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The influence of leisure in coping with negative life events likely derives from its powers to distract, to generate optimism about the future, and to preserve a sense of self in the face of trauma (Kleiber, Hutchinson, & Williams, 2002). While there is recent evidence of leisure's role in coping with daily hassles and normative life stressors (e.g., Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000), the nature and extent of leisure's utility in coping with a life-altering event, such as a traumatic injury, is not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to examine how individuals used leisure in coping with a traumatic injury or the onset of a chronic illness. Qualitative data from two studies involving people with either a spinal cord injury or chronic illness were used for this analysis. Findings support suggestions from earlier research: leisure served to buffer effects of immediate life circumstances and it sustained their coping efforts in various ways. The authors end by discussing the data in light of recent theoretical propositions about the role of positive affect and meaning in coping.  相似文献   

刘逸  陈銮  刘子惠  陈逸敏 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):94-104
产业集聚是经济地理学的经典议题,但现有研究主要集中在制造业和生产型服务业,对基于消费逻辑生长的旅游休闲服务产业关注不足,尚未充分揭示其集聚特征。文章借助地理信息科学领域的空间分析算法,以广州城市休闲娱乐业为例,对城市休闲产业集聚特征展开探索式研究。具体而言,该文基于地理空间分析中的最大团挖掘算法,编制出同位模式,对184249条广州市的休闲兴趣点(POI)数据,计算最为流行的空间共现关联,以此捕捉城市休闲产业空间集聚的基本组合模式,得到如下结论:第一,同位模式可以准确地捕捉出城市休闲产业的集聚模式,休闲产业基本上以三阶为组团单位(即3类业态),在城市空间上呈现出广泛的分布,四阶为组团单位的流行度显著降低,五阶基本不具备流行度。第二,在所有流行团中,美容美发店这类POI的中心度最高,是关联其他休闲业态的最核心要素,而美容美发和餐饮的组合,在三阶、四阶流行团中出现的次数最多,是休闲产业的集聚核,构成了城市各个休闲中心和节点的基本功能。第三,以资源为导向和需要特定产业环境的休闲产业,基本不具备流行度。该研究创新性地将空间同位模式应用到城市休闲产业中,且较为精准地捕捉到现有研究尚难以揭示的休闲产业集聚模式,积极推动了基于海量数据的城市旅游休闲产业集聚研究,其发现能直接为目的地营销、产业行业管理与城市规划提供新的决策支持。  相似文献   

Engagement in leisure activities during retirement and its relationship to retirement adjustment were investigated. Psychosocial mediators included mastery, self-efficacy for retirement (SE-R) and activities (SE-A), positive (PA) and negative affect (NA). Resources investigated included physical health and finances. Leisure activities examined were social, home entertainment, chores, light exercise, vigorous exercise, and education. Data were gathered from a sample consisting of 243 retirees. Direct predictors of retirement adjustment included finances, health, mastery, SE-R and SE-A. Social activities were the best predictor of a wide range of positive outcomes, including PA, mastery, SE-R and SE-A. Educational activities improved SE-R. Being involved in a broader range of activities was associated with PA, mastery and SE-A. Familiarity and enjoyment of activities were implicated in the maintenance and continuation of activities at post-retirement. Research findings have implications for aged-care and other retirement service providers, as well as for individuals.  相似文献   

国内外休闲研究扫描--兼谈建立我国休闲学科体系的设想   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2004,19(3):46-54
本文全面地介绍了国内外休闲研究的发展背景、演变历程、研究现状、相关机构和代表文献,提供了一个把握休闲研究脉络和体系的图景,并就建立适合我国国情的休闲学科研究体系提出了设想。  相似文献   

资源景区门票的最优价格——基于闲暇约束的博弈模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
魏翔  邓州 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):62-66
本文认为景区门票最优价格需同时满足游客旅游效用最大化和景区利润最大化.基于此,本文将闲暇时间约束引入最优化博弈模型,计算出景区最优门票价格的理论值,并给出了相关的经济解释和政策建议,为日后实践中的门票定价提供理论基准.  相似文献   

Reducing adolescent substance use is important in South Africa, a developing nation with increasing adolescent substance use, lack of leisure/recreation opportunities, and high rates of adolescent discretionary time. Previous research suggests leisure boredom and adolescent substance use co-occur in this setting. Using longitudinal data from 2,580 South African adolescents as they progressed from the 8th to 11th grade, the current study disentangles the associations of trait and state leisure boredom with substance use, and examines how ability to restructure boring situations moderates those associations. On average, individuals with higher trait boredom used more substances, and on occasions when state boredom was high, the prototypical adolescent used more substances. Although restructuring did not moderate these associations, greater ability was associated with lower substance use independent of leisure boredom. Findings illustrated the importance of considering how trait and state aspects of leisure may contribute to adolescents’ risk behavior and addressed through preventive intervention.  相似文献   

