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2014年5月份欧美主要股市集体走高。截至5月底,道琼斯工业指数月上涨0.8%,标准普尔500指数月上涨2.1%,英国富时100指数,德国DAX30指数,法国CAC40指数本月分别上涨0.95%,3.54%和0.72%.  相似文献   

9月份欧美主要股市普遍上涨,欧洲主要股指涨幅超过美国股市。截至9月底,道琼斯工业指数上涨2.2%,标准普尔500指数上涨3%,纳斯达克综合指数上涨5.1%。英国富时100指数、德国DAX指数、法国CAC40指数分别上涨0.77%、6.06%和5.33%。中国香港市场股市价量齐升,恒生指数当月涨幅为5.19%。中国大陆市场9月股市继续上涨,上证综指当月上涨3.64%。工商银行A  相似文献   

11月份欧美主要股市涨跌互现,美国主要股指继续上涨,欧洲主要股指多数下跌,德国股市逆市上扬。截至11月底,道琼斯工业指数上涨3.48%,标准普尔500指数上涨2.8%,纳斯达克综合指数上涨3.58%。  相似文献   

7月,国内主板市场震荡上行,带动境内各类偏股基金平均净值上升;上证各主要债券券种指数温和上涨,各类固定收益基金平均净值也均上涨;海外主要市场表现参差不齐,QDII基金净值平均上涨1.7%。  相似文献   

2014年11月份,欧美市场受3000亿欧元投资计划,美联提前加息预期减弱等利好消息影响,本月主要股指均出现不同程度的上涨。截至11月底,道琼斯工业指数月涨2.52%,标准普尔500指数月涨2.45%,英国富时100指数涨2.69%,德国DAX30指数,法国CAC40指数分别上涨7.01%,3.71%。  相似文献   

主要股指均处于上涨状态 上半年,上证综指上涨3.4%,沪深300指数上涨0.24%,创业板指数上涨10.28%,中证1000指数上涨6.58%. 两个季度比较看,第二季度走势强于第一季度.第一季度股市冲高回落,主要指数均以下跌作收,而第二季度主要股指均处于上涨状态;第一季度市场波动幅度较大,主要指数的波动幅度均在20%左右,仅次于2015年第二季度股市大幅震荡期间,第二季度市场企稳,主要股指的波动幅度为10%左右.  相似文献   

2013年11月,美元指数先升后降,总体持平。美元短期利率下降,欧元短期利率先降后升,英镑短期利率上升,日元短期利率持平。主要国家中长期国债收益率上涨。主要股指振荡上涨。  相似文献   

一、5月市场回顾 5月份境内股票指数涨跌不一,尽管两市综合指数均下跌,但沪深300、中小板指数、创业板指数均实现不同程度上涨。境内各类偏股型基金业绩总体实现上涨,涨幅较4月稍有回落。其中主动管理的股票型基金净值平均上涨2.2%,混合型基金净值平均提升1.8%,而指数型基金净值分化明显,平均涨幅为0.3%。受国际金融市场持续低迷和大部分全球主要股票指数普遍下降的影响,QDII基金净值普遍下跌,平均跌幅为6.7%。  相似文献   

今年一季度海外主要股市表现良好,带动投资海外股市的银行QDII基金获得丰收。一季度美国三大股指全线大幅上涨,其中道琼斯工业平均指数上涨11.25%,纳斯达克综合指数上涨8.21%,标普500指数上涨10.03%。欧洲主要股市也出现不同程度的上涨,而日本股市表现最为抢眼,自日本央行以激进的货币政策刺激经济以  相似文献   

4月份,欧美股市延续上涨格局,主要市场指数持续攀升。截至月底,道琼斯工业指数上涨3.98%,标准普尔指数上涨2.85%,英国富时指数上涨2.73%,德国DAX指数上涨6.72%,法国CAC指数上涨2.95%。本月香港市场窄幅盘整,恒生指数上涨0.82%。由于受到紧缩预期的持续影响,A股市场呈现震荡回调的走势,上证综指月内下跌0.57%,深成指月内跌1.99%。工商银行A股和H股股价均小幅上涨,A股股价报收于4.56元,H股报收于6.57港币。  相似文献   

