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范志勇 《Frontiers of Economics in China》2009,4(4):572-587
Whether China’s inflation since 2007 is demand-pull or cost-push has become the study focus. Different opinions about the originations of the inflation indicate different policies against further inflation. VAR research based on the import price, money supply, excess wage and inflation rate finds that money supply instead of excess wage has made the most contribution for current inflation since 2000. Further evidence from sectoral data also confirms the conclusion of the VAR research. So there was no “wage-inflation” vicious circle in China during 2000–2007. 相似文献
中国通货膨胀是工资成本推动型吗?——基于超额工资增长率的实证研究 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
需求拉动型与成本推动型通货膨胀之争是2007年中国通货膨胀问题争论的焦点,通货膨胀类型的差异隐含着治理通货膨胀的不同政策选择。本文基于2000年之后超额工资增长与通货膨胀的关系进行检验,实证结果表明货币供给而非超额工资增长是导致通货膨胀变化的主要因素。基于分部门工资数据的研究结果亦未发现超额工资存在对通货膨胀的显著响应。基于上述结果本文认为,2000—2007年中国尚不存在"工资-通货膨胀"循环机制。 相似文献
与以往研究不同,笔者首次以1978年~2009年我国居民的广义储蓄数据为基础,根据Houthakker和Taylor提出的动态存量调整模型构建理论框架,利用ARDL方法,分别估计了预期通货膨胀、非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄总额及结构的影响.结果表明,预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄行为有显著影响,且金融储蓄受影响程度远大于实物储蓄;除了居民存款外,预期通货膨胀对其他储蓄形式的影响均为正;非预期通货膨胀对居民储蓄的影响不显著. 相似文献
通货膨胀预期是人们对于未来一定时期不确定的通货膨胀的主观判断和事前估计,包括对未来通货膨胀的变动方向以及幅度的预测.它能改变经济主体的消费和投资等行为,从而影响未来的实际通货膨胀水平. 相似文献
通货膨胀预期形成、锚定:基于消费者和经济学家预期的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文在区分居民通货膨胀预期和经济学家通货膨胀预期的基础上,研究通货膨胀预期形成和锚定的特点,发现经济学家通货膨胀预期呈现不规则的正态分布,往往在通货膨胀实际值较低时更多的经济学家做出偏高预期.居民通货膨胀预期显示低收入阶层对物价上涨更为敏感,大城市居民通货膨胀预期最敏感.总体如果半数以上的人认为物价上涨,则出现恶性通货膨胀的概率增加.发现居民物价预期指数是通货膨胀的格兰杰成冈,但经济学家通货膨胀预期却不必然导致通货膨胀发生.国际比较发现英国居民物价预期指数显著高于中国.锚定通货膨胀预期的关键是防止通货膨胀预期加速形成,防止中央银行陷入通货膨胀预期陷阱,为此需要单一化中央银行职责,建立通货膨胀预期中期监测机制,竖立中央银行反对通货膨胀的信任度. 相似文献
本文基于理性预期与预期形成的传染病学模型,将外部通货膨胀因素引入通货膨胀预期形成机制之中,采用MTARDL模型实证检验美国通货膨胀对中国通货膨胀预期的作用机制。研究结果表明,美国通货膨胀在中国通货膨胀预期形成机制中具有明显的非对称特征,其上涨对通货膨胀预期的催化效果远大于下降造成的抑制效应,而且美国通货膨胀对国内通货膨胀预期的影响存在结构性突变,相比于断点前,其影响效果在断点后更加强劲且作用过程趋于复杂化。与此同时,国内货币政策对通货膨胀预期的调控效果正逐渐下降。研究结果显示,国内货币当局在对公众通货膨胀预期引导过程中应更加注重美国通货膨胀的动态变化,同时优化货币政策的传导机制及政策效率。 相似文献
将预期引入通货膨胀理论研究,是现代通货膨胀理论的一个重大贡献。通货膨胀预期作为一种主观心理要素已成为客观通货膨胀的“助推剂”与“加速器”。稳定并消除通货膨胀预期,遏止通货膨胀加速,不仅要从生产、流通、分配、消费四个领域加大力度,还要使通货膨胀预期收益不断降低。不断提高劳动者的工资收入,使之指数化、法制化则是遏止通货膨胀的根本之策。 相似文献
政府信任与居民通货膨胀预期 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文实证分析了不同经济形势下居民对政府的信任程度对其通胀预期的影响。基于2005年、2007年和2009年三年的中国城镇居民家庭调查混合截面数据,考虑到居民对政府信任程度的内生性可能,工具变量回归结果显示:在经济形势平稳时,居民的政府信任程度对其预期的未来通胀水平没有显著影响;在经济形势较好时,居民较高的政府信任程度会导致其预期的未来通胀水平较低,即这种影响显著为负;在经济形势较差时,这种影响显著为正。此外,与初中教育程度以下的居民相比,初中教育程度及以上的居民的政府信任程度对其通胀预期的影响更显著。这说明,不同的经济形势下,政府会在经济增长、充分就业与物价稳定等宏观调控目标之间权衡,而这种权衡会通过居民的政府信任机制对其通胀预期产生不同影响。本文的政策涵义在于:相关部门在制订通胀预期管理政策时,应该充分考虑政策作用客体即居民的异质性特征对政策效力影响的可能性和复杂性。 相似文献
Juin-Jen Chang 《The Journal of economic education》2013,44(4):369-380
The authors present a pedagogical graphical exposition to illustrate the stabilizing effect of price target zones. Based on a textbook AD-AS apparatus, they find that authorities' commitment to defend a price target zone will affect the public's inflation expectations and, in turn, reduce actual inflation. They also find that, when the economy experiences supply shocks, the announcement that the monetary authorities intend to defend a price target zone will reduce the variability of domestic prices but raise the variability of domestic output relative to a free-price regime. However, when the economy experiences demand shocks, a price target zone tends to lower the variability of both domestic prices and out-put relative to a free-price regime. 相似文献
Carlos A. Carrasco 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):3295-3304
In this article we analyse inflation expectations in Mexico. After a review of the theoretical and empirical literature, we apply unit root, normality and cointegration tests to the data provided by Banco de México (Banxico) in the Survey on the Expectations of the Private Sector Economics Specialists. Our results reject the null hypothesis of normality for inflation expectations over the period 2004:01–2011:12. The exchange rate has become one of the most relevant variables in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in a small open economy. In this regard, we show the existence of a long-run relationship between nominal exchange rate and interest rate where inflation expectations matter for long-term dynamics. 相似文献
