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Dr. N. Henze 《Metrika》1984,31(1):259-273
Summary For independents-variate samplesX 1, ...,X m i.i.d.f. (.),Y 1, ...,Y n i.i.d. g. (.), where the densitiesf (.),g (.) are assumed to be continuous on their respective sets of positivity, consider the numberT m,n of pointsZ of the pooled sample (which are either of typeX or of typeY) such that the nearest neighbor ofZ is of the same type asZ. We show that, as , independently of (.). An omnibus test for the two sample problem f(.)g(.) orf(.)g(.)? may be obtained by rejecting the hypothesisf(.)g(.) for large values ofT m,n.  相似文献   

Si mostra come la moderna teoria della struttura a termine dei tassi d'interesse consenta di definire diversi esempi (più o meno naturali) di leggi di capitalizzazione a tre variabili, e dunque sostanzialmente del tipo di quelle considerate da Insolera. La relativa condizione di scindibilità, già oggetto di polemica con Cantelli, appare formulabile in più di una versione, una delle quali equivale alla odierna ipotesi di equilibrio del mercato finanziario.
Summary The modern theory of term structure of interest rates leads one, in a natural way, to consider several models of accumulation factors which depend on three variables, and can therefore be counted among those considered in this time by the Italian finance mathematician F. Insolera. The question of how to formulate the principle of consistency for such factors has been the subject of an animated debate between Insolera and F.P. Cantelli. The present paper shows that it admits more than one solution; one of the possible versions rendering the principle equivalent to the market equilibrium condition.

J. S. Rao 《Metrika》1981,28(1):257-262
The problem of estimating the unknown upper bound on the basis of a sample of sizen from a uniform or rectangular distribution on [0, ] has considerable interest. This or the analogous discrete version is variously known as the Taxi-problem or the German bomb (or Tank) problem and has a long history. The emphasis here is on estimation of through the lengths of the observed gaps or spacings which seem natural for this problem.  相似文献   

Dietmar Ferger 《Metrika》1994,41(1):277-292
We consider a sequenceX 1n,..., Xnn, n N, of independent random elements. Suppose there exists a [0, 1) such thatX 1n,...,X (n),n have the distribution v1 andX [n]+1.n ,...,X nn have the distribution v2v1. We construct consistent level- tests forH 0:=0 versusH 1:(0, 1), which are based on certainU-statistic type processes. A detailed investigation of the power function is also provided.  相似文献   

Summary SupposeX is a non-negative random variable with an absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure) distribution functionF (x) and the corresponding probability density functionf(x). LetX 1,X 2,...,X n be a random sample of sizen fromF andX i,n is thei-th smallest order statistics. We define thej-th order gapg i,j(n) asg i,j(n)=X i+j,n–Xi,n 1i<n, 1nn–i. In this paper a characterization of the exponential distribution is given by considering a distribution property ofg i,j(n).  相似文献   

Dr. W. Sendler 《Metrika》1982,29(1):19-54
Summary Let gn be real functions,U ni, 1in, the ordered sample ofn independentU(0,1) distributed random variables, andc ni(), 1in, 01 be (known) real numbers,n=1, 2, ... The random quantity , 01, is studied. Based on a method proposed byShorack [1972] the main result is the weak convergence of to Gaussian processes, where , 01. The convergence is with respect to theSkorokhod [1956]-topologiesM 2,M 1 onD (I) and the -topology onC(I), depending on the conditions imposed on thec ni().  相似文献   

Axel Tenbusch 《Metrika》1994,41(1):233-253
A Bernstein polynomial estimator for fnN(x, y) for an unknown probability density functionf(x, y) concentrated on the triangle ={(x, y): 0x, y<1,x+y<1} or on the square =(x, y):0 x, y 1 is developed. As a measure of quality the exact order of magnitude for the pointwise mean squared error is established. It is seen that the quality of these Bernstein polynomial estimators is comparable with the quality of the so-called kernel estimators. Further for such estimators uniform weak consistency results and central limit theorems are developed.  相似文献   

A proof is offered for the best possible version of the following Gauss type characterization of normality: LetF () be a family of distribution functions with translation parameter such thatF (0) has a densityf with certain regularity properties, and letM{1, 2, ...}. If the mean of every sample of any sizemM is a maximum likelihood estimate of , thenF (0) is normal with zero expectation. While in the best prior version of this theorem,f satisfies a continuity assumption andM={2, 3}, here no regularity condition is needed, andM can be any of the sets {3}, {4}, ....  相似文献   

In the linear model Y i = x i + e i, i=1,,n, with unknown (, ), {\open R}p, >0, and with i.i.d. errors e 1,,e n having a continuous distribution F, we test for the goodness-of-fit hypothesis H 0:F(e)F 0(e/), for a specified symmetric distribution F 0, not necessarily normal. Even the finite sample null distribution of the proposed test criterion is independent of unknown (,), and the asymptotic null distribution is normal, as well as the distribution under local (contiguous) alternatives. The proposed tests are consistent against a general class of (nonparametric) alternatives, including the case of F having heavier (or lighter) tails than F 0. A simulation study illustrates a good performance of the tests. Received July 2001  相似文献   

