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This paper examines the relationship between nonrespondent, self selection bias on mail return surveys from two visitor groups in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The authors suggest that engagement in a specific recreation activity at a specific location may be a significant criterion for defining a population as homogeneous. This is important because a homogeneous population is less susceptible to nonrespondent bias in mail return surveys. A brief contact instrument was given to individuals as they left the Sugarlands Visitor Center and as they entered the Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail. Upon completing the contact survey, participants were asked to complete and return, by mail, a detailed visitation questionnaire. The contact survey was recoded to reflect “returned”; and “not returned”; the mailed survey. A chi‐square analysis was used to determine if there was an association between respondents’ returning or not returning the mailed survey and their responses to the brief contact instrument. No significant association was found. Based upon these and other findings, the authors suggest that determinations of nonrespondent bias should be made before detailed follow‐up mail survey procedures are initiated.  相似文献   


The paper compares a revealed and stated preference approach for estimating the site attractiveness of Vermont ski resorts to weekend skiers. Unexpected bias in attractiveness estimates, seemingly caused by the geometry of origins and destinations, is discovered when the revealed preference approach is used. The attractiveness scales of resorts, which were estimated using separate metric (Thurstone) and nonmetric (nonmetric scaling) models of preference, are shown to be very similar despite the different assumptions of the two models. Eighty‐six percent of variance in the attractiveness estimates of resorts is explained by only two variables, mean perceived length of slopes and mean perceived level of crowding. A multidimensional scaling analysis of a matrix showing the mean cognitive similarity of each pair of 23 resorts reveals that the resultant two‐dimensional cognitive map of the resorts can be largely characterized by the same two attributes, slope length and crowding, that explain the preference‐based attractiveness estimates.  相似文献   

This study uses truncated Poisson regression to correct endogeneity of discrete choice experiments (DCEs) with data from on-site sampling, which has been commonly used to collect samples in the field of tourism research. We find that goodness of fit of model is significantly improved with on-site sampling correction. Estimated parameters with onsite sampling correction also match the predictions of economic theory better. Estimated willingness to pay for attributes are substantially underestimated due to sample selection bias. These results question the use of DCEs without on-site sampling correction for tourism policy making.  相似文献   


Previous methods for estimating the benefits of recreation have neglected interdependence of the consumer's and the producer's surplus. The proposed method is a first attempt to evaluate the benefits of a large number of sites simultaneously, namely 50 recreation sites in Illinois. The method introduces two corrections in the travel cost method in order to account for new dimensions on the consumer and the producer sides. The first correction deals with the provision of recreation opportunities at an efficient level, while the second correction takes into consideration distance to the site (accessibility) and the physical attributes of the site (attraction). Applying linear programming, a new theoretical distribution of attendance is obtained and a new benefit figure calculated. Both benefit figures, the “cost efficiency” correction and accessibility/attraction, are averaged, and a new benefit level is calculated for each site.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to report the pre-test results of a questionnaire designed to examine association meeting planners' site selection criteria and performance of five major convention cities. Pre-testing is necessary to ensure face (content) validity of the instrument by assessing the meaning of questions (ambiguity and bias), continuity and flow, question sequence, scale variability, and length and timing. The findings from the pre-test provided significant feedback for content validity of selection criteria used in the study, measurement and scaling, and flow of the questionnaire. The implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Measurement accuracy of respondents' opinions, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors is vital for better managerial suggestions, theoretical conclusions and advancement of science. There is a growing concern, voiced frequently in other disciplines that a high rate of response bias exists and this casts serious doubts on generalizability of conclusions. Based on limited research on the topic, this paper examines the extent to which response bias is acknowledged as a limitation in tourism, travel and hospitality research. Additional analyses were carried out to explore i) researchers' attentiveness to cautions when citing a biased study and ii) editorial policies of journals against bias. The results revealed that i) acknowledgement of response bias was low, ii) that researchers’ negligence to reported response bias limitations was high, and iii) that editorial policies of the examined journals were far from encouraging authors to discuss and include response bias related limitations. Implications were discussed.  相似文献   


As interest in the varying applications of Internet technology has expanded in recent years, so have discussions concerning the relative merits of this medium as a credible means for conducting market survey research. Proponents of this form of on-line surveying claim that as the Internet becomes more universally accepted as a means of communication, its utility for survey purposes will be largely related to its ability to conduct some forms of research faster, better, and more conclusively than other more traditional methods of interviewing. Other supporters highlight the approach's potential research advantages with respect to gaining access to especially difficult-to-find populations, its cost effectiveness from a data collection perspective, and its speed of interaction with respondent populations. Conversely, other researchers express more cautionary perspectives and emphasize that Internet survey methods tend to suffer many of the same shortcomings as those associated with more traditional survey methods: inappropriateness for communication with specific audiences, control over sample representativeness, “self-selection” biases and response turn-around time. As with other emerging market survey research tools, there is a need to systematically explore the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives in the context of specific research situations. This research examines issues of sample representativeness, “self selection” or non-response bias, and appropriateness of the survey techniques in the context of advertising tracking research. It does this by comparing the socio-economic and behavioral traits of Internet and traditional (telephone and mail) survey respondents participating in a tourism advertisement tracking study in Canada.  相似文献   


