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Stress and coping are prevalent and ubiquitous in our everyday lives. The degree and manner in which we experience stress, and ways in which we cope with stress, strongly influence our daily choices and their outcomes, including those related to leisure. Research on leisure, stress, and coping is important within a broad spectrum of leisure research since it can be potentially integrated with leisure research on constraints and negotiations, lifespan development, diversity, and lifestyle. Such integration works to bridge the gap in the leisure research community that is often characterized as isolated entities. One important tangible benefit of such integration is that stress and coping have the potential to be a common language for many researchers with diverse interests, and it thus leads to opportunities for enhanced communication and understanding, as well as for possible collaborations. We hope that this special issue, presenting a diverse collection of papers focused on leisure, stress, and coping, may instill such ambitious, but important, desire. The role of this issue is threefold: (1) to better identify relationships among leisure, stress, and coping, (2) to introduce new theoretical and methodological approaches for such research, and (3) to encourage increased attention to and collaborations related to leisure, stress, and coping research.  相似文献   

The influence of leisure in coping with negative life events likely derives from its powers to distract, to generate optimism about the future, and to preserve a sense of self in the face of trauma (Kleiber, Hutchinson, & Williams, 2002). While there is recent evidence of leisure's role in coping with daily hassles and normative life stressors (e.g., Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000), the nature and extent of leisure's utility in coping with a life-altering event, such as a traumatic injury, is not well understood. The purpose of this paper is to examine how individuals used leisure in coping with a traumatic injury or the onset of a chronic illness. Qualitative data from two studies involving people with either a spinal cord injury or chronic illness were used for this analysis. Findings support suggestions from earlier research: leisure served to buffer effects of immediate life circumstances and it sustained their coping efforts in various ways. The authors end by discussing the data in light of recent theoretical propositions about the role of positive affect and meaning in coping.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that there is a relationship between stress and participation in leisure (Caltabiano, 1995; Chalip, Thomas, & Voyle, 1992; Reich & Zautra, 1981; Strauss-Blasche, Ekmekcioglu, & Marktl, 2002; Warner-Smith & Brown, 2002; Wheeler & Frank, 1988). It has been suggested that leisure buffers or mediates stress, thereby enhancing individual health and well-being, because of the self-determination and social support that are experienced in leisure (Coleman & Iso-Ahola, 1993). However, a number of issues have been raised by the recent research, including whether or not the leisure, stress, and health relationship varies by type of leisure activity (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000), exactly why and how leisure (or any given leisure activity) interacts with stress (Iwasaki & Mannell, 1999-2000; Kleiber, Hutchinson, & Williams, 2002), and the possibility that leisure itself could be a stressor (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000; Iwasaki & Smale, 1998). The interpretive study reported here examined a particular leisure activity--collegiate sport--and individuals' experiences of stress because of their participation in this type of leisure. Results indicate that collegiate sport is perceived to be both a buffer and experience of stress. Results also reveal that race and gender are important in shaping collegiate athletes' experiences of stress. Support was found for the ideas that (a) stress is a transactional process (Lazarus, 1998) and (b) research approaches that allow the dynamic experience and contextualization of the personal meanings of stress and leisure to emerge are needed (Iwasaki & Smale, 1998; Kleiber et al., 2002).  相似文献   

The present study explored if women who are homeless face chronic stress and how the women cope with living in a shelter, which could be chronic stress or part of ongoing chronic stress. The study demonstrated that women who are homeless experienced chronic stress. When the women discussed how they coped with stress, various strategies were identified with a primary strategy of being with others. The women also noted that they engaged in diversionary leisure activities to help them relax. Although diversionary activities helped the women relax, they were not identified when the women discussed coping. It could be that diversionary activities have become so much a part of the women's lifestyles that these activities unconsciously assist with coping. Thus, diversionary leisure activities are critical to coping with chronic stress, but not recognized as coping strategies. The present study suggests that researchers working in the area of stress and coping must be cognizant of the differences between event stress, traumatic stress, and chronic stress, and the various conscious and unconscious ways that people cope with chronic stress.  相似文献   

The Algarve, the most renowned Portuguese destination, is usually associated with its main tourist product, sun and beach. In 2007, the Portuguese government launched a program of events called Allgarve, intending to reposition the destination image. Conceived from the tourists' perspective, the Allgarve program was not initially welcomed by residents. Based on data from 384 questionnaires applied to residents in the region, this study examines the dimensions of the Algarve image and the Allgarve image, and shows how participation in Allgarve events is affecting both. The conclusions from this study reinforce the relevance of residents' participation in events in supporting repositioning strategies of a destination image.  相似文献   

杜建刚  马婧  王鹏 《旅游学刊》2012,27(8):60-67
高交互性是服务行业的重要特征之一,服务过程中,服务人员会与顾客高频率接触,并通过与顾客的互动传递服务价值.在服务传递过程中通常会伴随出现一些情感事件,多为服务失败等负面情感事件,影响服务人员的情绪和满意.该研究在文献回顾的基础上,构建了高交互服务行业中情感事件对一线服务员情绪影响的模型,并以餐饮业为例对模型进行了实证检验,最终证实:管理者关怀导向和雇员的事件归因会对员工负面情绪产生影响,并最终影响其内部补救后的满意和情感承诺;同时,服务人员的情绪智力差异对模型起到调节作用.最后,文章阐述了研究结论与不足和下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

