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住房租赁市场建设作为长期机制建设的重要组成部分,受到各级政府的高度重视。最近几年来,中心和处所当局对住房租赁市场出台了许多政策。在2019年,将是各类政策进一步实施的一年,市场参与者将被充分动员,共同推动市场发展。长租公寓作为"无投机房产"的重要组成部分,面临着难得的发展机遇。文章总结了长租公寓市场的简况,并在此基础上,从政策环境、市场供给、市场需求和金融服务四个维度对南昌长租公寓的可行性进行分析,并对弱二线城市长租公寓市场发展提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

当前,长租公寓市场发展火热,截至2018年上半年,我国排名前30位的房地产企业已有一半进入长租市场领域。~([1])在城市化进程中,大量流动人口进入一二线城市,房屋租赁需求远大于供给,相对频频出现租房痛点的传统房屋租赁模式来说,长租公寓的确是刚刚进入一二线城市发展的流动人口的最佳选择。但是在实际发展过程中,融资难、盈利弱和行业服务水平不等的问题成为长租公寓市场发展的绊脚石。文章以"万科泊寓"为例,着眼于当前长租公寓市场出现的几大问题,分析问题产生原因,为行业下一步发展提供有益建议。  相似文献   

随着长租公寓市场的扩大,政策的大力支持,人们越来越熟知并使用,前景被所有人看好,十分乐观,但它存在着一定的问题,这些短板将会影响长租公寓未来的发展,据此,分析一下长租公寓所存在的问题和解决措施。  相似文献   

近年来轻资产类长租公寓在中大型城市得到了快速发展的同时也暴露了一些问题,本文对该类型长租公寓的发展情况、融资模式进行描述和浅析,并试图对存在的风险进行分析,以期对引导规范轻资产类长租公寓的融资和发展提供一些建议。  相似文献   

未来,中国传统房地产市场增量空间越来越小,有着万亿元市场的长租公寓成为众多房企争夺的风口 北京、上海、深圳等一线城市房价不断飙升,加上相继出台的限购、限贷政策,一线城市房地产市场迅速降温.而住房租赁市场逐渐超越新房市场,成为资本市场、地产商、政府等多方布局和关注的新风口. 长租公寓兴起 长租公寓也被称为“白领公寓”“单身合租公寓”,是近几年房地产市场新兴起的行业,运营方从业主手中租赁房屋,然后装修、配备家电,最终以单间的形式租给有需求的年轻租客,一般来说,租客的租赁时间为一年.  相似文献   

买佳豪 《光彩》2021,(3):8-8
要想从根本上解决长租公寓市场的相关问题,除了加强行业监管,还要严格管控国内金融风险投资向长租公寓领域渗透2021年2月2日北京市住房和城乡建设委员会等五部门发布《关于规范本市住房租赁企业经营活动的通知》(以下简称《通知》),针对近年来北京市场暴露的"资金池挪用""长收短付易‘爆雷’""租金贷租客不能直接使用"等问题作出规定。  相似文献   

李悦铭 《现代商业》2013,(7):151-152
战略分析是战略管理的重要环节,战略分析即通过资料的收集和整理分析组织的内外环境,包括组织诊断和环境分析两个部分。战略分析工具是企业战略咨询及管理咨询实务中经常使用的一些分析方法。战略分析包括SWOT分析法,内部因素评价法,外部因素评价法,竞争态势评价法,波士顿矩阵法。本文采用SWOT分析法,对伊利股份进行战略分析,以期为投资者、债权人、供应商等利益相关者做出投资决策提供一定程度上的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

我国住房租赁市场一直处于不完善状态。十九大报告催生了租购同权政策的诞生,同时推动了国内长租公寓的蓬勃发展,但住房租赁市场的状况非一朝一夕所能彻底改变。本研究基于杭州市住房租赁市场,运用模糊层次分析法对当前住房租赁者的满意度情况进行调查和分析,并为住房租赁市场的未来健康稳定发展提供借鉴和建议。  相似文献   