Dr. P. Findeisen 《Metrika》1982,29(1):95-102
LetF () be a family of distribution functions with a translation parameter such thatF (0) has a densityf. It is well known that each sample median is a maximum likelihood estimate of , iff belongs to the classE of all bilateral exponential densities which are symmetric about 0. Here it is shown that, conversely,fE holds, either if there is an evenm such that for every sample of sizem each median is an MLE of , or if there is an infinite setM such that for every sample of any sizemM at least one median is an MLE of .  相似文献   

Summary If for a simple hypothesis there aren tests with critical regionsK i and level of significance i a new test may be constructed with the rule reject the hypothesis if at leastk among then tests reject. The level of significance of this compound test was calculated byRüger [1978] in this journal; a simple proof is supplied here.  相似文献   

Si studia un modo di approssimare la probabilità di rovina relativa a un caricamento 0 con le probabilità di rovina relative a una successione di caricamenti ( k ) k , che approssimano 0 quandok tende all'infinito.
Summary In this paper we study a way of approximating the probability of ruin related to a loading 0, by the probabilities of ruin related of a sequence of loadings ( k ) k which «approximate» 0 ask converges to infinity.

K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):217-222
Summary Assume thatX() is a continuous time simple Markov process with a parameter . The problem is to choose observation points 0 < 1 <...<T which provide with the maximum possible information on . Suppose that the observation points are equally spaced, that is, fort=1, ...,T, T, ;tt–1 is constant. Then the optimum value fors is obtained.  相似文献   

Summary For sampling inspection by variables in the one-sided case (item bad if variablex>a) under the usual assumption of normality with known variance 2 the operating characteristic is given by , wherep denotes the fraction defective. If instead of a normal distribution ((·–a–)/) there is a distributionF((·–a–)/) whereF is sufficiently regular and normed like , one has the approximative operating characteristic . It is shown that for arbitrarily fixed parametersn andc the function takes the valueL n,c () (p) at the pointp F (p)=1–F(––1(p)). Sufficient conditions for a simple behavior of the differencep F (p)–p are given. In the cases of rectangular and symmetrically truncated normal distribution these conditions are shown to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

S. K. Bar-Lev  P. Enis 《Metrika》1985,32(1):391-394
Summary LetX 1, ...,X n be i.i.d. random variables with common distribution an element of a linear one-parameter exponential family indexed by a natural parameter . It is proved that the distribution of is an element ofF, for all andn=1, 2, ... if and only ifF is a family of scale transformed Poisson distributions.  相似文献   

Summary Several two-stage and sequential procedures have been developed for selecting the best component in a multivariate normal population through the classical indifference zone approach ofBechhofer. The works inMukhopadhyay/Chou will constitute to be very basic in this regard. A number of first-order and second-order asymptotic analysis of these procedures has also been reported. In the case of a bivariate population, the normality assumption has been dropped, and the rate of convergence of the probability of correct selection is studied.  相似文献   

Summary Starting fromn different tests, G. Hommel combined the different Majority-Tests (Rüger: reject if at leastk of then tests reject) with the same level of significance to a new test whose significance level he majorized. Here a very simple proof for his result is given.  相似文献   

B. Rüger 《Metrika》1978,25(1):171-178
Summary On one sample space there aren tests with critical regionsK 1 and levels of significance i ,i=1, ...,n (resp.n eventsK i in a probability space with probabilities not greater than i ,i=1, ...,n). In this paper we calculate the smallest upper bound of the level of significance of the test reject the hypothesis, if at leastk among the,n tests do so (resp. of the probability of the event at leastk among then events are realized). By the way, we will show, that this smallest upper bound does not change, if we replace at leastk by exactlyk.  相似文献   

Dr. L. Baringhaus 《Metrika》1980,27(1):237-242
Summary LetE denote the generating function of a non-degenerate probability distribution on the positive integers, letF be a non-degenerate distribution function, and let be a real valued function on the interval (0, 1]. In the present paper the solutions (E, F, ) of the functional equationE(F(x)/E()=F(x+()), –<x<+, (0, 1] are given. It is shown that ifF is symmetric about zero,E andF belong to a solution of the functional equation if and only ifF is a logistic distribution andE is the generating function of a geometric distribution.  相似文献   

A dual approach for matrix-derivatives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
W. Polasek 《Metrika》1985,32(1):275-292
Summary A dual approach for matrix by matrix derivatives is proposed, based on the work ofBalestra and the idea ofDwyer/MacPhail. The two derivative concepts are calledB-type derivative for the form B/A = (b kl /A), because it was studied fully inBalestra, andA-type derivative for the form B/ /A = (B/a ij ). Both derivative concepts are linked by permutation matrices, which also reveil the duality aspect more clearly, and can be transformed to each other very easily. The derivatives are applied to least squares estimates and posterior means in the general regression model and the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)-system, introduced byZellner. The derivatives with respect to the covariance matrix is related to the local sensitivity concept ofLeamer [1978], while the derivatives with respect to the data-matrix, also called local resistance, is linked with the robustness concept ofTukey. The newly definedB-derivative enables an easier interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

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