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This investigation considers the participation of children, adolescents and young adults in nature-based recreation. We draw upon the recreation narratives of forty-seven adult recreationists in the activities of tramping, angling, hunting and mountaineering, obtained from in-depth interviews. In particular, the study considers the transitions from childhood through adolescence to young adulthood, and examines how our participants maintained their participation, or alternatively, disengaged from their activity over this period. The paper provides empirical support for the role of family, and early exposure to nature based recreation in fostering enduring participation. Failing this, the role of school, club and outdoor organizational support and mentoring, right through to tertiary study was highlighted. We also identify a critical role for unstructured outdoor play for young children in nature. The paper discusses challenges for this, and for mentoring, in both formal and informal senses, as pathways into nature-based recreation in an increasingly risk averse society.  相似文献   

Globally, climate is changing and will likely alter where and when visitors decide to travel. This study looks at how visitors’ attachment to Mount Desert Island (MDI), Maine, affects their intended future visitation under changing climate conditions. Additionally, this research explores the relationship between recreational activities visitors participate in and their attachment to the destination. Visitors were identified on-site and asked to complete an online survey (n = 416). Segmentation analysis was used to group visitors by their level of attachment to the destination: high (27%), medium (49%), and low (24%). Results indicated that those with a high level of place attachment participated in more recreational activities during their trip, although only some activities elicited significant differences. Additionally, those with high attachment said they were less likely to be deterred from visiting MDI in the future under potentially negative changing environmental conditions. Results indicate that under changing conditions, visitors’ place attachment influences future visitation intent. It is easier to retain visitors than attract new ones, so destinations (including gateway communities) would benefit from developing strategies that enhances visitor place attachment to capitalize on repeat visitation and increase long-term economic sustainability.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of daily participation and time-use in nature-based outdoor recreation among the Finnish population, comparing frequently used modeling methods. Using an original time diary dataset, results show that daily participation decision is mainly influenced by age, dog ownership, potential unemployment and timing of the day (weekend vs. weekday, summer vs. autumn), whereas the main determinants for the daily time-use are age, timing of the day, gender and province. Results indicate that a simple two-part model (probit and OLS) is an appropriate approach for modeling the daily decision process concerning nature-based recreation behavior.  相似文献   

The understanding of determinants and underlying mechanisms of everyday nearby outdoor recreation behavior (NORB) remains insufficient for use in urban planning. We explored the nearby recreational decisions of walkers, cyclists, and joggers in problem-focused interviews (N = 18). The identified influences include various demands of work and private life, strains, and action circumstances. Loads and strains showed several compensatory associations with NORB. These findings were synthesized into a NORB framework that offers empirically grounded hypotheses for future research. The proposed framework may help to integrate findings from different research fields while providing a more comprehensive understanding of NORB.  相似文献   


Parks and related areas are increasingly adopting management-by-objectives/indicator-based frameworks to protect resources and the quality of visitor experiences. Indicator-based frameworks rely on development of indicators and standards of quality, and research has been developed to measure visitor-based standards of quality. In this research approach, visitors to parks and related areas judge the acceptability of a range of recreation-related impacts to natural/cultural resources and the quality of the visitor experience. The purpose of this paper is to explore the strength and variability of the relationship between visitor-based standards of quality and existing conditions in parks and related areas. Data were derived from studies conducted in 11 U.S. national park system units between 1995 and 2002. Results indicated that visitor-based standards of quality are generally unrelated to existing conditions. Implications of these findings are explored for research on visitor-based standards of quality and related issues, and for the management of parks and outdoor recreation.  相似文献   

Voluntary associations representing numerous types of recreation users and environmental issues have recently flourished. However, the literature has not sufficiently studied these associations and their members’ experiences. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of enduring involvement as mediator and moderator on the relationship between membership motivation and volunteer experience of outdoor recreation voluntary associations (ORVAs). Data were collected from an on-line survey of members of three ORVAs in Texas (n = 315). Six distinct dimensions of membership motivation and three dimensions of involvement were identified. Results indicated that enduring involvement fully mediated the relationship between membership motivation and volunteer experience. Members that are motivated to join ORVAs for social networking, civic engagement, and self-enhancement reasons had more volunteer experience through enhanced enduring involvement levels. The moderator effect of enduring involvement was also significant. The association between membership motivation and volunteer experience was stronger as involvement level increased.  相似文献   