2020年夏天,金天从|大学毕业,在某长租公寓的平台上租了一套房子,还没有住够半年,长租公寓“煽雷”了。金天还算是租客中幸运的那一波,没有被房东赶出房间,损失的钱财也不至于“伤筋动骨”。他笑说,曾经有都市类媒体想要采访他,却因为觉得他的故事不够“抓马”而放弃了。  相似文献   

配送系统作为第三方物流系统的核心,其运作效率的高低直接影响着整个系统的效益。针对配送系统事件的随机并发性,采用Petri网建立系统模型,并运用关联矩阵法,分析模型的性质,建立其状态方程,同时通过实验模拟,评价系统运行的有效性。  相似文献   

Most consumer products have to fulfil a variety of requirements to appeal to consumers and ensure market success. Today, one key factor is the design of the product. Especially for products in highly competitive markets, products with high costs of development and long product renewal intervals, new design concepts have to be chosen very deliberately. There is a thin red line between being too innovative and being too conservative, the former causing reluctant consumer behaviour and the latter generating boring and disliked products in the long run. Therefore, sophisticated and everyday-life relevant techniques of design evaluation have to be used. The present article describes typical problems of standard evaluation strategies and develops solutions to overcome them. The repeated evaluation technique is proposed as a state-of-the-art tool not only for measuring current preferences but also to assist with predicting future appreciation of consumer designs.  相似文献   

伴随着中国经济体制改革的深入和现代企业制度的推行,企业并购的经济交易行为不断增多,企业价值评估的应用空间得到了极大的拓展,已经不仅仅应用于产权的交易,还可以为投资方的定价决策提供依据.本文结合项目实际探讨价值评估如何应用于项目财务评价中并为项目的定价决策提供依据.  相似文献   

目前国内工程建设项目中关于编制评标方法需要遵循的法律、法令较多,除了招标投标法之外,国家各部委、地方也分别颁布了许多关于详细操作的具体文件规定.如何在不违反各项法律、法规、法令的前提下顺利按时完成招标采购任务,是摆在所有工程建设招标采购人员面前的一项难题.  相似文献   

浅议现阶段财务人员绩效考核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务人员是每个企业、事业单位的重要成员,是不可缺失的岗位,在每个单位中起到核心地位.现阶段各个企业、事业对本单位内部的员工进行绩效管理,财务人员的绩效考核便随之诞生.企业要正确认识对财务人员现阶段的绩效考核指标是否正确、是否适应公司的现状,企业要重视公司财务人员的绩效考核.  相似文献   

The Third Lomé Trade and Co-operation Convention between the European Community and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries was signed on 8th December 1984. It is valid for the period from 1.3. 1985 to 28.2. 1990 and incorporates an extension of SYSMIN, the special financing facility for mining products created five years earlier under Lomé II. Now that Lomé III has passed its mid-term it is time to take stock of what SYSMIN has achieved and to begin thinking about improvements to be negotiated for Lomé IV.  相似文献   

In the early years conglomerates were seen as the financial concept of the future. More recently their economic advantages have been seriously questioned. This article reviews the existing literature on conglomerate performance and extends the investigation through the early seventies. While conglomerates provide investors with less variability from market movements than do nonconglomerate firms, they provide less diversification than closed-end investment companies and mutual funds. Furthermore, risk adjusted performance measures of conglomerates did not differ significantly from those of other firms of portfolios. Thus, conglomerates should be viewed simply as another category of investments that plot along the security market line.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous growth of recycled and recyclable products in recent years, there exists very little research on how consumers evaluate such products. An experiment was conducted to examine whether consumers' reactions to recycled products is product specific and cognitive or affective and not product specific. Results indicated that consumers are favorably influenced by the presence of recycled material regardless of the type of product, thus supporting an affective evaluation process. Results also indicated that the positive effects of recycling held only for established brands and not for new brands. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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