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“坚决不打赤字财政”,是陈云一贯而鲜明的主张,因为在他看来,财政赤字与通货膨胀密不可分。建国初期,我国人民饱受通货膨胀之苦,而“币值下跌、物价上涨的主要原因,是政府的财政赤字庞大”。因此,陈云力主财政安排留有余地,尽量避免出现赤字,尤其忌讳将赤字用于投资。在这一思想的主导下,计划经济时期我国财政预算保持平衡,物价基本稳定。新时期以来,我国经济体制和市场环境发生重大变化,财政赤字渐成常态,相应地物价亦呈不断上涨趋势。尽管近年来连年出现的财政赤字主要依靠发行公共债务来弥补,但这终究不是长久之计,当下的欧债危机警醒了我们,陈云提出的“建设规模的大小必须和国家财力物力相适应”是一条不变的真理。  相似文献   

农村妇女实用人才资源的开发,是一项重要的社会系统工程。目前我国人才资源尚未完全开发、潜力仍然很大,尤其是目前农村劳动力的主力军是妇女,关注妇女实用人才的发展对农村经济的科学发展至关重要。以农村妇女为切入点,分析了农村妇女实用人才开发的现状及存在的问题,并就如何开发农村妇女人才资源提出相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

经济稳定对中国这样一个发展中大国具有十分重要的意义。建国后陈云长期担任党和国家财经方面的主要领导人,他对中国如何保持经济稳定进行了多方面的探索实践,形成了他关于中国经济稳定的思想和一整套做法。其中他重点论述了经济稳定的意义和目的、经济稳定的关键和界限,他还就如何保持经济稳定提出了具体的政策建议和措施。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the fundamentals required for successful reform, i.e., the necessary institutional changes required to make a nation grow sustainably wealthier. It argues that enriching the people is a prerequisite for a prosperous nation and further reveals the inherent logic behind the statement "in order to enrich the people, they must be given private rights, and in order to protect the people's private rights, public power must be limited." Based on this argument, we examine and analyze the experience of China's reform over the past 30 years and come to the conclusion that it is necessary to transform government functions and further deepen market-oriented reform. We hold that China's economic performance bears no special or exceptional economic law, and there does not exist the so-called "China Model" characterized by government taking the leading role as a relatively mature, stable, and widely applicable development model, but that there does exist a Chinese development path or experience featuring the inherent logic of "prospering the nation through enriching its people" that can be employed by countries all over the world.  相似文献   

To analyze China‘s fluctuating situation of the factor input and aggregative productivity is not only the main method to seek the source of the economic growth but also the main way to weigh the level of economic growth quality. As to economic growth of a country, the improvement of the productivity is extremely important. The growth of the output can be realized through two kinds of ways: increasing the quantity of factor input of orimproving the effciency of the input and output. Therefore, the level of economic growth quafity does not mainly depend on the amount of invesTed factor, but the importance of improving the produtivity since Pesources are rare.The relative improvement of efficiency in use of the invested factor marks the economic growing quality. So, in order to understand the economic growth quafity of China to some extent, it must analyze Chinese factor input and aggregative productivity. This is the main topic that this text wilt be probed into.  相似文献   

我国沿海地区海洋经济发展存在着明显的区域差异,研究不同区域海洋经济发展的特征能够提出有针对性的对策建议,对制定海洋经济发展政策具有一定的指导意义。选择了资源禀赋、经济规模、产业结构、就业状况、基础设施建设以及科技水平等衡量海洋经济发展的重要指标,通过指标分析对我国沿海地区海洋经济发展较好的地区进行区域分类,并归纳了不同类型区域的某些共同特征,最后依据分析结果提出了具体的发展对策。  相似文献   

