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Recreation specialization theory predicts that individuals will differ in their physical, management, and social setting preferences. Few studies, however, support the hypothesis that individuals choose recreation settings consistent with their level of specialization. This study examined the association between behavioral, cognitive, and affective dimensions of specialization and site choice among vehicle-based campers in Alberta, Canada. Data were collected using on-site interviews and a mail survey. Campers at unmanaged sites (no facilities and services) had higher centrality scores, had greater familiarity with the site and more experience with unmanaged sites, and a higher level of bush skill than campers at managed sites. An ordered multinomial logit model showed that the more familiar individuals were with the site and campground type, the higher the level of bush skill, and the more important and central camping was in an individual's life, the greater the probability of choosing a campground type that required a higher degree of self-reliance and decreased dependence on facilities and services. Higher household income increased the probability of camping at managed sites, suggesting that income might limit the expression of specialization by constraining choice to affordable options.  相似文献   

This study examined recreationists’ preferences for the development of value-added recreation products and services using the theory of recreation specialization. A choice modeling method was employed to evaluate the value-added products and services in the for-hire fishing boat industry. Data were collected through a mail survey using Florida saltwater fishing license holders as a study population. Study results indicated that anglers were interested in experiencing new attributes of boat fishing trips besides traditionally fishing-oriented aspects. Further, the results also provided evidence that heterogeneous preferences existed by level of recreation specialization. Study findings generally supported the proposition that as anglers become more involved in fishing activity, their focus expands from activity-specific to activity-general fishing experiences; thus, high specialization anglers likely attach high importance to nonfishing attributes. Managerial implications pertaining to the development of effective recreation products and services are discussed.  相似文献   


Recreation planners and managers realize the importance of different tastes and preferences among recreationists. This fact is explicit in recreational planning efforts and in the theories developed to understand recreational behaviors. While market segmentation approaches steeped in behavioral theory provide a rich source of information to planners and managers, we argue that such exogenous market segmentation approaches alone are insufficient to understand the degree of variability in tastes and preferences among recreationists. In this paper we employ a random parameters logit model to account for both the extent and sources of heterogeneity in preferences among recreationists. We illustrate the random parameters logit choice model with an application to the stated choices for hunting sites by moose hunters from northwestern Ontario. The application shows that the random parameters logit represents a considerable improvement over multinomial logit models based on market segmentation approaches.  相似文献   

Utilizing a discrete choice experiment, this study attempts to provide improved knowledge regarding how golf tourists arrive at complex trade-offs between different golfing constraints and resort to diverse negotiation strategies to attenuate the effect of those constraining factors. With a study sample of Korean golf tourists, we find that respondents place distinctive weights on several golf course attributes representing various types of golfing constraints to attain the greatest enjoyment. Among a range of barriers to golf trip participation, golf tourists place the highest importance on structural constraints associated with limited personal time resources and inadequate access to golf courses. The study results substantiate golf tourists’ heterogeneous preferences for negotiation strategies, which are dependent upon their levels of golf specialization. Multiple management suggestions are developed to help golf course professionals adapt to the gradually challenging business environment.  相似文献   

This article examines elements of the social sustainability of hunting tourism development by scrutinising Finnish hunters’ opinions on three possible scenarios related to hunting tourism: the threat of an exclusion of local hunters, the threat of rising rents of hunting land and the threat to Finnish hunting customs and practice due to increasing numbers of foreign hunting tourists. Hunters’ positions on these three issues are mapped and the determinants of their attitudes are analysed using unique national survey data on Finnish hunters and their attitudes (N= 1193). The results show a clear ambivalence to hunting tourism among hunters. While a majority of hunters tend to view hunting tourism as a threat, a large minority relate to it more positively. These attitudinal patterns can be explained only partly by socioeconomic factors, whereas factors pertaining to hunting experience and hunting profile play a somewhat more prominent role in understanding the legitimacy that hunting tourism enjoys in the eyes of hunters in Finland. Age, rural residence and participation in wildlife management are also found important for some issues. The ambiguities revealed could pose major problems for social sustainability and hunting tourism management and development.  相似文献   

