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当前收入分配问题受到广大公众的关注.如何看待改革开放以来党的收入分配原则和政策?如何看待收入差距扩大?如何看待致富和扶贫?已成为人们议论的热点.有的同志对差距扩大无动于衷,反应迟钝;有的同志则为此忧心忡忡,怀疑党的先富政策;有的同志谈"差"色变,认为由差而乱不可避免.我认为,对当前收入差距扩大的影响必须高度重视,密切关注,从理顺分配关系入手,标本兼治,逐步缩小,以保持社会的长治久安;但也不必过分忧虑,引起恐慌.应该看到,从差距扩大到逐步缩小是一个过程,只要政策正确,处置及时,所谓"差"而"乱"是完全可以避免的.现在谈谈我的几点不成熟意见,供领导和同志们批评指正.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to apply a new backward and forward dispersion approach, starting from the original Rasmussen definition, which can give further insight into the interactions between industries and institutional sectors in a multiregional framework. The method is based on identification of the Macro Multipliers and the related impact components of a model based on a bi-regional SAM, which allows for the representation of the bi-regional multisectoral and multi-industry model in a two-dimensional space defined by the two dominating impact components. From such representation, we derive a set of indices of intraregional and interregional backward and forward dispersion that identifies key groups of industries and institutional sectors. The strength of these groups is further evaluated in terms of correlation of the impact components within the groups and cross-correlation between industry and institutional sectors groups. Comparative analysis among regional results gives a full picture of regional income policies.  相似文献   

投入产出表、社会核算矩阵的更新方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将现有的众多矩阵更新技术纳入约束最优化的数学建模框架中,并统一进行了若干扩展,特别地,在约束条件存在冲突时通过引入误差精度调整项,使得原本不可行的矩阵更新问题能够求解,以扩大其适用范围。然后使用中国2002年和2007年的投入产出表对6种扩展修正后的矩阵更新方法进行了实证比较,结果显示无论是基于流量还是基于系数形式,或是对矩阵进行聚合处理,更新矩阵时ERAS的表现始终是最优的,ENSD其次,两者差距较小;而EAD方法表现较差。  相似文献   

The revised 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA) contains a chapter on social accounting matrices (SAMs), demonstrating that the input-output approach should be extended to a matrix presentation of a wider set of national accounts. This article describes the application of that chapter to the case of Indonesia, and elaborates on the linkage of a SAM to all kinds of supplementary (non-monetary) data sets. This should yield a system of economic and social account-ing matrices and extensions (SESAME), i.e. a consistent meso-level information system from which major economic and social macro-indicators can be derived. By way of example, detailed employment figures that belong to a SESAME for Indonesia are presented.  相似文献   

New Nonlinear Approaches for the Adjustment and Updating of a SAM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many structural relationships should be taken into account in any reasonable adjustment and updating process. These structural relationships are mainly represented by ratios of different types, such as technical coefficients or the proportion of the cell value in relation to its row or column total. We believe that in many cases (either because of lack of information or when the time elapsed for the estimation of a social accounting matrix is not long enough to allow for any significant structural change) the updating process should try to minimize the rela- tive deviation of the new coefficients from the initial ones in a homogeneous way. This homogeneity would mean that the magnitude of this relative deviation is similar among the elements of each row or column, therefore avoiding the concentration of the changes in particular cells of the SAM. In this work, we propose some new adjustment criteria in order to obtain a more homogeneous relative adjustment of the structural coefficients. These criteria combine the adjustment method proposed by Matuszewski et al. (1964) with other deviation functions. Each of the adjustment criteria proposed leads to a nonlinear optimization problem which is reformulated as a linear program. We test the usefulness of this proposal by comparing its results with the ones obtained by more standard approaches and we are able to show that these approaches tend to produce a less homogeneous pattern of coefficient adjustment, under certain circumstances, than the ones we put forward.  相似文献   

