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The roles of women in the United States are changing, along with the idea that being female is mitigated by a number of constructions such as race, class, age, income, (dis)ability, culture, and sexual orientation. Interest in understanding physical activity as leisure embodied in movement, exercise, fitness, recreation, and sports has increased because moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with a lower risk for premature death, some chronic diseases, and being overweight. Research from the Centers for Disease Control, however, has shown that fewer than 30% of minority women in the United States obtain sufficient amounts of moderate activity to derive physical and mental health benefits. The Cross Cultural Activity Participation Study was designed to measure physical activity habits in African American and American Indian women and to develop and validate a set of surveys to measure moderate physical activity. A qualitative component was included as part of the larger study to obtain additional information about the psychosocial context and sociocultural meanings of physical activity and perceptions of leisure. The process of data collection, analyses, and reporting the qualitative findings, as well as developing and validating quantitative measurement instruments, resulted in raising methodological issues about studying race and culture and theoretical concerns for future research. The purpose of this article is to retrospectively describe our research process and what we learned in undertaking it. If behavior changes, health improvement, and an enhanced quality of life are to be achieved, then researchers must continue to determine the best ways to examine the meanings that individuals attach to activities.  相似文献   

Current social psychological definitions of leisure may not adequately capture or describe family leisure. This study used discourse analysis to explore the meanings of family leisure as revealed by parents of preteen children (aged 10-12 years). The data came from a study of 31 families (23 two-parent families and 8 one-parent families) living in Ontario, Canada. Thirty mothers and 23 fathers were interviewed about their family leisure activities, experiences, attitudes, and beliefs about family participation. Analysis showed that family participation was highly valued by all of the parents. However, rather than being freely chosen or intrinsically motivated, family leisure was purposive in that it was organized and facilitated by parents in order to achieve particular short- and long-term goals. One set of goals related to family functioning, including enhanced family communication and cohesion, and a strong sense of family. Another set of goals related to the beneficial outcomes of family activities for children, including learning about healthy lifestyles as well as learning moral values. It is argued that the purposive nature of this form of leisure practice reflects current ideologies about motherhood, fatherhood, and the family in North American society.  相似文献   

Psychometric properties of the Family Leisure Activity Profile (FLAP) were evaluated using family leisure and family functioning ratings from 884 parents and children residing in the United Kingdom. Review and critique of the FLAP resulted in identification and evaluation of three alternative scaling techniques. Scaling Technique 1 was current practice, Technique 2 focused on family leisure environments rather than family leisure activities, and Technique 3 involved generating an estimate of duration of participation in family leisure in natural units of time. Inter-rater agreement and reliability were strong for all three scaling techniques. Technique 3 yielded the best model fit. Empirical relations with family functioning variables were consistent with predictions, yet none of the scaling techniques resolved a longstanding problem regarding specific relations among core and balance patterns of participation, family cohesion, and family adaptability. Suggestions for improving the FLAP are provided.  相似文献   

This special issue of Leisure Sciences on Normative Research in Outdoor Recreation grew from on-going research into and theoretical development of normative approaches to social and environmental issues and problems in outdoor recreation. The nine articles included in this special issue provide insights that improve and expand out understanding of norms, their measurement, and utility.  相似文献   

While recent studies have demonstrated the significance of leisure in the initial phases of spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation, the impact of leisure experience on adjustment and the dynamics of that influence have yet to be adequately clarified. Development of skills to effectively manage leisure becomes critical in the community reintegration process, especially for those who are at risk for poor social and psychological adjustment after injury. Although leisure activities may contribute to well-being among individuals with SCI, the lack of understanding of the dynamics of that influence offers little direction for selection of activity alternatives and design of leisure interventions. This study attempted to answer the following research questions: (1) Does leisure engagement influence the adjustment of individuals with SCI? (2) If leisure engagement does influence adjustment, what influence do variations in leisure activity have on the adjustment of individuals with SCI? (3) Does social support mediate the influence of leisure on adjustment of individuals with SCI? The leisure and SCI adjustment model was constructed to provide one possible explanation of the influence of leisure on the adjustment of individuals with SCI. The model proposed that: (a) leisure engagement has a direct influence on the adjustment of individuals with SCI and (b) leisure engagement has an indirect influence on adjustment to SCI through the promotion of social support. Results from structural equation modeling confirmed that the leisure and SCI adjustment model was an "acceptable" fit to data but left a sufficiently large amount of unexplained variance to suggest the need for further examination of alternative models of SCI adjustment. The use of multiple regression and bivariate correlations suggested that diversity, frequency, and intensity of leisure engagement were associated with the adjustment of individuals with SCI.  相似文献   