A rigorous statistical analysis indicates that large group bookings are a dominant source for errors in convention and conference facilities. This study demonstrates that the accuracy of the quantitative forecast can benefit from human judgment when an explicit structured process is applied to the judgmental adjustments. It develops and fits a correcting model that simulates managers' predictions. The results suggest that this approach can improve the accuracy of quantitative forecasting models when applied and calibrated to the hotel's specific characteristics.  相似文献   


This research examined 151 hotel general managers' perceptions of four different guest satisfaction measurement systems in the hotel industry. The results found that general managers had questionable confidence in the output from any of the systems investigated. The general managers felt that all systems present sample size, representative sample and manipulation problems. The general managers had the greatest confidence in third-party mail-out satisfaction systems and preferred these systems in a rank-order response.  相似文献   


Using data obtained from visitors to forest campgrounds, travel cost models were developed. Bid functions and willingness‐to‐pay estimates of recreation value were derived from contingent value questions posed to campers. The willingness‐to‐pay responses were based on both photographic representations of forest scenes and on actual forest conditions at each campground. The photo‐based willingness‐to‐pay estimates were significantly correlated with scenic beauty rating estimates made for photo‐based scenes, but there was little correlation between these values and willingness‐to‐pay estimates for actual forest conditions, or estimates from travel cost models. Further, no correlation was found between travel cost estimates and contingent value estimates of the value of forest conditions on‐site. The findings raise questions about the validity and comparability of willingness‐to‐pay measures that are applied to particular types of forest recreation situations.  相似文献   


Motivating employees to engage in pro-environmental behaviours is an essential topic in the tourism and hotel fields. This paper advances this research direction by integrating the mechanisms of cognition and incentives from the externalities/spillovers perspective. This paper argues that we can view the environmental and financial benefits received by hotels and natural environment as positive spillovers from employees' voluntary pro-environmental behaviours. Accordingly, internalization (the subject of positive spillovers cognitively perceives oneness with beneficiaries like hotels and physical environment) and compensation (beneficiaries offer incentives for positive spillovers' subject) are two leading solutions to the positive spillovers issue, which can improve employees' engagement in pro-environmental behaviours. Hence, this paper explores the impact of employees' cognitive internalization (work ethic) and positive incentives from the organization and nature (hotel's environmental benefit sharing and health rewards rooted in employees' ecological embeddedness) on employees' pro-environmental behaviours in the hotel industry. The empirical analysis of a sample of 324 employees working in Chinese luxury hotels suggests that employees' work ethic, hotel's environmental benefit sharing and employees' ecological embeddedness are significantly positively related to employees' pro-environmental behaviours and that the interplay of employees' work ethic and ecological embeddedness significantly and negatively affects employees' pro-environmental behaviours.  相似文献   


This paper will use a range of tourism data and a case study to examine the rates of recovery of ten source markets for the Maldives in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The market response and recovery rates for these ten markets varied significantly and the reasons for this will be explored. It is evident that a 'one size fits all' marketing strategy will not in itself be sufficient to achieve acceptable rates of recovery following a disaster. The strategies, opportunities and rates of market recovery experienced in the Maldives will provide useful insights for the marketing and monitoring of other destinations that have experienced a crisis or disaster.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a better understanding of tourists’ attitudes to environmental support when they make their holiday plans. Modelling these decisions is a challenge because although environmental concerns are heterogeneous across countries, they also depend on the individual characteristics of the tourists from each country. This article uses a multilevel approach, using a two-level structure, in which individuals are nested into countries. This approach may be helpful for understanding the contextual and compositional effects simultaneously. The estimates from a two-level random intercept logistic model and the post-estimation analysis, based on non-parametric techniques, demonstrate that the effects of country vary randomly, and that there is significant variance in the level of tourists´ environmental support within and between countries. Regarding the contextual effect, the post-materialist hypothesis explained most of the heterogeneity between the EU-27 countries. The affluence hypothesis was rejected and the challenge response hypothesis was only partially supported. The results from the compositional effect support the attribution hypothesis, demonstrating that the environmental concern of tourists is higher when travelling domestically than abroad.  相似文献   

