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W. H. Chaloner and R. C. Richardson (Comps.). British Economic and Social History : A Bibliographical Guide. (Manchester: The University Press. 1976. Pp Pauline Gregg . Black Death to Industrial Revolution. A Social and Economic History of England. (London: Harrap. 1976. Pp R. G. Parker . Coke of Norfolk. A Financial and Agricultural Study, 1707-1842. (London: The Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp T. M. Devine . The Tobacco Lords. A Study of the Tobacco Merchants of Glasgow and their Trading Activities, c. 1740-90. (Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd. 1975. Pp M. W. Flinn and T. C. Smout (Eds.). Essays in Social History. (London: The Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, for the Economic History Society. 1974. Pp Jean Lindsay . The Scottish Poor Law. Its Operation in the North-East from 1745 to 1845. (Ilfracombe: Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd. 1976. Pp A. Allan Maclaren (Ed.). Social Class in Scotland: Past and Present. (Edinburgh: John Donald. 1976. Pp A. Temple Patterson . A History of Southampton, 1790-1914. Vol. III: Setbacks and Recoveries, 1868-1914. Southampton Records Series, vol. XVIII. (Southampton: The University Press. 1975. Pp Eric J. Evans . The Contentious Tithe: The Tithe Problem and English Agriculture, 1750-1850. (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1976. Pp Thomas Mc Keown . The Modern Rise of Population. (London: Edward Arnold. 1976. Pp Derek Oddy and Derek Miller (Eds.). The Making of the Modern British Diet. (London: Croom Helm. 1976. Pp Derek Fraser (Ed.). The New Poor Law in the Nineteenth Century (London: Macmillan. 1976. Pp William A. Green . British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment, 1830-65. (Oxford: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1976. Pp G. A. Phillips . The General Strike: The Politics of Industrial Conflict. (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1976. Pp Sean Glynn and J ohn Oxborrow . Interwar Britain: A Social and Economic History. (London: George Allen & Unwin. 1976. Pp J. M. Winter (Ed.). War and Economic Development: Essays in Memory of David Joslin. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1975. Pp M. I. Finley (Ed.). Studies in Roman Property. By the Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1976. Pp E. Ashtor . A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages. (London: Collins. 1976. Pp Robert S. Lopez . The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1976. Pp Carlo M. Cipolla . Before the Industrial Revolution. European Society and Economy, 1000-1700. (London: Methuen. 1976. Pp Hermann Kellenbenz . The Rise of the European Economy. An Economic History of Continental Europe, 1500-1750. (London: Weidenfeld. 1976. Pp T. Evergates . Feudal Society in the Bailliage of Troyes under the Counts of Champagne, 1152-1284. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1976. Pp N. J. G. Pounds . An Economic History of Medieval Europe. (London: Longman, 1974. Pp Richard Tilden Rapp . Industry and Economic Decline in Seventeenth-Century Venice. (Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press. 1976. Pp W. O. Henderson . The Rise of German Industrial Power, 1834-1914. (London: Temple Smith. 1975. Pp G. L. Barrow . The Emergence of the Irish Banking System, 1820-45. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. 1975. Pp M. Moynihan . Currency and Central Banking in Ireland, 1922-60. (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan with the Central Bank of Ireland. 1975. Pp Thomas S. Fedor . Patterns of Urban Growth in the Russian Empire During the Nineteenth Century. (Chicago: The University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 163. 1975. Pp Gilbert Rozman . Urban Networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and Premodern Periodization. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1976. Pp Peter Duignan and L. H. Gann (Eds.). Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960. Vol. 4: The Economics of Colonialism. (London: Cambridge University Press. 1975. Pp J. Forbes Munro . Colonial Rule and the Kamba: Social Change in the Kenya Highlands, 1889-1939. (London: Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press. 1975. Pp Peter Temin . Did Monetary Factors Cause the Great Depression? (New York: W. W. Norton & Co. 1976. Pp  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Roger Finlay . Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London, 1580–1450. John Bowle . John Evelyn and his World: A Biography. L. M. Cullen . The Emergence of Modern Ireland, 1600–1900. Bruce Lenman . Integration, Enlightenment, and Industrialization: Scotland, 1746–1832, The New History of Scotland, 6. Christopher Harvie . No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland, 1914–1980. R. A. Cage . TheScottish Poor Law, 1745–1845. Sean Mcconville . A History of English Prism Administration: Volume I, 1750–1877. Victor Bailey (Ed.). Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Anne Digby and Peter SEARBY (Eds.). Children, School, and Society in Nineteenth Century England. I. G. Jones . Explorations and Explanations: Essays in the Social History of Victorian Wales. G. E. Mingay (Ed.). The Victorian Countryside. H. I. Dutton and J. E. King . Ten Per Cent and No Surrender: The Preston Strike, 1853–4. Robert Gray . The Aristocracy of Labour in Nineteenth-centuty Britain, 1850–1914. Anthony Sutcliffe (Ed.). British Town Planning: The Formative Years. Jim Tomlinson . Problems of British Economic Policy, 1870–1945. Alan Forrest . The French Revolution and the Porn. Richard F. Kuisel . Capitalism and the State in Modern France: Renoeation and Economic Management in the Twentieth Century. W. H. Schroeder and R. Spree (Eds.). Histotische Konjunklurforschung. David Abraham . The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis. La Banque en Belgique . Financiewezen in Belgie, 1830–1980. Revue de la Banque. Bank- Financimezen. Cahier 8/9. September 1980. Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui . The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, 1100–1600. Francesco Facchini , Alle origini di Brescia Industriale: Insediamenti produttivi e composizione de classe dall' Unita al 1911. Lutgardo Garcia Fuentes . El Comercio Espanol con America, 1650–1700 Fritz Hodne . Norges flkonomiske hisrorie, 1815–1970. Thomas C. Owen . Capitalism and Politics in Russia: A Social History of the Moscow Merchants, 1855–1905. Jon V. Kofas . Financial Relations of Greece and the Great Powers, 1832–1862. Sidney Pollard . Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe, 1760–1970. E. L. Jones . The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. Michael R. Godley . The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernization of China, 1893–1911. Fred Bateman and Thomas Weiss . A Deplorable Scarcity: The Failure of Indusnialization in the Slave Economy. Margaret Walsh . The American Frontier Revisited A. J. H. Latham . The Depression and the Developing World, 1914–1939. E. J. Hobsbawm , Witold Kula , Ashok Mitra , K. N. Raj and Ignacv Sachs (Eds.) Peasants in Histmy: Essays in Honour of Daniel Thorner. Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb (Eds.). Marriage and Fertility: Studies in Interdisciplinary History. Rudolf Hilferding . Finance Capital: A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development. Lawrence Stone . The Past and the Present.  相似文献   

