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Individual perceptions of the work environment, or psychological climates, have been shown to be important determinants of work attitudes such as satisfaction and job involvement. However, little is known concerning the relationships between psychological climate and other variables that may lead to or cause these perceptions. This research examined causal relationships among dimensions of psychological climate and leader behavior. Specifically, the investigation attempted to determine whether leader behavior caused psychological climate, or whether psychological climate caused leader behavior. Eithty-five foremen from a truck manufacturing facility participated in the study over a 17-month period. Results of cross-lagged panel correlations and causal path analysis indicated that psychological climate caused leader behavior. Since one individual's perceptions of his/her work environment can only indirectly be linked to another person's (in this case, the leaders) behavior, an intervening variable is required to explain these findings. This variable may be a consensual or organizational climate.  相似文献   

More than 200 applications of trade-off analysis now have been completed. A review of the literature uncovers only four sources that evaluate the reliability or validity, or both, of trade-off analysis using the concept evaluation approach. Detailed evaluations of trade-off analysis based on trade-off grid data are unavailable. This paper reports reliability and cross-validity experience using this approach.  相似文献   

Previously published research suggested that the typical manager may be expected to harm others in his role as a manager. Further support for this was drawn from the Panalba role-playing case. None of the 57 control groups in this case were willing to remove a dangerous drug from the market. In fact, 79% of these groups took active steps to prevent its removal. This decision was classified as irresponsible by 97% of the respondents to a questionnaire. Because the role exerts such powerful effects, an attempt was made to modify subjects' perceptions of their role so that managers would feel responsible to all of the firm's interest groups. Some subjects were told that board members should represent all interest groups; other subjects were placed on boards of directors where the different groups were represented. Subjects in both groups also received information on the impact of the decisions upon stockholders, employees, and customers. The percentage of irresponsible decisions was reduced under these conditions as only 22% of the 116 groups selected the highly irresponsible decision.  相似文献   

The buying center concept has been widely accepted in the organizational buying behavior literature. Nevertheless, the application of the concept in empirical investigations has been limited in scope. Most research has examined either the composition of the buying center or the influence processes operating within it. The intraorganizational dynamics (among members of the buying center) and the interorganizational dynamics (between buying center members and outside organizations) have been ignored in buying center research. Common to these two sets of relationships is the presence of a “linking pin” or “boundary role” person.The purposes of this paper are twofold. The first is to suggest the concept of the “linking pin” role in a buying center and to highlight the conceptual importance of this role in furthering the understanding and prediction of organizational buying processes and outcomes. Explication of this role should also lead to an enriched conceptualization of the relationships between the buying and selling organizations. The second objective is to report on the results of some initial empirical investigations into the role of a designated linking pin in hospital buying centers. These results offer preliminary evidence of the value of the linking pin concept.  相似文献   

Proponents of deregulation have suggested that several industries should lose their antitrust exemptions and operate within a competitive atmosphere. An important assumption underlying deregulation arguments is that consumers will respond to price differentials in a manner that encourages price competition among supplier firms. This assumption is of special concern in the regulated fields of property and liability insurance. The intangibility of these products, the relatively long-term purchase commitments, and the intimate relationships between insurance and consumers' perceptions of risk raise substantial questions concerning individuals' reactions to price competition. In this study the amount of annual premium savings required to switch companies and the relationships between consumer characteristics and intended switching behavior were examined. The results suggest that a substantial segment of insurance buyers would change firms given modest price reductions. The size of this segment, along with the attitudinal and demographic characteristics of this group, indicates that price competition is a viable strategy in a deregulated insurance industry.  相似文献   

The extent to which a large U.S. bank, all U.S. banks, and banks in the Group of Ten took account of political risk in their international country exposures in 1976 is tested using a simple portfolio diversification model. Assuming that political risks are important relative to economic risks, and that political risks are uncorrelated across countries, these banks' exposures should be negatively related to political risk indices. However, the portfolios of these banks appear to be related to political risk only insofar as political risk is roughly approximated by GNP per capita. International banks were not yet able to systematically vary their international portfolios with respect to political risk.  相似文献   

Recent works on satisfaction theory have shown that disconfirmation plays a major role in the determination of satisfaction levels. Less, however, is known about the mental process used by consumers to form disconfirmation cognitions. This study operationalized and tested the role of two types of disconfirmation, inferential and overall (perceived), on the satisfaction of appetite suppressant users after first trial and repeat usage situations. Results showed that overall perceptions mediated the relationship between inferred disconfirmation and satisfaction in both time frames, as hypothesized.  相似文献   

This article shows how methods for simultaneous latent structure analysis can be used to test for intergroup differences in unobservable characteristics. In many respects these techniques are similar to those for simultaneous factor analysis. To show how these methods can be used, we analyze data obtained from the 1979 Study of Media and Markets collected by the Simmons Market Research Bureau. Five dichotomized items pertaining to buying style attitudes were chosen as “indicators” of a latent variable (or variables): brand loyalty, willingness to experiment, degree of conformity to buying style of others, persuadibility, and style consciousness. The sample was composed of full-time employed, married, white females in the middle social class categories recognized on the survey. Two groups were compared in terms of latent structure model parameters. The first group consisted of those who work “at a career” and the second consisted of those whose work was “just a job.” Using the methods advocated here there is no significant difference between these two groups once the “brand loyalty” item is excluded. The model-search procedure takes account of within-group contributions to lack of fit. Generalizations of this procedure may be useful in exploratory analysis using the simultaneous latent structure model.  相似文献   