German recreation planning is strongly oriented toward the maintenance and provision of outdoor recreation areas. The rapidly growing consumption of outdoor recreation activities within a densely populated area has led to refined procedures of evaluating landuse potential and distributing outdoor facilities within environmental constraints. One such procedure is the use of attractivity models. Such models utilize a matrix of social, aesthetic, physical, and infrastructure attributes to arrive at a ranking of attractivity for given landscapes. The rankings are the basis of general landuse decisions and outdoor recreation investment procedures.  相似文献   

陶长江 《旅游学刊》2020,35(3):127-142
文章围绕残障与旅游、残障旅游市场需求、残障旅游市场供给和无障碍旅游4大研究主题8个研究细类,梳理残障旅游境外研究状况。境外研究总体态势是以残障群体旅游需求为研究重点,围绕残障群体的旅游特点、动机、需求、偏好、决策、体验和出行障碍作诸多有益探索;同时基于残障群体的旅游需求特性,从旅行社、航空运输、住宿、景区4大旅游产业角度,针对性研究解决残障人群出行和旅游参与障碍、提供合理旅游产品和服务的思路和方法。文章最后评述了境外研究的思路、方法与不足,并从研究方法、研究团队构成和近期可以开展的研究领域对国内学者提出建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions of the potential tourist market to a nature-based resort destination from the gendered perspective. The research reveals that significant gender differences exist about the perceived importance of destination attributes and travel values when potential nature tourists consider destination choices. After controlling for demographic and travel behaviour variables, such as age, marital status, education, household income, preference of price quote and length of stay, most gender differences remain significant. In addition, more significant distinctions between men and women are demonstrated after controlling for age and income level. The study provides insights into gendered perceptions of nature-based tourism settings. Specific marketing implications are discussed in an attempt to successfully attract nature tourists and provide a high-quality nature destination experience.  相似文献   

Contact with nature positively impacts one's wellbeing and overall health. This study examined the relevance of 16 personal, social, and living environment factors for workday use frequency of nearby outdoor recreation areas (NORAs) by 262 gainfully employed Swiss citizens. Hierarchical regression revealed that emotion work, sedentary work, low energy level, area knowledge, dog ownership, and temporal distance are significant predictors of workday NORA use frequency. The results suggest that social and personal conditions are more important predictors of the use frequency of NORAs than living environment factors and that the type and amount of work predicts nearby outdoor recreation behavior.  相似文献   

Most commentators agree that human relations are central to tourism and hospitality. Different personalities thus display different reactions to the same task. This article provides an overview of prior studies on personality in the context of tourism and hospitality. Using EBSCOHost's Hospitality & Tourism Index, the largest online database for tourism and hospitality research, we analyzed published articles on the topic. Broadly speaking, prior studies can be grouped into the seven dimensions of disposal, biological, intrapsychic, cognitive, social, and adjustment in personality research, plus brand personality. Interestingly, our results show although the Internet has become one of the major marketing channels for hospitality and tourism, only a small number of published articles are related to consumers' online behavior. We thus propose that this area be further researched in the future.  相似文献   

吴建兴  吴茂英  汪菁 《旅游学刊》2022,37(2):130-141
在后现代主义思潮的影响下,自我民族志在反思传统民族志中诞生。自我民族志凸显了"自我",是一种对研究者亲身经历的文化体验展开反思性描述的质性研究方法,已经引起了国内外旅游学者关注与应用。但这些研究大都仅采用了自我民族志的方法,未对自我民族志的理论与方法展开深入的探讨。该文以此为契机,首先,在理论层面梳理了自我民族志的起源、内涵,重点阐述了自我民族志与旅游研究的逻辑联系,论述了旅游研究对自我民族志的意义。然后,在此基础上,梳理了2000—2019年71篇应用自我民族志的旅游研究论文,重点阐述旅游领域中自我民族志适用的研究情景,结合文献分析各研究情景中方法论的优势,说明方法论局限以及克服局限的策略。最后,结合已有文献阐述自我民族志如何应用于旅游研究,提炼自我民族志在旅游研究中的理论贡献,并进一步讨论旅游研究应用自我民族志的巨大空间以及对自我民族志范式的贡献。  相似文献   