Leisure research based on critical theories is an effective path to social justice for groups and communities that are marginalized or oppressed by those in power. In response to Henderson (2011), who frames our work as postpositivist, we argue critical theories are a more appropriate research paradigm to reflect our philosophical positions. Our inquiry into leisure is informed by an emancipatory vision for social change that aims to enact social justice. In this response, we detail our rationale for embracing critical theories as an effective research-based approach to affect social justice. We conclude by suggesting that paradigm proliferation enables researchers to enhance social justice within their communities of concern.  相似文献   

国内外休闲研究扫描--兼谈建立我国休闲学科体系的设想   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):46-54
本文全面地介绍了国内外休闲研究的发展背景、演变历程、研究现状、相关机构和代表文献,提供了一个把握休闲研究脉络和体系的图景,并就建立适合我国国情的休闲学科研究体系提出了设想。  相似文献   

Time pressure is a perception of being rushed or pressed for time. In its most extreme form, time pressure has implications for leisure, health and wellbeing. Although previous findings from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show that time pressure affects large numbers of Australians (ABS, 1998 Australian Bureau of Statistics. 1998. How Australians use their time, Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Catalogue No. 4153.0 [Google Scholar]; Bittman, 1998 Bittman, M. 1998. The land of the lost long weekend: Trends in free time among working age Australians. SPRC Discussion Paper, 83 [Google Scholar]), no research has addressed chronic time pressure (ie. always feeling time pressured). This study aims to use selected demographic variables to develop a model to predict chronic time pressure in the Australian population. The implications of chronic time pressure for leisure research are also discussed.  相似文献   

余勇  田金霞 《旅游学刊》2013,28(2):67-76
随着国民休闲大格局的逐渐形成,自行车正面临着功能转化.文章从过程和结构两个视角探讨自行车骑乘者休闲涉入、休闲效益、幸福感之间的结构关系,实证研究发现,自行车骑秉者以行为涉入为主,骑乘所带来的生理效益、社会效益显著,骑秉活动的幸福感源于3个途径:休闲涉入、休闲效益的直接影响和休闲涉入通过休闲效益所产生的间接影响.在结构中,休闲效益具有中介变量的性质,虽然休闲涉入对幸福感具有正向影响,但是经过中介变量的转换后,间接效果更为显著.  相似文献   

夏赞才 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):94-96
主客关系问题始终是旅游人类学的主题之一,维莱恩·史密斯和玛丽安·布伦特合编的<主客关系新探21世纪旅游问题>一书,汇集了21世纪开始时旅游人类学研究者的丰硕成果,和第一、二版相比,立场观点、案例选取、编辑特色等方面有了很大变化,值得推荐给旅游专业的学生、教师和研究人员.  相似文献   

