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Despite the fact that all-inclusive package holidays play a major role in the tourism developments of sun and sea destinations, relatively little research has been done within the hospitality literature to investigate the relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive, destination satisfaction and loyalty to a destination. Moreover, the measurement of satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts, satisfaction with destination, and destination loyalty, in order to understand the generation of tourist satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts. Based the previous theoretical and empirical evidence in the related literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted during summer 2008 at Antalya, a major sun and sea tourism destination of Turkey. The data were analyzed using several statistical techniques. The results suggested that there were significant relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts, satisfaction with destination and destination loyalty. It is also noteworthy that an all-inclusive package tour is the most popular traveling mode for tourists visiting Antalya.  相似文献   

This study compares first-time and repeat international tourists regarding their satisfaction and destination loyalty with their visit(s) to Bangkok. The data were collected from 254 international tourists. The results revealed that they were most satisfied with beautiful architectural buildings and historical sites, shopping opportunities and cultural sightseeing. Friends and families were their preferred information sources. Vacationing in Bangkok was the main purpose of their trip and taxies were their main means of transportation. First-time and repeat visitors differed in their views of Bangkok as being an amazing place, the hospitality of residents and beautiful smiles, and the quality of goods/services. For repeat tourists, professionals and students differed in their views of safety and security. Both groups would revisit Bangkok and recommend Bangkok to others.  相似文献   

粟路军  黄福才 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):53-64
文章构建了旅游地社会责任、旅游地声誉、旅游地认同与旅游者忠诚关系的整合模型,以厦门市旅游者为研究对象,采用结构方程模型( SEM)方法,对整合模型进行实证检验,发现:(1)旅游者社会责任直接正向影响旅游地声誉和旅游地认同,并通过旅游地声誉对旅游地认同产生间接影响,通过旅游地声誉和旅游地认同对重游倾向和口碑宣传产生间接影响;(2)旅游地声誉正向影响旅游地认同、重游倾向和口碑宣传,并通过旅游地认同对口碑宣传产生间接影响;(3)旅游地认同直接影响口碑宣传;(4)重游倾向和口碑宣传之间存在递进关系.最后,文章对研究结论进行了讨论,并指出了研究局限和未来研究方向.  相似文献   


First-time and repeat tourists engage in different tourism experience with a destination. Based on previous studies, the main purpose of this research is to investigate how tourists' previous experience with a tourist destination influences on the satisfaction evaluation, destination loyalty and destination attractiveness. An empirical study is carried out among 806 tourists visiting Calpe, a Spanish tourist destination, in the summer of 2000. Research findings evidence that the level of satisfaction and the number of past visits considerably influence tourists' intentions to make repeat visits.  相似文献   

Greater understanding of the model that plays a role in attracting certain visitor segments thus allows travel businesses to develop marketing strategies. This research analyzes an empirical model including push motivations, pull motivations, cognitive involvement, affective involvement, satisfaction, and loyalty to students' top domestic and international destinations. Results suggest push motivations are a good predictor of pull motivations, which in turn are considered a good predictor of cognitive involvement. Cognitive involvement is a good predictor of both affective involvement and satisfaction. Affective involvement is a good predictor of satisfaction. This study also confirms the significant association of satisfaction with destination loyalty. Hence, the proposed model provides a good quality of theoretical framework to positively predict travel demand toward domestic and international destinations.  相似文献   

旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈鹏熠 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):72-79
在旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的背景下,由旅游企业经营所引发的社会责任问题受到广泛关注,但学界关于旅游企业社会责任的影响研究还不够系统和深入.文章将旅游企业社会责任划分为6个方面,将目的地形象划分为认知形象和情感形象两个方面,并构建了旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响模型.实证研究表明,旅游企业社会责任在目的地形象及游客忠诚形成中发挥非常重要的作用,其中,经济责任、环境责任、游客责任、员工责任和法律责任对认知形象有正向影响,游客责任、员工责任和慈善责任对情感形象有正向影响;认知形象和情感形象不仅对游客忠诚产生直接影响,而且通过游客满意对游客忠诚产生间接作用.相比认知形象,情感形象对游客满意和忠诚的影响作用更大.  相似文献   

旅游地顾客忠诚模型及实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汪侠  梅虎 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):33-38
在对国内外顾客忠诚研究进行回顾的基础上,结合旅游业的特点,构建了旅游地顾客忠诚结构方程模型,探讨旅游地顾客忠诚的度量指标和驱动因素.研究发现:(1)旅游地顾客忠诚不仅表现在重游行为上,还包括旅游者的正面口碑宣传和推荐作用;(2)顾客感知质量、顾客感知价值、旅游动机、顾客满意是旅游地顾客忠诚的4个驱动因素,对顾客忠诚均有显著的正向影响.  相似文献   