休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察:国外研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):48-52
参与休闲活动能够提高人们的生活质量,这是国内学界普遍认同的观点.然而这个观点更多地是从逻辑推演而来,还缺乏实证的量化考察.对休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察,涉及主客观两类指标的设置;而其最终价值在于帮助决策者制定和调整相关政策,采取有效措施,从而全面改善居民的休闲状况,提高其生活质量.  相似文献   

当旅游目的地城市旅游产业发展到一定阶段时,旅游产业会成为促进旅游目的地城市化发展的独立系统,与城市化系统互为背景、相互作用、彼此影响。文章借鉴物理学中的耦合理论,分析了旅游产业系统与城市化系统之间协调发展的作用机理,建构了两个系统的耦合评价模型和指标体系,定量研究了两者之间的互动关系,并以西安市为例,对两者之间的耦合协调发展关系进行了实证分析。结果发现:2000~2009年西安市旅游产业与城市化综合评价函数值呈现上升的趋势;耦合度经历了2000~2002年快速变化和2003~2009年缓慢变化两个阶段;耦合协调度呈现持续快速上升趋势,实现了从2000~2005年失调阶段向2006~2009年协调阶段的转变。  相似文献   

Cruise ships are increasing in size, itineraries are becoming more standardised, and new customer segments are emerging. These factors induce a new social reality and represent a potential differentiator for the production and offering of cruise experiences. In this light, the study of guest-to-guest interactions will expectedly gain importance over time for cruise planning and operations. This explorative-interpretative study is divided into two phases. First, a survey of 173 randomly-selected respondents aimed at comparing the significance of social interaction on board, with that of other cruise product features. Social interaction emerged as a secondary issue and no significant differences were identified between customer categories. However, a deeper exploration of the collected data questioned this finding. Subsequently, the analysis of 76 semi-structured interviews resulted to a tentative model of factors affecting satisfaction with the interaction between guests on board. Finally, suggestions for further research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study identifies the impacts of tourism development on the living conditions of local poor and examines the role of local government and major investors in this process. A village in southern China was chosen as the research site. Because of tourism development, the villagers had all been relocated and initially, it was thought that their housing conditions had improved. Nevertheless, the relocated houses were later criticized as being small and of low quality. The traditional local means of livelihood also changed, from farming and fishing to mainly being employed in paid work. Yet, because of the high cost of living, the villagers' actual living standards had not greatly improved. This study claims that, since the municipal government took a developmental approach and investors followed market logic, the interests of the local poor were sacrificed to tourism development. This suggests that if tourism development is to reduce local levels of poverty, the interests of the local community should be front and center. Particularly in cases when tourism development tends to cause the transformation of local means of production, supportive initiatives and proper supervision and management strategies are needed in helping the poor adapt to new conditions.  相似文献   

三亚亚龙湾度假区开发管理模式研究及启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘俊  保继刚 《旅游学刊》2008,23(1):13-18
三亚亚龙湾度假区是我国首批12个国家级度假区中,唯一一个采用企业化开发运营模式并获得成功的度假区.亚龙湾模式对于我国度假区管理体制探索和创新,以及新时期度假区开发管理有着积极的借鉴和示范意义.本文通过长期深入的案例调研,在掌握大量翔实的历史信息和访谈资料基础上,廓清了亚龙湾模式的核心特征,即企业主导开发.政府有限介入,政企沟通合作.研究有助于明确亚龙湾开发中政府和企业的权利边界和各自的角色定位,构建更为科学有效的度假区治理结构.文章同时指出了亚龙湾模式运行中出现的问题,并讨论了亚龙湾模式对于亚龙湾成功开发的作用及其适用性.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情爆发并迅速蔓延,对依赖以人的位移产生综合消费的旅游业的影响是巨大而且全方位的。以云南省为例,从宏观旅游经济运行、中观旅游业态发展、微观旅游企业发展及旅游资本市场四个层次,对新冠肺炎给区域旅游发展带来的影响进行分析与研判。在此基础上,提出区域旅游恢复发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

审视阳朔旅游的发展:社会文化影响的调查与比较   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
张文 《旅游学刊》2003,18(5):15-20
针对30年来阳朔人的社会文化生活受到旅游业发展的影响,本文以对阳朔的社会调查结果为依据,解释了阳朔现象,对阳朔旅游的发展及其影响做了分析,对发展模式进行了评述,并与世界著名旅游目的地印度尼西亚的巴厘岛和美国的阿拉斯加的旅游发展及其影响进行了初步的比较。  相似文献   

