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This article proposes a model of technology adoption that integrates demand for individual traits of new technologies with the potential for heterogeneity based on farm and farmer characteristics. The model is applied to recent genetically modified corn adoption data from Minnesota and Wisconsin farmers, using a mixed-multinomial logit (MMNL) model to estimate the effects of traits and farm and farmer characteristics on adoption outcomes. This approach allows explicit recovery of estimates of farmers' shadow prices for individual technology traits. Results show the importance of producer and regional heterogeneity in preferences for seed traits.  相似文献   

Canada has stringent regulations covering the release of new wheat varieties, but the United States has virtually no regulations in this area. Monsanto Co. developed genetically modified (GM) spring wheat for North America, and made a commitment to the U.S. industry to release this new technology simultaneously in both Canada and the United States, or not at all. The Canadian regulatory bias against new varieties acted as a veto against GM wheat and caused Monsanto to shelve the technology in both countries in 2004. Substantial economic rents were foregone in North America due to the rejection of this new technology.  相似文献   

This article employs a propensity score‐matching approach to examine the direct effects of adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton on yields, pesticide demand, household income and poverty, using cross‐sectional data from a survey of farmers in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Generally, the findings reveal that adoption of the new technology exerts a positive and significant impact on cotton yields, household income and poverty reduction, and a negative effect on the use of pesticides. The positive and significant impact of the technology on yields and household income is consistent with the potential role of new agricultural technology in directly reducing rural poverty through increased farm household income.  相似文献   

A national sample of U.S. farms is used to estimate the long-term trends in adoption and diffusion of conservation tillage, IPM, and soil fertilizer testing, technologies designed to reduce environmental externalities from agriculture. Results from a duration model show that diffusion of these technologies has been relatively slow, with long lags in adoption due to differences in land quality, farm size, farmer education, and regional factors.  相似文献   

吕航  张文  宫国强 《现代食品》2021,27(2):146-148
基因工程是生物工程的一个重要分支,是在分子水平对基因进行技术改造,将外部基因经体外重组导入至受体细胞中,使基因可以在受体细胞内进行复制、转录与翻译.经过基因技术的不断发展和改造,转入的基因能够稳定遗传,表达出新产物或新性状.转基因食品为人们的生活带来了更多选择,特别是植物性转基因食品的出现.DNA重组技术与细胞融合技术...  相似文献   

This article analyzes adoption and impacts of Bt cotton in Argentina against the background of monopoly pricing. Based on survey data, it is shown that the technology significantly reduces insecticide applications and increases yields; however, these advantages are curbed by the high price charged for genetically modified seeds. Using the contingent valuation method, it is shown that farmers' average willingness to pay is less than half the actual technology price. A lower price would not only increase benefits for growers, but could also multiply company profits, thus, resulting in a Pareto improvement. Implications of the sub-optimal pricing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the proprietary nature of most genetically modified (GM) seed technologies, the question arises as to how farmers in developing countries can gain proper access. Based on empirical observations, a theoretical model is developed, focusing on farmers' adoption decisions in response to pricing strategies of a foreign monopolist and a domestic supplier of conventional seeds. Government interventions, such as seed subsidies, encouragement of R&D, and intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement, and their effects on GM coverage and national welfare are analyzed. The possibility of the government obtaining a license to distribute GM seeds domestically through a transfer to the monopolist is also considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to evaluate the performance of market advisory services for the 1995–2003 corn and soybean crops. A new database from the Agricultural Market Advisory Services (AgMAS) Project is used in the evaluation. This database should not be subject to survivorship and hindsight biases. Overall, the results provide little evidence that advisory services as a group outperform market benchmarks, particularly after considering risk. The evidence is more positive versus the farmer benchmarks, even after taking risk into account. Results also suggest that it is difficult to predict the pricing performance of advisory services across crop-years.  相似文献   