Relying on Aaker's (1996 Aaker, D. A. 1996. Building strong brands, New York: Free Press.  [Google Scholar]) dimensions of brand personality, this study investigated the relationships between brand personality and its antecedents and consequences in the upper-upscale business hotel segment. Two dimensions of brand personality––competence and sophistication––were confirmed. User imagery was found to be the strongest predictor of brand personality, while trust had the significant mediating effect on the relationship between brand personality and loyalty. The theoretical and practical implications of this study's findings are included to assist both academicians and practitioners in the lodging industry in enriching their understanding of customers' perceptions of and attitudes toward hotel brand.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual model of the effects of service quality on customer loyalty that reflects the mediating role of customer satisfaction and the moderating role of service recovery and perceived value, and applies this model to the travel industry. A survey and analysis confirm that customer satisfaction is positively influenced by service quality, and customer loyalty is positively influenced by customer satisfaction. Furthermore, customer loyalty is indirectly influenced by service quality through the mediator of customer satisfaction. The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is found to be stronger for customers who have a positive experience of service recovery; and the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is stronger for customers who perceive high service value.  相似文献   

This study proposes a multiple mediation model, in which destination loyalty intention is jointly influenced by the interplay among destination image, tourist satisfaction, and perceived value. Data were collected on Hainan Island, China and a total of 371 observations with 5,000 bootstraps were analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. The results indicate that all possible single and multiple meditational effects within the model are substantiated. The meditational effects as well as the bootstrap approach employed to detect these effects contribute to the tourism literature significantly. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the context of tourism marketing and destination management. This work was jointly supported by The National Natural Science Fund of P. R. China (71262032) and by Hainan University, P. R. China (Kyqd:1230). View all notes  相似文献   

This study employed a visitor survey to analyze the influence that changing climatic conditions have on the substitution behaviors of alpine skiers (activity, spatial, temporal). It further focuses on the role that activity involvement plays in influencing behavioral adaptations (i.e., substitution) and also the extent to which place loyalty is affected. The Modified Involvement Scale (MIS) was used to segment respondents based on high, medium, and low levels of leisure involvement with activity. Highly involved skiers were more likely to change their skiing behavior as a result of poor snow conditions than were less involved individuals. Pritchard's Psychological Commitment Index (PCI) provided evidence that less involved skiers exhibit lower levels of commitment to particular service providers than do highly involved individuals.  相似文献   

This study examines how perceptions associated with customer personality traits can affect customer satisfaction, customer brand identification (CBI), and involvement as well as the development of brand loyalty. Social identity theory was applied to explain these effects as it relates to coffee shop businesses and further investigate relationships between customers and a brand. The verified model with a survey sample of 743 customers confirmed that customer personality traits had significant effects on customer satisfaction and CBI. Customer satisfaction had positive effects on CBI, involvement, and brand loyalty. CBI had significant influences on involvement and brand loyalty. Involvement was, in turn, positively associated with brand loyalty. In addition, the relationships between these variables were moderated by business type (i.e., independent coffee shop vs. franchise coffee shop).  相似文献   

旅游目的地游客忠诚研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李文兵 《旅游学刊》2008,23(5):84-90
旅游目的地游客忠诚的研究伴随消费者行为研究的范式转移而产生.在旅游目的地竞争日益激烈的情况下,如果想维持目的地的游客偏好,则需要培育游客忠诚.本文回顾了近10年来国内外有关旅游目的地游客忠诚研究的主要成果,并根据国内外研究现状,展望了今后国内对旅游目的地游客忠诚的研究,希望为国内相关研究提供启示.  相似文献   

Relationship quality is crucial to enhancing a tourist’s loyalty. Little empirical research has been conducted to link service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality to customer loyalty in the travel agency sector. This study attempts to investigate the role of service quality, perceived value, and relationship quality on customer loyalty among tourists. Relationship quality consists of three components: customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the linkages between the six variables that have been identified. Findings reveal that service quality and perceived value of a travel package are antecedent factors to the relationship quality with a travel agency; three components of relationship quality significantly influence a customer’s loyalty to a travel agency.  相似文献   