在社会核算矩阵“部门×交易”表基础上,设计了“部门×部门”和“交易×交易”表表式,提出了“固定部门结构假定”和“固定市场份额假定”的总体概念,将这两种假定扩展为6种具体假定。将传统的“U.V”表方法纳入到了SAM假定序列中。全面设计了编制SAM“部门×部门”表和“交易×交易表”的系列公式,并应用这些公式在“部门×交易”表基础上实际编制了中国2012年SAM“部门×部门”表和“交易×交易”表。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide an extension of a technique recently introduced by Pyatt and Round (2006) to decompose each element of the ‘global multiplier matrix’ in ‘microscopic detail’ in order to capture the linkages between each household groups’ income and the exogenously injected income of other accounts. The methodology we propose allows dividing the impact of exogenous injections into four different effects: direct-direct effect (D-D); direct-indirect effect (D-I); indirect-direct effect (I-D) and indirect-indirect effect (I-I). Results using the 2000 Vietnamese SAM show that the highest direct effects on the income of household groups are related to exogenous injections into the agricultural sector, while the highest indirect effects result from investing in other agriculture-related sectors such as, for example, food processing. Policy interventions focusing on the agricultural sector and on rural households will thus have the greatest effect on reducing the level of income inequality.  相似文献   

A bstract Henry George's Progress and Poverty was translated into German and published in Germany in 1881, a little more than a year after its publication in America But it was not through George's own words that his ideas first became known there Germany already had land reformers , organized in small societies They made his teachings known However, unlike the case in Britain, Germany's leftists did not welcome George's land reform ideas True, Karl Marx recognized and wrote about the role the land question played in the exploitation of labor and in his third volume of Capital took basic positions parallel to George's, it was published long after Progress and Poverty The hostility of Wilhelm Ltebknecbt toward land reform reflected the German public's disinterest in the land question and may explain why Marx concentrated on appealing to the urban industrial worker  相似文献   

A bstract Henry George played a tremendous role in the development and growth of the British Liberal party and of British Liberalism, one no less significant than his role in that of British non-Marxian socialism One of the Liberal leaders who gained a place in history, Joseph Chamberlain, had already been a land reformer before he learned about Georgism Chamberlain used the Georgist analysis, but he and the other 19th century Radical Liberals worked up a program for a broader distribution of landed property, not for the abolition of the private land monopoly. The same tactic in Ireland entrenched private land monopoly thereby making many renters small holders But George also supplied the analysis and the context of the Liberal campaign And later Liberal leaders–notably David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill (as well as Liberals in the Labour Party. Philip Snowden, Herbert Morrison, Ramsay MacDonald and Josiah Wedgwood) –came close to making the taxation of land values the law of the kingdom  相似文献   

abstract We argue that the dominance of principal‐agent theory as an approach to investigating executive pay has led to an overly narrow focus which may be unhelpful when considering cross‐country differences and probably also hinders within‐country analysis. The paper discusses the interlinked nature of three available theoretical lenses, namely principal‐agent, executive power, and stewardship/stakeholder theories. It argues that institutional theory can provide a useful overarching framework within which appropriate variants of these approaches can be deployed to better comprehend developments in executive pay. We illustrate our approach with a discussion of executive pay in the UK and in Germany.  相似文献   

Extending economic accounts with sets of social and environmental indicators is a first step towards a more integrated analysis of aspects of sustainability problems. In this article, therefore, a proposal is made to nest social and environmental indicators into an existing economic accounting framework. The Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is taken as a basis, because of its flexibility regarding extensions with non-monetary data addressing social and environmental concerns. The main thrust of the paper is methodological. From the discussion of methodological issues and the application to the SAM for Bolivia for the year 1989, it is concluded that it is, in principle, feasible and relatively simple to extend the SAM with the two sets of indicators. However, additional data will have to be collected to be able to address, more adequately, the problems of sustainability.  相似文献   

This paper implements the conceptual framework sketched by Pyatt (1990) to construct an extended Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (ESAM-95) to consider, in addition to the market economy, the production of services provided by households through unpaid work. In doing so, the ESAM-95 integrates the accounts related to market activities (ESA accounts) with non-market activities (non-ESA accounts) in a consistent way. Additional classifications are introduced in both ESA and non-ESA accounts in order to disaggregate the institutional accounts by household type and those of production factors by educational level and gender. The extended SAM is useful to calibrate CGE models in which the distribution of time between paid and unpaid work is a relevant variable.  相似文献   

Peter Lawrence is Professor of Comparative Management at Loughborough University and a member of the Human Resource and Change Management Research Unit. He argues that management development is less formalised and explicit in the countries of Continental Europe than it is in the Anglo-Saxon world. Using France and Germany as the main examples, he shows how their very different ways of making managers are shaped by cultural factors. Lawrence goes further by suggesting that these countries have a different conception of what management ‘is all about’. He implies that much of the recent talk of ‘internationalism’ is, in consequence, premature.  相似文献   

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