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关于保险金融集团综合经营模式共生界面特征的计量研究,既为保险金融集团综合经营共生界面业务单元选择及组合方式提供依据,也为保险金融集团综合经营模式优化完善提供理论性策略。构建了保险金融集团综合经营模式的共生界面特征参数体系及数学分析模型,创新性地提出共生界面的能量效率分配的相对临界系数和绝对临界系数。研究了共生界面特征参数的量化计算方法,形成了基于共生理论对共生界面特征量化研究的理论基础。  相似文献   

偏好、禀赋、技术与企业产权制度的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对要素所有者的最大化行为的分析发现,企业产权分配依赖于要素的投入系数和产出系数,企业所依存的偏好、禀赋和技术条件正是通过对这两个参数的影响而主导着企业产权制度的发展.从历史过程和这三个条件的发展趋势来看,企业产权制度演进的趋势必然是以人力资本为主导的联合产权制度.  相似文献   

Economic educators often profess the goal of teaching our students to “think like economists.” Since Siegfried and colleagues (1991) coined this phrase, its meaning has been interpreted as a focus on analytical concepts and methods of economics as opposed to the broader goal of preparing students for independent, critical thought in the complex world beyond college. Colander and McGoldrick (2009b) argued that students are more likely to achieve both of these objectives when the learning process includes open-ended questions that encourage them to move beyond algorithmic application of textbook principles. In this article, the authors operationalize this “big think” approach through an instructional module on differential tuition pricing, the development of which was enhanced by careful attention to contemporary learning theory.  相似文献   

选取泰尔系数、加权变异系数、城乡收入比、城乡收入差4个指标变量反映收入差距水平,对三角地区16个地级市2005—2011年间城乡收入差距水平进行实证分析。结果表明:在研究窗内,城乡收入差距绝对值增大但相对值减小,反映出农村居民纯收入的增长率开始高于城镇居民人均可支配收入增长率;泰尔系数、加权变异系数、城乡收入比的变化趋势趋同,总体处于下降趋势,表明城乡收入差距有所改善。根据分析结果,最后给出政策性建议。  相似文献   

廖保华 《时代经贸》2007,5(6X):14-14,16
CAPM(资本资产定价模型)是建立在一定的假设前提基础之上的,实际运用时,应考虑到其特定条件,正确理解贝他系数的含义及其计算方法。  相似文献   

We show that Rohlfss (1974) model is a special case of a spatial monopoly model á la Hotelling (1929) with uniform consumer distribution and quadratic transportation costs, where location is exogenous and the good yields no intrinsic utility. By relaxing these assumptions, we prove that the coordination problem typically thought to affect markets for network goods may not arise in general. Endogenizing location makes it easier for the monopolist to extract consumer surplus but also to cover the entire market. We also show that the main conclusions remain qualitatively unmodified if consumer distribution is triangular.revised version received September 16, 2003  相似文献   

主要应用投入产出分析方法及其模型,依据江苏省2007年投入产出表数据资料,计算出金融业及各部门的直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数、感应度系数等有关指标,从总产出及其使用情况、总投入及其结构、直接产业关联和完全产业关联等角度,就金融业对江苏省经济的直接影响和完全影响进行了实证分析。分析结果表明江苏省金融业是江苏省经济体系中极为重要的产业组成部分,但与其他产业关联度不高,对经济发展的拉动作用较弱,属于强制约力、弱辐射力的产业。  相似文献   

在介绍几种组合评价法的基础上,以2005年保定市22个县的经济发展状况为实例,通过对这些组合评价法的事前事后检验,包括肯达尔一致性系数检验和斯皮尔曼等级相关系数检验,筛选出最优组合评价法:平均值法。它在一定程度上克服了采用单一综合评价法的片面性,并且在兼容性方面优于其他的组合评价法,兼容性越强,代表性更高,可靠性更高,以此作为评选最优评价方法的依据。  相似文献   

杨正军 《开放时代》2010,(2):149-158
学界恢复对中国善会善堂组织的研究已有30多年,这些年来,相关研究已经取得了长足的进步,但同时也存在着一些不足之处。本文拟对近30年来国内外学者有关中国善会善堂的研究做一综述,总结和概括前人研究的特点,寻找以往研究的缺失与不足,藉此找出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Logistic违约率模型的最优样本配比与分界点研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Logistic模型是研究违约率的主流方法之一,但目前的研究未能对最优样本配比与分界点这两个基本问题给予足够的重视.文章就此展开研究,设计了15种典型的样本配比临界点的情景,通过实证比较的方法得出1:3的样本配比与0.647的临界点比较适合我国的情况.而常用的1:1的样本配比可能并不适用.  相似文献   

