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In this paper we consider Markov-modulated diffusion risk reserve processes. Using diffusion approximation we show the relation to classical Markov-modulated risk reserve processes. In particular we derive a representation for the adjustment coefficient and prove some comparison results. Among others we show that increasing the volatility of the diffusion increases the probability of ruin.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal investment strategies under the dynamic elasticity of variance (DEV) model which maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth. The DEV model is an extension of the constant elasticity of variance model, in which the volatility term is a power function of stock prices with the power being a nonparametric time function. It is not possible to find the explicit solution to the utility maximization problem under the DEV model. In this paper, a dual-control Monte-Carlo method is developed to compute the optimal investment strategies for a variety of utility functions, including power, non-hyperbolic absolute risk aversion and symmetric asymptotic hyperbolic absolute risk aversion utilities. Numerical examples show that this dual-control Monte-Carlo method is quite efficient.  相似文献   

We determine the variance-optimal hedge for a subset of affine processes including a number of popular stochastic volatility models. This framework does not require the asset to be a martingale. We obtain semiexplicit formulas for the optimal hedging strategy and the minimal hedging error by applying general structural results and Laplace transform techniques. The approach is illustrated numerically for a Lévy-driven stochastic volatility model with jumps as in Carr et al. (Math Finance 13:345–382, 2003).   相似文献   

We consider a stochastic model for the wealth of an insurance company which has the possibility to invest into a risky and a riskless asset under a constant mix strategy. The total insurance claim amount is modeled by a compound Poisson process and the price of the risky asset follows a geometric Brownian motion. We investigate the resulting integrated risk process and the corresponding discounted net loss process. This opens up a way to measure the risk of a negative outcome of the integrated risk process in a stationary way. We provide an approximation of the optimal investment strategy, which maximizes the expected wealth under a risk constraint on the Value-at-Risk.  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions for the application of the Feynman-Kac formula for option pricing for wide classes of affine term structure models in the jump-diffusion case are derived by generalizing earlier results for bond pricing in the pure-diffusion case The author is grateful to Mikhail Chernov and Darrel Duffie for useful discussions and suggestions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new bounds on the prices of European-style swaptions for affine and quadratic interest rate models. These bounds are computable whenever the joint characteristic function of the state variables is known. In particular, our lower bound involves the computation of a one-dimensional Fourier transform independently of the swap length. In addition, we control the error of our method by providing a new upper bound on swaption price that is applicable to all considered models. We test our bounds on different affine models and on a quadratic Gaussian model. We also apply our procedure to the multiple curve framework. The bounds are found to be accurate and computationally efficient.  相似文献   

We consider an insurance company whose surplus is represented by the classical Cramer-Lundberg process. The company can invest its surplus in a risk-free asset and in a risky asset, governed by the Black-Scholes equation. There is a constraint that the insurance company can only invest in the risky asset at a limited leveraging level; more precisely, when purchasing, the ratio of the investment amount in the risky asset to the surplus level is no more than a; and when short-selling, the proportion of the proceeds from the short-selling to the surplus level is no more than b. The objective is to find an optimal investment policy that minimizes the probability of ruin. The minimal ruin probability as a function of the initial surplus is characterized by a classical solution to the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. We study the optimal control policy and its properties. The interrelation between the parameters of the model plays a crucial role in the qualitative behavior of the optimal policy. For example, for some ratios between a and b, quite unusual and at first ostensibly counterintuitive policies may appear, like short-selling a stock with a higher rate of return to earn lower interest, or borrowing at a higher rate to invest in a stock with lower rate of return. This is in sharp contrast with the unrestricted case, first studied in Hipp and Plum, or with the case of no short-selling and no borrowing studied in Azcue and Muler.  相似文献   

We conduct out-of-sample density forecast evaluations of the affine jump diffusion models for the S&P 500 stock index and its options’ contracts. We also examine the time-series consistency between the model-implied spot volatilities using options & returns and only returns. In particular, we focus on the role of the time-varying jump risk premia. Particle filters are used to estimate the model-implied spot volatilities. We also propose the beta transformation approach for recursive parameter updating. Our empirical analysis shows that the inconsistencies between options & returns and only returns are resolved by the introduction of the time-varying jump risk premia. For density forecasts, the time-varying jump risk premia models dominate the other models in terms of likelihood criteria. We also find that for medium-term horizons, the beta transformation can weaken the systematic effect of misspecified AJD models using options & returns.  相似文献   

