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This study investigated the conflict structure in the 2018 mega-event of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Conflict theory was used as the main theoretical underpinning of the mega-event. A survey was conducted to collect the data. The participants were individuals over the age of 20 who resided in Gangwon Province. This study analyzed the data using confirmatory factor analysis, a correlation matrix, and path analysis. The results suggested that conflicts were caused by negative perceptions of the impact of the mega-event. In addition, the conflicts could be classified into conflicts of interest and conflicts of values. This research demonstrated that the conflicts influenced residents’ negative attitudes. In particular, the strongest influences were exerted by environmental perceptions and conflicts of values. These results can be regarded as baseline data when staging events or establishing related policies, as they present specific information about the causes, types, and outcomes of conflicts.  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会旅游发展潜力的效应分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
郭英之 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):52-56
本文从世博会的基本情况入手,首先对20lO年上海世博会的潜力效应、增量效应、洲际和洲内竞争效应进行了分析。并从管理体制、市场运作、会展立法、人力资源等说明了上海世博会的负面效应,针对此提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

The authors conducted a field experiment to test the assumption that subjective feelings are important in recreation conflict. During a weekend, cross-country skiers in a popular recreation area were assigned randomly to an experimental group who were exposed to an operating snowmobile, and a control group who were not exposed. Both groups completed a self-report questionnaire to provide information on their subjective experiences during their outing. The experimental group answered the questions five to ten minutes after encountering a snowmobile. Participants were not informed about the connection between the snowmobile and the investigation, and the questions regarding effects were answered before any clues were given about snowmobiles being an issue. Results showed that relative to the control group, skiers who encountered a snowmobile had their affective quality significantly reduced. Moreover, encountering a single snowmobile had an effect on participants' beliefs about the extent to which noise from snowmobiles disturbed the quality of ski-touring in general.  相似文献   

用地理集中指数衡量游客集中程度方法的一个改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱沁夫  李昭  杨樨 《旅游学刊》2011,26(4):26-29
地理集中指数用来衡量游客集中度存在着一些不足,其大小受到样本数量多少的影响,既没有一个衡量的标准,又不能进行不同样本数量的结果的比较,且不够直观。考虑引入完全均匀分布的地理集中指数,并计算其与地理集中指数之差,再运用这个差值与完全平均的地理集中指数之比来衡量游客集中度,并称这个比值为游客集中度系数,这一系数可以较科学、直观地反映游客集中程度。  相似文献   

This study aims to establish a relationship between customer sentiments in online reviews and customer ratings for hotels. Customer sentiment refers to the emotions expressed by customers through the text reviews. These sentiments can be positive, negative or neutral. The study explores customer sentiments and expresses them in terms of customer sentiment polarity. Our results find consistency between customer ratings and actual customer feelings across hotels belonging to the two categories of premium and budget. Customer sentiment polarity explains significant variation in customer ratings across both the hotel categories. With regard to managerial implications, the study finds that, when compared with premium hotels, managers of budget hotels should improve their staff performance and hotel services. The present study is not exhaustive and other factors like customer review length and review title sentiment can be analyzed for their effects on customer ratings.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a model that investigates the effects of work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and intrinsic motivation on affective job outcomes using data from frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels. Results show that work-family conflict is positively related to emotional exhaustion. Work-family conflict was found to be negatively associated with job satisfaction. However, the study results demonstrate that work-family conflict did not depict any significant relationships with affective organizational commitment and intention to leave. Results indicate that emotional exhaustion leads to job dissatisfaction, decreased affective organizational commitment, and high levels of intention to leave. Results reveal that intrinsic motivation is significantly related to emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment. In addition, the study results provide empirical support for the positive impact of job satisfaction on affective organizational commitment and the negative effects of job satisfaction and affective commitment to the organization on intention to leave. Discussion and implications of the results are presented in the study.  相似文献   

In an increasingly global travel market, hospitality services encounters involve growing interactions between providers and customers often belonging to different nationalities and cultures and speaking different languages. Extant hospitality management literature has explored the influence of language on service evaluations mostly in offline settings. This study innovatively captures the effect of the language used in online hotel reviews on online consumer ratings in two distinctively different destinations located in culturally different countries: Italy and Russia. Based on almost half a million Booking.com online reviews written by hotel guests in Moscow and Rome, we illuminate if and to what extent domestic vs. foreign language use affects online customer satisfaction. We find that the use of domestic language exerts a positive impact on online ratings in both countries. Implications for hospitality practitioners and managers, developers and managers of online review platforms, and customers of hotel services are discussed.  相似文献   

