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减排量购买协议是清洁发展机制运行中十分重要的法律协议。《京都议定书》的第一承诺期即将结束,减排量购买协议将面临法律环境变化引发协议存续风险、协议条款具体规定等法律风险问题。我国应尽快弥补国内清洁发展机制法律法规的不足,清洁发展机制参与方应及时正确全面地评估减排量购买协议可能带来的风险,积极修改完善已签订的减排量购买协议。  相似文献   

气候变暖是备受各国关注的政治议题,在1997年召开的联合国气候变化框架公约大会上,呼吁发达国家以经济和技术的方式为减少温室气体排放做出积极贡献,《京都协定书》和CDM机制正是这一背景下的产物。2005年协议生效至今,在实践上已取得可喜进展,但对基本原理和操作流程等方面的研究显得薄弱。与市场潜力比较而言,国内CDM项目建设能力明显滞后。针对这一现状,本文首先从意义、程序和计算方法学着手阐述CDM机制,并以水电项目为例,探讨减排量核算及碳融资额外性等问题。实践表明,通过核证减排量和交易价格去履行社会环境职责,CDM双效机制作用显著。  相似文献   

气候变暖是备受各国关注的政治议题,在1997年召开的联合国气候变化框架公约大会上,呼吁发达国家以经济和技术的方式为减少温室气体排放做出积极贡献,《京都协定书》和CDM机制正是这一背景下的产物。2005年协议生效至今,在实践上已取得可喜进展,但对基本原理和操作流程等方面的研究显得薄弱。与市场潜力比较而言,国内CDM项目建设能力明显滞后。针对这一现状,本文首先从意义、程序和计算方法学着手阐述CDM机制,并以水电项目为例,探讨减排量核算及碳融资额外性等问题。实践表明,通过核证减排量和交易价格去履行社会环境职责,CDM双效机制作用显著。  相似文献   

国际清洁发展机制(简称"CDM机制")是<联合国气候变化框架公约>(以下简称<气候公约>)和<京都议定书>(以下简称<议定书>)规定的跨界进行温室气体减排三种机制之一,其目的是允许附件一缔约方以通过提供资金和技术的方式,与发展中国家开展项目级的合作,而项目所实现的"经核证的减排量"(CERs),可以用于发达国家缔约方完成<议定书>减排目标的承诺.  相似文献   

<京都议定书>创设了发达国家和发展中国家就温室气体减排进行合作的清洁发展机制(CDM),为发达国家履行温室气体减排义务提供途径,同时为发展中国家的可持续发展提供支持.在此框架下,中国已成为全球CDM市场的最大卖家,浙江也大有机会.目前,浙江企业从CDM获得的效应已初现,但还有较大利用空间.为充分利用CDM,需掌握CDM项目开发的条件、程序以及减排量交易的程序,关注CDM蕴藏的商机和风险,加强政府部门和企业的CDM能力建设,以获得CDM可带来的经济效益和环境效益,同时促进浙江的节能减排工作.  相似文献   

CDM(清洁发展机制)是为协助发达国家实现温室气体减排目标的一种灵活履约机制。当前国际CDM项目竞争较为激烈,我国CDM项目在国际融资过程中始终处于劣势。发展我国地区间CDM投融资模式,有利于降低国内CDM项目对外依存度,缓解排污权份额的需求量不足,促进国内CDM项目的发展。地区间CDM投融资模式是将排污权的分配分为初次分配和再次有偿分配。相关的政策建议是:加强参与主体对地区间CDM投融资模式的认知度与开发积极性、鼓励国内相关机构或企业成为排污权份额的买方、以地区间CDM投融资模式作为构建全国性碳交易市场的基石等。  相似文献   