We consider a model for multivariate intertemporal portfolio choice in complete and incomplete markets with a multi-factor stochastic covariance matrix of asset returns. The optimal investment strategies are derived in closed form. We estimate the model parameters and illustrate the optimal investment based on two stock indices: S&P500 and DAX. It is also shown that the model satisfies several stylized facts well known in the literature. We analyse the welfare losses due to suboptimal investment strategies and we find that investors who invest myopically, ignore derivative assets, model volatility by one factor and ignore stochastic covariance between asset returns can incur significant welfare losses.  相似文献   

Models with a premium on external finance produce counterfactual predictions about liquidity management. We address this shortcoming by introducing a fixed cost of increasing external finance into an otherwise standard investment/financing problem. This additional financial friction is well-motivated by case studies and our analysis shows that it generates more realistic predictions about liquidity management: firms hold external finance and idle cash simultaneously, and may invest an additional dollar of cash flow in liquidity rather than repaying external funds or investing in productive capital. In addition to better fitting the stylized facts about the time-series and cross-sectional pattern of liquidity holding, these results may help shed light on the fragility of estimates of investment–cash flow sensitivities.  相似文献   

Under the general affine jump-diffusion framework of Duffie et al. [Econometrica, 2000, 68, 1343–1376], this paper proposes an alternative pricing methodology for European-style forward start options that does not require any parallel optimization routine to ensure square integrability. Therefore, the proposed methodology is shown to possess a better accuracy–efficiency trade-off than the usual and more general approach initiated by Hong [Forward Smile and Derivative Pricing. Working paper, UBS, 2004] that is based on the knowledge of the forward characteristic function. Explicit pricing solutions are also offered under the nested jump-diffusion setting proposed by Bakshi et al. [J. Finance, 1997, 52, 2003–2049], which accommodates stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates, and different integration schemes are numerically tested.  相似文献   

This paper extends basic results on arbitrage bounds and attainable claims to illiquid markets and general swap contracts where both claims and premiums may have multiple payout dates. Explicit consideration of swap contracts is essential in illiquid markets where the valuation of swaps cannot be reduced to the valuation of cumulative claims at maturity. We establish the existence of optimal trading strategies and the lower semicontinuity of the optimal value of optimal investment under conditions that extend the no-arbitrage condition in the classical linear market model. All results are derived with the “direct method” without resorting to duality arguments.  相似文献   

A general characterization of one factor affine term structure models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We give a complete characterization of affine term structure models based on a general nonnegative Markov short rate process. This applies to the classical CIR model but includes as well short rate processes with jumps. We provide a link to the theory of branching processes and show how CBI-processes naturally enter the field of term structure modelling. Using Markov semigroup theory we exploit the full structure behind an affine term structure model and provide a deeper understanding of some well-known properties of the CIR model. Based on these fundamental results we construct a new short rate model with jumps, which extends the CIR model and still gives closed form expressions for bond options. Manusript received: June 2000, final version received: October 2000  相似文献   

We develop and implement a technique for closed-form maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of multifactor affine yield models. We derive closed-form approximations to likelihoods for nine Dai and Singleton (2000) affine models. Simulations show our technique very accurately approximates true (but infeasible) MLE. Using US Treasury data, we estimate nine affine yield models with different market price of risk specifications. MLE allows non-nested model comparison using likelihood ratio tests; the preferred model depends on the market price of risk. Estimation with simulated and real data suggests our technique is much closer to true MLE than Euler and quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) methods.  相似文献   

Affine jump-diffusion models have been the mainstream in options pricing because of their analytical tractability. Popular affine jump-diffusion models, however, are still unsatisfactory in describing the options data and the problem is often attributed to the diffusion term of the unobserved state variables. Using prices of variance-swaps (i.e., squared VIX) implied from options prices, we provide fresh evidence regarding the misspecification of affine jump-diffusion models, as variance-swap prices are affine functions of the state variables in a broader class of models that do not restrict the diffusion term of the state variables. We apply the nonparametric methodology used by Aït-Sahalia (1996b), supplemented with bootstrap tests and other parametric tests, to the S&P 500 index options data from January 1996 to September 2008. We find that, while the affine diffusion term of the state variables may contribute to the misspecification as the literature has suggested, the affine drift of the state variables, jump intensities, and risk premiums are also sources of misspecification.  相似文献   

Central bankers' conventional wisdom suggests that nominal interest rates should be raised to attain a lower inflation target. In contrast, I show that the standard New Keynesian monetary model with rational expectations and full credibility predicts that nominal interest rates should be decreased to attain this goal. Real interest rates, however, are virtually unchanged. These results also hold in recent vintages of New Keynesian models with sticky wages, price and wage indexation and habit formation in consumption.  相似文献   

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