Review in this Article The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. H. P. R. Finberg (Ed.). The Agrarian History of England and Wales, A.D. 43–1042 M. M. Postan, The Medieval Economy and Society. Michael Prestwich . War, Politics and Finance under Edward I. E. B. De Windt. Land and People in Holywell-cum-Needingworth. I. S. W. Blanchard (Ed.). The Duchy of Lancaster's Estates in Derbyshire 1485–1540. Henryk Zins. England and the Baltic in the Elizabethan Era. J. D. Chambers. Population, Economy, and Society in Pre-Industrial England E. Halévy (Trs. and Ed. Bernard Semmel). The Birth of Methodism in England. G. E. Fussell. Jethro Tull: His Influence on Mechanized Agriculture. David Hey . The Rural Metalworkers of the Sheffield Region. Judith Blow Williams. British Commercial Policy and Trade Expansion 1750–1850. Norman Mc Cord. Free Trade: Theory and Practice from Adam Smith to Keynes. Alice Mary Hadfield. The Chartist Land Company. R. G. Garnett. Co-operation and the Owenite Socialist Communities in Britain, 1825–45. Raymond Challinor. The Lancashire and Cheshire Miners. Arthur J. Taylor. Laissez-faire and State Intervention in Nineteenth-century Britain. T. R. Gourvish. Mark Huish and the London & North Western Railway. A Study of Management. Bentley B. Gilbert. British Social Policy, 1914–1939. R. G. Albion. Naval and Maritime History: An Annotated Bibliography. A.J. YOUNGSON (Ed.). Economic Development in the Long Run. G. E. Fussell. The Classical Tradition in West European Farming. David Maland. Culture and Society in Seventeenth-Century France. Alan Mayhew. Rural Settlement and Farming in Germany G. J. Abbott. The Pastoral Age: A Re-examination. Charles Issawi (Ed.). The Economic History of Iran 1800–1914. James T. Lemon. The Best Poor Man's Country: A Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania. Raymond A. Mohl. Poverty in New York 178–1825. Bray Hammond. Sovereignty and An Empty Purse: Banks and Politics in the Civil War. Howard B. Schonberger . Transportation to the Seaboard: The “Communication Revolution” and American Foreign Policy, 1860–1900. Lee Soltow. Patterns of Wealthholding in Wisconsin Since 1850. Charles Gilbert. American Financing of World War One. Robert Sobel. The Great Bull Market: Wall Street in the 1920S. Norton Essays in American History, Harold M. Hyman, general editor. Raymond Wolters . Negroes and the Great Depression: The Problem of Economic Recovery. George E. Hopkins. The Airline Pilots. A Study in Elite Unionization.  相似文献   



Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Southern History: A Review of the History of Southern England. Vol. I. Charles R. Young . The Royal Forests of Medieval England. G. D. Ramsay (Ed.). The Politics of a Tudor Merchant Adventurer: A Letter to the Earls of East Friesland. R. ASHTON. The City and the Court, 1603-43. John Stevenson . Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1870. Ian Donnachie . A History of the Brewing Industry in Scotland. James D. Young . The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class. Malcolm Gray . The Fishing Industries of Scotland, 1790-1914: A Study in Regional Adaptation. Gerard L. Turnbull . Traffic and Transport: An Economic History of Pickfords. Frances Finnegan . Poverty and Prostitution: A Study of Victorian Prostitutes in York. Helen Belgion . Titchmarsh Past and Present. David Roberts . Paternalism in Early Victorian England. Peter L. Payne . Colvilles and the Scottish Steel Industry. C. H. Lee . British Regional Employment Statistics, 1841-1971. Sidney Pollard and Paul Robertson . The British Shipbuilding Industry, 1870-1914. James E. Cronin . Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain. Keith Middlemas . Politics in Industrial Society: The Experience of the British System since 1911. Kenneth O. Morgan . Consensus and Disunity: The Lloyd George Coalition Government,1918-1922. Paul H. Wilken . Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study. P. Burke (Ed.). The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XIII: Companion Volume. Jacques Heers . Société et économie à Gênes (XIVe-XVe sièles). B. G. Gokhale . Surat in the Seventeenth Century: A Study in Urban History of Pre-Modern India. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series no. 28. Domenico Sella . Crisis and Continuity: The Economy of Spanish Lombardy in the Seventeenth Century. James Casey . The Kingdom of Valencia in the Seventeenth Century. Jan DE Vries . Barges and Capitalism: Passenger Transportation in the Dutch Economy, 1632-1839. Franclois -Xavier Emmanuelli . La crise marseillaise de 1774 et la chute des courtiers. Jacques Verriegre . La population de ? Irlande. Charles F. Nunn . Foreign Immigrants in Early Bourbon Mexico, 1700-60. Roberto Cortés CONDE. El progreso argentino, 1880-1914. John Fogarty , Ezequiel Gallo , and Héctor Dieguez (Eds.). Argentinay Australia. Bill Albert . An Essay on the Peruvian Sugar Industry, 1880-1920, and the Letters of Ronald Gordon, Administrator of the British Sugar Company in Cañete, 1914-20. Rosemary Thorp and Geoffrey Bertram . Peru, 1890-1977: Growth and Policy in an Open Economy. T. L. Karnes . Tropical Enterprise: Standard Fruit and Steamship Company in Latin America. W. E. Cheono . Mandarins and Merchants: Jardine Matheson & Co., a China Agency of the Early Nineteenth Century. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series no. 26. Robert North . Transport in Western Siberia: Tsarist and Soviet Development. Roger P. Bartlett . Human Capital: The Settlement of Foreigners in Russia 1762-1804. Robert Eugene Johnson . Peasant and Proletarian. The Working Class of Moscow in the Late Nineteenth Century. Robert Lewis : Science and Industrialisation in the U.S.S.R.: Industrial Research and Development, 1917-40. Norbert Horn and Jurgen Kocka (Eds.). Recht undEntwicklung der Grossunternehmen im i9, und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Law and the Formation of the Big Enterprises in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. Karl Laurmer (Ed.). Studien zur Geschichte der Produktivkräfte. Deutschland zur Zeit der Industrietllen Revolution. Rainer Fremdling and Richard H. Tilly (Eds.). Industrialisierung und Raum: Studien zur regionalen Differenzierung im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts. B. Weisbrod . Schwerindustrie in der Weimarer Republik. Interessenpolitik zwischen Stabilisie-rung und Krise. Ljubo Sirc . The Yugoslav Economy under Self-Management.  相似文献   

Reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN A. R. Bridbury .Medieval English Clothmaking: An Economic Survey. Michael Gervers (Ed.) The Cartulary of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Geoffrey Holmes Augustan England: Professions, State and Society, 1680-1730. Ross Wordie .Estate Management in Eighteenth Century England: The Building of the Leveson-Gower Fortune. Neil Mc Kendrick , John Brewer J. H. Plumb . The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-century England. Derek Gregory . Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the Yorkshire Woolen Industry. Barrie Trinder . The Making of the Industrial Landscape. Charles W. Munn .The Scottish Provincial Banking Companies, 1747-1864. Craig Calhoun . The Question of Class Struggle: Social Foundations of Popular Radicalism during the Industrial Revolution. James Epstein and Dorothy Thompson (Eds.). The Chartist Experience: Studies in Working-Class Radicalism and Culture, 1830-1860. Franclois Crouzet .The Victorian Economy. Translated by Anthony Forster. Jeffrey Cox . The English Churches in a Secular Society: Lambeth, 1870-1930. P. Thane . The Foundations of the Welfare State. T. R. Nicholson . The Birth of the British Motor Car. Theo Barker . THE TRANSPORT CONTRACTORS OF RYE. GENERAL Maurice Aymard (Ed.). Dutch Capitalism and World Capitalism. Gregor Dallas . The Imperfect Peasant Economy: The Loire Country, 1800-1914. Michel Lescure . Les banques, VEtat et le marche immobilier en France a I'efioque contemporaine, 1820-1940. Hugh D. Clout . The Land of France, 1815-1914. G. D. Feldman , C. L. Holtfrerich , G. A. Ritter , P-C. Witt , (Eds.)- The German Inflation Reconsidered: A Preliminary Balance. V. R. Berghahn . Modem Germany: Society, Economy, and Politics in the Twentieth Century. John Edwards . Christian Cordoba: The City and its Region in the Late Middle Ages. Richard Hellie . Slavery in Russia, 1450-1725. George Yaney . The Urge to Mobilize: Agrarian Reform in Russia, 1861-1930. Ivaan T. Berend and Gyourgy Raanki . The European Periphery and Industrialisation, 1780-1914. Margaret Walsh . The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry. David Rosner . A Once Charitable Enterprise: Hospitals and Health Care in Brooklyn and New York, 1885-191S. Neil Fligstein . Going North: Migration of Blacks from the South, 1900-1950. Thomas F. O'Brien . The Nitrate Industry and Chile's Crucial Transition, 1870-1891. Anupam Sen . The State, Industrialization, and Class Formations in India: A Neo-Marxist Perspective on Colonialism, Underdevelopment and Development. Mikiso Hane . Peasants, Rebels, and Outcastes: The Underside of Modern Japan. Michio Morishima . Why has Japan “Succeeded”?: Western Techonology and the Japanese Ethos. Gilbert Rozman . Population and Marketing Settlements in Ch'ing China. Charles Issawi . An Economic History of the Middle East and North Africa. Peter Richardson . Chinese Mine Labour in the Transvaal.  相似文献   

Planning in diverse societies. Healey, P. 1997: COLLABORATIVE PLANNING: SHAPING PLACES IN FRAGMENTED SOCIETIES. Basingstoke: Macmillan, £14.99 paper.