A theoretical and empirical examination of the relationship between product class familiarity and usage of information processing strategies is presented. Four major dimensions of information processing strategies are identified and used to conceptualize the linkage between product class familiarity and usage of particular strategies. Research hypotheses are tested in an exploratory study using a laboratory choice situation. Implications of the study with respect to usage of specific strategies and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The corporate boardroom, once an inner sanctum where the secret ritual of top-level policymaking takes place, is slowly opening its doors and letting in a bit of sunshine. As the investing public begins to peer into the corporate “kiva,” it will want to know more about board structure and performance. In anticipation, this study provides an assessment model to correlate 15 boardroom attributes, or directorate dimensions, with company performance. As a major conclusion, the study finds that as yet there is no substitute for technical experience and internal managerial expertise. Neither is there an optimal formula. No two firms have identical boardroom dimensions. As the newer dimensions begin to make contributions, this diversity will be even greater. This accentuates the need for more precise measurement of board structure and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Investigation of consumer socialization processes provide insights into the learning of consumer skills and values. A study conducted in India reveal that children may be important sources of information and this role needs to be specifically fostered. Parents, especially mothers, may not be “rational” socializing agents. These findings contrast with those from socialization studies conducted in affluent societies such as the United States. These differences in socializing influences reflect to some degree differences in levels of economic development. However, they have implications for socialization research and policies in both types of economies.  相似文献   

Boundary-spanning activity and its effects on role conflict and ambiguity and job satisfaction were studied in a large manufacturing organization. Longitudinal data were collected 11 months apart from 132 managerial, engineering, and supervisory employees. A corrected cross-lagged correlational analysis suggests no casual relationships between boundary-spanning activity and role conflict and ambiguity. Causal, positive relationships are suggested, however, between boundary-spanning activity and satisfaction with work, promotions, supervision, co-workers, and overall job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article examines the transfer of management knowhow to developing countries through managers who undertake a graduate program in business at an advanced country. Based upon a study of 67 Turkish managers, all of whom received a master's degree in business in the United States, the article addresses three issues: What are the differences in the local applicability of various management skills (including marketing) which were acquired in an advanced country? What company and individual manager characteristics are associated with the local application of these management skills? What principal factors impede the transfer of management knowhow to an indigeneous organization?  相似文献   

Based upon both theoretical and empirical arguments, the market model has been specified as a random coefficient and errors-in-variables (RCEV) rates of return generating process. The impacts of measurement errors associated with market rates of return and the risk-free on the estimated beta coefficient and estimated random coefficient parameters are analyzed in detail. It is shown that the beta coefficient obtained from RCEV can be decomposed into a) true component, b) bias due to measurement errors, c) bias due to specification error, and d) interaction bias.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that local nationals employed as (local) managers by foreign subsidiaries of multinational corporations have managerial attitutes which are generally between those of indigenous managers employed by domestic firms in both the parent and host countries. The evidence strongly suggests that the concept has validity, and that the organization attributes of capital, R&D, and marketing intensity influence the managerial attitudes of the three groups of managers and the differences among these attitudes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model-based methodology called DESIGNOR to support design decisions for new industrial products. Models and measurements are developed to assess the relationship between product features and market potential. The methodology incorporates a measurement survey for model calibration and leads to empirical tradeoff curves between design dimensions. The approach handles discrete as well as continuous features and can be incorporated into a procedure aimed at finding a profit maximizing design. It can be used to support decisions concerning product design as well as for product line expansion. The approach provides a consistent way of evaluating market potential for new industrial products and presents important advantages over other product design methodologies.  相似文献   

The key corporate governance issues facing mutual insurance company managements are examined. Results of a comprehensive survey of the state of corporate governance in mutual property-liability insurance companies are presented. Recommendations for changes in governance practices by mutual companies are presented and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The venture planning and analysis (VPA) system is a quantitative analysis useful for developing pricing policy, projecting financial results, and comparing various investment opportunities. It is an integrated approach to product (investment) evaluation utilizing both marketing and cost information to determine an optimum pricing strategy.A venture plan is developed which covers several years of the anticipated life of the product (venture). The pricing strategy is determined by identifying the relationship between price, volume, and variable cost which yields the greatest positive cash flow. Revenue, variable expense, fixed expense, and engineering expense are input by fiscal year.The VPA system computes interest expense/income and cash flows. Ratios of the venture's quality-marginal investment quality factor and investment quality factor-are displayed, as are matrices which indicate the sensitivity of the venture to changes in the input data. Computer generated plots also help illustrate the cash flow and optimum level of production for each fiscal year of the analysis.  相似文献   

Four criticisms against using socioeconomic and demographic (SED) factors in consumer behavior are reviewed: dissatisfaction with models of consumption behavior developed by economists and sociologists, obsolescence of SED factors in mass consumption societies, poor predictions produced by SED factors, and a grass-is-greener attitude held by consumer researchers. The insights offered substantially hurt the validity of these criticisms. Strategies for better theory and research in consumer behavior using SED factors are described.  相似文献   

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