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全世界最美的十个度假胜地爱琴海———浪漫爱之海荷兰———风车与木鞋之国佛罗伦萨——故事与艺术交织日本银座——步行者的天堂  相似文献   

九成9月11日,搭载着128名旅客的东航MU5009航班从上海浦东国际机场起飞,前往台北松山机场。此次包机是中秋节期间首家由内地航空公司执飞的从上海飞往台湾的两岸中秋包机,客座率接近九成。  相似文献   

泰姬陵做面膜由于长年风吹日晒,昔日洁白通透的宫殿式陵园——印度泰姬陵已经开始有点发黄。为了让它恢复原来的光彩,印度人正在对其进行美白,预计这一项目将持续半年时间。泰姬陵的白色大理石拱门将被涂上一层特制的粘土,然后留着它过夜,等到干了再把它剥落下来,就像女性做面膜一样。这种粘土富含石灰石,能清除泰姬陵大理石外部的沉淀物,而又不会对泰姬陵造成破坏。这种粘土是印度北部的特产,当地出产的很多面膜都含有这种成分。  相似文献   

前门,为什么叫前门,是前面的门吗?难道就是因为它是皇宫紫禁城的大门,而显得格外重要?原来它的正名叫正阳门大街,老北京人都俗称它为前门大街,就在1965年榔头敲定正式命名震惊中外的前门大  相似文献   

这是上世纪八十年代末,画家兀自站在黄昏里,与时间的虚妄对峙,真诚而又固执。她在思索,在寻觅,冥冥之中仿佛将要突破重围,脱颖而成蝴蝶。她是家中的长女,父亲在文化大革命中挨批,一夜之间突然远离人世。柔弱的母亲何以承担得了三个孩子的赡养和教育?  相似文献   

旅游是一面镜子,一种观照方式,通过它,不但目的地居民知道我们如何看他们,而且我们也知道他们如何看我们.然而,旅游中的相互观看,既有可能加深彼此的理解,也有可能造成误解,甚至加深冲突.为了降低旅游造成误解的概率,促进相互理解,就有必要形成一些文明的行为准则.媒体上所报道的一些中国游客在境外的不雅和不端行为,就是不文明的体现.当然,大部分中国出境游客还是体现出了应有的文明水平,否则,世界各地热门旅游点还不炸开了锅?  相似文献   

2008年4月7日中午12时整,印度旅游和文化部驻北京办事处在京举行了揭牌仪式。当晚,印度驻华大使馆在北京饭店宴会大厅隆重举行不可思议的印度庆祝晚会。印度旅游和文化部部长安比卡·索妮、印度驻华大使拉奥琦、中国国家旅游局局长邵琪伟、中国人民对外友好协会会长陈昊苏、中国驻印大使馆大使,  相似文献   

那是一年的年初,春节快要到了,我正和一班管理人员在办公室开会,研究春节期间的酬宾方式及员工活动方案。电话响了,接起电话,是前台服务员,她告诉我,刚才有一个客人开房,交了2000元港币,扣除500元房租押金,换走了1500元  相似文献   

太行水乡风景区,地处晋、冀、豫三省交界处,东与河南林州红旗渠相连,北与黎城黄崖洞毗邻,景区面积439.7平方公里,全长53公里,堪称百里水乡。这里距平顺县城30公里。沿此东行便入太行水乡风景区,区域面积439.7平方公里。现开发有:九龙戏珠大云院、三国马超藏兵  相似文献   

黄埔军校建于1924年,建校时的正式名称为中国国民党陆军军官学校。因其校址设在广州东南的黄埔岛,史称黄埔军校。黄埔军校是孙中山先生在中国共产党和苏联的积极支持和帮助下创办的,是第一次国共合作的产物。自1924年6月在广州创办到1949年底迁往台湾,在大陆共办了二十三期,其毕业生包括各分校、训练班在内,计有二十三万余人。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to understandings of the use of sport as a medium in crime reduction programmes directed at young people. It does this through a case study of Easttown Summit1 The names of the location, programme and participants have all been changed to maintain client confidentiality , to show how and why this programme has had an impact on participants. The case study examines the relevance of a theoretical framework for understanding the mechanism of crime reduction though value directed personal development. However, this framework was developed from studies of programmes working with relatively high‐risk participants. Brantingham and Faust (1976) categorise this type of programme as ‘tertiary’. In contrast the Summit programme was secondary, working with lower risk participants. While clients of the Summit gained some benefits consistent with those likely to reduce offending, the research found that these benefits were largely an incidental by‐product of the achievement of broader sports development objectives. This may well be the case for similar secondary programmes, which have largely been developed in leisure departments, and has profound implications for programme evaluation.  相似文献   