2009年以来,面对持续走高的物价,央行采取了连续上调准备金率的政策,以求减少货币供给量,稳定物价。通过建立CPI、广义货币供给量M2和GDP之间的回归模型,对1994~2010年的数据进行回归分析,得出了我国货币政策对稳定物价有效的结论。认为治理通货膨胀要采取多样化的宏观经济政策,注意货币政策、财政政策的搭配使用。同时要加快人民币汇率体制改革,促进产业结构调整和经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

利用SVAR模型,研究了外国直接投资和外国证券投资对中国经济增长的影响。结果显示FPI、FDI与中国经济增长呈现正相关关系,FDI的作用显著,FPI的作用不显著。同时,FDI和FPI之间存在一定的交替关系,FDI拉低了FPI,而FPI则在短期内对FDI有促进作用。  相似文献   

The content of China's economic transformation is not single, and this article argues that it includes three parts. The first is the reform of economic system, the second is the change in the pattern of economic growth, and the third is the adjustment of economic structure. Government is the leading force of China's economic transformation, and repeated reform of government institutions has brought about some changes to government functions. But problems are obvious that lag changes of government functions have become an obstacle in China's economic transformation. This article describes the historical evolution and the reality of China's economic transformation, and analyzes the main reasons of lag changes in government functions, and reveals that the transformation of government functions is the key for successful transformation of China's economy.  相似文献   

中国政府将加快发展能源产业、坚持节约能源和保护环境作为一项基本国策。随着我国经济的不断发展,能源消费总量虽然在逐年增加,但能源利用效率却在不断提高。在中央政府政策的推动下,能源强度虽然呈下降趋势,但近年来下降的速度明显趋于平缓,低于改革开放初期。在分析总结我国能源利用效率变化的趋势和特点的基础上,通过对能源强度系数进行分解,发现能源强度变化的技术效应和结构效应都有减弱的趋势,尤其是结构效应。在此基础上从经济发展和社会因素两方面,进一步探讨了阻碍我国能源利用效率进一步提升的原因。  相似文献   

民生问题与民生经济是两个概念。民生经济首先应是民生改善经济;民生经济还存在民生逆转,民生被认为出现问题时,民生经济的概念就被第一次狭隘化了;民生经济还是基本民生经济,在这一层次民生经济取得了进一步狭隘的形式。最后,民生经济本质上是包容性经济。现阶段继续把民生与国计、民生与经济隔离的发展方式必须转变。在我国农民最"大"、农民最多,农民的民生解决得最不好,农民身上蕴藏着最大的经济发展潜力。所以,归根到底,农民问题是我国民生经济的根本问题。  相似文献   

利用1978~2010年间四川财政支农和第一产业相关数据,运用协整检验理论及误差修正模型,分析了四川财政支农支出对第一产业的增长效应。研究结果显示,四川财政支农支出相对于第一产业GDP增长弹性系数为0.784。财政支农支出结构中对四川第一产业增长效应高低次序依次为:支援农村生产最高,农林水利气象等部门事业费次之,科技投入及农业基本建设支出最差。  相似文献   

It is an urgent and important economic work in the moment and the next period for China to realize the transformation of economic growth mode. Relatively, there must be certain basic conditions. This article makes elaboration of the basic conditions, which accelerate the change of Shaanxi's economic growth mode from government angle, and proposes countermeasures for it, according to Shaanxi's situation and the requirement of scientific development concept, in order to provide basis for the government's economic growth transformation.  相似文献   

The paper presents theoretical reflection upon international marketing strategy in the framework of internationalization and globalization of the market. It consists of four parts. The first one debates the nature and reasons for corporate internationalization. The second part shows an international marketing strategy in the concept of corporate expansion. The strategy consists of two elements: the basic dimensions of foreign market entry modes (part 3) and business presence strategies in overseas markets (part 4). This paper proposes a theoretical framework for research conducted by Department of Marketing of the Cracow University of Economics. The research has been conducted as a part of grant received by Polish National Centre of Science.  相似文献   