Commitment and leisure behavior: A theoretical perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The concept of commitment has been indirectly linked to a variety of topical areas in leisure research. The purpose of this paper is to identify and critique links between commitment and leisure behavior and to identify and discuss the attributes of committed behavior. The contribution of integrating the concept of commitment into research regarding conflict, substitution, recreation specialization, and leisure social worlds is identified and discussed. Tentative propositions linking commitment to leisure behavior are identified. Recommendations are made for the future operationalization of commitment, and its potential contribution to integrating leisure is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to assess the influence of employees’ perceived service climate on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention. Furthermore, the paper investigates the extent to which service quality mediates the relationship among employees’ perceived service climate, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention. Data were collected from convenience samples of 400 customers and 375 hotel employees. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that: (1) employees’ perceived service climate has a positive and significant influence on service quality, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention and (2) service quality has a positive and significant influence on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention. Additionally, this study revealed that the indirect effect of employees’ perceived service climate on customers’ perceived service value and behavioral intention through service quality is more than the direct effect of employees’ perceived service climate, customers’ perceived service value, and behavioral intention.  相似文献   

Studies concerning consumers’ decision-making regarding a restaurant choice commonly cite food quality, service quality, and price as important determinants. Less research has focused on how consumers are willing to trade off gains and losses from respective foodservice attributes. Also, extant literature does not account for consumers who use a non-compensatory decision-making strategy. The present study examined consumers’ choices of casual restaurants using a simulation where trade-offs were inevitable. By utilizing a choice experiment, the researchers found that food quality is the most important attribute in restaurant choice, consistent with the literature reviewed. Good service quality, however, does not increase choice likelihood while poor service quality significantly reduces it. Most importantly, we determined a considerable percentage (24.57%) of respondents do not trade off food quality for better service or a lower price. Findings of the study are discussed with implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

The design of destination and attraction-specific brochures is examined, with particular reference to attributes of attractiveness and utility. Results from three focus groups are employed to generate hypotheses, which can be tested. Implications are drawn on the design and use of brochures and their role in trip motivation and destination choice.  相似文献   


This paper examines the relationship between nonrespondent, self selection bias on mail return surveys from two visitor groups in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The authors suggest that engagement in a specific recreation activity at a specific location may be a significant criterion for defining a population as homogeneous. This is important because a homogeneous population is less susceptible to nonrespondent bias in mail return surveys. A brief contact instrument was given to individuals as they left the Sugarlands Visitor Center and as they entered the Roaring Forks Motor Nature Trail. Upon completing the contact survey, participants were asked to complete and return, by mail, a detailed visitation questionnaire. The contact survey was recoded to reflect “returned”; and “not returned”; the mailed survey. A chi‐square analysis was used to determine if there was an association between respondents’ returning or not returning the mailed survey and their responses to the brief contact instrument. No significant association was found. Based upon these and other findings, the authors suggest that determinations of nonrespondent bias should be made before detailed follow‐up mail survey procedures are initiated.  相似文献   


Driver, B. L., Brown, Perry J., &; Peterson, George L. (Eds.). Benefits of Leisure. 1991. State College, PA: Venture Publishing. ISBN 9–10251–48–7. 483 pp. Hardcover $31.95.

Stebbins, Robert A. 1992. Amateurs, Professionals, and Serious Leisure. Montreal: McGill‐Queen's University Press. ISBN 0–7735–0991–1. 171 pp. Hardcover $34.95.

Kraus, Richard, &; Shank, John. (1992). Therapeutic Recreation Service: Principles and Practices (4th ed.). Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown. ISBN 0–697–11026–5. 397 pp. Hardcover $48.43.  相似文献   


This study attempted to identify comprehensive determinants (or dimensions) of exhibition service quality as perceived by attendees. Dimensions of exhibition service quality were constructed and identified, which are relevant for attendees to accomplish their objectives in an exhibition. The empirical results produced six dimensions of exhibition service quality: booth management, contents, registration, access, booth layout and function, exhibition and booth attractiveness. Contents turned out to be the most important dimension of exhibition service quality. Attendees were most concerned with number of participating exhibitors; quality of products or service exhibited; and conferences, seminars and events organized at the exhibition. We also confirmed the positive impacts of service quality on overall satisfaction and behavioral intention.  相似文献   