饭店人才流动率高有多方面原因,其中一个重要原因是饭店企业的人才环境不尽如人意。本文对饭店人才发展的先决条件——人才环境进行了研究,根据ERG理论将饭店人才环境确定为基础环境、主导环境、驱动环境3项一级指标,利用德尔菲法确定了14项二级指标,并通过运用层次分析法,借助相关计算机统计软件,对测评指标的权重进行确定,构建了饭店人才环境评价指标体系。  相似文献   

旅游区服务质量问题产生原因分析及控制途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王莹 《旅游学刊》2001,16(5):33-38
文章从旅游区服务质量标准制定的两大过程、四个环节出发,分析了目前服务质量问题产生的根源,提出了相应的措施,为有效控制旅游区服务质量提供思路.  相似文献   

The National Geographic Society Center for Sustainable Destinations Stewardship Scorecards for 2003 and 2006 compared ratings by “experts” for 33 World Heritage Site destinations. Nine (27.3%) improved by four or more points and six (18.2%) decreased by four or more points in the three years. In 2006, local stakeholders rated these World Heritage destinations using the same criteria as the experts. Stakeholders rated six destinations (18.2%) lower and almost half of the 33 destinations (48.8%) increased by five or more points. A moderate positive correlation was determined between the ratings of the experts and stakeholders. Comments by experts and stakeholders related to each of the scorecard criterion measures were analyzed. ANOVA and t-test were performed to examine the six stakeholder categories ratings for each of the six criteria and the results are presented. The assumptions and limitations of the survey methodology are discussed along with recommendations for improving the Destination Stewardship Scorecard Survey.  相似文献   

中国旅行社产业景气周期的指数化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴斌  阎霞  黄选 《旅游学刊》2007,22(9):35-40
本文通过对自1993年以来各项统计数据的系统梳理,构建了中国旅行社产业景气指数模型,在定量研究的基础上对产业发展进程和产业贡献率进行了分期和评价.  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study to evaluate the tourism potential of public museums from a supply-side perspective. Nine specialized public museums in Hangzhou were evaluated based on six criteria: cultural, physical, product, experiential, marketing, and leadership. The overall tourism potential was rated as moderate for the museums in Hangzhou. Poor accessibility, isolation from tourism nodes, lack of complementarity with peripheral attractions, and limited carrying capacity impair the museums' appeal to tourists. The local government's proactive intention to develop cultural tourism and the innovative marketing efforts adopted by a few museums certainly help to enhance the museums' tourism potential.  相似文献   

旅游发展规划评审是赋予旅游发展规划权威性和合法化的核心环节,目前,我国旅游发展规划评审主要以定性为主,且存在"走形式"不规范现象。文章从旅游发展规划评审规范性、科学性、可行性和创新性4个层面构建了25个指标的评价体系,并以陕西省秦岭旅游发展专项规划为例进行了实证研究。研究发现:①旅游发展规划评审系统由旅游发展规划编制主体系统、规划对象系统和管理系统3部分构成,旅游发展规划评审利益相关者分为核心利益相关者和边缘利益相关者。②可行性指标权重最大,处于核心地位;科学性指标权重次之,成为评审工作重点审查对象;创新性指标权重居第三,规划内容和技术创新受到关注;规范性指标权重最小,与规划形式和内容体系发展密切相关。③旅游发展规划评审应增加旅游发展成果论证环节,实行定性、定量和定级相结合的评审方式,开发旅游发展规划评审管理系统。  相似文献   

The growth of surfing activities and surf tourism has gained significant attention in the academia during the past decade. This paper is aimed at developing a framework of indicators and methods used in assessing the sustainability factors of surf sites. The research puts forward a Surf Resource Sustainability Index (SRSI) as a conceptual model to study the sustainability of surf tourism sites. The literature review, previous experience, and discussion with veteran surfers and scholars were used to develop indicators and determine their measurability and aptitude. Index pilot testing was carried out in Phuket, Thailand, where an emerging surf culture and tourism market segment add to the island's bustling economy and coastal resource-management issues. The case study underpins the importance of social, economic, environmental, and governance factors in the conservation process. The SRSI metrics provide a direct method for assessing surf sites and offer tangible benefits to surfers and other stakeholders.  相似文献   