This paper advances understanding of the complex and adaptive nature of indigenous Fijian communities involved in tourism. It examines how tourism-related development has set the people of one Fijian village along two separate development pathways, and explores how preferential access to tourism benefits has created disparities within the community. Complex Adaptive Systems theory and Social Capital theory are used to conceptualise how over 40 years of tourism involvement has influenced development within an indigenous Fijian community. The findings argue that indigenous Fijian communities are non-homogeneous entities, which are constantly in transition, responding and adapting integratively to both internal and external changes over time. The findings show that the emergence of new behaviours and ways of life has led to the collapse of the pre-existing systems of social capital. As a response, community members retreated and regrouped, strengthening internal bonds and social capital in their smaller social units, leading to both dependency and opportunity-seeking behaviours among participants. Ultimately, the paper asserts that money alone does not lead to development, but rather tourism and access to a variety of capital do.  相似文献   

This research was designed to investigate the role of bike-tourism attributes, perceived value, satisfaction, desire, and gender in bicyclers' loyalty generation process. We employed a survey methodology. Using the data collected from members of bicycle clubs in China, we conducted a structural analysis and test for metric invariance. Results showed that our theoretical model explained a sufficient amount of the variance in loyalty; the hypothesized relationships in our research framework were generally supported; and cognitive, evaluative, and motivational processes were significant mediators. Moreover, the proposed moderating impact of gender was partially supported. Overall, our empirical findings make a significant contribution to advancing our knowledge of how product attributes, value, satisfaction, and desire are related and how these relationships are affected by gender in the formation of bicycle travelers' loyalty.  相似文献   

Risk seems all too often to be a travel companion. The purchase of travel insurance is one way to mitigate this, yet only a small body of research has examined consumer decision-making in this context. Using the Repertory Test and Laddering Analysis, this research examines the attributes of travel insurance, the consequences of its purchase and the terminal values that this satisfies. It presents a Hierarchical Value Map which tracks the customer journey. The study contributes to academic knowledge by identifying that not all attributes of travel insurance are brand-controlled and not all values are about reducing risk.  相似文献   

This study examined how a cooking school in Thailand acted as a site of living history in its staging and touristic experience of authenticity. The cooking school was one of the oldest, most visited and most comprehensively “staged” cooking schools in Bangkok. Research focused on understanding: (a) the nature of spatial and temporal staging of authenticity in the school, (b) tourists’ perceptions of authenticity and (c) parallels between the cooking school and living heritage sites. Findings showed that the cooking school was carefully designed to transport tourists from the heterogeneous tourist spaces of present-day Bangkok to the idealized, enclavic space of an imagined Thai culinary past. Tourists took on multiple roles, had rich sensory experiences, felt a sense of play and space–time transcendence, and revelled in close social relations with hosts and other tourists. These factors allowed them to experience multiple forms of both modernist and post-modernist authenticity. In its scenography, interpretative performance, narrative and rituals, the cooking school did indeed resemble a living history site. However, the school made no particular claim to expertise in Thai history, place or culinary culture, and tended more towards touristic entertainment, and less towards accurate historical and cultural visitor education.  相似文献   

Just as some species of plants and animals are endangered, some outdoor recreation opportunities are ‘endangered’ in that opportunities to participate in certain activities are becoming scarce and may eventually be permanently lost. The existence of these experiences is threatened by both alterations in the physical environment and by changing social and cultural pressures. The objective of this paper is to propose the application of ecological terms and concepts to develop a conceptual framework for managers and planners dealing with ‘endangered’ outdoor recreation experiences. Potential applications of the lexicon and conceptual approach presented in this paper are: to identify threats to the existence of opportunities for specific recreational experiences, and to provide policy-makers and planners with a systematic approach to setting priorities and developing management strategies to maintain or expand these opportunities. Such an approach may help insure the perpetuation of a diverse array of recreational experiences.  相似文献   


The relationship between perceived crowding and the desire to further limit established carrying capacities is examined from a study of users of the Sylvania Recreation Area. The relationship is found to be weak, especially among those users with low education. Possible explanations in terms of expressed crowding as a status group convention are discussed. It is concluded that user limitation decisions cannot be directly derived from studies of perceived crowding.  相似文献   