顾寒月  王群  杨万明 《旅游学刊》2020,35(6):125-134
适应性循环是社会-生态系统经历开发、保护、释放、更新的过程,可表征社会-生态系统发展趋势。文章基于旅游地恢复力、潜力以及连通度三要素,指出Holling和Tsao适应性循环模型的局限性,对其病态陷阱进行完善,并提出阶段判定的量化指标,揭示阶段转化的主导因素。根据修正后的理论模型,以旅游地社会-生态系统较为敏感的贫困山区金寨县为例,运用综合指数法对2010—2017年间的恢复力、潜力以及连通度进行定量分析,判断和预测旅游地适应性循环阶段及转化趋势,验证修正后的理论模型。结果表明:金寨县目前处于贫困陷阱,根据当前转化条件,未来将趋向于赌博陷阱;受政策的影响也可能进入开发阶段或保护阶段,若发展过程中避免陷阱可能带来的资源浪费,适应性循环将呈良性运行。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative metric to assess the relative influence journals have on research by using an influence ratio measure. Hospitality and tourism journals are used as a case study. Influence ratio enables a suite of journals to be evaluated through the calculation of a score for each journal that reflects the share of citations and the share of papers it produces against all citations and all papers in the set. A higher influence ratio score signifies that a journal is proportionately more influential, for it generates a greater share of citations than the share of papers published would suggest. The study evaluated three sets of hospitality and tourism journals (17 hospitality, 41 tourism and a combined set of 54 hospitality and tourism journals). The study illustrates the efficacy of using the influence ratio metric. A small number of journals in each field play a disproportionately strong influence in informing scholarship, with a long tail of relatively less influential journals observed.  相似文献   

靳文敏  罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):101-110
我国会展业资金类政策已经成为地方政府间相互效仿和借鉴的典型政策,传播速度快、范围广,某种程度上被认为是城市会展业竞争的必要条件之一.然而,会展业带有很强的产业特征,政府与业界对此类政策的目标与功效并不清晰,其效仿和传播还在继续蔓延与扩大.可以说,在中国情境下,各地方政府采纳此类政策的原因及影响因素以及如何作出理论解释尚不清晰.因此,文章一脉相承于前人的研究,同时运用内部决定模型和传播模型探究中国情境之下会展业资金类政策的传播原因及政府采纳该项创新政策的影响因素.文章运用质性研究方法收集数据,得出四点结论:第一,地方政府采纳会展业资金类政策是由内外部因素共同决定的,也进一步证实了国外学者提出的不能割裂内部决定模型和传播模型的结论.第二,内部因素主要包括受会展业带动效应的驱动、通过扶持展会数量进而带动质量的发展倾向、表明政府态度和增强行业信心的需要、体现会展业在城市发展中的地位;外部因素包括学习、竞争、压力.第三,由于效果感知模糊,地方政府在出台此类政策时存在非理性的比拼式竞争,主要源于效仿和学习.第四,政府方纠结于矛盾与反思之中,一方面认识到资金补贴并非最重要的因素,但另一方面倘若没有资金支持政策又有可能陷入不作为、不竞争的境地.  相似文献   

在以往的服务管理研究中,服务绩效的影响因素很多,然而没有文献研究员工对服务的概念性界定对服务绩效的影响.基于行为识别理论,文章提出服务认知-行为模式对一线员工的服务绩效存在影响.该研究利用旅行社业和饭店业402名一线服务员工的问卷调查数据,部分验证了所提出的假设,实证结果发现:(1)对顾客理解型服务认知一行为模式具有最高的角色外服务绩效,对工作规范型服务认知-行为模式具有最低的角色外服务绩效;(2)对工作规范型服务认知-行为模式具有最低的角色内服务绩效,对顾客理解型和手段型服务认知-行为模式具有较高的角色内服务绩效.  相似文献   

古村镇旅游开发效果评价:居民感知、专家意见及其对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过问卷调查和访谈,从成本和收益角度就专家及当地居民对周庄、同里、西递、宏村等4个古村镇旅游开发效果评价进行了量化分析。结果显示,对于古村镇而言,旅游开发总体上是利大于弊,其中经济收益是当前古村镇旅游开发首先应该考虑的因素;从不同主体对这4个古村镇旅游开发的评价来看,不仅专家群体和居民群体之间存在差异,而且其内部也存在分歧,尤以专家群体更为明显。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of rapport between players and dealers in the casino industry. More specifically, based on a literature review, it was proposed that (1) rapport positively affects three outcome variables: customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth; (2) customer satisfaction has a positive influence on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth; and (3) gender plays a moderating role in this process. Based on the proposed hypotheses, a conceptual model was developed and tested using empirical data from 227 casino table players. Data analysis results showed that rapport is an important determinant of customer satisfaction, revisit intentions, and word-of-mouth. In addition, it was revealed that customer satisfaction bears a significant impact on revisit intentions and word-of-mouth. Lastly, gender has key moderating functions in the relationship between (1) rapport and customer satisfaction and (2) rapport and revisit intentions. The possible interpretations and managerial implications of these findings are provided in the last part of the article.  相似文献   

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