Public universities face critical challenges in terms of teaching, researching, and providing service. Funding mechanisms for various departments, programs, and professors have become increasingly intertwined with market-driven forces in light of neoliberal political and economic philosophies. In this essay, we illuminate neoliberalism and its multiple influences in university recreation, parks, and leisure studies departments. In noting classical theories of leisure and the deleterious aspects of neoliberalism, we encourage researchers, teachers, administrators, and students to resist these prevalent cultural trends, evoking a normative role for universities in the provision of a liberal education.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives. Firstly, it proposes a set of research dimensions for the further investigation of the emerging space tourism industry and secondly, it examines the perceptions of potential space travel participants on key factors that influence their motivation, behaviour and decision-making. The research methodology adopted in this study involved collecting quantitative data from British residents in Southern England to explore and understand their perceptions of space tourism. In addition, qualitative data was gathered by interviewing key informants connected to the space tourism industry including Virgin Galactic, Airbus and EADS Astrium to understand their views on people’s motivations, perceptions and the future of the industry. Data analysis shows that intentional need for adventure and exploration is the motivational force in space tourism. Willingness to undertake space travel is also influenced by the perception to risk, which plays a central role in potential tourist behaviour. Furthermore, factors such as type of space travel (orbital/sub-orbital),type of launch and design of the spacecraft, location of spaceports, training required, duration, insurance, health and reputation of the operating company also seem to have some influence on tourist decision-making. The paper contends that while global research dimensions are necessary it is also important to understand perceptions on a country-specific and regional basis.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to critically examine the theoretical frameworks employed in the existing research on Asian North Americans' leisure and to offer insights into additional theories that might be used in future research on the topic. The study reviewed three major theoretical frameworks employed by previous research in the field of leisure studies: (1) assimilation and acculturation theory, (2) ethnicity-based theories, and (3) self-construal. The study also provides recommendations for alternative theoretical approaches that could be used in investigations of Asian North Americans' leisure, including racial discrimination and stereotyping, the multiple hierarchy stratification perspective, transnationalism, and cultural and social capital.  相似文献   

李享  林峰  陈文力 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):94-97
随着计算机和信息时代的到来,在旅游经济活动中亦同样产生了海量数据,而定量研究工作就是要理解这些数据,提取重要的旅游发展模式和趋势,即从数据中学习.我们在旅游定量研究创新课程<旅游调查研究的方法与实践>的教学改革中,尝试了模块化教学的方式,并取得了初步经验.  相似文献   

中国旅游研究国际影响度的比较分析与提升途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文在引入并分析旅游研究国际影响度的概念的基础上,提出了旅游研究国际影响度的测评指标体系,并选取"在国际主流旅游学术刊物上发表的论文数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物编委的学者数量"、"举办国际性旅游学术会议的数量"、"出任国际性旅游研究机构专家的学者数量"、"出任国际旅游学术刊物审稿专家的学者数量"等5个指标,对中国(两岸四地)与韩国的旅游研究国际影响度现状进行了比较,分析了中国两岸四地、韩国这5个地区在旅游研究国际影响度方面的差距、差异与共同点.文章最后针对中国内地旅游研究的国际影响度现状,提出了若干提升的建议.  相似文献   

本文对国际旅游学界权威学术刊物《旅游研究纪事))(Annals of Tourism Research)在1973-2003年间的《主题词索引》(Subject Index)进行了统计研究,以此为依据绘制了旅游学学科树,并在此基础上分析了旅游学及其分支学科从1973年至今30多年来研究的时空特征。  相似文献   

周永博  沈敏  魏向东  梁峰 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):102-109
旅游地意象既包括旅游者经实地体验形成的复合意象,也包括那些远离旅游地的潜在旅游者借助各类媒介信息所形成的引致意象.在新媒体时代,传媒在旅游地意象传播中所扮演的角色越来越重要,分析和研究旅游地意象媒介传播机制现已成为该领域前沿课题.为探索遗产旅游地意象媒介传播模式,文章结合苏州园林和江南古镇案例,采用焦点组访谈、内容分析、问卷调查等方法获取9365例样本的旅游目的地意象媒介传播数据,在质性分析基础上,通过在遗产旅游地意象属性因素与传播媒介因素之间建立结构方程模型,并根据系列研究假设验证结果,揭示出传统媒体与新媒体在遗产旅游地意象形成中的实际作用机制.结论认为,传统媒体与新媒体在文化遗产旅游地意象传播中存在功能互补,前者的优势在于遗产形态与形象推广,而后者的优势则在于遗产文化与意义诠释;借助传统媒体扣新媒体传播不同类型的遗产旅游地意象信息,能够在激发遗产旅游需求的同时,帮助公众更完整地理解遗产文化价值和精神内涵,从而在潜在旅游者中塑造更优良的遗产旅游地意象.在文化遗产旅游地意象传播中,传统媒体与新媒体的整合使用,代表着文化遗产旅游地意象传播的必然.  相似文献   

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