for the purposes of adjustment or revocation. This paper examines how administrative reviews influence U.S. antidumping duties. The paper also analyzes the forces that give rise to administrative reviews as well as the factors that produce changes in antidumping duties.  相似文献   

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