Marcello Miccoli 《Applied economics》2019,51(6):651-662
In the second half of 2012, euro area inflation started declining and reached historical lows at the end of 2014. Market-based measures of inflation expectations also declined to unprecedented levels. During this disinflationary period, inflation releases have often surprised analysts on the downside. We provide evidence that inflation ‘surprises’ have significant effects on inflation expectations. The sensitivity of inflation expectations to the surprises, which has varied over time, disappeared after the introduction of the Asset Purchase Programme by the European Central Bank. 相似文献
房地产价格与通货膨胀预期 总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29
文章通过构建房地产均衡市场模型,在风险中性的假设前提下,利用无套利均衡定价原理,发展了从房地产价格波动中分离出市场通货膨胀预期的新方法.在此基础上,通过对中国房地产市场的实证研究发现,房地产预期收益率与通货膨胀预期之间确实存在稳定的函数关系.最后,文章提出将房地产价格纳入到居住类消费价格指数中去以减少货币政策认识时滞的政策建议. 相似文献
Inflation expectations are known to be quite heterogeneous across agents. We investigate whether this heterogeneity is primarily due to differences in people’s understanding of the inflation process and of the goals and intentions of the central bank. Using micro data from a survey conducted among 2000 Austrian households, we construct an indicator of “inflation literacy” from several questions on people’s knowledge about different aspects of inflation. We find that this indicator helps explain both the level and the uncertainty of inflation expectations: Households with relatively higher levels of inflation literacy tend to have lower and more accurate short-term and long-term inflation expectations. Interestingly, however, they are less certain about their inflation expectations than people with lower levels of inflation literacy. We also find that people’s trust in the central bank and in its ability to maintain price stability significantly dampens their inflation expectations. 相似文献
不良资产一般形成于经济高速增长时期,尤其是在通货膨胀时期及泡沫时期,而显露于经济低速增长时期和通货紧缩时期。通过计量模型实证检验分析,发现货币供应以Granger因果关系引起GDP的变动,从而表明历史货币有助于预测未来GDP,据此,提出了适度通货膨胀在增加名义GDP的情况下,可以化解银行不良资产的思路,并用模型实证这一结果的可能性。 相似文献
当前,中国的通货膨胀压力不断增大,研究发现,中国目前的通货膨胀主要是由供给推动所致,且以经济"滞胀"为显著特点。因此,决策者应通过扩大产出来抑制供给型通货膨胀,避免使经济由"滞胀"转向"衰退"的轨道。 相似文献
中国通货膨胀率及其波动关系分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
有关通货膨胀率和通货膨胀率波动影响关系,存在F riedm an-B a ll和Cuk ierm an-M e ltzer两种假说,即存在通货膨胀率及其波动的相互影响关系。使用GARCH和TGARCH模型,选择中国1993~2004年月度通货膨胀率数据,检验结果表明F riedm an-B a ll假说成立,稳健的货币政策对经济发展有积极作用。 相似文献
文章从中国宏观政策现实出发,分析了预期形成机制对宏观政策搭配及通胀预期管理的影响.研究发现,基于学习型预期的动态随机一般均衡模型不仅能刻画预期通胀与实际通胀之间的趋势一致性与持续偏离,还能反映中国人民银行所公布的物价预期指数和国家统计局所公布的消费者预期指数的变化情况.从通胀预期管理角度看,宏观政策搭配不仅受基本面因素制约,还受公众预期形成机制的显著影响,并且应适时地由传统的"一松一紧"模式转变为"双松"或"双紧"模式.在当前形势下,宏观政策应侧重于"精确制导式"的定向调控,加大经济体制改革力度,完善经济供给面,以配合总需求并锁定政策目标.同时,通过积极沟通,塑造和稳定公众对宏观政策的预期,扩大政策调控空间,以实现经济平稳增长. 相似文献
Alberto Prati 《Review of Income and Wealth》2024,70(1):213-238
In terms of well-being, how costly is inflation? To answer this question, empirical evaluations have typically studied average inflation rates at the national level, thus disregarding the role of inflation inequalities within a country. In this article, we relax the assumptions that heterogeneous consumers face homogeneous inflation rates, and study the correlation between price changes and self-reported satisfaction with living standards. We use newly available data from France and adopt two approaches. First, we focus on individually perceived inflation and use the internationally harmonized Opinion Price Index as a proxy for experienced inflation. Variations in perceived inflation help predict well-being differences among consumers, even when controlling for relevant sociodemographic factors, personality traits, and common method variance. We estimate their marginal impact to be higher than equivalent variations in nominal income. Second, we compare groups of consumers over time and find that changes in the price of a good disproportionately affect the relative well-being of those who consume it. The study shows that the well-being cost of the inflation crisis would be underestimated if looking at aggregate figures only. 相似文献