This paper studies the evaluation method of the performances of corporation that was set up by the Financial Ministry in 1999, and then analyzes the advantages and the problems of the method. Finally, this paper studies the theoretical method of the evaluation of the performances of corporation.  相似文献   

It is well-known that there is a trade-off among the properties of population principles that are used to make social evaluations when the number of people in the society under consideration may vary. The commonly used principles either lead to the repugnant conclusion (which is the case for classical utilitarianism), or they violate the Pareto-plus principle and related properties (average utilitarianism is an example of such a principle). This paper examines the nature of this trade-off and shows that the incompatibility between avoiding the repugnant conclusion and the Pareto-plus principle is fundamental and not restricted to the commonly used population principles.  相似文献   

何永芳 《财经科学》2006,(9):119-124
根据各产业几年的增长率、需求收入弹性、影响力系数和感应度系数以及四川省情等几个基本原则,经多次筛选,最后确定四川"十一五"时期的主导产业为化学工业、医药工业、电力工业、交通运输设备制造业、电子信息产业和旅游业六个产业.  相似文献   

阐述了如何应用系统功能语法和三维分析模式进行批评性语篇分析,具体包括对Fairclough的三维分析模式和Halliday的系统功能语法的说明,以及在进行批评性语篇分析时如何采用Halliday的系统功能语法补充和发展Fairclough的三维分析模式。  相似文献   

Original institutional economics (OIE) has three significant, but apparently contradictory, definitions of institution(s) stemming from Thorstein Veblen, John Commons, and J. Fagg Foster. In this first installment of a two-part paper I address this apparent contradiction by developing an "irenic reconciliation" of these definitions using a methodological approach I call "critical institutionalism"— a synthesis of the OIE in the tradition of the Veblen, Commons, and Foster, the pragmatism theory of Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, the critical realist methodology of Margaret Archer, and the critical realism of Roy Bhaskar. In so doing, I provide an alternative discussion to that of some current institutionalists who propose to replace the existing OIE definitions of institution(s) with "consensual definitions" developed in the discourse with non-OIE traditions. I propose that there is still considerable analytical value in the OIE definitions, and that replacing them with non-OIE-originating concepts would unnecessarily carry OIE away from its methodological and philosophical roots. In the second installment of this paper (yet to be published), I proceed to demonstrate the analytical value these "reconciled" definitions have for the OIE project.  相似文献   

This paper presents response surface estimates of finite sample critical values of the Augmented Fractional Dickey–Fuller test of Dolado et al. (Testing I(1) against I(d) alternatives in the presence of deterministic components. Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, mimeo, 2006). The null hypothesis that a series contains a unit root is tested against the alternative that it is fractionally integrated. It is shown that finite sample critical values depend critically on the lag order used to construct the test statistic as well as the hypothesized value of the fractional differencing parameter under the alternative. Non-linear non-parametric response surfaces provide a novel approach to constructing estimates of finite sample critical values.   相似文献   

为了适应社会主义市场经济稳定发展的需要,各地区陆续实行了城镇居民最低生活保障金制度。但因各地区经济发展水平、物价指数以及消费习惯等原因,保障金水平差异较大。对各地区“低保”标准合理性作比较时,往往缺乏一个较为客观的参照基准。根据各地区城镇居民家庭平均月支出水平与恩格尔系数之间的关系创建了最低生活保障参照基准LSBi和最低生活保障参照系数LSCi,并对选定的一批样本城市的实际低保水平作了验证与比较,具有可操作性。  相似文献   

Although analysis of the imposition of an excise tax is widely used in economics courses, the consequences of a change in the tax rate—the more relevant case—are different and ignored. This article presents an effective way of teaching such a change.  相似文献   

张茂松 《经济经纬》2005,(4):101-104
社会主义市场经济条件下农村合作医疗保险问题是关系到农村社会稳定和社会经济发展的重要问题。目前农村合作医疗保险存在的主要问题是由于资金及管理等无法有效满足农民的需求而导致实际操作过程中违规现象严重。有鉴于此,在构建农村新型合作医疗保险体系时,应强化各级政府和相关部门服务于民的责任和意识;加大对农村合作医疗卫生的投资力度,并加强监督和管理。  相似文献   

随着工业化和城市化的发展,供水成本的不断上升和水资源的日益稀缺已经成为经济社会发展的一大障碍。水价政策能够在解决这些问题上发挥重要的作用。无论是工业和服务业用水、城市居民用水还是农业用水,其价格都应该体现水资源成本、供水成本和环境成本。水价改革必须在确定保障正常生产生活的基本用水量的基础上,通过水资源成本和环境成本在水价格中的充分体现,兼顾水企业和用水主体的利益,达到节约用水和水资源环境可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

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