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金融自由化将推动金融业由分业经营向混业经营转变,这是我国金融体制改革趋势。本文基于金融共生理论角度分析目前我国银行与保险的关系,从共生单元、共生模式和共生环境来阐述制约我国银保共生的因素,并提出了要强化银保共生单元,完善银保对称性互惠共生模式,改善银保共生环境,促进银行与保险和谐共生发展。  相似文献   

杨松令  张薇 《会计师》2010,(3):9-11
本文试图利用生态学理论研究上市公司大、小股东之间的关系。根据生态学中种间关系的定义,通过对大、小股东关系的分析,认为二者属于不同种群,大、小股东关系从本质上看属于共生关系。在此基础上,我们分析了目前大、小股东的共生状态及存在的问题,提出二者的共生模式应向对称性互惠共生模式转变的观点。  相似文献   

本文基于共生理论的视角,采用2014-2019年商业银行存贷款余额和P2P平台交易规模月度数据,引入VAR模型对两者之间的共生关系和共生模式进行实证分析。研究结论表明,两者之间存在明显的非对称互惠共生模式,虽然两者之间存在共生关系,但共生度并不高。未来,应从提高共生主体自身能力、优化共生利益分配机制、完善动态激励共生环境等方面深化两者共生关系。  相似文献   

叶才慧 《金卡工程》2010,14(6):250-251
心理契约作为联系企业和员工的心理纽带,是影响员工行为和态度的重要因素,对企业管理的有效实施至关重要。上世纪60年代,国外学者开始研究心理契约在组织中是如何发挥作用的,并取得众多研究成果。当今企业内外部环境日益突变,劳动关系也随之发生了显著变化。本文立足于新形势背景下,分析心理契约的现实意义,并探讨其在应用方面的不足之处。  相似文献   

企业领导权变奖励影响员工职业承诺有赖于由员工心理契约违背中介完成并受制于员工权力距离的调节。笔者基于组织公平理论,构建了企业领导权变奖励影响员工职业承诺机制的一个有调节的中介模型,在此基础上以590份来自对中国大陆企业普通员工问卷调查的有效数据,运用层级回归和bootstrap方法实证检验了企业领导权变奖励与员工职业承诺之间的关联。检验结果证实:企业领导权变奖励显著正向影响员工职业承诺;员工心理契约违背部分中介作用于企业领导权变奖励对员工职业承诺的影响;员工权力距离既与企业领导权变奖励影响员工职业承诺的关系负相关,也反向调节此间员工心理契约违背的中介作用。本研究通过尝试性地将员工心理契约违背和员工权力距离等相关变量引入对企业领导权变奖励影响员工职业承诺关系模型的实证检验,揭示了企业领导权变奖励对员工职业承诺的相关影响机理,从领导奖励层次与员工职业承诺的关联上扩展了组织公平理论的应用边界,丰富了有关公司内部治理方面的现有文献,研究结论有助于为企业经营管理中制定科学合理的奖惩条例和处理好企业领导与员工的干群关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杨瑜  李志强 《金卡工程》2009,13(5):184-184
心理契约是管理领域新兴起的研究内容,是改善组织员工和组织之间关系的重要切入点。和谐的心理契约对于有效激励员工工作的积极性和主动性,提升工作满意度和忠诚度,提升组织绩效都有重要影响。本文从心理契约概念入手,通过探讨心理契约对于组织及员工的作用,提出相关的对策和建议,旨在能够推动组织之间建立和谐的心理契约关系,实现组织与员工良性互动的目的。  相似文献   