罗堃  叶仁道 《经济地理》2011,31(3):493-499
清洁发展机制(CDM)下的低碳技术转移,对企业低碳技术进步及节能减排具有重要意义。本文通过Logit模型和两步骤实证分析,揭示中国CDM项目下低碳技术转移的影响因素及其作用机理。研究表明:核证减排量(CER)收益是技术转移的根本动力,而项目规模、CER价格及其形成机制、买方类型及其市场势力、政府对此类收益作征税率等因素则可通过影响收益作用于技术转移。此外,由碳交易机构、科研机构或政府部门提供咨询,可显著促进技术转移。中间商亦可凭借专业化优势或资源配置效率产生正面作用,不同程度地抵消其市场势力所致不利影响。尤应关注的是,项目所在地经济落后程度、企业单纯追逐短期经济利益的市场失灵、金融资本的价格操控、已有相似项目的累积等,会显著制约技术转移。最后,文章提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)自2005年启动以来,受到了发达国家与发展中国家的普遍欢迎,我国实施的CDM项目数量与减排量均占世界第一位。但坎昆会议的结果既为全球气候合作带来了有利的共识,也为CDM发展带来了不确定性与约束。因此,我国在后坎昆时代应根据国际气候政治形势变化及国内经济可持续发展的需要,制订了相应的CDM发展策略。  相似文献   

宝钢集团1月23日发布消息说,宝钢已与英国瑞碳公司、瑞士信贷集团签署了宝钢分公司4号发电机组“核证减排量买卖协议”。此举表明宝钢正积极参与全球气候变化国际合作和二氧化碳减排量的国际交易。据了解,作为联合国清洁发展机制项目,宝钢上述4号发电机组未来5年预计可实现二氧化碳减排600万吨。根据协议,瑞碳和瑞信在此期间将向宝钢总投资超过6000万欧元,  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)项目方法学的主要内容包括适用范围、基准线情景识别、额外性论证、减排量计算方法和监测方法等。固体废弃物处理领域已有5个CDM项目方法学获得联合国的批准。文章分析了这些方法学在国内外的应用现状,指出了在我国实施过程中所面临的关键问题和挑战,并对方法学的应用前景进行了评述和展望。  相似文献   

Under the Kyoto Protocol, industrialized countries committed to emission reductions may fullfil part of their obligations by implementing emission reduction projects in developing countries. In doing so, they make use of the so-called Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Two important issues surround the implementation of the CDM. First, if the cheapest abatement measures are implemented for CDM projects, developing countries may be left with only more expensive measures when they have to meet their own commitments in the future (the so-called low-hanging fruits (LHF) issue). Second, a choice must be made on the type of baseline against which emission reductions are measured: an absolute baseline or a relative (to output) one (the baseline issue). The purpose of this paper is to study the interactions between these two issues from the point of view of the developing country. Two major results are obtained. First, when possible future commitments for developing countries and irreversibility of abatement measures are taken into account, we show that the industry where CDM projects are implemented enjoys larger profits under an absolute baseline than under a relative one. Second, concerning the LHF problem, the financial compensation required by the developing country for implementing ‘too many’ CDM projects is larger under the relative baseline.  相似文献   

To date, developed countries can only tap mitigation opportunities in developing countries by investing in projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Yet CDM investments have so far failed to reach all of the high-potential sectors identified in IPCC reports. This raises doubts about whether the CDM will be able to generate an adequate supply of credits from the limited areas where it has proved successful. Our paper examines the current trajectory of potential mitigation entering the CDM pipeline and projects it forward under the assumption that the diffusion of the CDM will follow a path similar to other kinds of innovations. Projections are then compared to pre-CDM predictions of the mechanism's potential market size used to assess Kyoto's cost, in order to discern whether limits on the types of project entering the pipeline will also limit the eventual supply of certified emission reductions (CERs). The main finding of the paper is that the mechanism is on track to deliver an average annual flow of roughly 700 million CERs by the close of 2012 and nearly to 1100 million tons by 2020. Parameter tests suggest that currently identified CDM investments will exceed early model predictions of the potential market for CDM projects.  相似文献   

《京都议定书》第12条“清洁发展机制(CDM)”规定,发达国家可以帮助发展中国家实施减排项目,并为自身的可持续发展服务。CDM宣告一个巨大的全球碳排放权交易市场已形成。这对于从事新能源、节能等行业的企业是一个巨大的商机。文章通过分析云南省CDM项目在销售谈判中存在的问题,提出了加强云南省CDM项目国际谈判能力的相关建议。  相似文献   

