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本研究采用X射线荧光光谱和X射线衍射光谱等技术手段,对1票申报品名为“锰矿”的进口含锰物料进行固体废物属性鉴别研究。对样品外观、化学元素、物相组成及其他理化特征进行分析,并与锰矿及含锰物料相关文献进行对比,发现其与天然锰矿存在显著性差异,推断其为含锰烟尘经火法冶炼、元素提取等处理后的副产物,或是回收废旧锌锰电池经碱性浸提锌酸盐后的滤渣。依据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》和GB 34330—2017《固体废物鉴别标准通则》4.2条款,判定该样品属于我国禁止进口的固体废物。  相似文献   

进口商品时,出口国商品编码仅为参考,不能作为执法的依据。某企业向海关申报一批"齿轮"的货物,进口时所申报的商品编码为8483.3000(税率8%),经海关审核实为"车用齿轮"(装配于小轿车的变速箱中),根据归类总规则一及六的规定,应归人商品编码8708.4099(税率10%)。根据其实际进口状态,海关要求企业修改税号并补征相差的税款。企业感到十分迷惑,因该批货物在出口国是归入商品编码8483.3000,为什么我国海关不认同?  相似文献   

为了维护我国进口燃料油市场秩序,解决进口燃料油真伪性鉴别问题,本文通过简单试验方法,详细叙述了进口燃料油真伪性快速、准确鉴别过程。该方法简单可行、结果准确可靠,可为海关、检验检疫把关服务提供技术支持和法律依据。  相似文献   

本文以一批进口富铝红柱石为例,采用X射线荧光光谱分析、化学分析方法及能谱分析方法,并结合其物理特征对该物品的固体废物属性进行探讨,提出了进口固体废物的鉴别的基本流程,为进口固体废物的管理提出了相应依据.  相似文献   

进口原油中非法添加化学品的鉴别在国内尚属研究空白。为了识别进口原油中可能存在的非法添加废有机化工品等欺诈风险,本文以人为添加碳酸二甲酯为例,从制样、定性识别及定量检测等方面探讨了进口原油非法添加化学品鉴别技术。鉴别原油中是否非法添加了化学品,最好多种实验方法结合使用。建议将添加前和添加后的两个样品进行比对,也可以根据经验或者原油检测数据库识别异常项目,通过红外光谱找出可以进行区分的特征峰,结合气相色谱或气相色谱-质谱进行佐证,最终对添加物进行定性甚至定量检测。  相似文献   

2011年度贸易管制政策调整共涉及8个部委联合公告和17个海关监管证件。 2011年,国家进出口货物贸易管制政策做了新一轮的调整,共涉及8个部委联合公告和17个海关监管证件。商品目录调整进口许可证取消从重点旧机电产品进口目录中删除"提净塔"、"精馏塔"、"氢—低温蒸馏塔"三种商品。  相似文献   

达芬奇,这个以卖豪华进口家具著称的品牌,最近一直在风口浪尖上。昔日那外表气势恢宏的销售厅,动辄几十万、甚至上百万一件的富丽堂皇的进口家具,已经褪去了光环。随着达芬奇豪华家具的面纱被逐步揭开,消费者才知道,豪华的进口家具不过是"挂羊头卖狗肉",价值几十万、上百万贵重木材家具,实际是一堆树脂或复合材料拼合到一起的"垃圾"。冷静的分析"达芬奇事件"的前因后果,我们认为,无论是商家的不诚信、  相似文献   

进出口活动中的收发货人、国内用户、报关公司,都有可能为"申报不实"负责。案情回放通达化工公司代理中正石化公司进口一批燃料油,通达公司负责对外签订合同,办理自动进口许可证、报关委托书和报检委托书等报关单证;中正公司负责货物抵港后的接货和验收等事宜,支付进口税费。2009年8月,通达公司委托报关公司代理报关进口燃料油3259636千克,3308530升。  相似文献   

刘颖  周颖 《中国海关》2011,(2):88-89
进口高度依赖、价格"高烧"不退,国内天然橡胶市场及其下游行业压力重重。 近年来,异军突起的国内汽车工业与轮胎产业加速运转,带动天然橡胶进口需求持续增强,进口规模从2002年的95.6万吨稳步扩大至2010年的186.1万吨,年均增长8.7%。  相似文献   

孙丹  张炳政 《中国海关》2010,(11):90-90
与6、7月份出口冲高带动进出口总值上升不同,9月当月对外贸易规模再上新台阶的动力由"出口驱动"转换成"进口拉动"。  相似文献   

镉(Cd)是铁矿石中重点关注的微量有害元素。目前,铁矿石中镉含量的国家标准检测方法为ICP-Ms法。由于ICP-Ms设备昂贵,限制了方法的应用和推广。本文针对铁矿石和镉元素的特点,建立了盐酸-硝酸体系高压密封微波消解,石墨炉原子吸收光谱检测铁矿中镉含量的分析方法。通过实验确立了酸介质为1.5%硝酸+0.5%盐酸,基体改进剂为0.2%磷酸二氢铵,灰化温度为750℃,原子化温度为1550℃。通过基体匹配和加入基改剂,消除了基体干扰。在优化的条件下,测定镉元素检出限为0.05ug/L,方法精密度良好,回收率为96%~119.0%。本方法与ICP-Ms法的分析结果吻合,且简便快速、检测成本低。  相似文献   