新生代员工已成为企业的中坚力量,但鉴于新生代员工自身的特点,企业如何构建与新生代员工的心理契约已成为当前组织行为学和人力资源管理领域的研究热点。本文首先对新生代员工的概念进行界定,并指出其特征,对心理契约相关文献进行了简要回顾和总结,在此基础上,探讨了新生代员工给企业心理契约管理带来的挑战,并从企业和员工两个层面提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工对于相互之间责任和义务的理解与期望。近年来,国内外企业的人力资源管理者已经形成共识:作为联系员工与组织之间的心理纽带,心理契约的构建有助于促进企业与员工的共同发展。然而,在企业中,组织和员工双方都可能出现心理契约违背现象。由于心理契约违背无论对员工还是组织本身,都会产生一定的负面影响,所以企业管理者更应重视这一现象。心理契约违背的负效应  相似文献   

基于心理账户的企业员工忠诚管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业员工忠诚对企业的发展至关重要。从心理契约角度对员工忠诚进行管理很新颖,但在管理上的操作性不强,而心理账户的引入可以很好地解决这个问题。心理账户可以分为经济账户和情感账户,其中经济账户主要与交易型心理契约相关联,情感账户主要与关系型心理契约关联。管理者可以通过对员工心理账户的管理作用于员工的心理契约,从而提高员工的忠诚度。  相似文献   

引入金融共生理论,利用Logistic增长模型实证分析互联网金融与小微企业融资的相互作用关系及其影响因素.通过实证分析发现:互联网金融与小微企业间存在正向非对称共生关系,小微企业对互联网金融的影响远超互联网金融对小微金融的影响.在此基础上,提出优化共生环境、推进小微企业发展、充分发挥互联网金融功能的对策.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the general loss–based damages rule when a breach of contract is established, in light of the competing policy objectives of enhancing contract rights v efficient breach. The economic premises behind the theory of efficient breach are briefly discussed. The paper then summarizes the legal background to the House of Lords decision Attorney–General v Blake and Another [2000] 3 WLR 625 where it was ruled that in exceptional cases the plaintiff who has suffered no loss as a result of the breach may recover the resultant profits that the defendant has gained. The court was reluctant to specify fixed rules as to when the discretion should be exercised. The article concludes that the remedy was specifically devised for Blake's case and will have extremely limited application.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国一直没有确立系统的预期违约制度,导致实践中普遍存在的预期违约行为缺乏相应的法律规则;直到1999年《中华人民共和国合同法》颁布实施后,这一局面方得以改变。本文从预期违约行为的含义入手,具体分析了我国确立预期违约制度的必要性以及现行合同法上预期违约制度的主要内容。  相似文献   

CalFed Bancorp is one of 126 S&Ls suing the U.S. government for breach of contract related to supervisory goodwill, a form of goodwill created by the acquisition of insolvent thrifts during the early 1980s. Before a determination of damages in its lawsuit, CalFed announced and issued a litigation participation security giving shareholders a proportional claim on recovered damages, if any. This announcement generated a positive excess return in part because it made CalFed a more likely acquisition target. Trading in the security also reveals important, yet previously unavailable, information about CalFed's lawsuit: its price reveals a market-based estimate of damages while its beta reveals information regarding expected returns and trial duration. In a broader context, this paper identifies acquisition facilitation as a benefit of issuing targeted stock and highlights a series of lawsuits that will set important precedents regarding the determination of liability and the estimation of damages in breach of contract cases.  相似文献   

在知识经济的时代,知识成为组织提升核心竞争力的主要因素。本文基于文献研究提出了国家审计人员心理契约与知识共享行为的关系以及影响这种关系的工作满意度的假设。根据315份问卷的实证研究发现,心理契约与审计人员知识共享行为显著正相关;心理契约与审计人员工作满意度显著正相关;工作满意度与审计人员知识共享行为显著正相关;工作满意度在心理契约与审计人员知识共享行为关系中起部分中介作用。研究结论对于国家审计机关识别审计人员的心理需求,提高工作满意度,促进知识共享有重要的理论意义与实践价值。  相似文献   