Transforming “problem” housing estates. Power, A. 1997: ESTATES ON THE EDGE. London: Macmillan, £57.50 cased.

Contested communities. Hoggett, P. (ed) 1997: CONTESTED COMMUNITIES: EXPERIENCES, STRUGGLES, POLICIES. Bristol, The Policy Press, £15.95 paper.

A planner's view of regeneration in Manchester. Kitchen, T., 1997: PEOPLE, POLITICS, POLICIES AND PLANS: THE CITY PLANNING PROCESS IN BRITAIN. London: Paul Chapman Publishing, £16.95 paper.

Urban design. Parfect, M. and Power, G. 1997: PLANNING FOR URBAN QUALITY: URBAN DESIGN IN TOWNS AND CITIES. London: Routledge, £65.00 cased, £22.50 paper.

Regional impact of the EU Structural Funds. Bachtler, J. and Turok, I. (eds) 1997: THE COHERENCE OF EU REGIONAL POLICY: CONTRASTING PERSPECTIVES ON THE STRUCTURAL FUNDS. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, £25.00 paper.

Development trusts. Ward M. and Watson, S. 1997: HERE TO STAY: A PUBLIC POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR COMMUNITY-BASED REGENERATION. London: Development Trusts Association, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, £10.95 paper.

Hart, L. 1997: ASSET BASE DEVELOPMENT FOR COMMUNITY-BASED REGENERATION ORGANISATIONS. London: Development Trusts Association, £6,50 paper.

Community visioning. Burton, B. 1997: COMMUNITY VISIONING: AN EVALUATION OF THE “CHOICES FOR BRISTOL” PROJECT. Bristol: Policy Press, £11.95 paper.  相似文献   





Unemployment and social exclusion. Hills, J. 1999: SOCIAL EXCLUSION, INCOME DYNAMICS AND PUBLIC POLICY. Northern Ireland Economic Council, no price listed.

Turok, I. and Edge, N. 1999: THE JOBS GAP IN BRITAIN'S CITIES: EMPLOYMENT LOSS AND LABOUR MARKET CONSEQUENCES. The Policy Press and Joseph Rowntree Foundation, £13.95 paper.


Fifty years of planning. Cullingworth, B. (ed) 1999: BRITISH PLANNING: 50 YEARS OF URBAN AND REGIONAL POLICY. London: Athlone Press, £47.50 cased, £16.99 paper.

LETS in low income areas. Hudson, H., Newby, L., Hutchinson, N. and Harding, L. 1999: MAKING “LETS” WORK IN LOW INCOME AREAS. Forum for the Future. “Insights”: The Sustainable Economy Programme Publication Series, £10 paper.

Sustainable economic development. Newby, L. (ed) 1999: CASE STUDY OF SUSTAINABLE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Forum for the Future, £40.00 set in a ring binder.


MacGillivary, A., Weston, C. and Unsworth, C. 1998: COMMUNITIES COUNT! A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS. New Economics Foundation, £15.00 paper.  相似文献   

