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黄庆铨 《广告大观》2008,(10):51-51
广东消费者的购买能力很强,消费理念成熟,他们已经不再局限于生存资料的消费,而去追求物质的享受和生活的品味。所以,广东的消费者更了解品牌的价值,况且品牌本身就是品质的一种保障。  相似文献   

中国是一个区域文化异极大的国度,不同地区的消费群体有不同的心理特质和消费习惯,习惯上,将东三省以地理位置区分,统称东北,由于气候的关系,东北人有大碗喝酒以御寒的习惯,烧刀子培育出了东北汉子能敢、侠义,豪爽、冲动的性性格,讲话大嗓门、热心助人、不拘小节、爱面子,区域特征十分鲜明。东北在全国不是富裕的地区,但高档皮草市场火爆异常,爱要面子、追求时尚,东北消费者有超前消费的倾向,市场潜力巨大。针对不同地区文化价值和地理、风俗的差异,提供差异化的产品和服务,才能带来经营疆界的扩张,  相似文献   

为实现经济的可持续发展,摒弃推崇物质财富和过度物质享受的畸形消费观,改变传统消费方式,必须构建绿色消费文化。绿色消费文化是一种在当代人类社会生存和发展出现危机的环境中综合考虑环境影响、资源效率和消费者权利的新型消费观。它包括绿色消费观念文化、绿色消费制度文化、绿色消费行为文化和绿色消费物质文化四种形态,四种形态之间既相互依存,又相互作用、相互制约。  相似文献   

1979年,广东的深圳、珠海、汕头成为经济特区,此后30年,东南沿海的这一方天地缔造了一个又一个消费的神话。  相似文献   

消费文化与文化消费   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以精神文化产品及相应服务形成的"消费文化",与广大群众不同层面的"文化消费"需求,构成了文化产业链条中最重要的两端。在文化产业的发展中占据着举足轻重的地位,甚至可以影响文化产业的发展规模与方向。本文就文化产业发展中的消费文化与文化消费问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

消费社会文化消费的现实性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化消费展现出当代意义的消费文化形态,在资本和市场的强力推动下,文化消费一方面表征社会的文明进步,同时也凸显文化的工具理性姿态。文化消费领域的二律背反要求我们分别从心态、观念、制度和实践等层面对其作出正确引导。  相似文献   

消费者行为研究的新视野—消费文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

高职院校大学生文化消费分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国大学生文化消费增长迅速,但目前还处于较低层次。因此应努力营造健康有序的文化消费环境,并进一步加强教育引导,培养学生文化消费的良好习惯。  相似文献   

成波俊 《糖烟酒周刊》2005,(2):A002-A002
中国人口众多,酒的消费市场潜力巨大。2005年洋酒进口关税下调,洋酒争先涌人中国市场,似乎是抢占了市场,就赢得了消费者。但我看来未必如此。中西方文化有着巨大的差异,消费观念和习惯也有着很大的区别。洋酒在进入中国市场最先要做的是文化宣传,必须先培养起中国人消费洋酒的习惯,让中国人对洋酒的口感及消费理念,逐渐适应,  相似文献   

分析消费需求引发购买欲望丁丽琼人的需要和行为是紧密相关的。消费者有心理需求将引发购买行为,其购买行为的产生又是受其心理支配的。正如恩格斯所指出:"推动人去从事活动的一切,都要通过人的大脑,甚至吃喝也是通过大脑感觉到饥渴引起的,并且是由于同样通过大脑感...  相似文献   

天人合一的自然之气,原始宗教的诡秘之意,万物有灵的意象之美,辟邪求吉的生存之愿,海纳百川的开放之概,造就了才华恣肆、闲散虚浮的巴蜀文化。经历了历史的洗涤与锤炼,在消费领域中投射出了川渝地区独特的休闲文明。 川渝市场是一个具有独特个性的区域市场,消费者有着独特的消费偏好和行为理念。川渝地区是中国西部的商业文明中心.不仅引领着西南市场,对西部地区也有巨大的影响力。对川渝消费市场的观察与分析,希望对进军中国西部特别是川渝地区市场的营销活动,有一些启示。  相似文献   