Global climate change has been identified as the ftrst of the top ten environmental problems in the world,As climate change will have serious effects on the social and economic development and everyday living of people in the world,many of the countries and governments are taking untiring efforts to combat climate change.As one of the important mechanisms of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kyoto Protocol,Clean DevelopmentMechanism (CDM) has not only provided chance.for developed countries to ftdfill greenhouse emission reduction obligations,but also provided an opportunity for developing countries to combat climate change under the sustainabledevelopment frame.The dual objectives of developed countries' GHG emissions' reduction obligation achievement and developing countries'sustainable development will be achieved under the CDM.As a country with responsibility,China has been positively developing CDM projects and promoting energy saving and emissions reduction during the three years after the Kyoto Protocol came into force,and CDM projects development has always been in the front tank in the world However,as the vast clime within China,notable differences occur in different regions.In order to promote the CDM development in China,it is necessary to have regional CDM capability construction in accor dance with the practicality in different regions.Based on the Slat Analysis of developed CDM projects and current CDM development status in China,problems in the CDM development of China,including the inefficiency in sinall and medium-sized CDM Projects development,over centralization of CDM development scope and especially the differentiated provincial CDM projects developing capability are pointed out in the paper.What's more,reasons forthe problems are analyzed from the leading factors,including policy orient,information asymmetry and weak CDMcapability.In order to promote CDM projects development in China,a new CDM capability construction model is put forward in the paper  相似文献   

CDM is an offset mechanism designed to reduce the overall cost of implementing a given global target for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Annex B countries of the Kyoto Protocol. A problem with CDM is that it provides incentives to increase, if possible, the baseline emissions for CDM projects, to optimize the value of CDM credits. Under a “relative baselines” crediting rule, the CDM may also unduly increase energy consumption even during the CDM implementation phase. Less than full offset of emissions is then likely, and the CDM will lead to increased global GHG emissions. We show that this is a potentially serious problem, due to asymmetric information between project hosts and the regulator, the CDM Executive Board, and to the basic rules for crediting CDM quotas. In certain cases, the use of “relative baselines” to credit CDM quotas could fully eliminate any emissions reductions achieved by CDM projects. Remedies to overcome the problems are discussed. They may involve setting the baseline independently of initial energy intensity and final output for the project; or involve information revelation mechanisms that minimize policy losses and net rent capture by project sponsors.  相似文献   

国际CDM融资渠道及云南省CDM潜在领域融资潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》确定的,用于帮助发达国家以最小成本方式实现温室气体限控和减排义务,并为发展中国家参与方提供的一种新型融资机制。本文从CDM项目的融资渠道入手,结合云南省目前CDM项目的融资现状,对云南省CDM潜在领域的融资潜力进行了分析。  相似文献   

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has given birth to an international carbon trading market prosperity, which provides developing countries with valuable opportunity to address climate change issues right along with economic development and environmental improvement to achieve sustainable development. However, most studies of CDM focus on economics, and few on its legal problems. CDM involves too many aspects. And the clear legal attribute of trading object is the basis of progress of the transaction and also the start point of legal protection. Therefore, this paper in accordance with the inherent principle of property rights economics, and environmental economics in CDM, only discusses CDM carbon emission right legal interpretation and its attribution. The paper recommends that in order to ensure and promote the carbon emission right trading, carbon emission right should be attributed into the system of real rights to be regulated by Real Right Law. In this way, carbon emission right can gain exclusive power of possession and use, which can achieve a clear right definition of environmental goods in line with Coase's theory to protect Chinese profit in carbon trading market and promote the development of the carbon trading market further.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the market for carbon quotas and countries' commitments to reduce their carbon emission levels. We show that the CDM contributes to an efficient funding of clean technology investments in least developed countries. However, the CDM is not neutral on the global level of carbon emissions as it entices countries to raise their emission caps. The CDM may also make inappropriate the inclusion of any country that takes no emission abatement commitment. It can even make inefficient a country's decision to commit to an emission target. The implications of the presence of non‐additional projects are also analyzed.  相似文献   

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