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员工角色压力对工作满意感的影响:组织氛围的调节效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文作者对52个旅游企业121个部门1594名员工进行了一次实证研究.多层次线性模型分析结果表明,员工的角色模糊对工作满意感有显著的负向影响,部门的支持型领导氛围部分中介了企业的支持型领导氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响,员工的心理受权部分中介了部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响.此外,企业的支持型领导氛围既会调节部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的影响,又会调节员工的角色模糊对员工工作满意感的影响,企业的员工服务行为评估氛围则会调节员工的角色冲突对他们的工作满意感的影响.  相似文献   

本研究从工作角色认知的视角,探究了角色清晰对员工敬业度的影响及其作用机制和边界条件.本文采取了两轮匹配的取样程序,以苏南地区服务业和制造业的613名员工为研究对象展开了实证研究.研究发现,角色清晰对员工敬业度有显著的正向影响,积极情绪在角色清晰与员工敬业度之间起部分中介作用.角色清晰与积极情绪的关系还受到领导成员交换的正向调节,进而对员工敬业度产生影响.文章还讨论了研究结果的意义和未来研究.  相似文献   

近年来,我国在经济、政治、文化等多个方面共同繁荣发展,企业的发展规模也逐步健全化。家族企业一直在不同时间与时空中长久留存的企业发展模式。与其他产业发展的形式与规模不同,该种发展中主要依靠的企业成员是家族内部亲属,相较于普通形式的企业,家族企业成员关联性更强,其实际工作过程中团队的稳定性也会相应的增强,但是若管理方式、手段不恰当则会造成任人唯亲等影响企业发展的问题。本文的研究主要针对2011年至2015年期间内沪深地区的A股上市家族企业,对该类型企业发展过程中家族涉入对企业绩效的影响、团队稳定性与冗余资源对企业整体发展的调节作用进行了系统的深化研究,对团队稳定性、冗余资源、家族涉入等对企业绩效发展的影响做出了假设,并构建了与之相对应的模型,通过对数据的研究与计算得出了具体的影响结论。  相似文献   

Recent research on management innovation, i.e. new managerial processes, practices, or structures that change the nature of managerial work, suggests it can be an important source of competitive advantage. In this study, we focus on management innovation at the organization level and investigate the role of leadership behaviour as a key antecedent. Due to its prominent role within organizations, top management has the ability to greatly influence management innovation. In particular, we focus on leadership behaviour and examine transformational and transactional leadership. Additionally, as contextual variables like organizational size may influence the impact of leadership, we investigate its moderating role. Findings show that both leadership behaviours contribute to management innovation. Interestingly, our study indicates that smaller, less complex, organizations benefit more from transactional leadership in realizing management innovation. On the other hand, larger organizations need to draw on transformational leaders to compensate for their complexity and allow management innovation to flourish.  相似文献   

Socio‐emotional wealth (SEW), defined as the firm's non‐financial aspects meeting the family's affective needs, has become the dominant paradigm in family firm research. Recent debate acknowledges potential SEW heterogeneity within family firms. This study considers the effect of polarizing opinions on SEW preservation among TMT members as a source of separation in the TMT. More concretely, we study the effect of SEW separation on TMT decision‐making quality, while taking into consideration behavioural integration as a team process and psychological safety as a team context. Based on a unique multiple respondent sample of 300 managers from 55 Belgian private family firms, we find that behavioural integration mediates the negative effect of SEW separation on TMT decision‐making quality. In addition, we find that the negative effect of SEW separation on behavioural integration is mitigated by psychological safety and even turns into a positive effect at high levels of psychological safety.  相似文献   

abstract    Organizations capable of pursuing exploration and exploitation simultaneously have been suggested to obtain superior performance. Combining both types of activities and achieving organizational ambidexterity, however, leads to the presence of multiple and often conflicting goals, and poses considerable challenges to senior teams in ambidextrous organizations. This study explores the role of senior team attributes and leadership behaviour in reconciling conflicting interests among senior team members and achieving organizational ambidexterity. Findings indicate that a senior team shared vision and contingency rewards are associated with a firm's ability to combine high levels of exploratory and exploitative innovations. In addition, our study shows that an executive director's transformational leadership increases the effectiveness of senior team attributes in ambidextrous organizations and moderates the effectiveness of senior team social integration and contingency rewards. Hence, our study clarifies how senior executives reconcile conflicting demands and facilitate the balancing of seemingly contradictory forces in ambidextrous organizations. Implications for literatures on senior team attributes, transformational leadership and organizational ambidexterity are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on market orientation theory, innovation theory and the theory of reasoned action, this paper integrates market orientation, environmental attitude and firms' environmental innovation into a model to establish a relationship among these three variables. By taking 247 manufacturing firms in China as the research sample and by analyzing the data using SPSS19.0, we found that customer and competitor orientation have a significant and positive impact on firms' environmental innovation, while the effect of inter‐functional coordination is not significant. Furthermore, environmental attitude plays a positive moderating role between customer orientation and firms' environmental innovation, as well as between competitor orientation and firms' environmental innovation. Finally, the results of the study are discussed, and the theoretical and practical significance of this study is clarified further. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