We conduct a large scope field investigation of 19 major incidents in 19 large European insurance and banking institutions, based on 116 post-event interviews with managers and top executives over a two-year period. We demonstrate the power of the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) method for detecting human biases documented by the behavioral finance, the organizational behavior and occupational psychology literatures. These biases constitute key operational risk factors these organizations. We find that organizational biases (such as a breach of psychological contract) take center stage as root causes of incidents in these organizations. We also find that banks are more exposed to emotional biases (fear and greed) and insurance companies more subjected to cognitive conservatism as root cause biases. This research has direct implications regarding how banks and insurance companies may cope with regulations that put a greater emphasis on measuring and controlling operational risk and specifically misconduct risk.  相似文献   

Drawing on the psychological contract theory, we examine how the celebrity status of chief executive officers (CEO) influences corporate investment behavior. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2002 to 2019, we find that celebrity CEOs increase corporate investment levels, leading to lower investment efficiency. In addition, they employ more impression management tactics to signal their superior managerial ability, and dodge possible rejections of their investment decisions by having fewer board meetings. Furthermore, since the perceived psychological contract is dynamic, we provide evidence that the association between the celebrity CEO and corporate investment is more pronounced when a firm faces environmental uncertainty, and pressures from intensive industry competition and peers' performance. Our study contributes to corporate finance literature and results indicate that CEOs with celebrity status are pressured to maintain a psychological contract, which in turn, reduce the efficiency of corporate resource allocation.  相似文献   

关于违约责任中是否适用精神损害赔偿一直以来争议颇大,我国至今在立法上未作明确规定,但司法实践中却客观存在,现实生活亟待要求解决这一问题。从保护受害方利益出发,对违约适用精神损害赔偿是非常必要的,但应有一定的限制范围,我国应在借鉴国外立法经验的基础上,在立法和司法中明确它的法律地位。  相似文献   

The attitudes of lending bankers to the use of restrictive ratio covenants in loan contracts are of importance to both corporate management and accounting policy makers. Such attitudes also underly research linking costly contracting with accounting policy choices. This paper reports a survey of 33 UK lending bankers. It analyses their views on (a) the extent of ratio covenants in UK bank loan contracts and factors with which their presence is most likely to be associated; (b) costs that may be imposed on borrowers violating such covenants or expecting to do so; and (c) the ability of borrowers to avoid such costs by appropriate choice of accounting methods. Respondents indicated that ratio covenants are widely used, particularly for loans in excess of £1 million and with companies that are relatively highly geared. ‘High cost’ penalties such as loan acceleration are most likely to be adopted where no prior warning has been given of a covenant breach. Where prior warning has been given, or where a breach is due to an acquisition, waivers and contract renegotiation are more likely responses. Breaches caused by new SSAPs cause few real costs to borrowers, while just under 60% of respondents indicate they may take no action in response to a voluntary accounting method change.  相似文献   

In all European legal systems, the pre-contractual duty of disclosure is the most fundamental duty of the insured. Therefore, it is also the focal point of the debate about the harmonization of insurance contract law in Europe. As this discussion has recently gained momentum, this contribution provides a comparative overview of the rules regulating the duty of disclosure in different European countries and submits recommendations for its design in a European insurance contract law. More specifically, it is recommended that the insured should be required to disclose any fact material to the risk, that is either known to him or that he can be assumed to know. In case of breach, the insurer should either be entitled to repudiate the contract ab initio, to cancel the contract for the future or to claim damages depending on whether and to what degree the insured is at fault and depending on whether there is a causal connection between the non-disclosed fact and the formation of the contract or the occurrence of the insured event.  相似文献   

张立迎 《中国外资》2008,(12):285-286
心理契约是一个变化发展、动态平衡的生态系统。从生态学视角来看,个体和组织的心理契约的形、成是心理生态系统中各种关系的动态和谐,即心理生态系统各因子根据内外环境的变化不断进行自我调适,以使系统不断实现新的、更高层次的、和谐的过程。心理契约的研究中引入生态学的视角为其提供了一个崭新的研究取向。  相似文献   

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