张夏  李建栋 《新金融》2010,(3):36-41
股票拆分是公司调整股票价格的重要方式,而送红股是股利政策中重要的组成部分。公司拆分股票、发放股票股利主要目的在于传递公司业绩良好的信号,以及使股价保持在一个合理的范围内从而更受投资者欢迎。市场对其反应一般都是正向的。股票在公告之后出现了超额收益,而且交易活动增加,股票收益波动性变得更大。但公告之后流动性的变化在理论界并没有达成一致的结论。  相似文献   

股份回购与国有股减持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
股份回购是西方发达国家成熟资本市场中常用一种的运作方法,在我国则是一种金融创新。我国股份回购有着特殊的使命-减持国有股。本文着重分析股份回购在国有股减持中的重要作用、运用条件、运用方式以及运用效果的实证研究。  相似文献   

证监会:警惕高送转概念炒作风险证监会有关部门负责人4月5日表示,已有部分"高送转"公司因涉嫌市场操纵、内幕交易等违法行为被立案调查,  相似文献   

733家公司上半年净利润增逾3成Wind数据显示,截至8月14日,两市已有733家上市公司披露半年报,净利润同比增长32.6%。其中,净利润同比增加的公司逾520家,占比7成;净利润增长幅度逾50%的公司也超过200家。  相似文献   

16年新华社再发《关于股市的通信》7月1日,新华社以《关于中国股市的通信》为题,针对近期股市的焦点问题发表了一篇新华视点。各财经媒体根据自己的理解,把标题改为新华社:股市  相似文献   

证监会:正集中力量研究改进和完善主板退市制度证监会投保局对在两会期间提出的有关资本市场热点问题进行了集中回应,涉及新股三高、上市公司退市制度、股票分红等13个热点问题。其中提到,退市制度在法律层面早有规定,而且也先后有40多家企业退  相似文献   

八部委:研究允许境外机构在境内发行股票、债券等国务院办公厅5月24日转发国家发展改革委、商务部等八部委的《关于加快培育国际合作和竞争新优势的指导意见》提出,要研究制定境外企业到境内发行人民币股票的制度规则,认真做好相关技术准  相似文献   

Recent studies document stock price underreactions and overreactions. This evidence is extended by studying open-market stock repurchase announcements. Repurchase announcements were chosen for the study because of the uncertainty regarding the appropriate interpretation of the repurchase announcement. Cross-section regression models are used to test the relation between the reaction to the repurchase announcement and returns in subsequent periods. The results indicate that the market overreacts to repurchase announcements that are deemed to be “good news” by the market. Neither reversal nor drift is observed following repurchase announcements considered to be “bad news” by the market. The results are robust and are not driven by a few influential observations, beta shifts, or bid-ask bounce.  相似文献   

Stock Option Measures and the Stock Repurchase Decision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The major purposes of this study are two fold. First, we investigate whether or not the dilutive effect from stock options on the denominator of earnings per share is associated with the incurrence of stock repurchases. We use the FASB dilution and the economic dilution as the direct dilution measures and examine their relationship with stock repurchase decision. Second, we explore which of the extant measures of stock options can better explain the incurrence of stock repurchases. Six extant measures of stock options from previous studies are used: (1) the FASB's treasury-stock EPS dilution method, (2) the economic dilution measure based on Core, Guay and Kothari (2002), (3) the number of employee stock option exercises, (4) the number of stock option grants, (5) the number of total stock options outstanding, and (6) the number of exercisable stock options.Using a pooled cross-sectional sample from 1996–2000, we find a positive association between the likelihood of stock repurchases and the FASB dilution as well as the economic dilution in EPS, respectively. Thereby providing support for the undo-dilution hypothesis. The highest incremental explanatory power is found when we add the number of stock options exercisable to the baseline model. However, further analysis does not support the option-funding hypothesis suggested by Kahle (2002). We provide two explanations for why exercisable stock options better explain the stock repurchase decision.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that firms signal their private information about future earnings by their choice of split factor. Split factors are increasing in earnings forecast errors, after controlling for differences in pre-split price and firm size. Furthermore, price changes at stock dividend and split announcements are significantly correlated with split factors, holding other factors constant, and with earnings forecast errors. These correlations suggest that management's choice of split factor signals private information about future earnings and that investors revise their beliefs about firm value accordingly. The analysis also suggests, however, that announcement returns are significantly correlated with split factors after controlling for earnings forecast errors. This suggests that earnings forecast errors measure management's private information about future earnings with error, that split factors signal other valuation-relevant attributes, or that a signaling explanation is incomplete.  相似文献   

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