Governments in many developing countries endorse sustainable tourism, despite associated practical limitations and challenges as a development strategy. Using the case of Cambodia, this paper illustrates how sustainable tourism issues in a developing country may be better understood through a systematic review of scattered relevant peer-reviewed and grey literature. This can help in identifying emergent themes and challenges, gaps in knowledge, and opportunities for future research. Analysis of 77 documents on Cambodia's sustainable tourism revealed themes and challenges relating to: (1) an emphasis on nature-based tourism (ecotourism); (2) calls for greater community engagement for sustainable outcomes; (3) stakeholder perceptions and values as drivers of tourism success; (4) cultural heritage as a key tourism attraction; and (5) foreign investment shaping Cambodia's tourism future. Unequal emphasis is given to key government policies for tourism development and there is limited practical guidance on how to realise a vision of sustainable tourism. There is a lack of consideration of how the socio-economic and cultural context affects sustainable tourism. The evidence suggests that sustainable tourism in Cambodia is questionable until fundamental economic, social capacity and policy issues are addressed, along with greater emphasis given to the tourism system's demand side.  相似文献   

Many of the issues confronting Indigenous peoples result from disempowered communities. Conversely, where communities are empowered, usually as a consequence of landownership, they are able to actively participate in, and benefit from, economic activities such as tourism. In this study, a framework titled the wheel of empowerment framework is used to demonstrate how the level of empowerment/disempowerment in five dimensions can be measured. The dimensions tested are economic, psychological, social, political and environmental. Indicators to measure the level of empowerment for each dimension were developed in a three-stage research process commencing with semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, followed by focus groups with community members from Coba, a Mayan village located near Cancun in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Appropriate indicators were identified and used to assess community levels of empowerment. Results show that the ability of communities to develop sustainable ecotourism businesses requires support from external stakeholders including governments and the private sector as well as internal stakeholders including the local community and importantly from community leaders. The results also show that empowered communities are able to derive considerable social and economic benefits from ecotourism business ventures and make a positive contribution to the ongoing maintenance of sustainability of their local environment.  相似文献   

A critical dimension of pilgrimage is arguably pilgrims' experience, in particular the authenticity of their experience. The aim of the study is to understand how authenticity is evoked in a religious pilgrimage and the relationship between authenticity, rituals and consumption. The research contributes ethnographic insights from a lesser known, yet significant, Muslim pilgrimage called Ziyara-t-Arba'een. In so doing, pilgrimages are conceptualised as a quest for spiritual authenticity, a hybrid form of existential, ideological and objective authenticity. The findings section leads to a discussion of the ways in which spiritual authenticity is realised through rituals and the consumption of texts, material objects and space. The contribution of this paper is threefold: 1) it explores the different dimensions of authenticity in a pilgrimage experience; 2) it examines the role of material culture and ritual consumption in achieving forms of authenticity; and 3) it broadens the understanding of the pilgrimage as a context-bound and culturally specific phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the comparative tourism sustainability debate in the context of mountain tourism destinations. It is based on a published three-dimensional Mountain Destination Innovation Model (MDIM) which claims that tourism development depends on a destination's innovation levels, and is subject to different conditions in a variety of important destination environments (using that term in its broadest sense), including sociocultural, natural, political, legal and technological. The authors comparatively analyzed Austrian, Slovenian and Swiss mountain destinations, which are located in small countries in the Alpine region, and that makes their environments, innovation levels and stages of development relatively easy to compare. The analysis used 88 managers’ replies to a 72 element questionnaire employing both objective and subjective measures about performance with regard to MDIM dimensions. The findings confirm differences in the stages of tourism development, in innovation levels, as well as in the supporting role of their corresponding wider environments. Swiss and Austrian mountain destinations outperformed Slovenian in almost all respects, but not in protection and quality of the natural environment or in inherited sociocultural attractiveness, where significant differences were not determined. The findings could help development and tourism policy authorities to improve the factors that determine sustainable tourism destination development.  相似文献   

Despite the growing importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in tourism for developing countries and its perceived developmental importance, there are few empirical impact studies. This paper explores tourism FDI and poverty alleviation through both the literature and a detailed review in The Gambia of the relative contribution of foreign versus locally owned hotels to development and poverty alleviation. Data was collected via an in-depth questionnaire with senior hotel management and through key informant interviews with tourism officials and stakeholders. The study provides empirical evidence of the relative characteristics, performance, and benefits of foreign investments, suggesting that different forms of hotel ownership have complex advantages and disadvantages for poverty alleviation. FDI was concentrated in larger, upmarket hotels, which tended to employ more staff, pay higher wages, and provide more training. However, they had a lower proportion of women employees and employment was more likely seasonal. They have more high-skilled positions, potentially offer staff mobility, but have more expatriates in management roles. Local food purchases were similar across hotel ownership types, as were local philanthropic initiatives, although there were differences of approach. Some resident foreign owners were involved in successful best practice community-linked businesses, driven by social service and environmental ethics.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to investigate how spiritual retreat tourism influences tourist satisfaction and intention to revisit a destination. A quantitative approach was employed and a self-administered survey was used to collect data. A multiple regression analysis was used to analyze data. The results revealed that push factors including novelty, relaxation, transcendence, self-esteem, physical appearance and escape influence spiritual retreat tourist satisfaction; while pull factors, especially authentic experiences, natural settings, peaceful atmosphere, far from the usual places and historical significance, influence spiritual retreat tourist satisfaction, in turn leading to intention to revisit the same destination.  相似文献   

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