中国人注重饮食,以至于很多事都拿“吃”来打比方,一个人能捱得苦叫‘‘吃苦”,一个人受欢迎叫“吃香”,一个女子看到丈夫对另一个女子热情些就会“吃醋”,以至于治理一个国家也用“烹小鲜”来比喻。在这么一个注重吃的国度中,又以广东为首,所谓“食在广东”,细微处见大学问,简单的饮食中却反应出了广东消费文化的概貌。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):127-129
This essay examines the processes through which technology and technological capabilities were transferred by parent companies to their foreign affiliates in Canada, focusing on three companies covering the period from the 1880s to the 1950s. The three companies are: Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, which was affiliated with American Bell/American Telephone &; Telegraph during this period; Canadian Vickers Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the British firm, Vickers Ltd, from 1910 to 1927; and Canadian Industries Ltd (CIL) which was jointly owned by the American firm, Du Pont, and the British Company, Imperial Chemical industries Ltd, from 1910 to 1952. In each case the major factors affecting decisions involving transfers of technology were: the general strategic objectives of the parent firm(s); the role played by managers in the affiliated firm in negotiating for these transfers; and the degree of control exercised by the parent company over the Canadian enterprise.  相似文献   

冯启 《广告大观》2008,(12):58-60
东北三省地处中国最东边的高纬度地区,下辖黑龙江、吉林、辽宁三省,总人口一亿零七百一十五万,白酒、啤酒、服装等产品的消费总量和人均消费都居全国前列,在中国的消费市场板块上有着举足轻重的作用,是企业的兵家必争之地。  相似文献   

The globalization of American‐style consumer culture has invited transformations in attitudes towards money in many societies around the world, rich and poor. However, the majority of research in this area has focused on affluent countries. Towards redress, I report on a study that examined the psychometric properties of Yamauchi and Templer's (1982 ) money attitude scale (MAS) using a sample drawn from Ghana, West Africa. The findings suggest that although the MAS needs to be reconfigured for effective use in Ghana, Ghanaians have attitudes towards money that are similar in most respects to what has been observed in wealthier countries, which suggests the global reach of consumer culture. Limitations and future research are proposed.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Eastern consumers respond more favorably to anthropomorphic products than their Western counterparts. In the present work, we examine the validity of this common intuition and uncover the specific cultural dimension underlying this difference in consumer response. Specifically, across a cross-national field study and three controlled experiments, we demonstrate that collectivistic consumers favor anthropomorphic products more than non-anthropomorphic products, whereas non-collectivistic consumers do not display this relative preference. This interactive effect holds across various product categories, regardless of whether collectivistic thinking is measured, manipulated, or operationalized based on nationality or ethnicity. We offer managerial and theoretical implications that stem from our findings.  相似文献   

This article discusses the morality of spending (i.e. the unnecessary spending) as well as the freedom of spending in Finnish consumer narratives written by 16‐ to 19‐ year‐old pupils. First, the study explores different meanings of the unnecessary spending discourse. Second, the study argues that young consumers are using a wastrel metaphor (i.e. a squanderer, a prodigal son/daughter) as a symbol of liberation from the shame of spending. A narrative research approach is applied for the collection and analysis of data and illustrating the results. The qualitative data were collected in five upper secondary schools between November 2001 and May 2002. The morality of spending comprises various significances, although the discourse is often pleasure‐oriented for youth. Some youngsters define the unnecessary spending as a criticism of the consumer society. Furthermore, the discourse strengthens self‐control as well as helps to arrange both positive and negative consumer experiences. Thus, the morality of spending is a part of the process of growing up as a consumer and constructing a consumer identity.  相似文献   

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