Common method bias can appear when both the independent and dependent variable is captured by the same response method. While the consequences of common method bias can be detrimental to a study's validity, they are, as the authors empirically show, often neglected in tourism research. The authors provide a comprehensive discussion of sources of common method bias, as well as methods to identify and control for it. They structure these controls and critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. The authors develop a decision tree that features recommendations for choosing appropriate procedural and statistical controls. By doing so, they hope to spur recognition of the threat of common method bias and active management thereof in future tourism research.  相似文献   


While market segmentation has become a major approach to understanding the nature of tourists and their travel behaviour, there exists considerable debate over which bases and statistical approaches provide the best segmentation solutions. Morrison (1996) has offered eight criteria for evaluating the success or value of a segmentation result. This paper used these eight criteria to evaluate two different segmentation approaches used with the same survey sample. An a priori geographic segmentation of visitors to the Wet Tropics region of Australia was compared to an activity based a posteriori segmentation approach. There was evidence that the activity segmentation approach fulfilled the eight criteria more adequately than the geographic approach. It was further suggested that for large samples a multi-stage methodology might be a desirable approach for meeting all eight marketing segmentation effectiveness criteria.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to synthesize the overall effect size of tourism on poverty alleviation and to unveil underlying factors explaining the heterogeneity of this effect size across estimates. Using a rigorous meta-analysis based on 298 estimates extracted from 33 studies, we calibrate a combined effect size of −0.14 with a 95% confidence interval of [-0.23, −0.05], indicating that tourism moderately reduces poverty. A meta-regression demonstrates that the effect size of the tourism–poverty nexus is susceptible to several factors, such as poverty and tourism measures, focal countries’ development level, and endogeneity treatment. In particular, the results show that use of the Gini coefficient, a popular proxy for the poverty gap, can unexpectedly underestimate the negative effect size. Moreover, funnel plot and Galbraith plot demonstrate that researchers are apt to report a positive tourism–poverty nexus in the literature. Lastly, research and policy implications are provided.  相似文献   

Building upon Prospect Theory and Hyperbolic Time Discounting models, we explore how behavioral factors influence the probability of overspending among outbound leisure travelers. We construct our data in two steps. First, we collect demographics and travel-related variables from a random sample of 314 Singaporean tourists across different age groups and income levels. Second, we conduct a field experiment to measure their risk and time preferences, specifically loss aversion and present bias. We then explore the link between the measured preferences to overspending behavior. The findings reveal an interesting link between loss aversion, present bias and traveling expenditure patterns: outbound tourists with high loss aversion and high present bias are more likely to overspend. Finally, our study also highlights the role of group identity in de-biasing. Specifically, individuals are more likely to behave according to standard economic models when making decisions in groups.  相似文献   


Data on recreation activity often are obtained from national surveys using stratified, disproportionate sampling. One such survey is the 1980 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife‐Associated Recreation (1980 Survey). This paper examines the effect of disproportionate sampling on estimates of recreational fishing demand with data from the 1980 Survey. Contrary to some expectations in the literature, disproportionate sampling appears to cause few problems for demand estimation with the 1980 Survey. The evidence suggests that household characteristics determining sampling ratios have little relation to the level of fishing by household members.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to investigate the underlying components of market orientation practices and their effect on the Small and Medium Hotels (SMHs) performances on tourist destination island of Langkawi. Fifty SMHs were randomly selected from a sampling frame of a list of SMHs registered with Malaysian Tourism Board. For data collection purposes, structured questionnaires were personally delivered and collected. Rotated component matrix factor analysis of the data extracted four underlying factors that explain seventy nine point four six percent of the total variances and alpha reliability coefficient of ninety eight percent. Those components were named as customer orientation, interfunctional orientation, service orientation, and competitor orientation. One sample Kolmogorov‐Smirnov Test indicates that SMHs in Langkawi practices market orientation in their operations and businesses. However, the finding of the study showed that their performances in 1998 was lower than 1997. We believe that this outcome is due to the effect of national and regional economic downturn in 1998.  相似文献   

Common method variance has received much attention in the behavioral sciences. Nonetheless, scant scholarly effort has been invested in handling common method variance in hospitality research. This study investigates the current status of controlling for common method variance in hospitality research and assists researchers in taking appropriate actions. Study 1 shows hospitality researchers’ endeavors to control for common method bias through a critical review of literature published in four leading hospitality journals in the ten years from 2006 to 2015: International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. In Study 2, empirical investigations examine the effectiveness of a procedural remedy (temporal separation) and a statistical control (an unmeasured method factor approach) with two independent samples. The results of Study 1 reveal that most survey-related publications in the four journals fail to address or acknowledge common method variance. Moreover, only a limited number of techniques is found to be used to control for method variance. The findings of Study 2 suggest that temporal separation with a time lag of one day leads to a weak control for method variance; however, the use of an unmeasured method factor significantly helps control for method variance in the model.  相似文献   

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