Local communities are considered as a stockholder of an ecotourism programs particularly protected area (PA)-based destinations. The purpose of the study is to develop a model of community intervention strategies (CIS) in PA-based ecotourism tourism destinations and to examine the contribution of CIS toward destination quality (DQ). Study adopted exploratory sequential method and administered focus group discussion and expert interview followed by questionnaire survey. Measurement models were drawn with AMOS 22 and employed WarpPLS 6.0 for structural model. The study result indicates that there are three dimensions for CIS, and the quality variables have a strong presence in these destinations. However, the study could not establish a significant and positive relationship between CIS and DQ. Subsequently, investigator adopted a participant observation method and identified local specific reasons such as changes in general consciousness, intervention of related departments and nongovernmental organizations, and destination life cycle, for the same. Study assumes significance in the context of community-based ecotourism programs and indicates the need for strengthening community collaboration for quality destinations. Study extends scope for further research in measuring other perceived linkages of CIS with destination sustainability and quality of community life.  相似文献   


Destination branding has emerged as a critical tool for achieving competitive advantage through various conceptualizations, focusing on various aspects of branding. This research examines the role of destination brand experience (DBE), a new conceptualization, in assessing the holistic and unified view of tourism destinations. The conceptual model proposed in this research has been validated using structural equation modeling, based on the primary responses collected from 312 and 262 foreign visitors for study 1 and study 2 respectively, conducted at two different tourism destinations in India. Findings of both the studies suggest that various dimensions of DBE have a varied influence on destination brand identification (DBI), which subsequently affects both tourists’ trust and loyalty toward tourism destinations. In addition, DBI emerges as an important mediator for the relationship between DBE and destination trust (DT) as well as DBE and destination loyalty (DL). The study provides several implications for destination marketers about building trust and loyalty among tourists using DBE and DBI.  相似文献   

This study explores causal relationships between push and pull motivations, perceptions of service quality and loyalty intention, and examines the moderating role of membership status in the National Museum of Natural Science, the largest museum in Taiwan. Data were collected from 405 paid admission visitors, with a quota and systematic sampling, from two stages of pre- and post-visit corresponding with two questionnaires. The results demonstrate that push and pull motivations impact on service quality perceptions, which in turn influence museum loyalty; the effect of pull motivation on service quality perceptions in the nonmember group was stronger than in the member group; the effect of service quality perceptions on loyalty in the member group was stronger than in the nonmember group. Museum managers could tailor and advertise existing museum products and services to different types of visitors; assuring the museum's continued operation and success.  相似文献   

Community-based ecotourism (CBE) is a significant segment of the rapidly growing tourism industry in Korea. This study examines the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, and destination loyalty of CBE tourists in Korea. Data were collected from 254 visitors (aged 20 years and over) of six CBE villages. The Linear Structural Relationships (LISREL) statistical package was used for the analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis identified four dimensions of perceived value from 14 variables: economic, functional, emotional, and social. Through structural equation modeling (SEM), functional, social, and emotional value was found to have positive effects on overall value. Further, overall value and tourist satisfaction were a significant antecedent of destination loyalty. The empirical results indicate that a varied experiential program must be developed to increase the efficiency of CBE as a sustainable development tool.  相似文献   

Understanding the importance of a country’s image in the behavioral intentions of tourists is essential for sun-and-sand destinations. This study examines an integrated model of behavioral intentions regarding two international tourist destinations, namely Cancun (Mexico) and Lloret de Mar (Spain). The results indicate that country image influences destination image; destination image influences value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions; value influences satisfaction; and satisfaction influences behavioral intentions. These findings confirm that the country and destination images are different constructs, and that destination image is the key to attracting tourists. Additionally, there are some differences in the relationships hypothesized in the model among the destinations.  相似文献   

In recent years, conceptual and empirical papers have begun to appear in the leisure literature examining the processes leading to the formation of recreationist loyalty. While this work is still in its infancy, current understanding suggests that leisure involvement plays a formative role in the development of social psychological commitment, which in turn, is an antecedent to loyalty to a brand or organization. In the context of natural resource-based recreation the concept of loyalty is most often used to refer to recreationists' attachments to specific recreation areas. The purpose of this paper is to provide an empirical examination of the first order structural relations among involvement (i.e., Centrality, Attraction, Self Expression), commitment (i.e., Social Investment, Financial Investment, Position Involvement, Informational Complexity, Volitional Choice), resistance to change (i.e., Activity Resistance, Place Resistance) and behavioral loyalty for hikers along the Appalachian Trail. These data provided partial support of our hypothesized model. The strength of the structural models varied and not all predictors were significant. Also, the valence of the dimensional relations varied. These data highlight several measurement related issues relating to each of the constructs modeled. These measurement issues inhibit progress toward a fuller understanding of the relationships between each of the constructs and their dimensions.  相似文献   

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