Kathleen Biddick, The other economy: pastoral husbandry on a medieval estate Steve Rappaport, Worlds within worlds: structures of life in sixteenth-century London Lindsay Granshaw and Roy Porter, eds., The hospital in history Eric Richards and Monica Clough, Cromartie: highland life, 1650-1914 Richard Holt, Sport and the British: a modem history Michael J. Freeman and Derek H. Aldcroft, eds., Transport in Victorian Britain Stephanie Jones, Trade and skipping: Lord Inchcape,1852-1932 Anita Rapone, The Guardian Life Insurance Company, 1860-1920 E. P. Hennock, British social reform and German precedents J.R. Edwards, A history of financial accounting Harold Perkin, The rise of professional society: England since 1880 Ian Levitt, Poverty and welfare in Scotland, 1890-1948 Valerie Burton, ed., Bruce Kent, The spoils of war: the politics, economics, and diplomacy of reparations, 1918-1932 Alan Booth, British economic policy, 1931-1949: was there a Keynesian revolution? Peter Denley, Stefan Fogelvik, and Charles Harvey, eds., History and computing, II P.W. Bamford, Privilege and profit: a business family in eighteenth-century France Michael Sonenscher, Work and wages: natural law, politics and the eighteenth-century French trades Elinor Accampo, Industrialization, family life, and class relations: Saint Chamond, 1815-1914 William James Adams, Restructuring the French economy: government and the rise of market competition since World War II Kristine Bruland, British technology and European industrialization: the Norwegian textile industry in the mid-nineteenth century Thomas M. Truxes, Irish-American trade, 1660-1783 Ian M. Drummond and Norman Hillmer, Negotiating freer trade: the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and the trade agreements of 1938 S. J. Kleinberg, The shadoiv of the mills: ivorking-class families in Pittsburgh, 1870-1907 David A. Hounshell and John Kenly Smith, Science and corporate strategy: Du Pont R. & D., 1902-1980 Carlos Marichal, A century of debt crises in Latin America: from independence to the great depression, 1820-1930 Ian Brown, ed., The economies of Africa and Asia in the interwar depression Chhei Sugiyama and Hiroshi Mizuta, eds., Enlightenment and beyond: political economy comes to Japan Hugh Patrick, with the assistance of Larry Meissner, eds., Japan's high technology industries: lessons and limitations of industrial policy Clive Dewey, ed., The state and the market: studies in the economic and social history of the Third World Paul Bairoch, trans. Christopher Braider, Cities and economic development from the dawn of history to the present Paul Bairoch, trans. Christopher Braider, Cities and economic development from the dawn of history to the present  相似文献   


Wheelock, J. 1990: Husbands at Home. London: Routledge, £10.99.

Stubbs, C. and Wheelock, J. 1990: A Woman's Work in the Changing Local Economy. Aldershot: AveburyfGower, £27.50 cloth.


Totterdill, P., Farrands, C., Gawaith, M. and Gillingwater, D. 1989: Industrial Policy and Regeneration of British Manufacturing Industry: The Case of Clothing. Local Economic Policy Review 1. Loughborough: University of Technology, £5.00 paper.

Totterdill, P., with Durucan, C., Farrands, C., Gawaith, M. and Gillingwater, D. 1990: Sunset Industries: Industrial Policy and the Regeneration of British Manufacturing. Local Economic Policy Review 2. Loughborough: University of Technology, £5.00 paper.


Robinson, P. 1990: Racial Disadvantage and the Economic Cycle. Research Report No 2. London: Campaign for Work, £4.00 pamphlet.  相似文献   

Concepts and measurement of social exclusion. Room, G. (ed) 1995: BEYOND THE THRESHOLD: THE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION. Bristol, the Policy Press, £13.95.

Local job creation. European Commission 1995: LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVES: AN INVESTIGATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Ecu 11.00, paper.

Local economic development. Blair, J. P. 1995: LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: ANALYSIS AND PRACTICE. California: Sage, £44.95 cased.

The British economy in transition. Turner, R. (ed) 1995: THE BRITISH ECONOMY IN TRANSITION: FROM THE OLD TO THE NEW? London: Routledge, £14.95, paper.

Defence R and D. Hartley, K. and Newman, I. (eds) 1996: DEFENCE, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATION. Harlow, Essex: South East Economic Development Strategy, £20.00 + £3.50 pp, paper.  相似文献   


Barnekov, I, Boyle, R. and Rich, D. 1989:Privatism and Urban Policy in Britain and the United States.Oxford University Press.


Robinson, P. 1989: What Can Britain Learn from Sweden's Commitment to Full Employment?Campaign for Work, Research Report 1, March 1989, £4.00 inc p&p, paper.


Lewis. J. and Townsend, A. 1989: The North-South Divide. Regional Change in Britain in the 1980s. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Limited, £12.95.  相似文献   

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