Hotel owners and managers are increasingly outsourcing their spas to specialist firms that oversee the spa's operations and personnel. In such spas the assume the role of boundary spanners as they are responsible for overseeing the operational relationship between the hotel and spa companies. In this role, they are responsible for trying to satisfy the hotel and spa companies’ often contradictory expectations while also often adhering to two sets of operating guidelines. As a result, they may experience different levels of role conflict and role ambiguity than spa managers who oversee spas managed by the hotel. The results of a questionnaire completed by 166 hotel spa managers from spas managed by hotels and those managed by third parties found greater levels of these role stressors in managers of outsourced hotel spas. Based on these findings, research suggestions and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study integrates consumption emotions into the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model to propose a hotel customer satisfaction index (H-CSI) model that can be applied to estimate customer satisfaction toward international tourist hotels. The H-CSI scale items were designed based on reference to the relevant literature and the suggestions of a focus group. Four-hundred and twelve customers of international tourist hotels were surveyed. The partial least squares method was employed to validate the measurement instruments in the H-CSI model and estimate item weights for the customer satisfaction scales. The H-CSI model is a comprehensive model for the measurement of customer satisfaction that includes most possible antecedents and outcomes. The research results show that the H-CSI model displayed strong explanatory power based on its reliability and validity. Accordingly, if hotel managers apply the H-SCI model instead of a general customer satisfaction survey, they can obtain a robust estimation of customer satisfaction, as well as extra information of post-purchase customer behavior to better manage customer satisfaction and achieve a competitive advantage.  相似文献   


The serious leisure perspective (SLP), which divides leisure activities into three distinct forms (serious, casual, and project-based), has been developed by Robert Stebbins over the last 40 years. This article evaluates the perspective as theory and as a typology. The theory associated with the SLP concerning social worlds, identification, and optimal leisure lifestyles is found to be generally untested because it has been developed in relation to the serious leisure form only. The validity of the typology is questioned on the grounds that “seriousness” is a continuum, rather than discrete categories, and that most leisure activities can be engaged in with varying degrees of seriousness. It is proposed that the SLP be replaced by a more flexible, open research approach, the Leisure Experience Perspective, which consolidates features of the SLP and other research traditions and theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

低碳旅游景区概念模型及评价指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晓琴  银元 《旅游学刊》2012,27(3):84-89
何谓低碳旅游景区?如何评价低碳旅游景区发展水平?这是一个庞大复杂的系统工程,存在评估因子多、涉及范围广、评估标准难以量化等因素,但这方面研究无疑是景区低碳转型的基础和依据。文章参照联合国可持续发展委员会(UNCSD)提出的驱动力—状态—响应(Driving—Status—Response,DSR)模型,构建低碳旅游景区概念模型。低碳旅游景区不能简单等同于节能减排,而是应该拓展到景区发展阶段、资源环境、减排技术、消费经营和政策理念5个层面上。选取"低碳经济指标、低碳环境指标、低碳运营指标、低碳技术指标、低碳管理指标"构建经济—环境—运营—技术—管理五维综合评价指标体系的理论框架,以期为定量评估低碳景区发展潜力提供参考依据,也为未来低碳景区指标核查、减排项目合作、建立排放补偿系统提供理论指导和技术支持。  相似文献   


This study broadened Oliver's (1997 Oliver, R. L. 1997. Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.  [Google Scholar]) four-stage loyalty theory by incorporating positive switching barriers and multiple dimensions of cognition, and altering the links in the original theory to build a robust model that offers a clearer understanding of customers' loyalty formation. A total of 394 survey responses from full-service restaurant customers was used to achieve study objectives. Findings for the measurement model revealed a satisfactory level of construct reliability and validity. Supporting all research hypotheses, results from the structural model verified the adequacy of the extended loyalty theory. In particular, five paths were added for model improvement; a sequential process of loyalty development through cognitive, affective, conative, and action loyalty was confirmed; mediating impacts of attitudinal loyalty were identified; and an asymmetric role between factors of positive switching barriers in determining action loyalty was found. Implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

城市郊区游憩用地配置影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘家明  王润 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):18-22
随着休闲时代的到来,城市郊区土地的游憩效用越来越受人关注。土地游憩功效的发挥受城市规划理念、居民休闲需求与出行习惯、土地供给制度、资源分布、经济发展和生态安全等多种因素的制约,在这些因素的共同作用下,每个城市表现出不同的游憩土地配置结果。科学的游憩土地配置要调解好城市发展与自然保护、经济增长与社会效益之间的矛盾,这是打造宜居城市的必经之路。  相似文献   

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