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Building up a socialist market economy in China is an important part of Deng Xiaoping's theoretical treasury of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is also an objective demand for furthering reform and expanding the opening up of China. The "Decision On Some Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialsit Market Economic Structure"  相似文献   

The Olympic economy, as its name suggests, is the economic phenomenon brought by the Olympic Games, and its essence is the economic behavior caused by the commercial operation of the Olympic Games and the considerable economic benefits brought to the host city,  相似文献   

The goal of China's economic structural reform is to establish a socialist market system in China which will play a fundamental role in the disposition of natural resources under the macrocontrol and regulation of the government. This means, on the one hand, that in accordance with the law of value in open market activities, natural  相似文献   

Chinese women entrepreneurs and business women of the international society are forming the main trend of female economy From August 12 to 13, "2006 women Economy Forum" was held in Beijing. This forum is organized by China Association of Women Entrepreneurs, United Nations Development Fund for Women (Beijing), USA  相似文献   

The Chinese government has never stopped its reform pace since 1978 to make its role more suitable for the country's increasingly market-oriented economy. By 2002, the State Council has undergone four major changes since China began its reform and opening-tip policies in late 1970s. The efforts mainly aimed at making government bodies to operate more efficiently.The Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress makes great  相似文献   

This paper explores the mechanism between leadership and knowledge transfer in a top management team (TMT) via a case study of ZOJE Group, a private listed company in China. Three recently rotated executives with different leadership styles from the parent or subsidiary companies are chosen and studied. Findings show that for the visionary leadership executive, his vision incentive has a limited effect on knowledge transfer, but organization culture, especially the decentralization management culture, can greatly enhance the knowledge transfer process. For the paternalistic leadership executive, authoritarianism helps him manage the management team in disarray; while benevolence and morality improve the knowledge transfer standard. Lastly, for the servant leadership executive, his leading by example and altruism behaviors contribute to a higher level of knowledge transfer among TMT.  相似文献   

Institutional theory contends firms imitate other firms with ideal traits, whereas the strategic groups literature on imitation suggests firms imitate similar firms. We address this debate by studying 1,067 market entries by founder‐managed start‐ups in the U.S. Competitive Local Exchange Carrier industry from 1996 to 2004. In support of the strategic groups literature, start‐ups imitate entry decisions of and gravitate toward markets that are densely populated by other start‐ups. Though start‐ups avoid markets already densely populated by corporate ventures, they imitate the market entries of corporate ventures. Our discussion of these and other findings provide insights for start‐ups navigating new industries.  相似文献   

In the first half of this year, regions and departments at all levels made all efforts in implementing the scientific approach to development and various policies set by the Central Party Committee and State Council on economic work, with the aim to consolidate and promote the achievements brought by macro-control. As a result, fairly good overall economic performance was recorded in the first half of this year, according to Zheng Jingping,Spokesman with National Bureau of Statistics of China on 20 July 2005.  相似文献   

The electrical appliance market spent 1999 steadily and dully. During this year, the output of household electrical appliances grew steadily and their sales were stable. In the new year,the market tendency will not be optimistic. On the output of household electrical appliances, most products grew by a wide margin in 1999. Of them, the output of color TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines and airconditioners grew by 26.9%, 15.9%, 11.7% and 28% over the previous year. And that of hi-fi equ…  相似文献   

The Chinese domestic market willmaintain steady growth in thesecond half of the year, accordingto official analysis, and the retail sales ofthe social consumer goods of the year willgrow by 9.5 percent, and 9 percent overthe same period of year. In one of its rides, the EconomicDaily anticipated that the sales volume ofcapital goods in the second half of the yearwill grow by 30 percent over the sameperiod of last year, while the import andexport growth of foreign trade will bearound 20 percent…  相似文献   

As China successfully achieved its accession to WTO, it has attracted world attention. Where will be the next spot for economy booming. The world's attention begins to focus on China. Will it be the next economic giant in the world?The USA Business Week on December 9, 2002, issued an article - Greater China, Rise of a Economic Superpower, which describes that the mainland is absorbing the economies of Hong Kong and Taiwan faster than you think. How will this new superpower affect the world?  相似文献   