Adoption of agricultural production technologies in developing countries is influenced by a wide range of economic and social factors as well as physical and technical aspects of farming and the risk attitude of farmers. It is important to understand the role of these factors to ensure the development of appropriate technologies and the design of successful development projects. This study examines the impact of such factors on the adoption of single-ox, fertilizer and pesticide technologies as part of a post-drought recovery project in Tegulet-Bulga district in Ethiopia. Models to evaluate the probability of adoption are specified for the respective technologies and are estimated using a logit maximum likelihood procedure, results indicate that the most significant variable affecting the probability of adoption of all three technologies is farm size; the impact is negative for single-ox technology and positive for fertilizer and pesticide use. Economic factors such as income, wealth and debt generally exhibit statistically significant influence on the adoption of single-ox and pesticide technologies as do family size, access to outside information, education and experience. The effect of socio-economic factors on adoption of fertilizer and pesticide technologies is greater in the area which has more access to outside information and off-farm activities (Ankober) than in more ‘self-contained’ area (Seladengay). The impact of the degree of risk aversion of farmers is found to be significant and negative for single-ox technology in both areas, and for fertilizer and pesticide technologies in only one area. The predicted probabilities of technology adoption by an average farmer are found to increase dramatically with the level of education and access or exposure to outside information.  相似文献   

A framework is developed for examining price and welfare effects of the introduction of genetically modified (GM) products. In the short run, non-GM grain generally becomes another identity-preserved product. However, more profound market effects are observed under some reasonable parameterizations. When calibrated to reflect the U.S. corn market, introducing GM technology increases aggregate welfare over a wide range of scenarios, unless the corresponding production cost savings are small and consumers are seriously concerned about GM products. The possibility that GM technology may reduce aggregate welfare is interesting because the model assumes rational agents and does not include regulatory constraints.  相似文献   

Duration Analysis of Technological Adoption in Ethiopian Agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Duration analysis has been used to examine the impact of time‐varying and time‐invariant variables on the speed of adoption of fertiliser and herbicide by smallholder farmers in East and West Shewa in the central highlands of Ethiopia in the 25 years preceding 1996. The estimated models suggest that economic incentives were the most important determinants of the time farmers waited before adopting new technologies; traction power in the form of oxen and infrastructural factors (in particular proximity to markets) also appear to have been important influences, but less so than prices. Other agricultural inputs (area of farmland, labour, credit), extension services and farmers' personal characteristics (education, gender, age) appear to have had little, if any, effect on adoption behaviour. There is also evidence that the speed of adoption of herbicide, on both tef and wheat, was slower than that of fertiliser.  相似文献   

Landscape Clubs: Co-existence of Genetically Modified and Organic Crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The possibility of increased production of genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture accentuates the need to examine the feasibility of GM and non‐GM technologies co‐existing on a common physical landscape. Using the theory of clubs, this paper examines the possibility of co‐existence for GM and organic wheat technologies through the formation of an organic club with an endogenously determined buffer zone. Given the available data on prices, and yields, it is shown that a club can be created in which GM and organic agricultural production technologies can economically co‐exist in the same physical landscape. Specifically, co‐existence results in an increase in economic welfare over a situation where only GM technology is used but is not Pareto superior because producers in the buffer zone will incur injury. We show that organic producers in the club can compensate producers in the buffer zone and still be better off. Hence, the compensation principle holds. La possibilité de production accrue de cultures génétiquement modifiées (GM) accentue la nécessité d'examiner la faisabilité de coexistence des technologies GM et non GM dans un même paysage agricole. À l'aide de la théorie des clubs, le présent article a examiné la possibilité de coexistence des technologies de culture de blé GM et de blé biologique en créant un club ?biologique? comprenant une zone tampon déterminée de façon endogène. Compte tenu des données disponibles concernant les prix et les rendements, il est montré qu'il est possible de créer un club au sein duquel les technologies de production de cultures biologiques et GM peuvent économiquement coexister dans un même paysage naturel. Spécifiquement, la coexistence engendre une augmentation du bien‐être économique par rapport à une situation où seule la technologie GM est utilisée, mais elle n'est pas Pareto supérieure parce que les producteurs dans la zone tampon subiront des dommages. Nous montrons que les producteurs de cultures biologiques membres du club peuvent indemniser les producteurs de la zone tampon tout en demeurant en bonne position. Le principe de compensation tient donc.  相似文献   