面试中,基于过去的有限经验产生的对特定群体的刻板印象会有意识或无意识地影响考官的判断决策,为了维持刻板的一致性,人们会故意忽视与刻板印象不一致的信息,这在很大程度上损害了面试的有效性和公平性.为了探究减弱面试刻板印象影响的方法,本文通过2(刻板刺激:有/无)×2(考官决策方式:直觉性决策/分析性决策)组间因子设计,利用眼动技术模拟教师行为事件面试,探讨了面试中刻板印象影响考官评分偏差的作用机制,以及考官决策方式与刻板印象对考官评分偏差的交互作用.结果表明:(1)存在刻板印象实验标的刺激时,考官对刺激的视觉注意更多,考官评分偏差更大,即刻板印象通过视觉注意的中介作用影响考官评分偏差;(2)刻板印象和考官决策方式存在显著的交互作用.实验结论对如何有效削弱刻板印象对面试决策的影响,提高面试有效性具有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

工作家庭增益具有双向互益的本质.然而,目前学界和业界普遍将关注的焦点对准工作满意度及工作绩效.事实上,在国家强调要实现“共享发展”,让人民群众拥有更多的“获得感”和员工越来越注重生活品质、重视家庭需要以及家庭感受的双重背景下,不应忽视工作家庭增益对家庭满意度及家庭绩效的影响,家庭领域的相关变量对于企业人力资源管理也是至关重要的.通过对企业中635名已婚在职员工的问卷调查,本研究考察了工作—家庭增益与家庭绩效的关系及家庭满意度的中介作用.结果显示:员工的工作—家庭增益的两个维度(工作→家庭增益和家庭→工作增益)正向预测家庭绩效各维度;家庭满意度在工作—家庭增益各维度与家庭绩效各维度之间起到部分中介作用;相比工作→家庭增益,家庭→工作增益与家庭绩效、家庭满意度的关系更为紧密.本研究在家庭满意度视角下弥补了以往研究忽略家庭变量的不足,从实践上建议企业通过家庭友好政策和调动家庭资源改善人力资源管理和员工工作绩效.  相似文献   

abstract In this article, we use the theory of planned behaviour to develop a model of small business managers’ growth aspirations and the level of growth achieved. We empirically test this model on a large longitudinal data set of small firms using hierarchical regression. Consistent with previous findings and others’ assumptions, we find that small business managers’ aspirations to expand their business activities are positively related to actual growth. However, the relationship between aspirations and growth appears more complex than stated. It depends on the level of education and experience of the small business manager as well as the dynamism of the environment in which the business(es) operates. Education, experience and environmental dynamism magnify the effect that one's growth aspirations have on the realization of growth.  相似文献   

Research on strategic decision making has considered advice‐seeking behaviour as an important top management team attribute that influences organizational outcomes. Yet, our understanding about how top management teams utilize advice to modify current strategies and pursue exploratory innovation is still unclear. To uncover the importance of advice seeking, we delineate between external and internal advice seeking and investigate their impact on exploratory innovation. We also argue that top management team heterogeneity moderates the impact of advice seeking on exploratory innovation. Findings indicated that both external and internal advice seeking are important determinants of a firm's exploratory innovation. In addition, we observed that top management team heterogeneity facilitates firms to act upon internal advice by combining different perspectives and developing new products and services. Interestingly, heterogeneous top management teams appeared to be less effective to leverage external advice and pursue exploratory innovation.  相似文献   