This study illustrates the role of the relationship quality perceived by the international public, which is increasingly discussed in public diplomacy research. It leads to the implications for integrated destination marketing of a host country in targeting the international public, where the host country is considered both as a tourism destination and as a place for business and investment. The study proposes a model illustrating the intervention of relationship quality in the way tourism destination image and country image are associated with tourism and business behavioral intentions. Empirical testing shows that image itself cannot assure that the international public would support the host country. Instead, it establishes the critical role of enhancing relationship quality.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the study is to examine an impact of festival quality on behavioral intentions and investigate the role of place attachment (PA) as a moderator between festival quality and behavioral intentions. Data were collected from the visitors of the 2013 Seoul Lantern Festival in South Korea. Results show that festival quality has a significant direct impact on behavioral intentions to revisit, spread word of mouth (WOM), and engage in pro-environmental behavior. The study also reveals that PA moderates the effect of festival quality on behavioral intentions, suggesting the differential impact of festival quality based on the level of PA. The study suggests that festival organizers may want to focus on program and esthetics to promote visitors’ return and positive WOM. Festival organizers may also want to customize quality management strategies based on visitors’ level of PA.  相似文献   

Very few studies focus on the behavior of hotel and resort spa customers in China. Hence, this research proposes a model for testing the impact of spa service quality, positive and negative consumption emotions, and hedonic and utilitarian perceived value on the behavioral intentions to visit a spa. The valid sample comprised 487 customers of five-star hotel/resort spas in China. Data were obtained from the self-administered survey answered by respondents constituting the sample. This study identified the vital function of consumption emotion, especially positive emotion dimension. The results indicated the mediating influence of positive emotion on connecting service quality and creating the perceived value of consumers as well as behavioral intention in the hotel and resort spa context.  相似文献   


This study explores the interrelationships between service quality and satisfaction, and their influence on behavioral intention among forest visitors. On-site surveys were conducted in a forest through face-to-face interviews (n = 395). The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The findings suggest that service quality is an antecedent of satisfaction and satisfaction plays a mediating role between service quality and behavioral intention. Further, service quality has a direct effect on behavioral loyalty, implying that the effect of service quality on behavioral intention is as important as that of satisfaction. The results of the study provide important theoretical implications to nature-based tourism managers.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the various services provided by a convention center and its service quality affects attendees’ experiential values, and in turn, leads to the attendees’ overall satisfaction and loyalty. The sample consisted of 217 convention attendees in Phoenix, AZ, representing a response rate of 54%. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used for analyses. Results indicate that basic and excitement service factors have a positive influence on individual experiential values. Also, the study shows that enhanced individual experiential values have an impact on raising overall satisfaction with the convention center.  相似文献   

The services marketing literature focuses on the measurement of service quality and its impact and consequences on businesses. How service quality affects behavioral outcomes such as repeat purchases and loyalty continues to be debated. This study examines how service quality operates in the cruise liner industry—an industry that is now facing overcapacity. Based on data collected from travelers of a luxury cruise liner in Singapore, this study analyzed relevant dimensions of service quality and their relationships on overall satisfaction level. Additionally, it investigated details of cruise travelers' behavioral outcomes. The analysis revealed gaps in several service quality attributes. Overall customer satisfaction had a relatively strong relationship with all the three variables of behavioral intentions. The implications of the results of this study to the services marketing literature in general and to the cruise liner industry in particular are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the theoretical relationships between service quality, past experience, destination image, and behavioral intentions in the spring training camp of a professional baseball team in Japan. The results indicate that the service quality of spring training camps was divided into five factors: (1) place, (2) enjoyment, (3) information, (4) fan interaction, and (5) operating time. The findings suggest that service quality and past experience had positive effects on both destination image and behavioral intentions. Behavioral intentions were also highly influenced by destination image. Future research and managerial implications are also discussed.  相似文献   


Hunting participation, as indicated in the 1983 Nationwide Recreation Survey, is examined to determine the relationship between age of first hunting experience and adult level of participation. A statistically significant association between these two variables is found. In addition, more than 83 percent of those who hunt began their involvement by 18 years of age. The findings have implications for future hunting participation and the provision of programs for hunters.  相似文献   

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