Government and industry organizations have declared information privacy and security to be major obstacles in the development of consumer‐related e‐commerce. Risk perceptions regarding Internet privacy and security have been identified as issues for both new and experienced users of Internet technology. This paper explores risk perceptions among consumers of varying levels of Internet experience and how these perceptions relate to online shopping activity. Findings provide evidence of hypothesized relationships among consumers’ levels of Internet experience, the use of alternate remote purchasing methods (such as telephone and mail‐order shopping), the perceived risks of online shopping, and online purchasing activity. Implications for online commerce and consumer welfare are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate consumer preference for the novel red-fleshed apple genotypes. The information presented provides us with insight into consumer propensity to accept a new variety with radical visible innovative attributes and societal demand for a more sustainable production. The survey was carried out on the population of a province in central Italy, where there is consumer demand for organic and high-quality foods. The consumers’ opinions contrasted greatly and can be divided into two groups. Over one quarter of the respondents declared that they did not like the innovative fruit. The cluster analysis and CHAID analyses were performed on the consumers’ responses to determine sample groupings. Three clusters were identified among the consumers with positive opinions, enthusiastic, health-conscious, and unmotivated illustrating how the hierarchical level of preferences of the potential consumers of the red-fleshed apple fruit are triggered by various motivations. The surveys also pointed out that most consumers of the sampled population were not biased against research activities producing innovative food products. A large number of consumers, especially women, declared that they were willing to pay a higher price considering the increased nutritional value of red-fleshed apple fruits. By examining the broad context of this study, decision-making researchers and operators of the fruit industry will be able to make informed and realistic predictions concerning possible future scenarios and to determine the possible effects and desirability.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that promotional techniques influence both the smart‐shopper feeling and the consumption level at home through a direct mechanism (lower perceived cost) and an indirect consequence of promotions (larger supply). The development in France of virtual bundles with quantity discounts raises questions regarding a consumer's cognitive and affective appreciation of the deal, and therefore promotional efficiency. Four experiments on French consumers confirm the effect of price and supply on declared consumption, but only for “vice” products. In Experiment 2, virtual bundles with quantity discounts lead to the lowest perceived unit price and consequently to the highest level of consumption. Additionally, when compared with more traditional promotional techniques (e.g., physical bundles), virtual bundles with quantity discounts reduce the evaluation of a “good deal” and the smart‐shopper feeling (Experiments 3 and 4). To summarize, such promotional techniques, which might have seemed appealing at first (“buy more to save more”), are preferred less by consumers than more traditional promotional techniques. These preliminary results could be enriched by field studies that go beyond declared consumption and observe consumers evolving in their natural environment across time.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment examines the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) on consumer consideration and choice of an experience product. Specifically, we manipulated the number of consumer recommendations and the optimality of the recommended product in a realistic online shopping environment. The results indicate that e-WOM is likely to result in more time considering the recommended product. For consumers more motivated to process information, e-WOM recommendations lead to more time spent on the choice task overall. Further, consumers with less motivation to process information make suboptimal decisions based on e-WOM recommendations. Consumers with a high motivation to process information are willing to accept recommendations and switch from declared attribute preferences, but choose only optimal products.  相似文献   

为了拓宽灼烧减量检测对象的范围,本方法根据不同种类的铁矿石,分析了水分、氧化亚铁等因素对测定结果的影响,通过加以校正,得到更准确的测定结果。  相似文献   

我国钢材及铁矿的进口现状对我国经济安全的影响有:目前我国钢材进口增长主要集中于高端产品。是在品种结构上补充我国市场,总体不会影响国家经济安全;我国铁矿日益依赖进口,该“资源短缺”矿产进口一方面保障了我国经济安全,但另一方面也增加了潜在风险。  相似文献   

This paper deals with older consumers’ cognitive age (i.e., the age they feel), which is self‐assessed as systematically lower than their chronological age (i.e., their actual age). Such a tendency would lead older consumers to display attitudes and purchasing behaviors, which are not typical of people of their real age. Two studies show that cognitive age is not an immutable construct but varies according to its context of reference, so that the same individual may feel different ages under different circumstances. Results demonstrate that the declared cognitive age is affected by the physical environment, the social references, and the product categories that the consumer is using when self‐assessing it. Furthermore, the tendency of older consumers to feel younger is stronger when these consumers are pursuing in these contexts hedonic rather than utilitarian goals. These findings provide novel inputs for the development of appropriate ways to measure cognitive age and to deal with it when targeting senior consumers and positioning hedonic versus utilitarian goods.  相似文献   

In this article, six demoralising processes in the context of the company are identified. These processes promote a realm of ‘being-with’, in which outcomes of human interaction are evaluated on rational grounds, and on whether or not a particular action accorded with stipulated ethical rules. Thereby the realm of ‘being-for’, in which individuals are supported to take increased responsibility, is marginalized. The conclusion made is that not only do the demoralizing processes systematically produce moral distance between humans, which weakens individual spontaneous outbursts of sympathy to take increased moral responsibility, they also promise to release individuals from their moral ambivalence by declaring organised action morally indifferent. Organisational action is, in other words, declared as adiaphoric – beyond good and evil.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a variant of the classic idea for property taxation based on owner's self‐assessment. To induce reporting of market values tax authorities announce to purchase some of the properties randomly at declared values under certain conditions. These conditions are based on properties of the distribution of declared values. It is proven that a unique Nash equilibrium of this taxation game among tax payers exists in which all of them report market values and tax authorities do not purchase any property.  相似文献   

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