旅游社会学研究初探   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:37  
由于理论体系和方法论尚未成熟,旅游社会学仍处于初期发展阶段。本文在前人研究基础上,对旅游社会学的研究对象、研究方法进行了尝试性探讨,认为旅游社会学的研究对象范围应是旅游者的社会行为和社会关系以及由此引起的相关问题的集合,包括旅游者个体和群体两方面。旅游者个体研究包括旅游者行为及引起该行为的动机、心理、价值取向、审美观念等深层因素,属微观旅游社会学范畴;旅游者群体研究包括社会关系、跨文化交际、社会影响、旅游人流等宏观旅游社会学的层面。此外,本文还对旅游社会学的研究方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

中国旅游教育研究综述   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
随着旅游业的发展 ,中国旅游教育蓬勃兴起 ,成为旅游业发展的重要支撑。本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。提出了今后需要进一步研究的有关旅游教育的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

国外旅游购物研究综述——ATR和TM反映的学术态势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈钢华  黄远水 《旅游学刊》2007,22(12):88-92
本文利用《旅游研究纪事》和《旅游管理》这两本国外主流旅游学术刊物所载有关旅游购物的研究文献,以时间顺序对其进行了梳理,界定了国外旅游购物研究的缘起及发展阶段,并分析了各个阶段的研究视角、研究方法、研究深度及其发展脉络。文章认为,国外旅游购物研究的视角经历了从旅游购物(品)向旅游购物者的转变,研究方法也逐步从描述性、概念性和简单的数理统计逐渐转变为复杂的数理统计和构建模型,深入、细化研究的学术传统也得到了传承。相比之下,国内旅游购物的研究视角和研究方法还存在较大差距,亟待转变,且研究还有待深入细化。  相似文献   

杨明 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):84-89
旅游调研的科学性不仅取决于调研过程的设计、调研方法的选择,更要依赖于调研数据分析技术的选择,而后期数据处理深度和准确性将直接影响到整个调研的深度和科学性。本文针对旅游调研的两类主要的调研方法论——定性方法论和定量方法论所指导的调研后期数据分析技术和方法做初步的探讨,并以荷兰纳米根市(Nijmegen)旅游形象调研为案例做具体的说明。  相似文献   

于海波 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):93-100
人文社会科学研究的独立价值在于对研究对象进行中立、客观的描述,发现相关关系,并提出趋势预测和管理建议。有助于人文社会科学研究价值实现的知识积累、分析结构、逻辑构建和技术方法等都是科研创新的重要内容。本文章以旅游研究为例,讨论目前人文社会科学跨学科交叉研究在科研地位与社会影响力相对弱势状况下,科研创新突破的实现策略。建议新兴交叉学科研究重视时代性背景下基础概念的共识性构建,推进统计指标分类分级细化,拓展数据搜集与分析方法,鼓励新兴现象调查描述类科研成果,鼓励科研表达与知识传播方式等方面的科研公共关系突破,从而保证在范式边界基础上的有效科研创新。  相似文献   


This paper reviews the recent development of service quality research. It relates the key issues and approaches to the tourism and hospitality sectors. It identifies the need for further research into the meaning and management of service quality in tourism and hospitality.  相似文献   

该研究以中国学术期刊网络出版总库的"中文核心期刊"为数据来源,以"遗产"和"旅游"为主题检索,从年代、期刊、作者、作者机构、研究对象、研究地点、研究方法和研究主题等方面进行了文献计量分析。研究发现,我国遗产旅游研究开始于20世纪90年代,近10年得到飞速发展,形成了核心刊物群,但尚未拥有稳定的核心作者群,在研究机构上以北京、广州、南京等大城市和遗产资源集中区域的高校及科研院所为主;中国遗产旅游的研究对象趋向多元化,在研究地点上以国内研究为主,且集中在长江中上游、东北等区域,缺乏国际性研究;在研究方法上,以实证研究方法为主,新方法和手段仍有待加强;在研究主题上,中国遗产旅游关注的问题较为多样,但主要表现为五大内容,即价值属性、旅游发展、产业经济、游客及社区、保护管理。  相似文献   

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