During its six-year development in China, Balincan created market miracles one after another! They are well known both in market management and unique branding characteristics. Therefore, the "Balincan Phenomenon "emerged on the market, and even has caught the eyes of analysts, who made Balincan a research subject. But what is behind the stunning phenomenon? To explore the secret, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Balincan. By Editor  相似文献   

During its six-year development in China, Balincan created market miracles one after another! They are well known both in market management and unique branding characteristics. Therefore, the "Balincan Phenomenon"emerged on the market, and even has caught the eyes of analysts, who made Balincan a research subject. But what is behind the stunning phenomenon? To explore the secret, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Balincan.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Market for loans from banks to micro-and small enterprises in Trinidad and Tobago. It tests for the presence of racial and gender discrimination. It takes the reported refusal to grant loans to groups,when all other indicators of credit-worthiness are taken into account, as evidence of discrimination. The paper distinguishes between Application and Denial Rates. It finds that,once all other indicators of credit-worthiness are taken into account, neither Application nor Denial rates differ significantly by gender. Reported Denial rates are, however, higher for Africans compared with other ethnic groups,implying the possible presence of discrimination.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of countries over the 1990s, this paper examines the extent to which institutions’ functioning disables a greater participation of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the world economy. It focuses on the impact on manufactured exports and FDI attractiveness and considers a broad index of political risk as well as indices targeted toward specific aspects of governance (corruption, government effectiveness and the rule of law). The results are robust to different econometric approaches and lend strong support to the hypothesis that the functioning of institutions may disable the participation of MENA countries in the world economy. They suggest that the impact of an improvement in the quality of institutions may result in a sensitive increase of FDI inflows and manufactured exports. That increase is comparable to the one resulting from liberalisation policies. Hence, although institutional reforms can take time, they deserve the necessary efforts given their outcomes as compared to other reforms.  相似文献   

Despite China's auto market is till immersed in the afterglow of its "great eruption of oil well," as if every model of cars, costing a high price or low price, would all sell well on the market, yet it can be predicted that the year 2003 will, no doubt, be a year of price for China's auto industry. As soon as a big equivalent "bomb of price" would blow off in the beginning of the year, the pricing in China's auto market is sure to go through a sweeping reshuffle, and an effect of the theory of domino is inevitable to follow. No wonder, the market will be shaken by a price downslide of some key model of car produced by a solid-founded enterprise, with a drastic price down of RMB50000 for each car!  相似文献   

Companies often develop collaborative joint ventures with nonprofits, and sometimes help their nonprofit partners with the marketing activities associated with these projects. Often, the assistance furnished is embodied in a transfer of knowledge from a firm to a nonprofit and involves knowledge about marketing techniques, strategies and methods. This article presents the results of a survey concerning the extents, natures and effectiveness of marketing knowledge transfers taking place between 291 UK enterprises and their nonprofit partner organisations. The survey covered the knowledge transfer methods that companies employed, the scope of the knowledge communicated, the factors that encouraged or impeded marketing knowledge transfer, and the considerations that determined which partner completed most of the marketing tasks associated with a project. It emerged that knowledge transfers occurred mainly through face‐to‐face communications, though with little formal teamworking. Both the extent and the effectiveness of transfers depended on the degree of marketing knowledge within the nonprofit partner, on levels of knowledge specificity and project complexity, and on the financial importance of the collaboration. The extent of knowledge transfer was additionally influenced by cultural and organisational distance. Similar considerations affected commercial partners' decisions to do most of the marketing work required by a collaboration. Such decisions were especially likely if anti‐marketing bias existed within the nonprofit organisation and if the nonprofit's staff knew little about marketing.  相似文献   

On average, Latin American firms are small with respect to world patterns, both in terms of the quantity of assets they control and the amount of employment they generate. We examine data on firm size from developed and developing countries around the world to assess the influence of demand, supply and institutional factors on the size of the largest firms in each country. We find that, besides the size of the economy and the level of income per capita, the key determinants of the size of firms are trade openness, stock market capitalisation and physical infrastructure. Our simulations suggest that if the gaps with respect to the best Latin American performer were closed in each of these three areas, firm size in the countries of the region would – on average – reach world patterns.  相似文献   

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