Evaluating the possible benefits of the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops must address the issue of consumer resistance as well as the complex regulation that has ensued. In the European Union (EU), this regulation envisions the co‐existence of GM food with conventional and quality‐enhanced products, mandates the labelling and traceability of GM products and allows only a stringent adventitious presence of GM content in other products. All these elements are brought together within a partial equilibrium model of the EU agricultural food sector. The model comprises conventional, GM and organic food. Demand is modelled in a novel fashion, whereby organic and conventional products are treated as horizontally differentiated but GM products are vertically differentiated (weakly inferior) relative to conventional ones. Supply accounts explicitly for the land constraint at the sector level and for the need for additional resources to produce organic food. Model calibration and simulation allow insights into the qualitative and quantitative effects of the large‐scale introduction of GM products in the EU market. We find that the introduction of GM food reduces overall EU welfare, mostly because of the associated need for costly segregation of non‐GM products, but the producers of quality‐enhanced products actually benefit.  相似文献   

This paper explores the unequal distribution of the environmental and social costs and benefits of the genetically modified (GM) soy model in Argentina and its impact on grievance formation and the emergence of contestation. In the 1990s, Argentina transitioned into a neoliberal agro‐industrial model based on producing GM soy for export. Though celebrated as a success, the expansion of GM soy monocultures has brought widespread socio‐ecological disruption. Various social actors have started to mobilize against the resulting environmental injustice. I focus on the peasant–indigenous movement in the north of the country, which is struggling for land rights, and the movements against agrochemical spraying in the central Pampas region. These groups, which are relatively powerless to control resources where they live, and that experience little or no benefit from GM soy production, nevertheless bear most of its social and ecological costs. These struggles link environmental and social well‐being, becoming struggles for ecological sustainability as well as social justice and equity.  相似文献   

在过去的十多年里 ,农业转基因技术已经取得了举世瞩目的成绩。 2 0 0 0年 ,美国、阿根廷、加拿大和中国种植的转基因作物占全球转基因作物种植总面积的 99% ,依次居于前四位。值得注意的是 ,这 4个国家中 2个是发达国家 (美国和加拿大 )、2个是发展中国家 (阿根廷和中国 )。由于一些发展中国家已经种植了大面积的转基因作物 ,并且还呈现出不断增长的趋势 ,因此 ,对这些国家农民的种植意向进行考察就具有极其重大的现实意义。正是基于这一认识 ,笔者对我国农民转基因作物的种植意向做了问卷分析 ,以期得出有益于政府制定适当的产业政策的结…  相似文献   

