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After the Hartz reforms of 2003–2005, unemployment in Germany has gone down significantly. Using a structural evaluation, it is shown that the contribution of the Hartz IV reform to this decrease was extremely modest. Hartz IV explains less than 0.1 percentage point of the decline in the observed unemployment rate. A substantial degree of influence, to the contrary, is attributed to the preceding Hartz III reform. Thus, the reduction of unemployment compensation could have been generally avoided.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Langhammer, 61, ist Vizepr?sident des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel. Prof. Dr. Gunther Schnabl, 42, ist Leiter des Instituts für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universit?t Leipzig. Jürgen Matthes, 41, Dipl.-Volkswirt, leitet das Referat Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik im Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft K?ln. K. MIchael Finger, 62, Dipl.-Volkswirt, war bis vor Kurzem Senior Economist in der Economic Research and Statistics Division der WTO. Prof. Dr. Andreas Freytag, 46, hat den Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik der Friedrich-Schiller-Universit?t Jena inne und ist Senior Fellow beim European Centre for International Political Economy; Sebastian Voll, 25, Dipl.-Volkswirt, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik der Friedrich-Schiller-Universit?t Jena.  相似文献   

The Republican majority in the US House of Representatives is considering the introduction of a destination-based cash flow tax (DBCFT). While its global implementation has the potential to substantially increase welfare, a unilateral introduction of such a tax system raises a range of questions due to the existence of source-based taxation systems abroad. We consider the US tax plans from an EU perspective. We show that European exporters may suffer, but European firms with affiliation in the US may benefit from a switch to the DBCFT. American firms will be the likely losers of this policy. Finally, we discuss potential policy reactions by the EU and its member countries as well as legal and economic implications of possible adjustments in EU tax systems.  相似文献   

Digitalisation will not only lead to the disappearance of jobs, the creation of new jobs and changing skill requirements in many existing jobs. It also leads to fundamental challenges for existing qualification systems as well as labour law and labour relations. New digital technologies pervasively change the content and organisation of work. They may have an impact on the actual weekly working time hours and the adoption of self-managed working time systems. The consequences, however, may differ for each worker. Accordingly, economic and policy conclusions cannot be derived for the labour market as a whole. Workers‘qualifications need not only to be adapted to changing occupational tasks. Work intensification and increasing communication flows have to be addressed as well. Furthermore, adequate human resources policies can foster the proper use of new flexible work arrangements. Crowdworking as a specific form of flexible work, however, has to be primarily integrated in existing labour legislation. That is one opinion, another author considers the forecasts doomsday prophecies that call for political action or amending the regulative framework. And he suggests that the characteristics of the digital transformation of work may mainly be firm-specific. In a social-scientific perspective there is no deterministic relationship between technology and work but the development of work has to be regarded as a strategic and political design project.  相似文献   

Under US President Donald Trump, it can be expected that large tax cuts will be passed and public expenditure will be slightly limited. He correctly identified US deindustrialisation as one of the economy’s core problems. His proposed policy platforms, however, are unpredictable and most likely harmful for the US and world economy. Even more importantly, the new government repeatedly clashes with national and multilateral institutions and thereby challenges the heart of democratically based capitalism. At present, it is still open if Donald Trump’s Executive Orders on trade measures will be backed by the US Congress. In any case, the new US administration is obviously abandoning the general principle of free trade. But the announced changes in US trade and exchange rate policies are less of a fundamental break than is often argued, because cooperation in international economic policy has always been limited and unstable. Beyond trade policy, it seems to be the intention of the new US government to fundamentally change the course of the country with regard to the financial markets. With regard to its monetary policy, the administration’s current position is marked by its inherent inconsistency. However, the new government has several channels through which to influence and fundamentally change the working of the Fed in order to make it more obedient to its goals.  相似文献   

The increase of the share of renewables in Germany’s energy mix will not emerge from market mechanisms, and hence the costs of externalities have to be distributed among market participants. In order to preserve their competitiveness, energy intensive industries in Germany are exempt from these costs, which in turn leads to a surplus load for remaining consumers. In the context of an efficient energy system transformation, this policy measure is questionable. Even if high electricity prices lead to higher input costs in the short term, an exception for energy intensive industries cannot be justified. On the contrary, this mechanism impedes incentives for investments in energy efficiency and therefore reduces competitiveness in the long term.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Die Corona-Krise führt bei vielen Unternehmen zu andauernden Umsatzeinbrüchen, die einen akuten Liquiditätsbedarf verursachen, sofern laufende Kosten nicht...  相似文献   