从知识流动来看,现阶段国内制造业存在两个问题:第一,行为主体如制造商与配套商、专业院校之间的知识流动通道尚未真正建立;第二,虽然已有知识流动,但由于各行为主体的知识深度都不高,导致知识互动转化不足。知识流动不是自发的,地理邻近或表面上相关的行为主体之间不必然产生知识流动。在国内,地方政府是建立知识流动通道的关键,政府应主动和其他行为主体互动,并成为其他行为主体之间知识流动的桥梁或“二传手”。文章进行了乐器制造的案例分析。  相似文献   

利用1996-2010年间相关数据,在经典C-D生产函数模型中纳入了ODI因素,实证检验了ODI对我国制造业的影响效应。结果显示ODI存量的扩大会对我国制造业产值有一定的负面影响,存在一定的“离制造业”效应。采用相关指标进一步对浙江和广东两个制造业大省的空心化程度进行验证,证实并未出现制造业空心化。  相似文献   

From the US New Energy Plan, personnel appointment, and diplomatic activities, etc., we can see that US is now on the way to returning to the negotiation table and undertaking the leadership in addressing climate change. What US has done puts tremendous challenges on China, which emits large amount of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. However, different from US, China is undergoing rapid development, and huge energy consumption is unavoidable. China has to make a balance between developing economy and addressing climate change. This paper focuses on the US climate change policies and its greenhouse gas emissions, and its influences on China climate change policy. China greenhouse gas emissions and relative policies are also analyzed to see what situation China is in, and what challenges that China is facing. Consequently, combing China's local situation, we propose several solutions for China to address climate change, i.e. moving towards a low carbon economy, struggling for emitting more, enhancing China-US cooperation, and implementing different climate change policies based on local situation. Meanwhile, the achievements that China has made are also introduced.  相似文献   

This paper is preliminary information on some empirical findings based on an analysis of Thailand's macroeconomic data. The purpose of the study is to quantify social-economic well-being development with special emphasis on poverty. The maximum entropy bootstrap was presented that did not require the property of stationarity. Moreover, the methodology was stratified both the ergodic theorem and the central limit theorem. Thailand's GINI index and Thailand-Japan's volume of trade data cover the 14-year period from 1998 to 2011. There is a statistically significant negative non-linear relationship between endogenous Thailand's GINI index and exogenous Thailand-Japan's volume of trade. The results confirmed that every lagged one percent increase in Thailand-Japan's volume of trade influenced by a decrease of Thailand's GINI index coefficient 0.039 percent with the asymmetric around 0-almost closed to range condition -0.034824348 at 2.5%.  相似文献   

This paper, based on the investigation of the statistics in the years of 1980-2005, using Shift-Share Method model, studies systematically the relation between the evolution of industrial structure and regional economic growth in five economic regions in He'nan to offer the foundation of policy for optimizing the industrial structure and promoting regional economic development in phase, and thereby comes to the conclusions: (1) the industrial structure level of He'nan, in comparison with the evolution of the industrial structure across the country, remains low, but yet the evolutional tendency of industrial structure in He'nan complies with the Clark taw of the industrial structure evolution; (2) the spatial difference of He'nan industrial structure evolution is comparatively large, (3) the evolution of industrial structure in He nan that influences economic growth can be categorized into three types: in eastern and southern regions, the shift-share of the industrial structure is negative, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative, in western and central regions, the shift.share of the industrial structure is positive, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is positive; in northern regions; the shift-share of the industrial structure is positive, and the shift-share model of competitiveness is negative: (4) the evolution of industriai structure influences greatly the development of the regional economy of He nan As the results of the researches shown, it can innovation of He'nan tra:ditional industry with high-tech the vast development of the tertiary industry, the expansion of He'nan overall level o industrial structure, the growth of deep-processing manufacturing of agricultural products, and the increase of He'nan agricultural products subsidiary value Will be the strategic choices of the rearrangement of He'nan industrial structure.  相似文献   

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