Policies and Attitudes toward Genetically Modified Foods in Norway Norwegian food and agricultural policies have up to now prevented the introduction and commercialization of GM foods. This may be considered just an imitation of EU neighbours. On the other hand, based on results from our study, the application of the precautionary principle to GM foods is well justified in Norway since consumers currently do not feel comfortable with these products. Our analysis is based on data from a survey of 400 food shoppers in the Oslo‐region of Norway conducted in January 2002. Of consumers surveyed, eighty‐six per cent of consumers thought labeling of GM foods was very important. Consumers in the sample were on average only willing to purchase GM bread with an approximately 50 per cent discount compared to non‐GM bread, indicating that there is strong scepticism toward GM foods in Norway. When comparing the consumers who were the most willing to purchase GM bread with the consumers who were the least willing to purchase GM bread, we found that the latter group was significantly older, had more women, higher incomes and lower formal education. The strict Norwegian GM food policies are consistent with the consumer consensus against the inclusion of GM foods in the Norwegian market. Les aliments génétiquement modifiés en Norvège:politiques mises en oeuvre et attitudes des consommateurs Jusqu'ici, les politiques agrtcoles et alimentaires en Norvège ont toujours prohibé l' importation et la commercialisation d'aliments génétiquement modifyés. On pourrait l' interpréter comme une simple imitation de ce qui se passe dans l' UE voisine. Pourtant, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'application du principe de précaution aux aliments génétiquement modifyés est justifyée en Norvège par le fait que les consommateurs ne se sentent pas confortables avec ces produits. Ceci ressort d'une enquête effectuée en Janvier 2002 auprès de 400 acheteurs de produits alimentaires dans la règion d'Oslo. 86% des répondants estiment que l'étiquetage des produits génétiquement modifyés est ‘très important’. En moyenne, les consommateurs de l'échantillon exigent un baisse de 50% du prix du ‘pain OGM’ par rapport au pain ‘non OGM’ pour accepter d'acheter le premier. Cela témoigne d'un fort scepticisme vis‐à‐vis des OGM en Norvège. Quand on oppose le groupe des consommateurs les ‘plus favorables’ aux OGM au groupe des ‘moins favorables’ on trouve que le second est composé de gens plus vieux, qu'il est plus féminin, bénéficie de revenus plus élevés et d'un niveau d'éducation plus faible. La politique anti‐OGM suivie en Norvége est done en accord avec l'opinion publique, qui rejette l'idée d'introduire ces produits sur les marchés norvégiens. Politikmaßnahmen und Einstellungen zu genetisch veränderten Le bensmitteln in Norwegen Die norwegische Agrar‐ und Ernährungspolitik hat bislang die Einführung und Vermarktung von genetisch veränderten Lebensmittein erfolgreich verhindert. Dies könnte lediglich als Nachahmung der EU‐Nachbarn aufgefasst werden. Unseren Forschungsergebnissen zu Folge wird das Sicherheitsprinzip auf genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel in Norwegen jedoch aus gutem Grund angewendet, da die Verbraucher diesen Produkten zur Zeit nicht genug Vertrauen entgegen bringen. Unsere Analyse gründet sich auf Umfragedaten von 400 Lebensmittelkäufern aus der Region um Oslo/Norwegen imjanuar2002. 86 Prozent der Befragten hielten es fur sehr wichtig, genetisch veranderte Lebensmittel zu kennzeichnen. Die Verbraucher in dieser Stichprobe waren im Durchschnitt nur dann bereit, genetisch verändertes Brot zu kaufen, wenn es im Vergleich zu genetisch nicht verandertem Brot einen Preisnachlass von zirka 50 Prozent gäbe. Darin zeigt sich eine starke Skepsis der Norweger gegenüber genetisch veränderten Lebensmittein. Beim Vergleich der Verbraucher, weiche die starkste Bereitschaft zeigten, genetisch verändertes Brot zu kaufen, mit den Verbrauchern, weiche die schwächste Bereitschaft zeigten, genetisch verändertes Brot zu kaufen, ergab sich, dass die zweite Gruppe ein signifikant höheres Alter, einen höheren Frauenanteil, höhere Einkommen und eine geringere Schulbildung aufwies. Die strikten norwegischen Politikmaßnahmen im Hinblick auf genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel entsprechen dem Wunsch der Verbraucher, genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel auf dem norwegischen Markt nicht zuzulassen.  相似文献   

There is a lack of public acceptance of genetically modified (GM) food products in Europe. Using a dichotomous choice contingent valuation methodology, we find that, on average, survey respondents with a positive attitude toward the use of biotechnology in food production, higher educated, younger, and male need less of a discount to choose to purchase bread made with GM wheat. Further, we estimate confidence intervals for the mean discount required for consumers to choose GM bread. The 95% confidence interval for the mean discount required for the respondents to choose the GM bread is a 37% to 63% discount relative to conventional bread.  相似文献   

Consumer attitudes towards genetically modified foods (GMFs) differ widely, particularly between North America and Europe. Information asymmetry, incomplete information and uncertainty arise as a result of concerns over GMFs. This paper explores the evolution of consumer attitudes towards genetically modijed foods in Europe and in North America and discusses a number of private market and public policy solutions to the problems of imperfect information and uncertainty. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research .  相似文献   

2 0世纪末 ,转基因技术飞速发展 ,取得了举世瞩目的成就。在转基因技术飞速发展的同时 ,国际上关于转基因食品安全性的争论也愈演愈烈。然而在这场争论中最终起决定作用的是消费者的态度。本文通过社会实验的方式模拟真实的市场情景 ,以探测消费者的潜在购买意愿及其影响因素。  相似文献   

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