In Germany, a lively debate about the reform of the financial equalisation scheme between the member states (“Länder”) is under way. There is broad consensus that the member states’ financial responsibility has to be strengthened. A reduction of the transfer level of tax receipts from high-income to low-income states could achieve this objective, but at the cost of solidarity between states. To avoid this trade-off, the authors propose an indicator-based risk adjustment scheme. Their aim is to equalise different financial needs, not only differences in tax revenues across states. Risk adjustment schemes are a well-established instrument, especially in social health care systems.  相似文献   

Handschuhe im Gesundheitswesen müssen verschiedenen Anforderungen gerecht werden: Der eine ben?tigt sie zum Ansetzen einer Desinfektionsl?sung, der n?chste im Rahmen des Verbandswechsels und der Dritte zur Intimpflege. Somit sollte klar sein, dass nicht ein Handschuh allen Aufgaben gerecht werden kann, sondern Pflegende vor einer mittlerweile endlos scheinenden Vielfalt stehen.  相似文献   

Die geldpolitische Strategie der Europäischen Zentralbank beruht auf der wirtschaftlichen und der monetären Analyse von Risiken für die Preisstabilität im Euroraum. Sollte der monetären Analyse eine prominente Rolle zugewiesen werden?Eva-Ulrike Feldkord, 31, Dipl.-Volkswirtin, ist wis senschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Internationale Makroökonomie im Hamburgischen Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA).  相似文献   

The Hartz reforms are often regarded as the therapy which turned the so called “sick man of Europe” into a global superstar. But this diagnosis was wrong. The strength of the German economy was overshadowed by the negative effects of reunification. The decline in unemployment can partly be attributed to the end of the transformation in East Germany. It also reflects the negative cyclical situation in 2005. This analysis is in line with the finding that compared e.g. with Italy and Greece, German unemployment assistance is still very generous. Thus, for the member states of the Eurozone Hartz IV is not a promising strategy. This could be different should wage moderation be cosnidered. However, if member states practice it simultaneously, this will lead to deflation. This calls for higher wage increases in Germany and a more symmetric adjustment.  相似文献   

Im Zentrum der aktuellen Debatte um die chinesische Exportverknappung bei den Metallen der Seltenen Erden steht die Sorge einer strategischen Abh?ngigkeit mit daraus entstehenden Wettbewerbsnachteilen für die europ?ische Wirtschaft. Entsprechend werden Forderungen nach einer industriepolitischen Antwort laut. Die dabei diskutierten Rohstoffvorratslager k?nnen dazu beitragen, extreme Preissteigerungen abzufedern und Zeit für eine Reaktion des Angebots au?erhalb Chinas zu gewinnen. Allerdings sollte sich die Wirtschaftspolitik auf die Koordination bei der Einrichtung solcher Vorratslager konzentrieren und die Finanzierung der Industrie überlassen.  相似文献   

At the root of the euro crisis was not only a sovereign debt crisis but also a balance-of-payments crisis. A multi-faceted approach is required to restore sustainable growth and prevent a vicious circle of public and private sector deleveraging leading to weaker economic activity, which in turn results in a further deterioration in banks’ asset quality. Both governments and the European Central Bank (ECB) face challenges. Governments must make progress in restoring the health and resilience of the banking sector and introduce microeconomic reforms in product, services and labour markets to reduce divergent trends in competitiveness and productivity. Budgetary discipline must be respected, and the ECB should avoid any deflationary bias while stabilising inflation at or around two per cent for the euro area as a whole.  相似文献   

Krisenintervention im Krankenhaus — Der pl?tzliche Tod eines Patienten l?sst Pflegekr?fte oft hilflos dastehen. Gern würden sie den Hinterbliebenen Trost spenden, doch stattdessen ziehen sie sich h?ufig gesch?ftig agierend zurück. Doch wie k?nnen sie Hinterbliebene in der akuten Trauer professionell und einfühlsam unterstützen?  相似文献   

Many German states set up special financial assistance programmes focusing on municipalities in fiscal distress. As a result, participating authorities show significant improvements in crucial financial indicators. However, there are some adverse effects in the indicators, as well. In particular, tax revenue is below average, welfare spending is continuously increasing and investment figures point toward further decline. Those findings demonstrate an ongoing and lasting fiscal burden on those authorities.  相似文献   

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