The organizational inducement model proposed in this study seeks to examine the mediating role of perceived insider status (PIS) and the moderating role of vertical collectivism on the relationship between organizational inducements and employees’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Among a sample of Chinese employees, the authors find that the organizational inducements of perceived supervisor support and participation led to higher levels of PIS, which in turn enhanced OCB. Furthermore, vertical collectivism moderated the relationship between PIS and OCB, such that their relationship grew stronger when collectivism was high. These findings have notable implications for theory and practice. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that the effect of TMT functional diversity on firm performance is equivocal. We address this issue by focusing on the integrative role of the CEO, postulating that the CEO's expertise and background characteristics affect the TMT functional diversity–firm performance relationship, because of their impact on the exchange and integration of distributed knowledge within the TMT. Using a dataset of 33 Dutch and Belgian Information Technology firms we investigate the moderating role of three sets of CEO characteristics (functional background, status as founder, and shared experience with the other TMT members) on the relationship between TMT functional diversity and firm performance. Our results reveal that CEO and TMT characteristics do interact in realizing the potential advantages of distributed TMT functional expertise.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between corporate innovation culture (analysis/practices) and dimensions of project portfolio success (strategic fit/portfolio balance) as well as national‐level culture practices as moderators. Data (N = 165) were collected in four countries differing in cultural practices. Analysis and practices were identified as positive, significant, and complementary predictors of both dimensions. As hypothesized, the corporate variables related more strongly and positively to the success dimensions when assertiveness was high rather than low. The findings, thus, suggest that corporate factors should be compatible with national culture to elevate the fit and balance of project portfolios.  相似文献   

本研究通过对中国67家企业的运营高管、人力资源经理和916名下属员工的调研,形成了配对数据,并通过回归分析发现(1)高绩效工作系统与企业绩效有显著的正向关系;(2)企业层面的员工齐心协力程度中介高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的正向影响;(3)行业竞争程度调节高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的正向影响,即与低程度的行业竞争环境相比,在高程度的行业竞争环境下,高绩效工作系统与企业绩效的正向作用更强.本研究最后探讨了这些研究结果的理论意义以及实践启示.  相似文献   

Knowledge management of a new product development project team is critical for a firm's competitive advantage, and incentive mechanism is one of the most effective knowledge management drives. In this paper, we examined the effects of non‐financial incentive and team‐based financial incentive on knowledge management performance in China and identified the moderating effects of knowledge attributes (codifiability and teachability). Our findings indicate that non‐financial incentive and team‐based financial incentive have positive effects on knowledge management performance. Codifiability and teachability enhance the team‐based financial incentive–knowledge management performance relationship. Finally, implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Although comprehensiveness is considered among the most salient and enduring strategic decision-making characteristics in organizations, its influence on firm behaviour has remained elusive. As a first step, our study builds and tests a model that specifies the influence of comprehensiveness on the firm's pursuit of corporate entrepreneurship. Our core argument is that while comprehensiveness helps decision-makers gain the knowledge needed to escape the ignorance and overcome doubt associated with this pursuit, this beneficial influence is conditional upon managerial uncertainty preferences, together with the level of dynamism in the external environment. Findings from a large sample study of CEOs from 349 SMEs provide general support for this argument and associated hypotheses.  相似文献   

家族管理与CEO支配力对企业价值之影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以台湾上市公司为研究对象,实证探讨家族管理与CEO支配力对企业价值之影响,研究结果发现:控制股东之家族成员参与高阶管理团队时,若增强CEO结构支配力,减弱CEO股权支配力,对企业价值具有正面影响.因此,从本研究可获得启示,若控制股东家族希望能够借由参与高阶管理团队以提升企业价值,应同时考虑CEO支配力之影响.  相似文献   

从CEO心理特征视角出发,探究了CEO自恋与企业创新绩效之间的关系。以2011—2016年A股135家上市公司的纵向数据为样本,通过广义估计方程模型进行实证检验。研究发现:CEO自恋对企业创新绩效具有显著促进作用。进一步研究发现,CEO自恋对企业创新绩效的影响受到企业异质性的调节作用:相比小规模企业,大规模企业中CEO自恋对创新绩效的促进作用更显著;相比低财务杠杆企业,高财务杠杆企业中CEO自恋对创新绩效的促进作用更显著;相比非国有企业,国有企业中CEO自恋对创新绩效的促进作用更显著。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of dominant CEOs – defined as CEOs who are very powerful relative to other executives in their top management teams – on firm strategy and performance. Based on a sample of 51 publicly traded, single‐business firms from the US computer industry for the period 1997–2003, our results suggest that firms with dominant CEOs tend to have a strategy deviant from the industry central tendency and thus extreme performance – either big wins or big losses. Further, powerful boards weaken the tendency of dominant CEOs towards extremeness and, more important, improve the likelihood of dominant CEOs having big wins versus big losses. This study reconciles the pessimistic and heroic views regarding dominant CEOs, and suggests that the notion of power balance should be considered in a broader context.  相似文献   

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