Sunday, Alexander A., “Foreign Travel and Tourism Prices and Demand,” Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 268–273. Using regression analysis and panel data this study estimates the parameter effect of prices on American demand for foreign travel and tourism. Findings suggest that higher air fares generate fewer tourists but greater expenditure per tourist visit.  相似文献   

Preparing qualified graduates for the tourism and hospitality industry who will stay and achieve promotional success is paramount. The objectives of this research project were to determine promotional advancement expectations and strategies to improve promotional opportunities. Two separate questionnaires, with both open and close-ended questions, were sent to upper classmen/women in hospitality and tourism programs and alumni of the same programs. In total, 717 (409 students and 308 alumni) completed the questionnaires. Chi-square tests were run to determine differences between student and alumni responses. To assist in analysis of open-ended responses, Atlas.ti was used. There was a statistically significant difference between students and alumni responses in regards to promotional expectations; students expected it to take a significantly longer time to receive a promotion to supervisor or manager than alumni. Overall, students and alumni indicated strategies such as more real-world-focused courses with hands-on experiences.  相似文献   

This paper critically explores decolonial theory and its relevance for tourism studies. We suggest that while postcolonial and related critical theoretical perspectives furthered understandings of the consequences of colonisation, such critical theorising has not provided an epistemological perspective of tourism which legitimises the cosmologies of, and actively empowers, traditionally marginalised groupings. We review published tourism research which adopts critical and postcolonial perspectives, and argue that while these have been valuable in terms of exposing the existence and effects of dominant discourses and practices in tourism, their emancipatory objectives are limited because tourism knowledge is still predominantly colonial. Epistemological decolonisation is thus presented as a more radical project which can provide an ‘other’ way of thinking, being and knowing about tourism.  相似文献   


This paper examines the application of quality management concepts in relation to the provision of tourism and hospitality education, with a specific focus on Thailand. The key quality concepts, namely quality control, quality assurance, quality audit and “Total Quality Management” (TQM) are identified, and the applications of these concepts in the provision of tourism and hospitality education are discussed. The paper explores three main themes. The first is to examine how quality issues have been applied to tourism and hospitality education. Second, the paper outlines the concepts of quality management, which represent the key element of a TQM strategy to implement conformance to standards and quality improvement. The third theme discusses the specific case of Thailand, drawing on research in its early stages which examines quality management in tourism and hospitality education in Thailand. An outline of the nature of tourism and hospitality education in Thailand is provided, followed by a synopsis of the significant challenges facing Thai tourism and hospitality education. A procedure for examining quality in tourism and hospitality education in Thailand is proposed.  相似文献   

This study focused on identifying strategic criteria involved in selecting suppliers of restaurant products/services specific to casual dining, full service independent restaurants to obtain operational and strategic benefits for those managers operating in this highly competitive marketplace. A total of 765 responses were obtained from managers at independently owned restaurants throughout the U.S. Results revealed that ‘product’ and ‘financial/technical’ criteria had significant and positive effects upon operational benefits, while ‘product’ and ‘service’ had positive effects upon strategic benefits. When the sample was segmented into low and high supplier partnership groups, the positive effects of ‘financial/technical’ and ‘cost/price’ were significantly greater for the ‘high’ partnership group pertaining to operational benefits. ‘Product’ and ‘service’ and their effects upon strategic benefits were greatest for the high partnership group. Based on our findings, implications, limitations, and recommendations for future studies have been provided.  相似文献   

本文总结了分别考虑自然和社会功能的河湖岸线分类方法,分析了全国重点河湖岸线的开发利用现状及未来需求.基于河湖岸线的自然特征和社会功能双重属性,从可行性、可操作性和便于管理的角度提出适合于我国基本国情的河湖岸线分类标准,开出河湖岸线保护与利用的有效"药方".研究可为生态优先、绿色发展理念下的河湖岸线保护和高效利用及水域岸...  相似文献   

Hosting, or organising, a mega-event is a form of destination branding; it is a way to generate the leveraging process of the event itself and promote the image of a location. Besides, these events allow a destination to attract the attention of the public and the media, enhancing its awareness nationally and internationally. Mega-events promote greater flows of tourists and visitors, especially in the short term. Nevertheless they produce long-lasting effects, such as the attraction and stimulation of investments, urban regeneration, advanced facilities and equipment, in addition to the improvement of accommodation, services and infrastructures. Thanks to those investments and to the growth in tourist arrivals, the mega-events could have a positive impact on the local economy, also over years, but some of their most important outcomes deal with the so-called intangible legacy, or rather social, cultural and political effects, more difficult to identify and measure. They can modify local identity and image, supporting the repositioning of the hosting place at an international level. The above considerations are discussed in this study; most attention is paid to three Italian cities, involved in top events: Genoa, appointed as European Capital of Culture in 2004; Turin, that hosted the XX Olympic Winter Games in 2006; Milan, that is now organising the Universal Expo 2015.  相似文献   

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